Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Take My Memories Away ❯ Shoji's new team mates ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own the characters of Weiss Kruez, Takehito Koyasu, Tsuchiya Kyoko, Shinshokan and others do. This story is from my head and there is no way that they would even think of doing this with their characters and there is no way I'm making any money out of it.

Author: Shaeric Draconis (Member of the AYYA resistance) as Vampire Louie would say: Viva Le Resistance AYYA!!

Warning: NC17 - Extreme OOC on Youji's part if you don't like that then I suggest you stop reading now.

Pairing: Aya x Youji, Aya x Yuuishi (Crasher), Shinzo x Shoji/Youji, Aya x Shoji/Youji, Ken x ??, Omi x ??, ?? x ?? (?? = means I have no idea.)

Genre: AU - TWT - OOC - Angst

Author's Note: I have no idea in what direction this is going so I am going with the flow. This chapter is slow but I have to set everything in place. Thanks to all those who had reviewed, I really appreciate it and I apologise for the lateness of this chapter.

Dedication: This story is for Scented Candle.

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Shadow's member's profiles:

Shinzo Ezakiya - Team Leader

Age: 25

Birth date: 8th August

Star sign: Leo

Code Name: Pale Lion

Hair colour: White/blonde

Eye colour: Royal blue

Height: 6.0

Blood Type: A

Zenko Murkami

Age: 21

Birth date: 5th November

Star sign: Scorpio

Code Name: Scarlet Cheetah

Hair colour: Scarlet

Eye colour: Grey

Height: 5.7

Blood Type: O

Jiro Asano

Age: 19

Birth date: 30th January

Star sign: Aquarius

Code Name: Golden Cougar

Hair colour: Golden Brown

Eye colour: Dark brown

Height: 5.8

Blood Type: O

Masayuki Kamio (Masa)

Age: 17

Birth date: 21st October

Star sign: Libra

Code Name: Blue Tiger

Hair colour: Blue black

Eye colour: Pale blue

Height: 5.7

Blood Type: B

Shadow's, the darkness following sunset…we come…

With the blinds closed, an artificial dull light filled the small peaceful office giving the appearance of night time when in actual fact it was only 4.50 in the afternoon.

The quiet office was interrupted with the sound of a keyboard being stroked with great speed and accuracy, the desk made of some kind of white wood had files strewn across it untidily, a mug half filled with black coffee rocking every now and then as a impatient hand pushed the files to one side one after the other.

Manx checked each team player of Shadow's, satisfied with their file, leaving the most intriguing file for last. Black Leopard.

Persiahadn't said much about the real Shoji Ruyusaki, code name Black Leopard. His file was standard but when she began to dig deeper that is when the mystery began.

Shoji Ruyusaki

Age: 22

Birth date: NA

Star sign: NA

Code Name: Black Leopard

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Emerald

Height: 5.9

Blood Type: NA

"Who the hell are you Black Leopard?"

She knew that he used to be Youji but it was the precious memory that was stored inside his head that intrigued her. Persiararely spoke of who Shoji Ruyusaki really was. All he said was he was an excellent assassin and didn't care what he had to, his mission being his number one concern. She had files of what BL had accomplished on behalf of his missions, what he did to those who refused to give him what he wanted…she shivered, something that was rare with her.

But this isn't what she was interested in; it was his personal file…

Now Manx was not normally nosey, she followed orders and did what she had to do to achieve this but-

…She couldn't even get his blood type or his birth date, it kept coming up unavailable. But with stubborn determination her fingers tapped furiously on the keyboard as she hacked into the vaults of Kritiker's black hole files, and she was beginning to understand why it was named so…

"Shit! Not another bloody dead end." With frustration she banged the keyboard hard throwing it away from herself folding her arms with frustration. This was the fifth time that she was led to an empty folder. Coincidence…she didn't think so.

Sighing deeply she rubbed her forehead wondering why she was killing herself to find out more information on BL. It wasn't as if it would help her in anyway, it was just the secretive way Persia seemed to handle this experiment. Even Doctor Arid became clam shell when she began to pump him for information and this pissed her right off!

She worked hard and didn't expect much in return but she expected Kritiker to trust her with all the details, information, and the newest team was under her wing…for now…as Persia pointed out to her…twice!

