Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Weekend Away ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Smut. Well, smut, dialogue, and descriptions. That's really all this fic is. Quite a pwp, if you ask me. But that's alright. Oh yeah, there's a teensy bit of sap, but Brad and I made sure to squash that train of thought before it got anywhere. This isn't supposed to really be a sappy fic, but that stuff kept worming it's way into the story.

And please excuse me if this is pathetically and unimaginatively written lemon-wise. Smut is kinda difficult to write sometimes, you know? <_<;;; Anyway... Happy Valentine's day everyone, and please enjoy reading. ^_^

Disclaimer: These bishounen do not belong to me. *sobs* They belong to Takehito Koyasu *swoons* and Project Weiss and whoever owns them that I didn't list here. Speaking of which, I'm sure someone has written something similar to this (like someone hasn't conceived this idea). I don't plagiarize fics. I didn't copy this from someone else's work, so if it looks similar, don't email me with a 'You %#^%$&%*-ing copycat' message or something.



<Schuldig speaking in people's minds>


*** *** *** Time elapse and/or scene change

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Weekend Away

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"Here's the number of where we will be if you need to call, because I doubt you'll be able to reach Schuldig via telepathy and the hotel number will be in case you can't reach me on the cell phone," Brad handed the fifteen year old telekinetic a slip of paper, "I take it you know the house rules?"

Nagi rolled his eyes, "No parties, no Omi, no sex, no fun...don't stay up too late, do my homework, keep an eye on Farfarello, make sure his cell is properly locked at night, don't answer the door, don't answer the phone..."

Nagi would have continued but then he would have gotten even more sarcastic, something Brad hated for the boy to act like. He pocketed his hands in his jeans and looked up at the American expectantly, waiting for the man to continue his lecture.

"We'll be back on Sunday," Brad told Nagi, "If I have any visions of you breaking the rules or if I come home to a disaster, your ass will be grass young man."

"I know how to follow the rules," Nagi said, in calm tone of voice.

Brad nodded, "Yes, I know. If I didn't trust you...well...let's just say you'd be in a very deep sleep right now that would last for the next couple days."

Nagi scowled. Of course Brad would break his own rules of not letting anyone overdose on sleeping meds, that was kept in stock in their household. Nagi didn't doubt that the older man would do that to him and Farfarello, just so he could have a peaceful and stress-free weekend away with his bitch.

The telepath glared at Nagi upon hearing the boy's thoughts, <I'd watch who you're calling a bitch, because it certainly isn't me.>

Nagi scowled again.

"Let's go," Schuldig pulled on Brad's arm, "I think you've properly instructed him Mr. Drill Sergeant."

<Nagi I swear to god that if you do anything to break Brad's trust that results in no more weekends with just me and him going out, I will kill you slowly and painfully.>


<I'm not joking. You will die.>

>Just grab Brad and go okay?! He's been lecturing this to me for the past twenty minutes!! I don't need your death threats to top it off!<

"Braaaad," Schuldig tugged persistently on the American's arm, "Let's get going."

Brad ignored the German's whining, his gaze focused on the teenager, "Okay...you have the phone numbers, you know the house rules...but there's probably something I'm forgetting. Oh yes, brush your teeth before you go to bed. Make sure the chores--"

"God dammit!!" Schuldig grabbed a hold of Brad's tie and dragged the man with him out the door.

"Have a nice Valentine's Day weekend you two," Nagi called after them in a monotone sort of tone of voice.

The German kept his deathgrip on the American's tie until they reached the car.

"Don't you think you're just a little over-excited?" Brad asked, re-adjusting his tie and getting in the car.

"Don't you think that you're just a little over-paranoid that something bad is going to happen while we're gone?" Schuldig asked, as he too got in the car.

"I'm not paranoid. I'm just cautious," Brad grumbled, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.

"You're going to give that kid a breakdown..."

"Just as long as he doesn't do that to me first," Brad said.

"We're supposed to be relaxing this weekend, not wondering if the home we come back to will be a pile of rubble," Schuldig told the American, running his hand up Brad's thigh, "So calm down or do you want me to make you relax?"

