Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Spirit of Christmas ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Spirit of Christmas (Part I)

By Carter Tachikawa

Disclaimer: It's not mine. It never will be. (Sad, isn't it?)

Summary: A three part Christmas fic. Schuldig is getting ready for the holidays but none of his three teammates are thrilled that Christmas is coming, least of all Brad. Can Schuldig bring the spirit of Christmas back in all of them?

Pairings: Schuldig x Crawford

(Well, I decided to go off tangent here. I wrote two Ran x Ken stories so I figured let's try writing about my second favorite pairing, Brad and Schuldig! And let's write about Christmas since tomorrow is Christmas! Okay, some OOC-ness but nothing to drive you nuts. And in case anyone is wonder, no. This *isn't* the story with necrophilia in it. This is more happy. Well, I'm talking too much. Onto the fic!)

This fic is for all my constant readers and the ones who put me on their favorites: CherubKatan, Keeshe Kaldaka, fei, kami-chan, Midori Natari Himura, Ryia Jen Rowen, Fuyukaze-Yuki, Ayako, Muchacha, Neptican, lise, and many more that I'm forgetting at the moment. I'm so sorry but it's on this chapter that I've forgotten you, not in the heart.

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Schuldig smiled as he pressed the red bow on top of the green box. He examined every corner of that box to make sure the contents couldn't be seen under the wrapping paper. Everything looked all right to him. The blood -red bow added a nice touch. Farfarello was going to like his gift. Even if the Irishman had something against God and Christmas, this present was going to make him happy.

*/He better be happy. I spent a lot of money getting this. /* Schuldig thought as he took the box into the next room where the Christmas tree was. Humming an old German holiday tune, he felt all giddy inside as if he was a child again. Christmas had always been his favorite holiday. Even now, when he was twenty-two and a member of the Schwarz, he found himself getting into the Christmas mood. He liked decorating the house and receiving presents. This year was no exception. He couldn't wait to see what everyone else got him, namely Brad.

Brad Crawford...the name alone turned Schuldig's stomach into mush. Oh sure, Brad looked boring in his cream-colored Armani suit. He looked mean underneath that smirk he gave his enemies. But Schuldig knew that the suit and the smirk served no purpose other than to cover up the real Brad Crawford. Everything about Brad was irresistible: the way his black hair fell into his eyes, the way he took out his opponents, the way he did his job. Too bad Schuldig couldn't tell him that. The German was usually pretty confident in himself but when it came to telling Brad his feelings, he froze as quickly as water and became an icicle. The words had never come out and Schuldig had grown tired of hiding. He was ready to tell his American crush the truth.

He walked into the room to find Nagi redecorating the tree. One by one, the telekinetic was putting up ornaments by floating them up to the right branches. Farfarello had seen the tree earlier and went ballistic. Well, he was already crazy, but a Christmas tree in the room made his blood boil. He started hacking away and ripping off the ornaments until Brad had Schuldig pull the Irishman away and lock him in his private room. Farfarello didn't spare the tree though. The branches were broken, a few ornaments were cracked, and the garland had come undone. The angel that sat on top was now shattered. Brad suggested they get another tree, some more ornaments, and a star instead of an angel to put on top of the tree. Well, they had done that and Nagi was given the terrible job of putting everything back together again.

Personally, Schuldig couldn't see why re-decorating a tree seemed like such a hassle. He was quite surprised to see that *he* was the only one who hated watching Farfarello destroy the tree. Nagi had a look on his face that read "Good riddance, stupid Christmas tree". Brad only got another tree because Schuldig got on his knees and begged him. Farfarello was all too happy to destroy everything. Right now, Nagi had a scowl on his face as he went about putting everything back in place.

*/Well, it's not like he has to lift a finger./* Schuldig thought with a snort, watching Nagi telekinetically wrap the lights around the tree. He cleared his throat in order to get the younger boy's attention. Nagi put up a candy cane before turning around and facing Schuldig.

"Yes?" He asked, upset that his work had to be interrupted. Brad wanted the tree back up before evening and Nagi was hoping not get pulled away from this task.