Manx put the very thin file of Shoji's with the others knowing she would not get any info on the real Shoji. Something was being withheld from her and she intended to find out what it was.

If that wasn't enough for her to worry about, Persiatold her she had to put the two teams together, Weiß Kreuz with Shadows.

Yes the mission was going to be a long and hard case, considering what was happening. But that was just it. They were not sure what was going on at the clubs and it was this that frightened them. It was going to be one of one those cases where some of the operatives could really get hurt…or worse.

Weiß Kreuz was just the team for this mission and so was Shadow…she was just concerned about Aya.

He wasn't the same. Yes he still performed his missions with perfection but it was the emptiness in his eyes…the way they pierced hers making the guilt expand deep within herself.

She was taught to be emotionless when she dealt with each team, but it was becoming increasingly hard when the redhead from WK only seemed to exist for his sister and earning money to keep her alive. As for his team-mates, yes he cared but the newest member he barely tolerated, in fact it almost bordered on hatred that he now felt for Yuuishi.

Sighing she shook her head, what does it matter, what is done, is done. Opening the mission file that both Weiß Kruez and Shadow's would be working on, her eyes scanned the information and dossier that was available on the owner/s, and there wasn't much.

The family was new and unheard of, they at first thought it had something to do with Takatori but with the information that was gathered they soon realised it was nothing to do with him at all.

It was a new family…a new threat, family name Drako. Manx shivered at this, it was an old name one that had history and they were still researching for more information on the Drako's and where they originated from.

They owned many buildings, warehouses and other interests but it was the clubs that interested Kritiker. Mainly four.

The first club being targeted was underground called 'The Chalice'. Simple enough name but it was one of four clubs that linked together throughout Tokyo. Strange things began to happen, and those that they had picked up to question couldn't remember a thing not even their name or they were killed before they could get a hold of them.

Nothing unusual…If you consider finding bodies with strange markings etched deeply onto their scalps normal.

Dropping the file she flicked her wrist to check the time. Smirking to herself she realised it was time to pick up Shoji and introduce him to his new team.

Standing Manx grabbed her black trench coat and shrugged it on, covering her long legs and slender figure thinking of her lover Birma. Smiling for the first time today she walked out the door thinking of the meeting with Shoji and his new team.


Shoji and his new team-mates

Nodding as he was introduced to Shadow, Shoji appraised each member his eyes flicking from one face to another, assessing them shrewdly.

Zenko Murkami, the Scarlet Cheetah, Shoji would have laughed if it was in him too. Where ever he went there was a damn red head and God only knows how he couldn't stand them.

The photos didn't do him justice; he was boyishly pretty with almond shaped grey eyes that bordered on silver his long scarlet hair tied into a ponytail. The look Shoji was receiving from him was very hostile making Shoji smirk and he watched as Zenko frowned even more, his eyes sparking angrily.

The temperamental one.

He could be emotionally unsteady and quick to anger, but as long as the scarlet head didn't get in the way of the missions Shoji could live with that, his eyes flicking to the brunet.

Jiro Asano, the Golden Cougar. His young face spoke of a hard life, a scar running down his right cheek shaped like a cross, short golden hair and a slender pale face. He wasn't good looking in the normal sense but he had magnetism, some kind of pull his dark brown eyes so blank.

The loner.

In Shoji's experience it is the quiet ones you have to watch out for, their silence, stillness gave nothing away and Jiro was the stoic type that showed no emotion. Shoji knew he would have to watch Jiro because the silent ones…are also unpredictable.

Lazily his emerald stare moved and rested on the leader Shinzo Ezakiya, the Pale Lion with fascinating blue eyes, royal blue to be exact. Yes he is definitely handsome with a strong face and he looked very shrewd. He was slightly taller than Shoji with broad shoulders; slim hips and silky white hair that fell around his shoulders, his golden skin making him stand out more.

Shoji's lips twitched his eyes never leaving Shinzo's; they all had pasts but the leader was intriguing. Too many pieces were left out of this guys puzzle and from what was revealed in his file could only be considered as crap…lies.

The mysterious one.

There was a story with the Pale Lion and Shoji might be interested enough in finding out what it is.

He heard a soft growl and quickly turned his gaze to the culprit, his green eyes squinting shrewdly at Zenko.

