Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Sorrow ❯ And the Rain Fell ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okies, I've updated like I said I would. Please continue to send your reviews (they really help).

DISCLAIMER: Again, I do not own Weiss Kreuz or the characters (I don't own anything - seriously, this computer isn't even mine; its my dad's). ^_^

Child of splendor,

Heaven set cherub,

Why do you cry?

Why do you frown?

The angels are weeping,

For your soul my love,

The heavenly host,

They seek out your heart,

Return to them lover,

Return to them friend,

Waste not immortality,

To contrive to this end.

The rain poured from heaven as if in morning. Perhaps it was, thought Tawny. Elizabeth, her best friend, had been dead over a week now. Her body had been found on the west side of town, in the abandoned trainer park, three miles away from her childhood nationhood. Her hand had been cut off and found a few blocks away. But they said she wasn't lucky enough to have died just then. It looked like she tried to escape, but had meet a fatal end none the less with a quick blow to the head from a long, sharp knife.

"If only we would have made her come with us," whispered Tawny to herself and she fought back tears. The two of them and Mary were coming home from a party around 12:15 AM. Elizabeth was already 15 minutes past her curfew and wanted to get home before her parents had a fit. So the girls agreed to let Elizabeth take the short cut through the trailer park, even though both Tawny and Mary had protested. And now, because they had let her go alone she was dead.

"Dead, and its all my fought," Tawny whispered , barely able to hold back the tears. It had been raining for the past week. It had stated the night Elizabeth never came home. The night her parents called everywhere looking for her. The night Everyone had searched for hours. The night Tawny had been the first to see the tattered remains of what was once her best friend. She had cried al1 night. And it had rained ever since then.

It was as if heaven was somehow trying to comfort her by letting her know that Elizabeth would be missed by everyone; that she had not been overlooked by her maker.

The rain had always soothed Tawny anyways. It was like when it rained all her problems washed away. She could just stair out her windows for hours sometimes watching the rain fall. Each little droplet containing her hearts greatest sorrows. All the countless pieces hit the ground, hundreds at a time, then they wash away, never to be seen again - usually down the gutter.

But not today, today her troubles couldn't just be washed away so easily. Today her best friend was dead. And today it was her fault; or so she thought.

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I let you down..." Tawny cried into the stuffed bear Elizabeth had given her for her last birthday. Happy 16th birthday Tawn-Tawn, the card on her desk read. Tawn-Tawn, that was what Elizabeth used to call her. She really hated it, that's why only Elizabeth could get away with calling her it. Only Elizabeth new all her secrets, all her crushes, and the most intimate details of her life; and now... and now she was gone.


"The killer of 16 year old, Elizabeth Hollins is still at large. Her body was found last week outside of a trailer park on the north side of town. There are currently no confirmed suspects, but police speculate that her murder has some connection to the last seven murders that have occurred in that area within the last two months. In other news..." Farfarello turned off the television. "Only seven," he said out loud, "there were at least ten that I can remember."

"That many?" teased Schuldich. "My, my, you have been busy."

"Murderers hurt God," Farfarello mumbled to himself. He seemed rather preoccupied with cleaning his blade.

"He must be in excruciating pain by now then," Schuldich continued to tease. Getting no response out of the Berserker so he changed the subject, "It's been raining a lot lately."

"On and off since last week," observed Nagi as he walked by, books in arms, apparently on his way upstairs to start on homework.

"Errr," Schuldich groaned as he stretched and got off the couch, carefully stepping over Farfarello who was sitting on the floor in front of him, oblivious to the world around him - perfectly content on cleaning his knives. "I'm going out." he finally announced to no one in particular as he put on a baseball cap and headed out the door.

Nagi, following Schuldich's example, speaking to the air (or Farfarello, but he'd be more likely to get a response from the air in either event) as he announced, "I'll be doing my homework upstairs in my room if anyone needs me," as he began to trot up the steps books still in arm.

Farfarello made no response that he had heard or cared to know. He continued to shine his knives with the utmost of intensity. He couldn't care less what those two did. What did it matter to him? His only concern was when he could next hurt God. The only reason he was in Swartz was because they enabled him to realize this goal. He could kill them all had he truly wanted, but that would serve no real purpose. They were not dear to God like those sweet children that he had so recently slaughtered. Poor little lambs. They knew not that their lord had deceived them. Had he loved them he would have saved them, but because he did not love them, he did not save them. He loved no one. All that he said was a lie, and Farfarello hated liars. Above all Farfarello hated liars, for they were the true evils of the earth and God was their master, their lord. He was the one who had to be punished, for he was the one that was responsible for all the suffering, he was the one who allowed that to happen.


