Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Slipping through the Hourglass ❯ Slipping through the Hourglass - The mission goes wrong ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: We, the TwinShades, do not OWN anything that is in any way connected to Weiss Kreuz. The only thing belonging to us are the Original Chara's in our stories since we almost fried our brains making them up. We don't have money so PLEASE don't sue, this is non-profit work and for entertainment only. Thanks

Daystar and Moonshadow Shade


Day: I have been….INSPIRED!

Moon: Don't you mean WE have been inspired?

Day: *shrugs* meh.

Schuldig: I'm frightened.

Moon: And you should be.

Day: But Schuldig-

Moon: *claps hand over Day's mouth* WHAT have I said about spoiling?

Day: Not to do it?

Moon: Very good, Day-chan. *pats Day on the head*

Ken: So I have to ask….what god-awful, traumatizing event am I going through THIS time.

Day: That would be spoiling!

Moon: Good girl!


"Well, well, well, look what we have here," a familiar voice with a German accent rose from the dark.

"Looks like a lost litter of little kitties," came the answering voice, identifiable as the Irish psychopath.

Yohji rolled his eyes, glancing over to his teammates. The four Weiss assassins had been on a mission to the Tokyo Museum of History, to stop a drug ring that was operating out of the basement. Now that the targets were dead, the four of them were on their way out.

And now, as per Murphy's Law, Schwarz had to show up.

"By now, you should be aware that we kittens have claws," the blonde playboy ground out, leaping for the source of the German's voice.

"Maybe so, but you'll soon find yourselves declawed," Schuldig replied, dodging Yohji's attack with ease.

While Schuldig dealt with Yohji, Farfarello launched an attack on Siberian. Before the other two could lend a hand to their busy teammates, Brad and Nagi came up from the rear.

Omi had been in mid-throw when he suddenly found himself unable to move. A passive voice spoke up behind him, "Not so fast little Bombay."

~Little he says. Who's the older on of us two?~ Omi frowned, trying to somehow break the telekinetic hold the younger boy had on him.

Struggling to no avail he had to watch as Schwarz slowly got the upper hand in the fight. Balinese was currently wedged between Schuldig and a cement pillar, clutching his head his mouth moving as if he was trying to say something to the younger telepath.

And just a few feet away Ken stared in disbelieve at Schwarz's psychopath. He had scratched his chest, five deep claw marks that were bleeding excessively, and all the Irishman did was grinning at him. Taking a step back, Ken tried to get as much distance between him and the madman as possible. To no avail.

The only thing the other six of the assassins heard was a yelp of surprise before everything started to rush by in fast forward.

Before anyone could even think of stopping Farfarello the man had grabbed Ken by the back of his jacket and his jeans, hurling the poor boy across the hall. His aim couldn't have been worse. Instead of hitting the wall, he hit Nagi, and lay behind the display case in a daze.

At the same time, Nagi too, fell. Hitting the ground hard, the teen lost his concentration, sending Omi, who he had held suspended over the ground, crashing down. The young Weiss tried his best to brace the fall by rolling off when he hit the stone floor. Succeeding partially he kept rolling until he hit something solid. Looking up he could see one of the great urns tip over the edge of its pedestal and with a loud crash it shattered on the ground.

Before either Weiss or Schwarz could do anything, a sickly black smoke oozed out from the shattered pieces. The slimy looking stuff coalesced into a human form. Long blonde hair was tied back in a pony tail, his bangs framing his thin face. Solid black eyes glared out from a lovely tanned face. His legs were encased in tight leather pants, with boots coming up to mid-thigh, and a black leather vest covered a blood-red silk shirt.

The man smiled at the two assassin groups, evil radiating from him in waves. "Thank you, fools, for releasing me from my prison."

"Who the hell are you," Aya ground out, raising his sword in a guard against this man.

"Your pathetic weapon can do nothing against me. I am Kasha, Dark Mage of Radaran. I think, perhaps, I shall honor those who set me free, by using your life force to start making my demons."

Omi stared at Kasha wide eyed, "That doesn't sound good…"

Behind the display case, Ken was finally coming to his senses, when he felt a presence-a STRONG presence urging him to stay silent.

Schuldig, too, felt the presence, urging him to move only when it was time, whatever that meant. The strong-willed telepath found that he could only watch as Kasha lifted his hand, calling forth a snake-headed staff from nothing.

Getting fed up with Kasha's behavior, Aya lunged for him, katana at the ready. The Dark Mage merely smirked, pointing his staff at the leader of Weiss. A vile smoke erupted from the snakes open mouth, and shot out towards the redhead. To the horror of those watching, it seemed as though Aya's soul was being sucked from his body, and when the smoke withdrew into the snake, Aya's corpse dissolved into dust.

Before the others could react, the smoke came back out and attacked the remaining assassins.

--Run. Now!--

The urge to run came over both Ken and Schuldig with unnatural strength. Before either of them could think twice about it, they were out the door and into the night, leaving their comrades to the Dark Magician's non-existent mercy.

Led by some other-worldly force, the two rival assassins ran until they reached the relative safety of an abandoned warehouse. Exhausted, the two heavily breathing assassins collapsed to the ground.