"Depends on the method you'd use to do that."

Schuldig chuckled a little darkly, "How about an early performance of what is yet to happen tonight?"

"I'm driving," Brad reminded the younger man.

"So? Keep yourself focused on the road, and I'll do all the work. All you have to do is come for me," Schuldig smirked at the dark-haired man, his fingers persistently working on the button and zipper of Brad's pants.

"Fine," Brad answered,

Not that he really had much desire to fight off the redhead until they got to where they were going. It would be quite a drive until they got to their destination. Sure they could always have good times in the location of their bedroom, sometimes the living room, and even a few times in the kitchen. Once in awhile though, one of them would suggest spending a few days in a hotel room to themselves. Brad was sure it also so that he wouldn't be able distract himself away from the redhead with the excuse of 'work'.

"How long until we get there?" Schuldig asked, his fingers tracing along Brad's stiffening erection.

"We're in the car not even ten minutes, and you're asking me that?"

"Hey, if I had powers of knowing the future, I wouldn't have asked," Schuldig replied.

"We'll get there soon enough. Don't be impatient," Brad told him.

"I'll have to keep myself distracted so time will pass by quickly," Schuldig smirked at the older man.

"You won't have much fun tonight if you wear me out before we even get there," Brad said.

"Oh, that's right...I forgot to pack the old man some Viagra to make him last the entire weekend," Schuldig chuckled.

Brad scowled, which was soon replaced by a gasp of pleasure as Schuldig's hand was replaced by his mouth. Aside from various rooms in the Schwarz residence, the two had also shared intimate moments in the car. However, most of the time they didn't take place when the car was in motion.

The American found himself going between concentrating on the road and responding to Schuldig's actions. It wasn't so much as that he couldn't do both, but more so that he wanted to pull off on the side of the road, wait until Schuldig was finished and then screw the German right there. That, however, would put them behind schedule and as much as Brad enjoyed such a pleasurable idea, the reason why they were even in the car was so they could take turns screwing each other in a hotel room all weekend long while being away from Schwarz and work.

His breath hitched in his throat and he grabbed a fistful of thick sunset-colored hair. The German had a way of knowing what movements and touches pleasured Brad most. They'd been together sexually for a few years, yet in love for quite a shorter time than that. There was no reason that either of them would not know where to touch, how fast, and when to touch.

Schuldig knew it was only a little more time before Brad came. He sat up a little but was almost immediately pushed back down, causing Brad to be deeper in his throat than before. Had he not had the talent for this sort of thing, he might've choked in surprise. He re-adjusted his position ever so slightly so that he could still manage to breathe while pleasuring the older man.

His tongue moved along the length, eliciting a moan from Brad. He was careful to keep his teeth from scraping too rough against the hard yet sensitive flesh. The combination of sucking and licking, eventually sent Brad over the edge. There was a soft cry from the American, and rush of fluids that Schuldig swallowed. The redhead licked a little bit more at the softening length before sitting up and running his fingers along his lips.

"Now how many times do you see me doing that before we get there?" Schuldig asked, grinning.

"I'll let you decide on that, rather than give you a number," Brad answered, glancing at the redhead.

"Hm...why don't you pull over, you let me drive, and you can do the same to me?" Schuldig suggested.

"I do want to get to the hotel in one piece, you know," Brad said, "You have a one-track mind and would forget that you were supposed to be driving."

"You never give me the chance, you'll never know."

"I don't need to give you a chance. I know already," Brad replied.

"Of course you would," Schuldig grumbled, shifting uncomfortably at the straining in his pants.

Brad took note of this, and keeping his attention on the road, moved his hand over to where Schuldig was. The German gasped slightly.

"I can't exactly go down on you, for obvious reasons, but I can at least give you a hand job..." Brad told the redhead.

Schuldig chuckled, loosening his pants so that Brad could easier move his hand to the German's already very stiff erection.

"This should count as keeping you occupied so time passes quickly," Brad told him.

"...Yes," Schuldig answered with a soft moan, "It seems we were both impatient today."

