Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Weiss Jedi ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Weiss Jedi

Episode 0: Prologue

A WK fanfic

By: Andrea Readwolf <andrea_readwolf @hotmail.com>

& Mari-chan <truescifigal @yahoo.com>

Rating: PG/NC-17

Pairings: to be established at a later episode

Warnings: AU, cross-over, child trauma?

Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz, the characters belonging to it, or anything the else associated with Weiss Kreuz; STAR WARS and the STAR WARS universe is property of George Lucas and company. The authors of this story, in fact, own nothing but the actual idea concept and the act of writing this story.

Weiss Jedi

Episode 0: Prologue "The Beginning"

~:::A Conference Room Outside the Jedi Council:::~

"Ah, young Fujimia. Thank you for coming so quickly. Do you know why I have asked you here?"

"No, Master," the seventeen-year-old redhead answered, respectfully keeping his eyes averted from the Jedi Master before him.

"No idea at all? Ah, well, I need your help, young Jedi Knight." The Master pressed a remote button and a hologram materialized even as the lights in the room dimmed. "This is WRX-39J, a planet in the Zantori system.

"There is a great disturbance in the Force, Ran, and it originates from this planet."

Aya looked at the hologram closely. There were so many different planets in the universe, this seemed like any other one to him. Still, if it was true... if the disturbance he had been feeling for the last two months originated from this one planet....

"I would like you to travel there, Ran, find the source of this disturbance, and than report back to the Council on what you find."

"I understand, Master," Aya replied with another bow.

"Go quickly, my child, and return safely to us."


"So you're just gonna go flying off to some planet over in the Zantori system?" Yohji commented as he twirled a glass ball filled golden mist between his fingers.

"Yep." Aya dropped a few outfits into a duffle bag.

"Sounds pretty boring." Yohji was leaning against his bed frame watching the other man through heavy-lidded emerald eyes.

"Maybe." Aya zipped up his duffle bag and then his flight suit.

"Want company?" the fifteen-year-old asked, keeping any tone of inflection form his voice.

Aya smiled and looked back over his shoulder at his roommate, having already packed an extra outfit for the younger Jedi Knight trainee. "Sure."

Yohji snatched his light saber from the nightstand before dashing after Aya. They were halfway to the hanger when they heard the shouting.



"Stupid people don't belong in the Jedi Academy."

"Neither do people who have no compassion," Aya said softly but with authority as he stepped into the small crowd of children surrounding a scrawny brown-haired kid. "Ken, good, I was looking for you."

The other wide-eyed children stared at Aya with a mixture of awe and fear. Everyone knew who the red-haired Jedi was, and no one wanted to anger the man. He looked even more fearsome in his black flight suit.

"Yohji and I are going away on a short trip," Aya continued ignoring the other children completely. "Your presence would be a great asset to our journey."

"Of course, Ran-san," the boy replied, the fear to stay, longing to leave, and desire to please sounding clearly in his young voice.

"Good. Come along then," Aya motioned for the eleven-year-old boy to walk ahead of him, to where Yohji stood several feet away, waiting. And then Aya turned back when he saw the boy and older young man walking towards the shuttlecraft that was to be theirs for this journey.

"Don't you boys have studies you should be attending to?" he said pointedly.

The previous taunters scattered to the four winds, eager to be away from Aya's presence.


Aya and Yohji stepped from the star craft tentatively. Yohji looked around, his light saber close at hand.

"So what are we looking for?" he asked.

Aya looked around. "I'm not sure, but I sense the power that Master Persia spoke of. Whatever it is, it is here."

Yohji turned back to the craft. "Ken, out here now."

Ken stepped forward on the gangplank and stopped. `It smells funny here, Yohji. I don't like it."

Yohji regarded the dark haired apprentice. "You don't smell much better yourself some days, Ken. Front and center, now."

Without another word, Ken moved to stand between Yohji and their leader.

Without warning, the ground below them lurched, throwing all three off their feet.

Aya's gaze flew around again and again until he saw something. "There," he called, jabbing a finger towards a narrow group of trees fifteen meters away.

