Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Snippets of Daily Life ❯ Donkey meet carrot ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is the product of Takehito Koyasu and Project Weiss. I make no money from it
A/N: I've had this one sitting on my computer for a while, unfinished. Yay! I finally got around to it. (And then it sat around on my computer a while, finished)
A/N2: As usual, one day I will edit and get rid of the grammatical errors. The good news is that there should be no spelling errors because those annoy me.
Special thanks to: dv, dimonyo and glin thanks for reviewing! Reviewing makes me write faster (or at least feel guilty that I haven't worked on it).
Dv: i'm glad i could make you laugh *hug* b/c I haven't *seen* you in a while
Dimonyo: glad you're amused. I know it's been getting harder and harder to make time to write, especially as I prefer to read...
Glin: *shrug* what can I say about Aya - he needed to see the humour in the situation
Part III - Aya and the kitchen
Ken looked up from his magazine, startled at Omi's excessive language. “What?”
“Aya's in the kitchen.”
“Omi, I can't. I can't. I really can't, not again.”
Ken was getting hysterical. Omi slapped him on the face, taking perverse pleasure from it. He had always wanted to do that.
“O~mi, we've got to do something.”
“Where's Yohji-kun?”
“O~mi, you know Yohji's useless on that front.”
“I've been thinking about it and we've been tackling this whole thing in the wrong way.”
“Oh?” Ken's expression pleaded with the youngest assassin for a lining in that dark, ominous cloud. He couldn't bear it anymore; it was too much for anyone to take.
“You and I both know that Yohji-kun will eat anything that Aya-kun puts in front of him, and that we are forced to suffer through his `creations.'”
“And that Yohji-kun never backs us up because Aya-kun can't do any wrong.”
“But we've been dangling the wrong carrot in front of the donkey.”
“What? It's not as if it isn't an assault on his taste buds too, Omittchi.”
They both paused a minute, in silent contemplation of Yohji's remarkable ability to be able to chew, swallow, and apparently even digest Aya's `creations.'
Ken came out of his reverie first, “What's your point, Omi?”
“What does Yohji-kun love more than anything else in the world?”
“More specific.”
“Hot, passionate sex with Aya-kun.”
“Omi, I did not need that visual image, thank you.”
Omi grinned, Ken was still having a hard time accepting the two men's relationship. His little scheme tonight, would probably put an end to that and would serve the purpose of saving their lives.
“Anyway, we could probably get Yohji's help with this.”
“I don't see how Omi.”
“Simple, it's like this...”
“So you see Yohji-kun, it's a win-win situation.”
“So what you're saying is -”
“Every time you distract Aya-kun from `cooking,' you get sex, your choice of meal from any delivery place and for which Ken and I will pay.”
“While that sounds fabulous, what do you guys get out of it?” Yohji asked a bit suspiciously.
“Our lives, oomph.” Ken grabbed his abdomen as he fought to recover from Omi's elbowing him.
“Well Yohji-kun, the truth is we're very traditional and while Aya-kun is an innovative cook, we just don't think that peanut butter, wasabi and anchovies belong in the same dish.”
“Hmm, so you'll guys order whatever I want, pay for it and in return I'd be `distracting' Aya?”
“What makes you think Aya will be willing to go along with this plan?”
“It's more time with you, Yohji-kun, why wouldn't he?” Omi gave Yohji his biggest, brightest, most innocent eyes.
“Quit it, chibi, it's not going to work. I like eyes that scream die, now. But the way I see it is that if Aya finds out about your plan, the only person who stands to lose is me, and I happen to like his creations. So no deal.”
“You strike a hard bargain, Yohji-kun, but we're willing to throw in t.v. time whenever you want it - four times a month. That's outside your regularly scheduled hours.”
“Omi, that sounds like Ken threw that in, but guess what? I don't watch the t.v. when it's my turn anyway.”
“And, laundry services, even underwear -”
“And -”
“So what did you get?”
“T.v. like you wanted, laundry services, first showers, free washing and waxing for both our cars, and an extra 6,000 yen each.”
Aya smirked. It had taken the younger members of the team a while to catch on, but minus the parts where Aya had spent holding Yohji's head over the toilet bowl as the blonde emptied his stomach, it had all gone to plan, and he wouldn't have to cook!