Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Scarlet Letters ❯ Chibi Chats ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: A thousand times I have said,
(It's quite ingrained in my head)
No I do not own the boys,
They're just borrowed toys,
Best played with naked, in a bed.
Scarlet Letters chapter 6
It's a wonder that blonde idiot uses alcohol to escape is problems - two bottles of Sake gone and all Aya could think about was him.
If anything, being drunk makes the problem worse.
Aya was sitting in his room, on his bed, next to two empty glass bottles and another soon to join the ranks.
Stupid Kudoh…Aya didn't know why he was jealous of Omi.
Because you like Yohji.
“Shut up! I don't wanna talk to you anymore!” Aya shouted, in a hopeless attempt to stay in denial a little longer.
“Talking to yourself - it's the first sign of madness”
At the sound of a voice in the room, Aya nearly jumped a foot in the air, almost sliding himself of the edge of his bed in the process.
Once he regained his balance, he looked towards the voice of the intruder.
He came face to face with serious eyes, ocean blue - not the usual genki waves of the seas, but calm, almost cold with calculation.
His own eyes immediately narrowed and hardened as the harsh smack of reality sobered him minutely.
“What do you want, Bombay?” His voice held no slur of a regular drunken man - anyone would have guessed he was stone cold sober.
Aya's eyes narrowed even further as he watched the chibi plop himself down confidently on the bed, sighing in exasperation - at what Aya did not know, but from the expression on that normally cherubic face…he was going to find out and he would bet his last bottle of Sake that he wasn't going to like it.
“You lie too much Ayan”
Narrowed eyes suddenly widened. The sentence - though simple - had summed up exactly what he was trying to avoid.
The truth.
Aya grabbed the full bottle of Sake, not bothering with the half opened one he had placed on the nightstand, and took a long swallow.
I knew I wasn't going to like it, he thought bitterly to himself as he watched the chibi stare at him studiously.
“You are as drunk as Farfarello on St. Patrick's day aren't you?” The voice was calm but still managing to sound innocent.
How does he do that?
Aya could not think of a decent response, so he settled for a glare…he wasn't even going to ask how Omi knew whether or not Farfarello got shitfaced on the aforementioned holiday.
He watched as the chibi rolled his eyes and carried on, “ See? There you go again! Lying to everyone! Especially yourself! I bet it's sheer willpower that's keeping your voice coherent,” Well and truly in his element now, as if he had wanted to say this for a while, the young blonde continued, “ You are absolutely trashed! It's because of our little `discussion' ne Ayan? You don't like the way certain people - or a certain person should I say, not naming names - YOHJI! - makes you feel!” The last was said accentuated with a pointed finger in Aya's direction.
Aya started in a venomous voice, but was promptly cut off by a sharp bark of laughter, unlike any form of mirth he had ever heard from the teen's mouth.
“ME?! No no no… YOU! At least I know what I want! Who I want!” The younger assassin's voice dropped back to normal conversational level after the small outburst, almost as if they were discussing the usual - Flower deliveries, killing someone, the weather…you know, the usual.
Aya's mind sobered a bit more at Omi's mention of just who he wanted.
He snorted inelegantly, “ I think you made it quite clear who you want Bombay”
Omi's hands reached up for his head, and Aya watched in odd fascination as the teen attempted to tear random sections of his hair out…
Oh, and he was showing signs of madness?
“If you paid attention to us, the real us - not our mission persona's - then you would know what the hell was going on! I wouldn't be here! I could be snuggling up to Ken watching a movie! But noooo…”
Aya tuned out of the rant for a moment - KEN?!
“…so we have to step in to give you a kick in the right direction! And still…”
Aya's mind was running a million miles a minute…was innocent little Omi a closet slut or something?! His attention drifted from the one sided conversation to his own thoughts, trying to find a viable explanation for the seemingly scrambled snippets of the chibi's obviously frustrated mind.