Standing in the narrow cleaning stood a small lithe figure with whipping hair blowing in a fierce wind that did not exist at the moment.

Yohji was first on his feet, and called to the small figure in the distance. "Hey, we are not going to hurt you. We just want to talk to you."

He was answered not by words, but by an arm moving upwards and the sudden feeling of being lifted off the ground.


"Yohji" Ken cried as he fought to stand.

Aya was back on his feet and running towards the trees, when he hit a wall. He stopped with a thud and a groan. Ken rushed over to help his fallen friend and mentor.


"A little help here?" Yohji yelled from his lofty position.

Aya looked from Yohji back to the trees. The figure had gone, and Yohji fell to the surface with a loud omphf.

Aya and Ken made there way over to Yohji who was standing up and dusting off his robes. "What was that?"

"More like who was that." Aya corrected. "That was a human."

Ken looked at Aya. "No human I have ever heard of has that sort of control." He paused, "Other than the founding father himself."

Aya beamed, as he did whenever he spoke of the great ones. The ones who carried the name of Skywalker.

Aya returned to reality and looked back to the craft. "We'll set up camp for the night and look for the human in the morning."

Yohji nodded and set off back towards the craft.

Night fell quickly, and the craft's wing was soon functioning as the roof support for the tenting that formed the makeshift housing for the three men.

Aya sat on his mat lost in meditation. He had disrobed and was currently wearing the so called under-robing. Yohji lay across from him on his side watching his friend meditate. Ken paced the small space left open and suddenly stopped. Yohji noticed the stopped motion of his friend and looked over to him.


"We're being watched," he said quietly.

"What?" Yohji said standing quickly.

Aya opened his eyes and looked to Ken. "It's the human."

He stood up and walked to the opening. Peering outside he looked around the tree line.

"I don't see him."

"He's there," Ken said.

"Yes," Aya said. "Let him watch us. Maybe he will understand that we do not want to hurt him."

"That is if it is a he," Ken muttered.

The rest of the night passed quietly. Aya noticed that it had rained overnight, however the tent and the craft remained dry. Aya found himself smiling at the display of power. Once the three had eaten rations they set off towards the trees where they had first noticed the human.

Aya led the way, followed by Ken and Yohji bringing up the rear, light saber ready. They moved slowly through the underbrush, cutting away at foliage that could not be moved by hand. After some time Ken noticed a metallic structure in the distance. He pointed it out to Aya who moved towards the opening.

As they got closer, Yohji noticed burn markings on the trees around them.

"Aya, I think that he may be a survivor of a crash. Look at the markings on the trees."

Aya paused to look and nodded back to Yohji. "Let's continue."

Aya walked quickly toward the open space in front of them and broke through the tree line. He stopped in mid step and held up a hand for the others to stop. Ken walked up and stood to the side of Aya. Yohji walked up behind Ken and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Well?" Yohji asked.

Aya surveyed the scene in front of him. The metallic hull of a craft loomed in front of them. The front of the craft was crushed upon itself, buried nose down in the soft dirt. The door was missing, the cockpit window was gone, and the markings of the craft gave no hint of the origin of the flight

"Let's take a look. Ken, stay here."


"Ken, stay," Yohji said moving away with Aya.

Ken huffed and leaned against a tree, watching Aya and Yohji look into the craft. How he wanted to be over there with them. Aya disappeared into the craft followed by Yohji.

Ken, still at the tree, decided that it could not hurt to look around and proceeded to move to the other side of the craft. He walked slowly around the craft and looked at the dirt around the craft and noticed the patterns carved into the dirt. He knelt down and tried to read the writing, but the language was not familiar. Ken was brought back by Yohji's voice calling to him.

"Coming, Yohji," Ken yelled and set off around the craft toward Yohji's voice.

Yohji was standing in the doorway when Ken got there. Yohji stepped aside and motioned him forward.

"Come on, Ken. You may be able to help us."

Ken walked slowly inside, followed by Yohji. Aya stood down at the end of the craft looking at something. He reached up to brush dirt away from a picture frame, and gasped at the picture before him.