*** *** ***

The hotel room was a suite. Nice and large, nice and expensive. Just the way the both of them liked it. It had taken a few of these outings for Brad to realize that Schuldig was indeed worth every yen spent on an expensive hotel suite, rather than a cheap motel room. Little by little, they were switching from just an available body to fuck to an actual relationship. In a way, each man had to admit they liked it better this way, though they would never voice it or point out the subtle changes.

That was just how they were, each accepting of that.

Schuldig let his bag drop to the ground and ran over to where the king size bed was and jumping on it. Brad, however, set his bag down next to Schuldig's as he looked around the room.

There was a small table set off to the side, with two chairs and appropriately sized for two people to eat at. Further in the room sat two plush armchairs and a matching couch all set around a small end table. On a stand, sat a television which was faced across from the couch. Beyond that was two glass doors which lead to a long narrow balcony.

Brad gave a second glance around the room before walking towards the doorway which lead to the room that he'd seen Schuldig run into. This room was a bit smaller though. To his side was the king-sized bed which on both sides of it sat small nightstands. There was long dresser that was across from the doorway, on it sat a small television which faced the bed. To his other side there were two more glass doors which led to the same balcony as the main room had.

"I think it's nice," Schuldig spoke up, from where he lay on the bed watching Brad look around the room.

Brad nodded in agreement, approaching the bed and sitting on the edge, "Glad you approve."

Schuldig opened the small drawer on one of the nightstands, producing a television remote, "Probably has as much cable channels as we do."

Brad snatched the remote from him and tossed it aside, then pushed Schuldig into the soft mattress, pressing his body against the younger man, "We didn't come here to sit around and watch TV all day."

Schuldig smirked, leaning forward and pressing his lips against Brad's. His hand reached up to run through Brad's dark hair, then settling on the back of the man's neck pulling him down harder into the kiss. He felt Brad's tongue run along his lips, and he let his mouth open a bit their tongues swirling in an almost sort of dance.

Brad broke the kiss, so that the both of them could catch their breaths. He kissed along the German's jaw line, stopping to lick and playfully nip at Schuldig's ear. He heard the younger man laugh a little and felt him squirm against the sensations. He nuzzled his face in soft thick sunset colored hair, breathing in the faint smell of the shampoo that the redhead used.

Schuldig ran his hand down Brad's back, slipping his hand under the material of the American's shirt and letting his fingertips grace the soft skin. Brad sat up, loosening and removing his tie, and questioning himself why he even wore it in the first place. Out of habit, he supposed. Schuldig's hands now worked to unbutton Brad's shirt, and he grabbed the material, pulling Brad down for another kiss.

Schuldig arched his back, making it easier for Brad to slip off the redhead's shirt. He tossed that and his own shirt aside. He kissed Schuldig's neck, sucking and nibbling on the skin a little bit, then sat up suddenly, a look of irritation on his face.

"What is it?" Schuldig asked.

"I'm going to kill him," Brad said, shaking his head, moving off of the bed.

"Who?" Schuldig blinked, "Hey where you going?"

At that moment, he heard the faint sound of Brad's cell phone ringing, and watched as the American left to go answer it. The redhead scurried out of the bed and followed his lover, pausing in the doorway between the bedroom and main room. Brad had already answered with phone with nothing even remotely like a 'hello'.

"What part of 'do not answer the phone' did you not understand?" Brad asked irritably while talking on the phone.

"It was an accident!" Nagi answered from the other end, "It's not every day that you tell me to ignore the phone, I only answered it by habit. Anyway, our newest employer called and--"

"I know that he called, and I know that he wants me to return the call. But for once, I'm busy with...with other things."

Schuldig's arms wrapped around Brad's waist pulling the older man backwards and into Schuldig's embrace. The German kissed Brad's shoulder and the back of his neck, while his hands unbuttoned and wormed their way down the front of the American's pants.

"I can handle it," Nagi offered, "I mean, how hard is it to negotiate a job?"

"You don't have enough experience with handling it all," Brad said, a small gasp escaping his lips at the sensations Schuldig's hands were causing.