“…whole plan to make you jealous - which worked - but you still-”
That one word had been enough to stem the swift flow or words from the teen - mind you, it had been spoken in a voice so cold it will make your extremities attempt to climb into your body for extra warmth - or fall off of their own accord to find more appropriate shelter against the sudden arctic temperature.
Suddenly the cool, calm demeanour was gone, like a masquerade mask dropping to the floor, revealing the young man's true nervousness.
“Omittchi…what did you say?”
Somehow, Aya - Abyssinian - using Omi's nickname instead of his codename, scared him more…even though he had stressed the point several times in the past that the rest of the team did have actual names other than the notorious cat breed…`hn' wasn't counted apparently.
“Ummm…Iwasjustpretendingtomakeyoujealousoyoucanadmitt hatyoulikeYohji-kun!”
The whole was said in an unintelligible rush, and in the mere seconds it took Aya to decipher it, Omi was sprinting for the door…
It barely registered in his shocked mind that minutes had passed in silent solitude, and that Omi was long gone - probably into the waiting arms of Ken - also that he should be attempting to skewer the genki blonde…but his brain was almost over-heated with the effects of shocking news and copious amounts of alcohol combined.
Yohji…Aya was willing to bet the Playboy's hidden bottle of peppermint schnapps (He thought it was hidden) that the willowy assassin was involved.
He got up off his bed and stormed to the kitchen - most recent destination for the elusive creature known as Kudoh Yohji - grabbing his Katana as he went.
His thoughts were clearer, but his vision wasn't keeping up with him…every bounce on the steps caused his eyesight to rattle like a charity collector's tin, making the final three steps look like five.
Therefore Aya continued to mechanically move his feet in descent when he reached the landing - even though there were no steps left to descend upon.
It must have been a rather odd sight, but not as odd as the conversation that was currently taking place in the kitchen…
Aya stood, hidden in the shadows, Katana in hand listening silently to Yohji converse to some unknown individual through his cellphone…
“…I'm sure he didn't mean that…what?…Yes of course I know what a cold bastard he can be…Gods know he's proved it on numerous occasions - yes you were restricted…no, no, no don't apologize I understand - hello - same situation…nah he's still the same…hahaha…much more pleasureable…I'm sure he'll come round - after all who can resist you?… Me? Awww you know I love you, but no…uh huh…Yeah I saw them - horse tranquillisers?…whoa…nah I gotta go…He hasn't left his room yet…but he does that I know…okay…yeah love you too…bye then…”
Aya's eyes had grown steadily wider throughout the phonecall, and his eyebrows were in danger of disappearing into his hairline, his hands unconsciously gripping the hilt of his weapon tighter, till his knuckles were white…
Yohji loves someone?!
Oh, so now you care?
I thought I told you to shutup!
Ironic isn't it?
All of a sudden Aya felt a lurching feeling in the pit of his stomach…dimly, he heard the door shut - the kitchen now empty, but he couldn't have cared less…
He made it to the sink in time to see his meagre lunch and breakfast take the wrong exit into the sink…
After trying to catch his breath, the sound too loud in the silent kitchen, he heard a timid voice, “Ayan…are you okay?”
Aya felt his sardonic smile…only the chibi could be so innocent after a little chat like they just had.
Feeling slightly lightheaded, Aya didn't protest when he felt an arm wrap around his waist, guiding him slowly back to his room.
Even if he was feeling a subdued type of murderous rage towards the young archer, it would have to wait until he cold support himself before he could exact revenge…
For now…sleep.
The door clicked closed, plunging the room back into darkness where Aya's eye blissfully drifted closed, anticipating a silence from is drunken subconscious.
Aya and Yohji sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N…
In that instant before sleep, he cursed Aya-chan - in her European abroad school - for ever teasing him with that rhyme…his mind obviously hadn't forgotten.
Sorry it took a bit - *kicks the uncooperative fic*
Gomen…: P
If you still love me…even a bit…then write me a review - the muse is ravenous and cannibalistic…
Help me…