"Guys, here," he said.

Yohji and Ken walked over and peered at the dirtied picture. The image of a middle aged man and woman both with blond hair stared back at them. Seated in front was a small child with large blue eyes and blond hair hanging around his face. He wore a smile as large as the room. A small plaque attached to the frame read:

Phoenix Nova Research Colony

Mission 2501: WRX-39J

Misa Takatori

Hikaru Tatatori

Mamoru "Omi" Takatori.

Aya looked to both Ken and Yohji. "Well, at least we know his name and how he got here."

"Yes…" Yohji said as a creaking of metal was heard and the three turned to the noise.

Standing in the doorway with his jaw slightly open stood the now slightly older and dirtied form of Mamoru Takatori. The four stood in silence staring at each other, until Mamoru broke his gaze and tried to run. Instantaneously, the three lifted hands and brought the young boy to a standstill, lifting him off the ground just enough to stop the movement.

Mamoru fought against the bonds of air and struggled to get free. Speaking in a language that none of the others recognized.

"To mar net sho reme.!" The youngster cried. "Po oni mos ta."

Ken looked to Aya. "He said let me go."

Yohji looked at Ken in amazement. "You understand him?"


Aya pushed Ken forward. "Talk to him."

Ken walked to the floating form and looked up into the large blue eyes. "Co u Ken Hidaka. No ma cho e pu cu tu."

"What did you say?" Yohji asked.

"I told him I was Ken Hidaka, and that we were not going to hurt him."

"Ask him if he speaks our language." Aya said.

Ken once again looked to the child held by the air. "Do you speak our language?"

Yohji groaned. "Ken, in his language."

He was about to give an answer when the boy spoke, very clearly.

"Of course I speak your language. I am fluent in several tongues. Let me down."

Aya stepped forward. "Not until you promise not to run."

Mamoru paused for a moment and then nodded.

Aya released the air bond and brought the child back down to the ground. Mamoru sank to his knees and began to sob. Ken knelt beside him, looking to Aya for a suggestion of what to do next. Aya and Yohji looked at each other, quite at a loss for words.

Ken looked at the youth in front of him. "We are here to help you, Mamoru. That is your name, right?"

"Yes, but people call me Omi," he said.

Ken smiled "How did you get the name Omi?" he asked trying to make conversation.

Omi looked up at him. "My mother used to find me exploring and I usually came back covered with dirt. She would say `Oh My'. It just sort of stuck."

Ken smiled and stood up. "That's cool. Better than my nickname, Spud."

Omi found himself smiling as Ken helped him to his feet.

"We have a craft waiting on the other side of the forest. We are here to take you back with us," Aya said.

"Back to where."

"To our space shuttle and then to Curasant," Aya continued.

Omi paused for a moment "You're Jedi knights, aren't you?"

Yohji spoke for them "Aya, here, is, Ken and I are still in training."

"I have no reason to remain. Let me get a few things."

"Take your time," Aya said.

Omi waved his hands and three items floated out of the ship; one, the picture of his family, next a very worn copy of a book, and finally a large black stuffed cat. The items moved over to where Omi stood and he casually pulled them out of the air.

Ken watched as the ratted black cat sank into Omi's outstretched arms and blinked.

"What is that?" he asked.

"Bombay, my cat."

Ken smiled. "I won't say anything."

Yohji looked to Ken. "No you won't, not with that shelf full in your room."

Ken blushed and turned away.


About an hour later and several wrong turns the four returned to the makeshift housing. Aya looked to the sky and decided that they would take off the next day.

Yohji turned to Omi and thanked him for keeping them dry the previous night.

Omi smiled "I didn't think your tent would stand up to one of this planet's rainstorms."

"Just out of interest, how did you do it?"

Omi looked up at the sky and around them. "I asked her not to rain on you."

"Who?" Aya asked.

Omi looked to him "The lady. She has provided for me while I have been here."

"Like the force."

"I guess."