Watching the way the scarlet head was breathing, Shoji looked down at the smaller males hands and saw they were tightly clenched. Did he have feelings for the leader? His emerald depths shot upwards to stare into Zenko's that wavered and looked towards Shinzo slowly.

Distraction…Not good.He will watch Zenko carefully, nothing worse than emotions fucking up the team-mates!

Stiffly Shoji listened to Manx talking about Masayuki Kamio and where he was. Masa for short, code name Blue Tiger, he was the youngest but had lived a very rough life on the streets that wasn't kind to him…to any of them.

He was contradiction.

He has a heart shaped face that glowed like an Angel with big unusual coloured eyes…pale blue almost white, his blue black hair giving him that devil may care look. He was fiercely loyal to those he considered friends and had no compunction on killing anyone that tried to hurt them.

Masa was safely set inside 'The Chalice' as a dancer with another operative from Weiß Kreuz who would be joining him soon, Omi. According to Manx, Masa has been there for a month and there has been no contact. They didn't want to lose what little ground they have covered so far.

When Manx had finished she moved towards the safehouse office. "Follow me."

Smiling to himself, Shoji noticed that the other three members were watching him carefully not trusting their backs to him. With a smirk and a shrug he lazily followed Manx, his long silky coat swirling around his lithe figure.

The dark one.

Shinzo saw it in his photo and saw it in the real life figure of the Black Leopard. He moved right behind Shoji, watching the graceful movements of the male that were also deadly and precise. Shoji would be an asset to this team, especially after the termination of Shinzo's last team, Striker's Bane.

Their American team-mate, their fifth, was tortured then murdered by the Drako family as a warning to those who betrayed them. What pissed Shinzo off was the fact they had no proof, so no arrests could be made.

What was it they said? She was just a whore in the wrong place at the wrong time…Justice!

Shinzo sneered, justice like that can go fuck itself. He blocked the image of her body, or what was left of her body from his mind...

This was no ordinary mission for them; this mission was one of revenge!

Sitting down, all eyes were on Manx as she remained standing. "Zenko starts working at the club next week as bar tender, his application was accepted. There will be another red head operative who will be joining you, for some obscure reason, they have a fetish for red heads serving at the bar."

Her cold eyes locked onto Zenko, "you are to make no contact with the other operative, if you disobey this order you will be severely punished…understood?

Raising a slim eyebrow, Zenko shrugged, "no problem there, I have no interest in chit chat." In fact he had no interest at all in the other team.

Trying to control the smirk that tried to tug at her lips, Manx turned her back on him. Aya does not talk much, let alone chit chat. Schooling her facial expression to calmness she turned to stare at the rest.

"We have collected data and watched the movements of a certain target named Crosark who is the manager of The Chalice; we are not sure if he is part of the family or a very high henchman, it will be your job to find out. One of you will meet up with the target and use any means possible…" watching the young men closely she nodded in approval, not one of them had any doubt of what was being asked of them and were willing to do anything for the mission. "…to get close to him."

Each member of Shadow was no stranger to using their bodies to get information, infiltrate buildings; all they cared about was completing the mission and being paid.

"Shinzo you will decide who is to go for the target, it is your team after all. The rest will go in as part of the crowd. Is that understood?"

Each of them nodded.

"Good, I won't have to tell you how important this mission is and where one mistake could be fatal for another team-member, so keep alert." The rest was up to them and she was surprised at how the other three were so accepting of Shoji, he wasn't the first replacement for the American female who was murdered, he was actually the third one. She didn't want to think about what really happened to the last two, not believing the others story one bit.

"Any questions?"

Stretching his long legs, Shinzo shrugged, "I have read what little info you have on the slime ball Crosark, he likes his men or women young and has a thing for the strong silent type. Jiro will hit the target, Shoji and I will blend in with the crowd."

Zenko snorted not helping himself. Blend, those two? Tall lithe, attractive males, one blonde and handsome the other dark in his beauty…besides how did they know that they could rely or trust Shoji. For some reason Zenko didn't like him! Especially the way he looked at Shinzo.

"You have a problem with that Zenko?"

Shaking his head Zenko suddenly became interested in the scratch on the table, a scowl wrinkling his forehead.

Shinzo smirked, "Good."