"Oh god...I interrupted you two?" Nagi asked.

"Y-yes," Brad jumped slightly, as Schuldig pressed himself against the older man, "Schuldig stop. I'm on the phone."

"Just tell the kid he's grounded and get off," Schuldig said, "...the phone I mean. Get off the phone, Brad."

Brad heard the other line click signaling that Nagi had already hung up the phone. He grumbled and shut his phone off, tossing it on one of the plush armchairs, "I'm going to kill that kid when we get back home."

"Me too," Schuldig agreed, leaning against Brad, his hands stopping from working the older man off, "Hmm...let's order some food from room service."

"What?" Brad asked, catching both of Schuldig's wrists as the redhead's hands left his pants.

"Food. You know, like, I'm hungry?"

Brad sighed, releasing his hold on the German's wrists, "What brought this on?"

"I haven't eaten today," Schuldig answered, "We'll continue after we eat dinner, I promise."

"Fine, fine," Brad re-buttoned his pants, and left to go fetch his shirt from the bedroom, "Why don't we just eat at the restaurant downstairs?"


Brad retrieved his shirt and stood in the doorway between the two rooms, "Because?"

But Schuldig only smirked at him and didn't answer. Brad raised an eyebrow, then shook his head. On second thought, with the expression that the German wore, maybe he didn't want to know after all. He slipped his shirt on and headed for the bathroom.

"Hey! You'd better not do anything in there, if you know what I mean."

"No promises," Brad said, before closing the door.

Schuldig scowled then went to go find the menu that listed the different foods for room service. He found it near the television in the main room. Sitting down on the couch, he skimmed over the menu. A thin eyebrow arched at the sight of some of the prices listed, but then again, he didn't recall being the one paying for this little time away from the Schwarz residence.

Brad came out of the bathroom, moving to one of the armchairs and retrieving his cell phone that he'd tossed there earlier. He set it on the end table then walked over to the couch and sat down next to the redhead.

"What do you want?" Schuldig asked.

"You," Brad leaned over to nip at Schuldig's ear.

The redhead smacked him playfully with the menu, "I meant for dinner."

"Still you."

"Braaad," Schuldig squirmed at sensations that the American's hands, lips, and tongue were making on his body.

"Oh you mean food-wise," Brad straightened up and grabbed the menu from Schuldig, glanced over it and handed it back to the redhead, "I don't know. Surprise me."

"You're very difficult to surprise," Schuldig told him.

"True. Give it a shot anyway," Brad said, his arms wrapping around Schuldig's torso and bringing the younger man closer to him.

"Maybe we should just tell them to bring up one of everything on the menu," Schuldig suggested, shifting his position to lay comfortable against Brad.

"Are you kidding? That would cost a fortune."

"Not with the aid of telepathy, it won't. They won't remember bringing the food up to us, let alone remembering to charge it," Schuldig smirked.

Brad shook his head, "You're so childish. We're not here to stir up trouble for the hotel."

"But it would fun."

"For you, maybe."

"Fine, fine...I think I know what to get us anyway," Schuldig squirmed out of Brad's grip and headed for the telephone.

Brad sighed, laying down on the couch, "You're right...you're so predictable, but with good tastes."

"If I didn't have good tastes, I'd be with someone else," Schuldig replied.

"I know."

*** *** ***

Brad watched as Schuldig ate a spoonful of the ice cream, "I thought you said after dinner, we'd resume?"

"Dinner comes with dessert, you know?" Schuldig answered, taking another spoonful.

"Yes. And I'm looking at him. I want my dessert."

"Quit your pouting. Here try this," he offered a spoonful of the strawberry ice cream to Brad.

"I don't want any," Brad ran his finger idly along the edge of his empty plate.

"It's good. You'll like it."

Brad sighed, letting the German feed him the spoonful of ice cream. It was good, but he knew what was better. He still wanted his dessert. He reached over, picking up a glass and took a sip of the wine that Schuldig had also ordered to go with dinner. Maybe if he got the German drunk, then that would hurry things along. No, he thought, Schuldig liked to remember having sex with Brad and not having it have been a blur when he woke up the next morning.