Yohji smiled and followed Omi into the tent. Aya pointed to an empty space and turned to look for an extra bed mat. When he turned back to the others, Omi had asked `her' to rearrange the tent to be twice as big and to have tree limbs bend to create a better roof.

"Wow," Ken said, clearly impressed. "Can I meet her?"

Morning broke clear and purple. Aya walked from the tent and stretched. He looked around to find Omi standing in the clearing talking to no one. He watched for a moment and then stepped into the clearing and placed a hand on Omi's shoulder.

Omi did not turn to face Aya instead he continued to looked forward and spoke. "She is happy that you are taking me home with you. She says that this is no planet for a parentless child."

Aya looked forward, trying to imagine the woman, when the woman appeared. He gasped slightly and regained himself. Standing before them stood a transparent figure of an older woman, dressed in flowing layers of nature's colors. Her hair fanned around her and her face revealed sad eyes. She looked from Omi to Aya and Aya heard words in his mind.

`My brave Jedi, I turn the well being of this child to you. Take him from this planet and raise him how you see fit, for he is special, and one of a kind.'

Her eyes fell to Omi, and she floated down to his level. Her wispy arms moved to encircle the youth and hold him once more. `Fair well, Mamoru, You have brought more happiness to my heart, than I have brought comfort to you. I will never forget you, my dear Omi.' Her arms withdrew from around him and she straightened herself up to her full height, towering over the canopy of trees. She lingered for a moment and then disappeared.

"That was her?" Aya asked quietly although he already knew the answer.

Omi nodded. "Yes. Let's go."

Aya turned and looked back to the ship where Ken and Yohji were waiting, the ship already packed.

Once strapped in and ready, the small craft powered up and lifted up from the ground. Turning in mid-air they moved into the upper atmosphere; leaving the planet behind them.

Omi looked back once and then never looked back again.


"And you found only the boy?" Master Manx said wonderingly.

"That is correct, Master," Aya answered from the center of the Jedi Council.

It wasn't the full council, thankfully. Only half of the Jedi Council members were present in the large room. There was Master Persia, Aya's Master's Master, and Persia's mate, Master Manx. Master Shingure, Yohji's grand-Master, was sitting on a large cushion, smiling as he so often did. There sat Senator Sanzo, and next to him was the Head of the Galactic Intelligence, Dory Catalonia. On the other side of Catalonia were Senator Winner and Jedi Master Chang; still an impressive audience for Aya's report.

"Is he a danger to others?" Senator Sanzo demanded.

"As he is now," Yohji answered tentatively, "yes, I believe he is. The boy possesses a great power that, untrained, is a danger to others and himself."

"He was alone on the planet for a long time," Aya continued. "I believe he was somehow capable of... tuning into the planet's energies and using them as his own. I believe he did so untrained and unaware of the consequences that have ensued. I also believe it is essential that he is trained, that he be able to control his gift."

"The boy was hostile to others, this is correct?" Senator Winner said calmly from his perch. "To everyone, in fact, save the three who have brought him here."

Aya and Yohji shared a brief look. "That observation would seem to be correct, Senator," Aya answered carefully.

"Because, I agree," Winner sang on, "that the young one should be taught--control of one's gift is an important tool--but I also believe that ones who have nursed him should continue his training." And with this, Senator Winner eyed both boys meaningfully.

"Power such as this boy has demonstrated can be both a gift and a curse," Master Shigure said suddenly. "I also believe the boy should be trained, and by Jedi Knight Ran and Jedi Apprentice Yohji."

"It is unreasonable to have an apprentice training another apprentice," Master Chang barked.

But Master Shingure continued to smile. "The Jedi Apprentice you speak of is destined to be a Jedi Knight before the next moon's journey is complete."

Yohji stirred with surprise, but quickly mastered his emotions and expressions.

"Well," Catalonia started up. "If this kid's as powerful as you seem to think he is, maybe you should wipe the kid's memory of being king of his universe and start from scratch." The tall blonde woman sat erect in her chair as if it were a throne.

"Absolutely not!" screeched Master Manx. "It is completely unethical!"