Manx shook her head, "I am glad that's settled and…" she looked at the time and sighed, "I need to be somewhere else but before I go I will give this last warning. You are not to interfere or contact the other team in anyway, they have their own agenda…" she made a point of looking at each of them slowly to finally rest on Shoji, "if I find out that you have, the shit will hit the fucking fan…understood?"

If there was one thing that Shoji loved doing…The complete opposite to what someone ordered him to do. A hard smile curled on his lips, his eyes never leaving hers saying softly, "clearly."

Manx had to stop herself from shivering; yes he was the dark one. She knew what he was capable off, it was not pretty and those that Black Leopard had deemed should lived…lets just say they were better of dead.

Tightening her coat she abruptly left the room saying over her shoulder, "No contact will be made until you are all in place…you are on your own till then." Yes, like a long drawn out game of chess, the pieces were slowly being placed on the board in the pursuit to take down the King or Queen of the Drako family…


One month later: The Chalice

The sensual music filled the club, the young dancers on stage slender bodies moving with the beat as they became lost to the sound, the bass enchanting them as they gracefully danced.

The dance arena was crowded, a sea of bodies moving in rhythm to the music as it thundered all around them. A drugged sensation mixed with alcohol, lust, drugs, all that was decadent vibrated through the underground club.

It was the normal scene in this part of town.

Aya grimaced as he stared at the endless row of people hanging around the bar. There were four bar tenders altogether, all with red hair and he was willing to bet that only two of them were natural.

There was only one other that he tolerated, Zenko. They were the quiet ones of the four and they both kept to themselves, unfortunately this was an attraction magnet to some of the other workers but they soon learnt to keep their hands to themselves! Aya smirked at this as Chaz limped slightly serving a customer.

"Aya, octopus."

Aya nodded at Zenko as one of the bouncers came towards the two of them. They had an unspoken agreement to watch each others back and Aya knew that Zenko was no fool…there was something about him, something dangerous like himself.

Zenko couldn't stand the creep walking towards them, he tried to hit on all of them and if he tried touching his ass one more time he was going to shove his dagger up the bastards own ass and see how he likes it!

Aya was of the same mind as they both scowled darkly at the one they called octopus.

Glaring at the tall male with bulging muscles leaning on the bar, Aya and Zenko stood side by side waiting quietly for the raven headed octopus to open his mouth.

He didn't disappoint them.

"Zenko I need help with something downstairs, I was told to come and get you."

The octopus eyes travelled up and down the slender scarlet heads figure, wearing tight black leather pants and a sleeveless black mesh top revealing glimpses of pale skin and rose coloured nipples. This was the uniform of the bar tenders his eyes hungrily turning towards Aya, his skin was moon white with pale pink nipples rubbing against the mesh shirt. He stifled his moan, his imagination doing overtime. God how he would love to fuck them both at the same time, his cock twitching then hardening at his lewd thoughts, images of burying his cock into a perfect tight ass as they screamed for him to fuck harder, faster…

Controlling the shiver that threatened to take over his body Zenko sneered and shook his head in a negative, "sorry but that is not on my job description," with that he turned to serve a customer before he threw himself over the bar and buried his dagger deeply into the octopuses throat!

Aya glared when the octopus turned to him, "you heard him," moving to serve the never ending customers.

They could feel the creep still watching and totally ignored him until he harassed one of the other guys.

Aya slammed the glass down, snatching the money from the customer vowing to himself that when this mission was over he was going to personally kill the octopus…slowly…his beloved katana twisting cruelly in his flesh!

It was then that the music changed suddenly, Aya and Zenko quickly glancing at each other, it was that time of the night again. They both watched silently as the white walls inside the club shimmered as long fingers of black stretched out, devouring the whiteness slowly like a disease.

The haunting music, the dimming of the lights, the darkening of the walls, changed the energy of the club as the crowd on the dance floor raised their arms into the air, their movements hypnotic as if they were in a trance, moving sensually against one another…all inhibitions leaving them.

Aya frowned at the fast transformation. He wasn't sure what it was but his instincts were telling him that there was something different happening at this time. He couldn't tell you what it was if you asked him but it perturbed him and he was glad that he was here with Omi. He was worried about his younger team-mate.

They have spoken together but it was only in passing conversation. He seemed alright and besides the one named Masa had taken Omi under his wing. The way that some of the manager's clients looked at the boys when they danced together, made Aya's skin crawl…and he has never reacted like that before.