Schuldig held up the green box. "Can I go ahead and put Farf's present under the tree?"

Nagi looked puzzled. "You bought him a present?"

"Um...yeah." Schuldig looked over the green box, making sure the present inside wouldn't make a lot of noise. It didn't. "You know that old saying? It's the season for giving?"

"No, I don't." Nagi replied coldly, floating a Kermit the Frog ornament towards a lower branch. "And of all people, why are you giving *Farfarello* a gift? You know how much he despises Christmas!"

"True but I won't feel right giving presents to you guys and not giving one to Farf!" Schuldig exclaimed, putting the green box under the tree.

"Me? You got a gift for me? And Crawford?" Nagi stopped decorating right then and there.

"Yeah. I haven't finished wrapping your gift yet though. You'll like it." Schuldig's smile faded when he saw how disappointed the telekinetic looked. "What? What's wrong?"

Nagi sighed and closed his eyes. "I don't want your present."


"I don't want your present. I don't think Farfarello or Crawford will want them either. You're very thoughtful but the gifts won't make any of us feel better, Schuldig. At least, I won't feel better." Nagi paused to tie a bow on the Christmas tree. Schuldig couldn't help but be confused. He decided to peek inside Nagi's mind to see where those words had come from.

*/I never got a gift in the past. I never got a gift for anything. Everyone said I didn't deserve them/* Nagi thought as he sprinkled fake snow over the branches.

*/And you believed them?/* Schuldig responded telepathically. Nagi whipped around and shot him a glare. He could only shrug. */Don't look at me that way. You're not telling me much so I had to pry into your mind a little.../*

*/Get the hell out of my head!/* Nagi snapped back, throwing some fake snow at the telepath. */I don't like Christmas for my own reasons, all right? And if you're smart, you'll keep your Christmas mood away from Crawford and Farfarello./*

"What's going on in here?" A new voice popped up. Schuldig and Nagi both turned to find Brad standing between the doorway, one hand pressed against the doorframe and another against his hip. Schuldig had to keep himself from drooling all over the floor. Brad looked so sexy!

Nagi shook his head and turned back to decorating the tree. "Nothing, Crawford. Nothing at all."

"What do you mean it's nothing?" Schuldig demanded. "Something's bothering you!"

"The only thing bothering me is you." Was Nagi's reply. "Now go away."

Brad turned to Schuldig. "What is going on, Schuldig?"

"Nagi hates Christmas!" Schuldig complained. Nagi inhaled sharply and shot Schuldig another glare. "He doesn't want me to give him or you or Farf gifts!"

Crawford pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "You got me a gift?"


Schuldig was waiting to hear Crawford thank him for his consideration. Nagi was waiting to hear Crawford reprimand the idiot German for mentioning Christmas presents in the first place. It was because of Schuldig that they had the damn tree. It was because of Schuldig that Nagi had to decorate the whole thing after Farfarello destroyed the first tree. It was because of Schuldig that Schwarz even dared to mention the word 'Christmas'.

Both were surprised when Crawford just let out a sad sigh, then turn around and start walking away. Schuldig, still confused to what happened, tried to get his attention. Clearly, something was on Brad's mind. He could feel it.

"Brad, what..." He began.

"It's nothing." Crawford cut him off. "You're nice enough to get me something but it's unnecessary."

"Unnecessary? But..."

"Drop the subject, Schuldig." Brad ended the conversation right there before he walked away. Nagi went back to decorating the tree. Schuldig just stared as he watched the clairvoyant walk away, wondering what was going on in the household.

*/Why does everyone hate Christmas? /* He asked himself. Unfortunately, he didn't have an answer.


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Ah, this was originally supposed to be a one-shot but I decided to make it longer instead. I hope my Schwarz fic has interested you. It's a crappy beginning, I know. It's my first time writing a fic starring Schwarz completely.

Anyway, review but please no flames. I'm pretty new at the whole Brad x Schu thing as I said.

Merry Christmas, readers!