"You didn't say whether you liked it or not," Schuldig said, interrupting his thoughts.

"It was good."

Schuldig nodded, setting down the spoon, then running his finger on the scoop of ice cream, then licking it off his finger. He glanced over at Brad, to see that he'd gained the older man's full attention.

"So then how would you like to lick it off my body?"

Brad raised an eyebrow, and appealing thought, however, "The sugar from it would make you all sticky, even if I did lick it off."

"So I take a bath afterwards or in the morning. Big deal," Schuldig waved dismissively at him, "We can both take a bath afterwards, ne?"

Brad stood from his seat at the table. Finishing off his glass of wine, he tugged gently on the German's soft hair, before heading to the bedroom, "Don't forget the ice cream then."

Schuldig grinned, picking up the glass cup that the ice cream was served in, and followed Brad to the bedroom. Once inside the room, he set it down, got undressed, and flopped down on the bed. He glanced at the American, who'd stayed silent as he undressed and was quietly looking at him.

"...What?" Schuldig asked.

Brad shook his head. In Brad's opinion, the German was absolutely beautiful laying there. His perfect-to-Brad features always caused the American to stare at the redhead's nude body, when he didn't really mean to. Briefly, he wondered if he had any photographs of Schuldig, something he could always have with him. Of course, he'd always have the redhead with him anyway, or so he liked to think so.

Immediately, he pushed those and other thoughts worming their way into his mind away. He would take the moments as they came, and he'd been waiting all day for this moment. He took off his clothes as well, climbed into the bed and straddled the younger man. He leaned down to kiss Schuldig, tasting the sweet flavor of strawberry ice cream on the younger man's lips.

"The ice cream's gonna start melting before we even use it," Schuldig said when the kiss had ended.

The redhead reached over and grabbed the cup, putting some ice cream on his finger, then playfully poking the tip of Brad's nose with it. He leaned up to lick the ice cream off, then grinned at the American.

Brad wiped away that sensation that cold and warm had caused, "Aren't I supposed to be putting it on you, not vice-versa?"

Schuldig grinned again, dipping two fingers in the melting ice cream, then holding them out for Brad to lick. The dark-haired man grabbed ahold of Schuldig's wrist, pulling the younger man's hand closer to his mouth to lick and suck on Schuldig's fingers. Taking the redhead's fingers out of his mouth, he ran his tongue down Schuldig's hand to his wrist. He glanced at emerald-blue eyes watching him with lust, then smirked.

"I know that look," Schuldig said, returning the smirk, "Something good you foresaw? Tell me, what is tonight going to be like?"

"There won't be any interruptions. That much I'll tell," Brad told him, taking off his glasses and setting them safely on the nightstand, "The rest I'll just have to show."

He took the cup of ice cream from Schuldig and dipped his fingers in the cold mixture to pull out a small frozen piece. Schuldig shivered as the cold ice cream was felt against his chest. Brad leaned down to lick off the trail of sweet mixture letting his tongue circle the German's nipple. He sucked at it softly before gently nipping at it. The redhead squirmed as another small piece of ice cream was put against his other nipple and Brad once again licked and nipped at it as he did the first.

The dark-haired man spooned some of melted and now-liquid part of the ice cream from the bottom of the cup. Then he let it drip from the spoon, a line from Schuldig's chest to his stomach. Schuldig's back arched at the sensation of the cold sugary mixture. Brad's tongue ran along the toned muscles of the redhead's chest and stomach as he licked up the strawberry ice cream. The American scooted further down Schuldig's body, parting the man's legs and setting himself in-between them.

"Done playing with food already?" Schuldig asked, smirking, as Brad set the ice cream cup on the nightstand next to his glasses.

"I didn't like strawberry that much after all," Brad replied, leaning down to lick the German's stiff erection.

Schuldig gasped, squirming at the wonderful sensations that Brad's tongue caused. Brad licked along the length again, before letting his tongue encircle the tip, licking at the precum already dripping out. He sucked at the head before letting the entire length deeper in his mouth.