They were predators of the dark kind and Aya was seriously thinking of telling Manx that Yuuishi and Ken should be here. They were both busy on another mission that could be tied into the Drako family, he hoped that hey were alright because he was not comfortable with this mission, something was off…different…

He thought of the other team that was working here besides his. What they looked like? Maybe he was working with one now, and if he was, then it could be someone like Zenko, then again it could be Chaz. Aya frowned at this hoping he wasn't because he had preconceived ideas on what they should look like and Chaz certainly wasn't it!

He couldn't fathom why the Shadow team interested him, but it did. The name Shadow itself spoke of danger, intrigue…mystery…

The lights on stage flickered brightly three times breaking him out of his thoughts. The music was eerily haunting with a touch of eroticism, red mist rising from the floor as the dancers glided upon the stage. The mist danced around the young slim bodies like a red serpent sensuously claiming the young souls of each one.

Aya efficiently dealt with each customer his eyes looking towards the stage when Omi moved seductively towards Masa, both boys wearing tight leather pants of red, a small lacy red cropped top stopping above their navels.

They danced perfectly together, with slender hips and feline movements. Masa had unusual eyes with short blue/black hair, his fringe veiling his eyes now and then. When they came together their bodies were like a magnet as pale skins clung, the sweat glistening. Their hands started to move on each other, light feathering touches, thrusts of hips as groin caressed groin…Aya coughed smirking.

It is just as well Ken wasn't here, his tongue would be on the floor dragging, that or trying to make his way towards the stage to throw Omi over his shoulder and leave the club.

No he was glad he wasn't here…and Yuuishi.

Aya didn't like to think of Yuuishi because it always reminded him of Youji. Closing his eyes briefly he knew that they would have to talk sooner or later. He has put it of for too long now and it was unfair to the other man.

He didn't love Yuuishi. He knew that now and there is nothing that the other man could do that would convince him otherwise. What was from the past should have stayed in the past. Maybe Youji wo-

Shaking his head Aya sighed deeply pushing the hurt away, pouring the customer a bourbon on the rocks. He felt Zenko tense beside him and could see why, the manager named Crosark made his appearance sitting in his usual seat, a young man with golden hair beside him stoically looking ahead.

Crosark looked to be in his early thirties, tall with short black hair wearing an immaculate black silk suit that contoured around his body. He was broad shouldered and he had a commanding figure, his guardians around him always at his beck and call.

Aya couldn't stand him. Especially his eyes, they were blacker than black and looked at you as if you weren't really there. He never bothered them, his interest laid somewhere else…he had certain tastes for either male or females and it looked like the blond was it.

Poor bastard!

Amongst all the noise Aya heard a voice that was vaguely familiar but ignored it handing the shot to the voice, his eyes glared as the male took his time grabbing it. Looking up with impatience Aya's eyes collided with emeralds surrounded by long black eyelashes, his heart stopped beating for a second than thumped loudly after that…

He looks like Youji…but he didn't…

"Are you alright?"

The voice is a different…and yet…

Aya did a quick nod as the male took the shot.

His eyes are emerald like Youji's but…

"Thank you."

Aya watched as the male turned and walked away. His shoulders were broader than Youji's, his hair was longer and black tied into a plait, his walk was different, his long leather coat cut perfectly to outline his body. Blinking in confusion Aya kept on serving but he found himself glancing in the direction of the raven haired male constantly and something stirred within him. Something he hasn't felt for a long time, not since Youji…died…

He gasped in shock when he realised in what direction his mind was going in…NO!

Denial was a sweet thing and Aya made himself concentrate on his work and watching Omi, he cursed under his breath harshly as his eyes were drawn to the male again…like a moth to a flame…No…No never again…!


Shoji was a little disturbed with his encounter with the red head at the bar. The barman looked at him like he knew him and Shoji knew that was impossible, he has never seen him before. He would certainly remember him if he did, he was very beautiful with unusual amethyst eyes of ice.

Lifting the glass he drowned his throat with the shot, wincing as fire flamed its way to his stomach. Slamming his glass down he started towards the dance arena, time to mingle and blend, anything to get his mind of the barman. He hated red heads and kept repeating it as he danced around bodies, his eyes scanning the joint looking for the exits and anything else that would ensure their safety.

