Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Take My Memories Away ❯ Betrayal ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own the characters of Weiss Kruez, Takehito Koyasu, Tsuchiya Kyoko, Shinshokan and others do. This story is from my head and there is no way that they would even think of doing this with their characters.

Warning: NC17 - Extreme OOC on Youji's part if you don't like that then I suggest you stop reading now.

Pairing: Aya x Youji, Aya x Yuuishi (Crasher), Shinzo x Shoji/Youji, Aya x Shoji/Youji, Ken x ??, Omi x ??, ?? x ??

Genre: AU - TWT - OOC

Author's Note: This could be confusing but I will try and explain as much as I possibly can now so you won't be. There is *extreme* OOC's on Youji's part. It has to be this way for the story to be what *I* want it to be. For a start his name will become Shoji Ruyusaki and he will look and dress differently…a lot. His face will always be the face we know it to be, beautiful I will not change that but his hair colour will definitely change, the weapon he uses and how he behaves will change to. He will still smoke though and this is all I am telling you about his new identity. A new group of assassins for Kritiker will be starting called "Shadow" - The darkness following sunset…they come…

Shadow's Team: (they belong to me Shaeric Draconis)

Shinzo Ezakiya - Team Leader (25), brooks no interference from others yet interferes with the affairs of others. Cool, precise, independent, confident and knows what he wants. Code name Lion

Shoji Ruyusaki - Second in command (22) - you will see. Code name Leopard

Zenko Murkami - Playboy and is very hot tempered. (21) Code name Cheetah

Jiro Asano - Intelligent know it all that will face any challenge no matter how foolish. A bit of a loner. (19) Code name Cougar

Masayuki Kamio (Masa for short) - The youngest (17), restless, independent and cares for his team-mates greatly. The others protect him because he is the heart of this team. Code name Tiger

This is all for now, they will unfold as will the story.

Dedication: I dedicate this story to a very special person who has helped me and supported me greatly and has released many great stories herself. I read them all and follow her stories around with an obsession. This story is for you Scented Candle.



My worse fear has happened as betrayal stabs me in the back once again, love is the bitch in my life forever twisting inside of me like a knife. Aya sweet Aya you have broken my heart and twisted the knife so deep within me, ripped my heart out and you stand there looking at me calmly as you say these words.

"I need space Youji and now that Yuushi is back I need to know if what we had before…if he is the one. Can you understand this Youji?"

No I fucking can't! My world is crumbling around me but I stand there my smile in place so he cannot see how much his words are affecting me. The smell of sex on his body that I know was not with me; did he think I was some kind of fool?

As for his new lover standing behind him with a slight smirk on his face, the same smirk I wished to wipe of with my fist…I would rather die then let either one of them see how much this is affecting me, so I smile that smile Aya hates so much saying coolly, "Of course, now if you will excuse me I have a phone call to make."

I harden my heart and ignore the beating as it pounds hard against my chest. Strange the blood keeps pumping through my body yet I feel so dead inside, my steps so sure as I walk pass them both with my head held high, like a zombie. Goodbye Aya.

"You don't fucking own me Youji!" his words reaching me before I enter our apartment, I hesitate my hand on the door handle. I never said that I owned you Aya and for you to think that, means you did not know me at all.

I smirk and look at him saying softly, "I know Aya, no one owns you…no one." Opening the door I let myself in as I feel the crack in my mask deepen as the door clicks shut behind me softly, one tear managing to slip through as I make my way to my room. I only thank God that my room was all mine, Aya never ventured into my room, everything was on his terms.

I should have known when his ex lover showed up on the doorstep what was going to happen, I mean me the playboy who knew all the moves, all the actions the looks…the predator looks on his ex lover. He told me he would get him back but I was so sure that Aya was mine and I never doubted him for a moment, trusted him completely, something I haven't done for a long time.

Staring at the phone I knew what I had to do, this was not about Aya, this was not about Omi, Ken or Weib Kreuz, this was all about me and I am tired of all the shit that has happened in my life. Tired of love kicking me in the arse.

Picking up the phone I dial the number that will lead me to my new life so that my old life will be buried behind me forgotten. They won't miss me, maybe Omi might, my dear little chibi that I considered a little brother but I have to be strong, it is time for a change and I know what will happen so that I will forget them all.

A voice speaks in a coded language I answer in the same code, meeting now set, my new life is about to begin, just have to wait for two weeks…two weeks of torture for me but I will get through I will just pretend that everything is fine.

Love won't reach this heart of mine ever again, and I will make it part of the contract. I am only glad that the others will never know of the experiment that I will be going through. Youji is going to die in two weeks time and they will be none the wiser, in his place will be another with his face and body, everything else will be erased. I even have a new name picked Shoji, not too different and a name that will be mine from this day forward.

Thank you Kritiker for giving me this chance, for understanding, they wanted to set up a new team, one as deadly as Weib Kreuz but first they wanted to try an experiment and I was going to be there willing guinea pig. Manx had approached me; she said I was the logical choice and that Aya and his team would function fine without me until they found a new member to join there team.