"Is it unethical if it might save the kid's life?" Catalonia returned.

"I don't see how stealing the boy's memories and sense of self could possibly save his life!" Master Manx spat back.

"Perhaps," Senator Winner sang up, imposing his calm voice on the others. "Master Manx, if the child has lived alone for any such time as if he were to be frightened or intimidated by others, could he not strike out against them unwittingly?"

Master Manx's fur was raised but she refused to say anything.

"Then what if," Master Chang spoke up again, "not a memory wipe as such as if he were a droid, but a memory block?"

"Then," Master Shigure continued, "when the child is ready to remember, when he is mature enough, perhaps? He will regain his memories."

In the center of the room, Aya and Yohji held their tongues, but it wasn't destined to last.

"And what do you think?" the voice that had remained silent until then spoke up as Master Persia's tail waved in the air behind him. "Ran? Yohji? You have spent time with the boy longer than anyone here. Do you feel what they suggest is right? Do you feel it will help the boy more than hurt him? Tell us?"

Once again Aya and Yohji looked at each other from the center of the council room. Finally, Aya found his voice.

"Master Persia, as much as it grieves me to say, yes, I do believe the boy will benefit more than he will lose, and if what Master Chang and Master Shigure say is true, the boy's lose loss will be temporary."

"Master Persia, I agree," Yohji spoke up beside Aya. "If he is allowed to remain in his present state of mind, I fear what may happen."

And as if to reinforce the young man's words, a comm unit purred for Master Persia's attention.

<Master!> the frantic voice sounded through the speaker. <There's been a.... an accident... with the new boy who arrived this morning. It seems he... well, he's managed to cause a good chunk of the dormitories to vanish, sir!>

"Are there any casualties, Ferio?" Master Manx asked.

<Nothing that some laundry can't cure> Ferio replied with underlying mirth.

"I see," Master Persia returned, smiling now, too. "Perhaps you could persuade the boy to replace the room before I arrive?"

<Ken is trying to now, sir>


The present members of the council looked at one another before coming to silent consensus.

"Ran, Yohji, will you accompany me to the dormitories?" Master Persia asked as several people left the room.

"Of course, Master," both men answered with a bow.

When they arrived at the dorms, they were slightly surprised at what they found. Yes, the corridor was still intact, but a large crack down the wall showed signs of giving way. The three men stepped inside to stop in their tracks and look with open mouths. One side was empty with the exception of Jedi Knight Ferio who stood calmly before the crack in the wall and down onto the floor. At the other side stood Ken and the boy.

"Can you put the room back now?" Ken asked sounding somewhere in between nervous and scared.

"Those others were not nice. I didn't like 'em."

"Unfortunately, some people aren't nice, kid," Yohji called out when they were close enough.

The boy's attention turned immediately. "Yohji," was all he said before he was at the said boy's side, clutching a handful of the older blond's tunic.

"So, what happened, Mamoru?" Yohji asked, kneeling down to be level with Omi's large eyes.

Omi looked up and Yohji thought he saw traces of tears. "I don't know. I was here with Ken, we were unpacking my things, and then poof."

"Poof?" Yohji repeated. "What?"

Omi looked to the floor and opened his mouth to speak, but Ken spoke up before he could.

"It was really cool," Ken said, with enthusiasm, "A bright light surrounded him and then began to grow outward. It engulfed me and I thought I was a goner, but then it passed me and kept going, and I thought I would burn right up, but I didn't..."

"Ken," Aya spoke loudly, cutting the boy off. "Focus."

Ken suddenly smiled. "Oh yeah," he said placing his hand behind his head. "The energy pushed everything away including the other kids that had been making fun of us."

Yohji looked up at Omi. "Were the other kids making fun of you, Omi?"

Omi nodded.

"Can you show me who it was?"

As Omi looked up several kids stuck behind upturned beds and furniture gasped. Omi pointed a small finger and one by one the perpetrators of the incident, were lifted and brought forward.

Master Persia pulled an intake of breath and let it out as a loud purr as Omi placed the final child down.

