Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ We Have Now ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: We Have Now
Chapter: 1/1
Author: TearsOfFire
E-mail: Fctupkid7@yahoo.com
Warnings: AU; shounen-ai
Pairings: Ran+Ken
Disclaimers: I don't own Weiss.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ken is in bed with his lover, Ran, and he thinks about how nobody
knows how long they have to live, and he is going to make the best of the
moment he is in.

We fall asleep together,
And I wake up in your arms,
I breathe in your angelic scent,
And know I'm safe from harm,
Run my fingertips along your skin,
Take in your smile as you sleep,
Never will I leave your side,
I am yours to keep,
Slowly you abandon your dreams,
And bring your hand up to my cheek,
I melt into the silky touch,
And feel myself growing weak,
I could spend a life time here,
Trapped inside your eyes,
I just need to feel your lips on mine,
And I'll be satisfied,
To hear your sweet whispers in my ear,
Is what's keeping me alive,
We're not sure if we have tomorrow,
Or time to do what we haven't done yet,
But we have today, we have now,
And I am going to make the best of it

I am not too sure if I like it but I am gonna post it to see what other people think.