They want to replace my memories with someone else's, someone who was known for his stealth, similar to mine but he was deadlier with his stealth, darker and they needed that memory for the new team Shadow. His code name was Black Leopard. I liked it.

My first answer was no but the last couple of weeks Aya's past had caught up with him and he has been with him for the last couple of nights. He never said anything until today and that is what had hurt me the most, that had cut me the most deep inside. Well it does not matter anymore Aya, you have made your choice and now I have made mine. Separate paths we will now travel on, strange but I think this is what you wanted all along.

You never once told me you loved me, never once showed you cared for me and when we did have sex, because thinking about it now it could never be called making love, you always made sure that I left and that the others would never know. I only have myself to blame though Aya, I let you do that to me because any little bit of scrap I could get, I took it willingly, hoping that one day you could love me in return. I smile bitterly, what a fool I was to believe that was ever going to happen.

I look in the mirror, at the male with long honey blonde hair, sad emerald green eyes with a tall slender form and I smile to myself. "Well Youji take a good long look because in two weeks time you won't remember a thing about this life and you will never look like this again." I feel sadness within because this life I had lived as Youji was just beginning to look good but I should have known a sinner will be punished for his sins sooner or later.

Turning my back on my image as I feel dread sweeping through me, I don't really understand this feeling because a part of me does not want to leave Aya behind, does not want to forget the red headed male who got under my skin and wormed his way into my heart.

"No Youji it is for the best, he has made a choice and so have you, anyway Kritiker is now involved they won't let you back out of it now." Yes you truly belong to them and he didn't care anymore.


One week later

The strain is wearing me thin as I try to ignore Aya and Yuuishi and I know that Omi and Ken realise that something is going on as the tension between the three of us could be cut with a knife. But then, they never knew that Aya and I were sleeping together. Nobody did.

Turning my back on them I try not to think about the pain that has embedded itself deep within me, a constant reminder of the love that I carry for him. Instead I concentrate on the throbbing headache that keeps reminding me of the new world that is not quite within my reach, taunting and elusive for another week.

Kritiker has started the first phase of the experiment knowing that it wouldn't interfere with my Weib Kreuz activities, just a gentle memory so that I would be ready for the next phase tonight. I was warned of the head pains, it was natural I was told; to have some of my memories removed to be replaced by the Black Leopards would do this.

Strange but I never thought to ask who exactly the Black Leopard was; I had just signed the dotted line not really caring at the time. Truth be known, I still don't care. I would do anything to get out of this situation that I was now in.

Ken stands beside me looking with concern. "Are you alright Youji?"

I smile at the brunette realising that I would miss him as much as Omi. "I am fine; it is just a small headache." But then when the memories are gone I won't remember any of them. Not Omi, not Ken and especially not Aya and his new lover Yuuishi.

I could see out the corner of my eyes, the way Aya's head had jerked up as Ken asked if I was alright. I totally ignore him as he has ignored me the past week. He is making it easier for me to do this…and to have Yuuishi shoved in my face was making it even easier for me to leave them.

Omi stood in front of me with a glass of water and some pills for my headache. His cerulean orbs looking intelligent as he glanced from Aya, Yuuishi and back to me with concern.

Grabbing the glass I take the pills and swallow them down with the water smiling softly, "thank you Omi. Everything is going to be fine."

The phone rings and I watch as Ken answers it. I already know who it is. Manx.

"Youji it is for you."

Nodding my head I grab it. "Youji speaking."

"BL mission running earlier then planned. See you in 1700 hours."


I try not to show any emotion as tension stiffens my back, I don't want the others to get suspicious. But I can see they are watching me carefully as I force a smile on my face.

"No, it's just imperative that we load the latest data a.s.a.p. Do you accept the mission?"

"Yes I do."

Hanging up I look at Aya, "lone mission for me tonight."

He nods abruptly quickly walking out of the room. Yes the stick is still up his ass and Yuuishi will have to deal with it from now on. Aya will never change, not for anyone. But then Yuuishi is full of fire too, and I have heard them yelling at one another now and then but I usually close myself off and go for long walks because I could not bear to hear any sounds of passion coming from Aya's room. That would kill me for sure, I am being strong now but there is only a thin line between sanity and insanity with me.

Sighing I make my way to the stairs and stop as Omi steps in front of me.

"Youji do you think it's a good idea for you to do a lone mission in your condition?" I raise an eyebrow as Ken stands beside him in strong support.

Chuckling I shake my head. It is obvious that Omi has figured something out but I only shrug, "it is only a headache and besides it's just a surveillance job…honest."

I know Omi doesn't believe me but he would never call me an outright liar to my face. So he uses another tactic, he is bright kid our Omi, very intelligent. "Can I ask the location of the mission and who the target is?"

I shake my head, my face serious now. "No. If you want answers then ask Manx but you know what she is like." I put my hands on both Omi and Ken's shoulders saying softly, "thanks for worrying but I'm fine, now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready."

With that I brush pass them as I prepare myself for this afternoon instalment of memories. It sounds like I will be getting more than I did last week; I have a shade of the Black Leopards memories but not enough to be a concern, just little things that I seem to know now that I didn't know before.