Aya walked past Yohji and over to the five who had caused the impromptu rearranging of the dorms.

"Explain yourselves."

The largest of the children attempted a brave face in front of Aya, but that soon failed him as he began to tremble under the stern violet gaze.

"Um, well, we thought we would have some fun with spud and the new kid."

"Did you now." Aya spoke. "And?"


"That's enough." Master Persia said. "The five of you will rearrange this dorm without use of force. Knight Ferio will keep watch and report to me when this has been completed. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," five small voices whispered.

Persia looked to Omi and Ken. "Boys, you will you both join with us." He motioned to Aya and Yohji.

The five left the room and headed down a corridor to the guest quarters wing. Once at the end of the corridor, Persia opened the door and let the other inside before entering the room and locking it behind them.

"Omi, sit down." He said.

Omi looked around, he had a choice of the large bed or a sofa. He chose to sit at the end of the bed. Aya and Yohji sat on the sofa facing him, while Ken sat next to Omi.

Master Persia paced the length of the suite while the others waited. After a few silent moments save for the five different breathing patterns, he stopped and looked to Omi. He crossed over to where the young boy sat and sat down on his hind paws.

"Omi, we have decided that in order for you to become well again and to allow us to properly help you, we are going to perform a mind block on you."

He watched as Omi's face paled. "Won't I lose my memories?" he said with a frightened tone.

"There is nothing to be afraid off of, your memories will not be gone, instead they will be filed away until a time when your body and spirit can handle them. Aya and Yohji and Ken will be here with you and they will help you with your training; that way what happened today in the dorm will not happen again. Do you understand?"

Omi nodded "As long as I don't forget my parents."

Master Persia nodded with a smile, "I would not allow that to happen, you have their picture and they are a part of you."

"Okay, do it," Omi answered in a voice that seemed older and wiser than his years.

Persia motioned to the other three and positioned them around the large bed. He them looked to Omi and instructed him to lay back in the center of the bed.

Omi settled down onto the plush pillow and sank into it. He made a fuss of pulling his oversized robes out from under him and smoothing them down the length of his legs.

"Ready?" Persia asked once Omi had stopped moving around.

Aya smiled at Yohji who held a laugh in. This was the most relaxed Omi had been since they had found him.

Omi exhaled loudly, and closed his eyes. "Ready."

"I am going to place you into a relaxing trance, when you wake up, you will feel as though you have been in a deep sleep." Persia said from the side of the bed. He lifted his hand and passed it over the boy's form chanting so quietly, that the other could not hear the words. On the mattress, Omi began to fall asleep.

Persia used the Force to help the boy fall asleep quickly and easily, and then he sat down to work.

"No, stay," he told the three Jedi when they made to leave the room. "The boy has already bonded to you three, so onto you I place his future."

Uneasy with this new responsibility, Aya, Yohji, and Ken sat with Persia and the boy from the planet long into the hours of the next day. As twilight fell once more upon the city the four Jedi left the room, exhausted. In one sense, their work was finished; in another, it was just beginning.

When the boy woke the next morning, sunlight was streaming into the window by his bed side, illuminating a letter lying on the bedside table. He tore it open with a strange excitement.

:::Good morning, Omi Tsukiono,

And welcome to the Jedi Academy. I trust you will enjoy your stay with us, learning many new and wonderful things. I am placing you under the care and tutelage of two extraordinary students of mine who I feel will enhance your journey as a Jedi.

Ran Fujimia and Yohji Kudo are already working with one student, Ken Hideka, whom I believe you met yesterday upon your arrival. You will travel with them to the New Jedi Academy aboard The Solo-Skywalker. There you will become a Jedi.

Your guardian,

Master Shuichi Persia

PostScript: If you have any questions, please harbor no hesitation to ask your new instructors or myself. :::

Omi placed the letter down on the table and stood up slowly. He was still in the guest quarters, and still dressed in his oversized robes. He walked to the window and peered out into open space. He had no idea what waited for him in the future, but he was looking forward to being a Jedi Knight.

His parents would've be so proud.

/WeiB Jedi Prologue