Schwartz had been in Miami for about three month now and where all rather restless. They were there as a "favor" for one of Crawford's many "friends;" in other worlds they were there to play body guard for some rich idiot who got himself into trouble by cheating some investors out of their fair share and was now afraid to go outside. But so far (much to Farfarello's dismay) nothing big had happened. Basically, Crawford just kept an eye on their client and everyone else enjoyed city life.

Nagi was enrolled in school there (so he wouldn't fall behind - as if he really had to worry about that) and was accelerating (as usual ^_~). Crawford was preoccupied with their client, but when he wasn't he was usually in his office reading or writing or whatever it was he always did in there. Schuldich usually slept all day and went out clubbing most of the night so no one saw too much of him. Farfarello was the only one unable to adjust to life without a set mission. He seemed bored, anxious, and almost in a daze.

He just spent most of his time playing with his knives and looking for victims. He wasn't really satisfied though. Even though when he was a member of Esset he was controlled much more then he liked, at least his life had a purpose, a routine, a set goal. Now, all Schwartz had was whatever jobs that Crawford could scrounge up for them (luckily there where plenty of rich idiots out there that needed the kind of "service" that Schwartz could offer).

Even the occasional lamb here and there was not enough to satisfy his lust for blood. There was no more hunting Weiss, no more hitting mass targets, he was basically on his own when it came to finding "toys" to play with. He was beginning to get depressed.

Slowly he continued to polish his knives until they shined. They were all clean, every single one of them. They were free of his sins and that's how they wanted it. He liked to wash his sins away so that he could walk with a clear conscious. In his bright yellow eyes, he was the victim. He was the one who had been wronged, betrayed, shunned by his lord. He could never let that go, never, for that is all he lived for - to extract revenge on God. To punish him for his lies. That was Farfarello's only purpose, especially now. That was what gave him a will to live. He clung to that thought, that singular obsession, because that was all he had.

"What shall we do tonight?" Farfarello asked himself as he put the last shimmering knife back in its cases. He stopped short, however, enjoying the cool feeling of the blade against his pale skin. It felt nice, almost soothing. He made a quick slice across his arm and shivered with delight as the cold steel pierced his fragile body. He savored the delicious pleasure he received from self mutilation. Although he felt no pain his body still responded by releasing the natural endorphins that would act the numb it in any normal even. However, in Farfarello's case, there was no pain, only the naturally enduing drug that gave him a superficial sort of "high." Much as Schuldich was elated by raping the mind's of his victims, Farfarello was equally aroused by his bodies blizzard marry-go-round of action and reaction.

There was a scientific explanation for the pleasure, but how did one account for the very act of not feeling pain? Perhaps the reason lay not in the physical, but in the metaphysical. Perhaps the reason lay in the fact that both Farfarello's mind and soul were contorted by an unholy poison as a result of his misguided hatred for perhaps the only being that still loved him. But how could he know, in his current state of total mental chaos? How could someone who's very existence was fueled by hatred know what it was to love?

And yet this same man was once a boy who loved and laughed and gave all his heart and soul into living for the pure sake of it. One event changed all of that though. As his fragile world reeled out of control Jei was lost forever. He was dead, buried beneath mounds of mind altering lies. But could he be resurrected? Could Farfarello one day find that inner peace that he had once had in his childhood?

That's why he cut himself again and again and again, each time reopening a new wound, each time bringing back an old scar, each time a tear fell from the corner of his eye not because of pain, but because of the utter confusion that tortured his entire being; that ever lingering menagerie of self doubt.

"Why can I have no peace? Why must you taunt me so? Why can I not free myself from my own self inflicted misery?" the boy cried allowed as the blood and tears hit the carpet, mingling in it fibers. Sin and penance, lust and sorrow, together in the mind of a demon and angel.

"Are you alright?" Came the almost hesitant request from Nagi who was standing at the top of the stairs, leaning over the banister. He knew that it was not very smart to get too close to Farfarello when he was like this, for even though his own powers were great, he dare not tempt fate and come too close for fear of pain of death.

Farfarello said nothing as he let his blade slide across the flesh of his cheek one last time, marring his milky white skin with crimson penance. He simply put down his knife and picked up another, one that was clean, and slowly rose to his feat. "I'm going out," was all he said as he shuffled towards the door and was gone.

Nagi was left alone at the top of the stairs to contemplate the sanity of their teammate (which had already decided was highly unstable) and finish his homework without interruption from screaming Irishmen. And the carpet was left to soak up the blood and tears that had come to rest upon it and mingle in the very soul of its fibers, for it was the only testament that showed that Jei was still there, buried deep within the chest of Farfarello.

NOTES: Okay, so what do you think? I know it was kinda long, but I like to write. And I know that its a lot of inner reflection right now, but there will be more dialogue in the next chapter, I promise. Please continue to read and review and thanks to all of you that have. Its really helpful ^_^