Schuldig let out a moan, slightly bucking upward. Brad pressed his hands against Schuldig's hips to keep the younger man still while he sucked and ran his tongue against the erection in his mouth. The increasing pressure and throaty moans signaled Brad that Schuldig would come soon. He sat up, releasing Schuldig, much to the younger man not liking that.

"Geh...I hate when you do that," Schuldig growled.

Brad ignored him, reaching over to grab the younger man's discarded pants on the floor beside the bed. His hands searched the pockets for the small tube of lubricant, seeing as he had no desire to use the ice cream for that sort of thing.

"Left pocket," the German offered, knowing what his lover was looking for.

As soon as the American found it, Schuldig snatched it from him, grabbed ahold of the older man, hooking his leg over the man's body and rolled them both over so he lay atop of Brad. He kissed the American's lips, and ran his tongue along his chin to lick and nip at the skin and kissed along Brad's jaw line.

"Come on Brad, how much do you want me?" Schuldig whispered in the man's ear in a sultry seductive voice.

Brad chuckled at the slight tickling sensation that Schuldig's breath caused. He leaned upwards to kiss the redhead while running his hands down Schuldig's back, and caressing the soft flesh of the German's buttocks. Schuldig allowed the American to roll them both, so that he once again lay on the bottom as originally before.

The younger man opened the tube of lubricant that was in his hand, squeezing some of the contents onto his hand and briskly rubbed his palms together. then placed his hands on Brad's hardened erection, rubbing the slick lubricant on liberally. Brad moaned slightly at the sensations that the younger man's hands caused on his firm sensitive member. The redhead laid down on the mattress, his sunset colored hair spilling on the pillow underneath. He shifted a little, letting Brad's hands run along his legs and spread them apart.

The American positioned himself against Schuldig's entrance, then slowly pushed in. Schuldig's hands gripped onto Brad's shoulders as the older man pulled out slightly and thrust back in, although this time a little quicker and deeper inside the German. The redhead moaned softly, his fingertips raking against the skin of Brad's upper back.

The dark-haired man's thrusts continued to quicken, and Schuldig found his body moving in time with Brad's and a pressure welling up inside threatening to explode any moment. He let his eyes slide closed as their bodies moved in a quick rhythm. Brad found and thrust against the sensitive and pleasurable spot within Schuldig's body, smiling slightly as Schuldig gave a sharp cry of release. Warm semen spilled against their skin and Brad found himself climaxing soon afterwards, a breathy moan escaping his lips.

Brad let himself collapse on top of the German, their sweat-slicked bodies pressed against each other. He rested his head against Schuldig's chest, listening as both Schuldig's heartbeat and breath slowly returned to normal. The younger man ran his fingers through Brad's dark slightly sweaty hair. Brad let out a sigh, closing his eyes to rest awhile before he knew the both of them would get up out of the bed a little later.

*** *** ***

Schuldig let the warm water drip between his fingers, and he glanced at the older man leaning against the bathroom counter, dressed in a pair of gray sweats and watching him.

The redhead smirked, "I believe you're a little over-dressed for the situation. You coming in?"

Brad shook his head, crossing his arms across his bare chest, "You and I both know that two grown men can't fit in that bathtub."

"Hmpf, I suggest the next hotel we're at that you make sure they have a Jacuzzi in the bathroom," Schuldig answered.

Brad nodded, "Any other requests you have while we're at it?"

"Get me some more ice cream?"

Brad sighed and shook his head, a smile almost appearing on his face.

"I have a sweet tooth," Schuldig explained, grinning at him.

Brad dug a hand in his pocket, and pulled out a small box, handing it to the German, "You think this will do?"

"Maybe..." Schuldig said opening the small box to reveal chocolate candies. He took a piece out, "Want a bite?"

He stuck part of the candy in his mouth, and motioned for Brad to come closer. He grabbed the back of the American's neck and pulled him in closer for a kiss, letting Brad bite off a piece of the chocolate.

<Happy Valentine's Day, Brad.>

<Aa, and the same to you.>

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Author's Notes: Meh....not one of my best fics, but whatever... ^^;; Reviews, anyone?