Shoji felt electricity go up his spine, a sure sign that he was being watched, he looked towards the bar catching the red head looking at him again. He shook his head not sure what to think…but he was curious now…very curious. He will think about it later, now he had a mission to concentrate on.

He spotted Jiro sitting my Crosark, his face showing nothing as the older man leaned towards him whispering in his ear. It was just another part of their job, entertaining creeps like him.

Looking away Shoji watched his other team mate danced on stage with a blonde. Two angels dancing for the devil, at least Masa was relatively safe for now. No one knew this about Shoji and he would never tell anyone, that he was a damn loyal team player, but the moment they fucked with him…they were dead.

His hand travelling down his hips he felt the familiar hardness of his favourite dagger Scorpion, he scanned the room, his nose twitched and he frowned. Seeing his other team mate he moved through the multitude of bodies the scent of musky sex swirling around him, but the other aroma overrode it…enticing…alluring…

Shoji ignored the groping hands clutching his body until he reached Shinzo.

Shinzo leaned towards him, "What's up?"

"Can you smell something?" Shoji nose twitched again, the smell…was so sweet…

Looking at Shoji, Shinzo couldn't help but appraise the male before him; he was tall, wearing black leather pants moulded to his lower body, black turtle neck silk top hugging his chest lovingly with his leather coat. Lifting his eyes to his face he couldn't help but think that Shoji was beautiful and Shinzo knew if he said that to his newest team member he would be killed for it, but it was the truth. The moment he saw him, he was captured by his beauty and he wanted him. "All I can smell is sweat, sex and cheap perfume."

"There is another scent, coppery." Shoji knew the smell of tangy coppery blood, but this was so strong and it was so close he could almost taste it.

Shinzo frowned, he didn't like the sound of that, he trusted Shoji's senses, not the man himself but his senses yes. "Are all our players safe?" He could only see Masa.

"Yes, they are. What shall we do?"

It was too damn early to move on anything, the time wasn't right and Shinzo knew this. "We will wait it out but keep alert, we are on our own. Keep circulating, better yet get into the Paradise room and I will try the Heavenly room."

Shoji nodded and walked towards the black door, strange colour for paradise.

The haunting music followed him and became louder the moment the door opened and he stepped through. There were couples lounging all over the plush seats of red leather that were provided, the walls were covered in black carpet the same as the floor. The room was lowly lit, the sounds of couples fucking each other reverberating around the room, the smell of sex was so strong it was almost nauseating.

Walking further into the room he felt eyes staring at him but ignored them, the room was partitioned off into sections, maybe it was for privacy. He could smell fear and heard a muffled sound, his hand automatically resting against his left hip where his trusty Baretta lay.

The sound was coming from the cubicle at the end, so he relaxed his body, ready to spring into action. He controlled his breathing as he silently walked towards the darkest corner of the room. His hearing senses picked up, and he could hear a wet slapping sound and a soft whimper, the unmistakable scent of blood tinged with sex.

With nimbleness his gun was in his hand as he leaned against the fragile makeshift wall. Counting to three he sprang into action not being able to see anything, it was then when all hell broke loose, his wrist was gripped by an icy touch, he was then flung hard, flying into the wall.


Winded, he could just barely see a dark shape disappearing, moving at great speed. What the fuck?!

Gracefully Shoji stood up and ran to follow him when he collided with another body, "Shit!" both of them falling to the floor, Shoji on top.

Taking a deep breath and a moment to gather his wits, he was overwhelmed with expensive cologne and strawberry shampoo. A face flashed in his mind the moment the smell of strawberry hit his nose, a blonde male using strawberry shampoo with another male gently caressing his scalp, lovingly. Pain flashed in his head and he groaned, rolling on to his back.

"Are you alright?"

Opening his eyes Shoji blinked staring into the amethyst depths of the barman who kept watching him, only now he was holding a katana in his hand. Who the hell is this guy?


AN: Belated Thanks to the following for the great reviews: Lituska Silvermoon, Pandora, Chibi-chan, Forsaken, Koji-chan (if you want a AYYA badge let me know), Earl Grey, Talyssa, Krimstorm - glad to know you know who the Red Fox is *winks* keep it to ourselves shall we, heh.