I have a fascination with guns, knives and daggers that fit in your hand so perfectly like they belonged there. I could now throw a knife and hit the picture of female models head with deadly accuracy, right between the eyes, or dead centre in the forehead. I pause as something flashes inside of my head. A young male with raven black hair smirking, a small scar under his lip.

Ignoring this image I frown and shake myself. Whatever it was it had to do with my new memories. I did not want to think about it because I knew it would make me change my mind when really it was far too late…

Two weeks later

Omi dropped the phone his bottom lip trembling as the other three watched the youngest of there team trying to speak to them. Aya could only stare fear striking his heart his face like cold marble not showing any kind of emotion. He knew that look he had seen it once before and he swallowed forcing himself to breathe. He was only glad when Ken stood up to stand beside Omi.

"Omi what is it?" Ken hated to see him like this fear now hitting him.

Omi looked at Ken as tears slowly slid down his golden cheek a sob escaping between his lips, "Y-Youji he he--"

Quickly getting to his feet Aya's hands shook, "what about Youji?" He was on a mission, he had said it was easy, could do it with his eyes closed, blond bastard, did he lie to him? Why should you care Aya? You were the one that turned your back on him, had sex with another man when you were supposed to be with him.

"He is dead Aya, they said he didn't get out in time, the bomb went of sooner than it should. He was too late, they found his body..."

Ken sobbed wrapping his arms around Omi, both boys clinging to one another, not believing he was gone.

Aya shook his head, no it's not true, Youji can't be dead it must be some kind of mistake. There is no way he would get the timing wrong no way; he was far too experienced and quick for that to happen.

"Aya?" Yuuishi reached out to touch him and pulled his hand back as Aya glared at him icily.

"I will call Manx see what has to be done." Turning his back on them Aya brusquely went to his room, he will arrange everything, Omi was not capable of doing it…he was.

Closing the door behind him he leaned against it his breathing harsh as his chest rapidly moved up and down. Youji you fucking bastard, how dare you fucking die on me…how dare you! He wanted to scream the words out as anger spread through him like wild fire.

He thought about the last two weeks, how Youji had avoided him and he had done the same. His fucking pride would not let him approach Youji; his stupid pathetic pride had stopped him from saying how much he really cared for the blond bastard! The same damn pride that had stopped him from saying how he had made a big mistake about Yuushi and that all they ever did was argue constantly. The sex was great but it wasn't beautiful, exquisite and powerful like it was with Youji, dear beautiful Youji.

Sliding to the floor Aya stared blankly in front of him, the images of Youji in his mind, wearing a soft emerald kimono with white embossed Sakura blossoms that danced around his slender form delicately as he walked towards him with love shining out of his emerald eyes. The way it slid of his body, exposing the slender hips and his arousal that was just for him…Aya.

Standing up growling as the anger tore through him like a tornado, Aya grabbed his favourite possession arcing it above his head as he swung at the drawer where it usually sat upon his anger out of control. "How dare you die on me YOUJI, how dare YOU!!!"

Violet eyes glittered as he proceeded to slash out at anything that was in his way, his crimson silky hair clinging to his face from the sweat he was working himself into his body being stretched and pulled in all directions. He could hear Yuuishi banging on his door, but he ignored him, he didn't care for him the one he did care for was gone forever. Gone hating him, never knowing that he, Aya had feelings for him.

With one last lunge he dropped his Katana, collapsing on his bed breathing heavily as he fought to keep the pain and tears at bay. I refuse to cry, they are a weakness and to give into them will only cripple me.

Closing his eyes, Aya didn't even flinch when his door crashed opened.

Yuuishi looked at the devastation that was now Aya's room. He had not realised the extent of Aya's feelings towards Youji until now. He stood there staring at the redhead who just lay there refusing to look at him. What a fucking mess.

He wanted to go to Aya and wrap him in his arms and comfort him but he knew that Aya would only push him away and refuse anything to do with him. He would want to suffer because of guilt for the blonde Youji. Yuuishi felt no guilt whatsoever, he only cared for Aya. Sighing deeply he made his way to the bed stopping abruptly…

"Don't come near me Yuuishi, just don't come near me or touch me!" Aya's words cut through him like ice, making him shiver. This was a side to Aya he had never experienced before.

"Just get out." Aya turned his back on him, not wishing to talk anymore or see anyone. He had to sort this out in his own way and he swore that if someone so much as touches him he would not be responsible for his actions.

Losing his patience Yuuishi refused to budge saying hotly, "You can't just lie there and wallow in self pity Aya. It is not going to bring Youji back to life!"

"Just fuck off Yuuishi, fuck off and leave me alone."

"Fine I will! But I won't give up on you Aya so remember that!" Storming out of Aya's room, Yuuishi looked darkly around the apartment his golden eyes turning even darker as he stared at the door that led to Youji's room. Even dead he had a hold over Aya, but in time the redhead would get over it, deal with it and he would be waiting for him. No he will not give up on Aya…ever…