Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Strings ❯ Alone ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title- Strings Chapter One "Alone"

Author- Locura

Warnings- OOC, O+K/K+O

Disclaimer- The Weiß Kreuz chara's aren't mine, I'm just barrowing them. Don't sue, I own nothing but an Omi pen and 3 dvd's and I wanna keep them!

Author Notes- Ah! KoB I'm so sorry I've been sooo lazy with SSN! I know you challenged me but this simply popped into my head, I wrote it and I can't save it on this computer so I have to post it. >.<;; Very sorry for its dementedness.

Notes actually on the story- I haven't seen the whole series (but bits and pieces past epi. 15) this however takes place a year or so after the last battle and everyone has started a new life. Its probably been done though...sorry!



The clock chimed.

It was a normal sound in the Kitty in the House, one that happened every morning at midnight and every afternoon at noon. The sound was made of chimes that moved mechanically so that everyone who was in hearing distance would know if it was the dead of night or way past time to get up. It was also a sound he shouldn't have been able to hear from where he was. The clock was in the kitchen, the area right behind the space that formally held the flower shop, and he was in bed in the apartments above it.

The two simply shouldn't have noticed each other. But then again he was wide-awake and alone.

The rooms were deathly silent and empty except for a thin line of dust that was only slightly broken in places where things had once stood. The junk that should have been piling up in various areas was gone. The soccer ball that found its way mysteriously around the house for years had disappeared, the ash less ashtray lay forgotten under the sofa...nothing moved in the halls.

He stared at the wall, not quite focusing as his eyes misted over. `No one's home again.'

`No ones ever home. They have a different ones now.' A tear slid from his eye and rolled down his cheek to splash onto the book he was supposed to be reading. The simple *thunk* it made was defining, and it signaled to the other hundreds of tears to fall as well. `They all have a place to go, why would anyone come here...'

`Your not worth visiting.' His mind reminded him.

Clear blue eyes stared numbly at the red flashing numbers of the clock as they blinked in and out, casting eerie red shadows around the room. He never reset it after the last power outage, no need to now that no one but him needed to see the time.


His eyes were bloodshot and throat dry by the time the tears ceased to fall, but he knew it was a half an hour past midnight.

`How many blinks of the clock signaled that?' He wondered idly reaching a shaking arm to unplug the clock. He never need the alarm anyway, he'd still be up when it was time to leave.

He was too skinny, he knew. He couldn't even remember the last time he ate a full meal. It wasn't because he had nothing to eat; he had plenty of money to get whatever he needed, but after a few months of eating alone. Always alone. He just didn't feel hungry anymore. So he grabbed something here and there and promised himself he'd eat later.

He'd pull himself together later.

He'd try and call them again later.

He hadn't meant to lose touch. He'd tried, he'd really had. He'd written letters asking how there lives were and telling about his own classes and such. But they always came back.

He'd thought it was a mistake so he sent them out again; being the only remaining working member of Weiß he'd pulled some strings and found their addresses again. But they just came back.

No matter how much hacking he did.

The letters came back.

He was still awake when dawn broke over the city and spill into his room.

He smiled, a little quivering smile that no longer reached his eyes, as he thought how Manx was just getting up and how happy she would be to have the information for the case so soon.

School was in two and a half hours and the sky was bleeding.

Forcing the smile to stay he felt himself go limp and his eyes heavy. `So...' he thought mildly amused as his eyes closed without his approval. `It takes me four days of no sleep for my body to succumb to sleep without my consent.'

He hoped to dream of nothing.

Because if it were nothing, at least he wouldn't remember to be lonely when he found out the dream was a lie.


`Amazing it's been almost more then a year!' Ken smiled as he walked up to the old flower shop. Though the flower shop had long closed down he knew Omi was still living inside and that was why he came bringing a vase of flowers as an apology for not staying in contact.

He felt bad for not staying in touch but he also had a few other reasons.

One was that Manx was worried about him being alone so much, which was the main reason he and probably the rest were asked to visit.

For another he hadn't heard anything from him sense everyone split apart.

And last but most importantly he just missed the happy blue-eyed boy who always tried to smile and help out. The one he had grown to love, though he dared not tell the other boy so, and instead left in such a hurry his addresses may have been skewed.

The brown haired boy smiled past his thoughts, realizing it was only Noon and knowing that Omi shouldn't be home for a few more hours. `Thus!' He thought happily. `I should be able to fix up a nice dinner before he comes home.'

Nodding went around to the back door and let himself in. Only to blink in surprise at the state he found it in.

Dust was everywhere.

That was one thing he was certain of, that and the not so subtle smell of mold.

The place obviously hadn't been used in a while.

Perplexed Ken scratched his head. Manx said Omi hadn't moved so why did the kitchen look so unused?

Worried, Ken walked briskly threw the rooms. Everything looked unused. The downstairs, the flower shop which had been transformed into another sitting room, even most of the upstairs rooms he looked in. The only one that looked to be in use was the bathroom, though he hadn't look in Omi's room quite yet.

Brow creased Ken slowly turned the handle of Omi's door. It squeaked in protest as it slid open and sent another stream of artificial light into the room.

The room was a mess. The computer was still going, its glow dimmed by the afternoon sun, cloths were strewn on the floor as well as various pictures and wires from who knows what. It looked as if a hurricane had hit and taken everything Omi owned and tossed it like a salad. Which was not right sense Ken had a distinct memory of Omi being a neat freak.

His coffee colored eyes roamed to the bed.

Omi was leaning against the cream colored wall, arms spread out palms up with book half opened in his lap, and tear tracks still marred his face that had relaxed in sleep. His skin had turned a nearly translucent shade of white that made his blood vessels stand out starkly and his ribs poked painfully out from his shirtless chest.

Ken dropped the vase.
