Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ The Art of Letting Go ❯ The Art of Letting Go ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Art of Letting Go

Author: Blue-eyed Fox < Lunarblue_2002@yahoo.com >

Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimers applied. Weiss Kreuz is not mine.

Status: Ficlet, one-shot.

Warning: Contains shounen-ai and yaoi.

Authoress' Notes: This is my first attempt to write a Weiss Kreuz fic. This is partly betead.


I watch you from afar in this cold winter night. I watch from afar as you he holds you close in his arms. My heartaches just by looking at the two of you, I should have said something. I should have not let you go that night we had a fight. I should have stopped you from walking out of that door. I know it's my fault. I should have apologized but I let my pride get in the way. How could I have been so stupid! I close my eyes and avert my head. I fight the tears that threaten to crash down.

Now I watch you kiss him. Those lips that were once mine now belong to him. Your body that was once belonged to me, the body that sat close with me, that lay with me in my bed or yours now, now belongs to him. He holds you close, your hand entwined with his as you walk by through this cold night.

You smiled at him and he smiles back.

I could hardly believe it at first when I first saw the two of you in that bar, the two of you talking as if the two of you weren't enemies. He belongs to Schwarz and you to Weiss. But there's no more reason to fight since Takatori's death. No more lines that separates our worlds.

I follow the two of you silently through the streets and into this deserted park. I watch you lean your head on his shoulder, watch you lean in to his touch. My heart wrenches. I feel so hurt. I was in pain. I see that you're happy and contented with him. What else could I do? Even though we see each other, everyday in the shop though we rarely talk, I could do nothing. You're the first guy I've ever given my heart to. You were everything to me. But now I've lost you. You're no longer mine.

Snow starts to fall. Both of you stand up from the bench and start to make your way out. I don't know if I should still follow or just go back home. Home where I would lock myself up in my room alone in this cold lonely night. I take one last look at you, one last look at you smiling at tenderly at him, the smile that you rarely give. He touches your pale face and leans in to give you a passionate kiss. Your hands go around his neck and his around your slender waist. I turn around not wanting to see any more. I was already close to breaking down, and the scene before me breaks my heart.

As the two of you left, I come out from where I was hiding and take a seat from where the two of you had seated. I lit a cigarette and smoke it. I sit here all alone as I reminisce the days gone by that you were still mine. The pain in my heart is overwhelming. A tear rolls down my cheek as I start to sob.

I have truly lost you Aya or should I say Ran Fujimiya. I have truly lost you to him, to Brad Crawford.

I sit there in the park, letting all my frustrations and pain pour out. You are no longer mine. Even though I want to hold to the memories of us, I have to let you go.

Let go of all the memories, memories of your kisses, of your touch, of your smile. I have to let you go and say goodbye to us, even if it breaks my heart and shatters my world that I have built around you.

Goodbye to our memories. I have to let you go.



Authoress' Note: Well, what do you guys think? As I've said this is my first attempt and I do not know if anyone in this fandom has the same title or plot since I've just started to try out writing Weiss Kreuz fics. Reviews would be very much appreciated. Thanks!