"Oh my God…I can't believe…I just…left…them there…" Ken gasped, eyes tearing up. ~Aya…~

Schuldig glared at the other assassin, "Get over it, Hidaka. They're dead. The strong survive."


The German rolled his eyes, "Oh, I'm so hurt. Like I said, the strong survive. It's how the world works."

Ken sneered at the other man, "Maybe that's how it works for you and your team, but my teammates were my _friends_. Perhaps you're unfamiliar with the concept."

Schuldig further proceeded to infuriate the other man by laughing at him. "Friends? Friends are for naïve little assassins who hold onto hope way past time."

"That's it!" Pushed to his limit by the days events-especially the loss of his teammates-Ken snapped. Not caring how foolhardy his actions were, Ken lunged at Schuldig, claws fully extended.

The German merely laughed some more and dodged easily. "Ooohhhh…the kitten's got claws."

Getting his feet under him, Ken whirled around aiming, once again for the other assassin's throat. This time the irritating redhead blocked ken, catching the other man's wrists.

"Don't you feel anything, you cold-hearted bastard!" Siberian attempted to wrench himself free from Schuldig's confining grip.

"Oh, now I'm amused," the German chuckled, "An assassin with feelings…how pathetic."

Ken glared at him, "Laugh it up, asshole. In case you didn't notice, your teammates are dead, too. Of course, this might not bother you as much as it should."

"On the contrary, kitten," Schuldig smirked back, "Now any missions that come up, I'll have to do on my own. That kinda does bother me."

"Egotistical jackass."


"Both of you, please, calm yourselves," a soothing voice said from no discernable location. The voice was heard with both their ears and with their minds. Both assassins began scanning the room, looking for whatever tricks might be played on them now. "No tricks. I speak only Truth."

The room was lit from corner to corner with soft glowing lights. In the center of the room was an orb of pure, glowing white light. From the northern end of the building, pale blue and white lights appeared, moving towards the center orb. From the west appeared green and brown lights. The eastern wall was lit with lights of deep blue and sea green while angry oranges and reds came in from the south. All these lights moved towards the center of the room, adding their color to the white light.

One last blinding flash of light, and a girl stood where the lights were. Pale skin glowed with a soft light, her long platinum blonde hair nearly white. A white ceremonial gown of some sort covered her thin body. The girl lifted her face to stare at the two assassins with deep, soul-searing blue eyes.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Schuldig demanded, never willing to admit that her penetrating gaze was unnerving.

"Please…you must help…he has been released again…"

"Who?" Ken asked, trying to look anywhere at the girl.

"My brother, Kasha the Dark."

Schuldig snorted, "Right. That big ugly scary thing was your brother? And who am I? The Queen of England?"

"Please…you two alone can prevent catastrophe…"

"I'll leave it to the kitten, then. I'm more of a catastrophe causing kinda guy myself." The German assassin turned away from her, intent on walking out the door.

Ken opened his mouth to stop him, but the girl beat him to it.


It was only one word, but said with such power behind it that Schuldig turned to stare at the girl. "You have five minutes."

"My name is Keila, and a long time ago, I had a twin brother named Kasha. We were very close. But he became corrupted by dark magics. Kasha had one goal, and only one goal. Absolute power. Many evils were done at his command. Only by luck was my Order able to stop him, and seal him away inside a Holy Urn…an urn that was shattered this night."

"What do you want us to do about it?" Ken asked. "I mean…what could we do?"

"Stop the urn from breaking."

The two assassins exchanged glances.

"Keila, baby," Schuldig began, "in case you hadn't noticed…IT'S ALREADY BROKEN!."

"Yes." Keila said, "And you two will cause it to become unbroken."

"How?" the two males questioned at the same time.

Keila smiled, "There is a temple. Within that temple is a portal through time. The portal is set to always return to the last minute and a half before the Holy Urn shatters-"

"You mean this has happened before?" Schuldig interrupted her. A quick glare silenced him.

"You must find the temple and go through that portal."

Ken nodded, "I assume you'll tell us how to activate the portal, the location of the temple…all those lovely details?"

Keila laughed. "I'm afraid I can be of no more help to you. All I can do is open your eyes to powers you never knew you had. Life…"

Keila lifted her right hand, a light orb forming in it. The orb glided through the air to float just above Ken's eye level.

"And Death…" from Keila's left hand, a dark orb with violet energy appeared and moved over to Schuldig.

"Powers equaled and balanced. Without one, the other is meaningless.

"Lucien, I summon thee from formless voids, sword of power. To your duty and to your purpose.

"Keiran, I summon thee from formless voids, sword of power. To your duty and to your purpose."

Both assassins saw a flash from their respective orbs, and that was all.


Weiss & Schwarz - Ken & Schu: YOU KILLED US!!!

Moon: Yup.

Aya: But…how are you going to pair me up with KEN if I'm DEAD!

Day: *shakes head and sighs* You sad, sad little man.

Aya: What? *glare*

Moon: *pulls out a control collar* Behave.

Aya: *subsides*

Ken: *talking to Figleaf* She's planning to do WHAT to me?

Figleaf: Ya'heard me.

Ken: But I don't wanna-

Moon: *claps hand over Ken's mouth* NO SPOILING!

(Figleaf is Day-chan's muse. Yes. He IS a figleaf)