Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome, You've Got Mail ❯ The Message ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Weiss Kreuz, Schwarz, or Farf or Schu... Or anything for that matter. T.T

Welcome, You've Got Mail.

"Welcome." I scoffed. "You've got mail."

I narrowed my eyes and stared straight ahead at the screen on my laptop. I had to admit, even though this program was known to be extremely sucky, it did have a good system for e-mail. Besides that, I wanted to punch the screen in. It always freezes and doesn't like people to send chain-letters. Why not, it's my computer? Heck, that's why I always use Explorer. AOL is just plain gay beyond its mail.

"God, stop freezing you piece of shit." It's official; I HATE this program. I sighed heavily and waited for my screen to turn back to its normal state from its new white one. Geez, if it's just me, I'd have to say that its 'normal state' is actually this white one.

I was immediately torn from my state of amused appall when my screen changed back. My eyes quickly scanned my new e-mails. In the ritual that usually starts as soon as I see junk mail, I started at the top of my list, highlighted, and then just kept on deleting.

But then I stopped.

My jaw almost fell open like they do in cartoons.

And there, on my screen, at the bottom of my list was an e-mail that stated as follows: I saw your profile and liked what I saw ^.~

I could feel my cheeks grow hot. The e-mail had been sent from the address "RedMan01"

It could have just been spam, but something in my mind was telling me to open it. Usually things like junk mail say that it's from a girl though. I haven't seen any from other guys yet. Plus, I had put in my profile that I was gay…

I tapped my chin and debated whether or not to open it. Part of me said yes and another said no. Unfortunately for me, my conscience got the better side of me so, so I opened it. Dang; what my conscience allows and doesn't. It's always been a mystery to me.

Subj: I saw your profile and liked what I saw ^.~
Date: 4/9/2003 10:25:54 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: RedMan01@aol.com
To: GodShdBrn@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Hi there, sexy. ^.~ My name's… Err… Well, that's not important. ^.^; You can just call me Schuldich or better yet, Schu. I'm German, have red hair and green eyes, and according to your profile, we both live near each other. I'm 20 years old, single and currently looking for a boyfriend. And no, damn it, this isn't spam. I know what you're thinking. >.> Honestly, I was just looking through some AOL directories for members who live near me. There were quite a few but yours was the only one that caught my eye. You sound really interesting compared to any others I saw.

If you want to know more, I guess you just have to e-mail me back.

*kisses* G'night!

My eyebrow rose quite a bit. Who in their right mind would like ME? I mean, I'm not bad looking and all… but… I've just never thought of having a relationship with someone. He sounded polite enough to me. And he sounds kind of cute…

Where the hell did that just come from?!

I sighed heavily. Putting my feet up onto my computer desk, I rested my arms behind my head. It's probably that teenage hormone thing. So what if the thought of red hair and green eyes turns me on? That's not my fault.

He sounds nice though, and not to forget cute. He's only 2 years older than me too… I should write him back.

Send To: RedMan01

I drummed my fingers on the desk. I didn't have any clue what to say. What was I supposed to say to him? Something like "You sound nice"?

Send To: RedMan01
Subject: You sound nice

Well, I think that you sound really nice. I'm not good with this whole dating thing though. Geez, I sound like I'm dumping you and I don't even know you yet. I'm really sorry, maybe we should just meet in person. I think it'd be easier that way. I'm not good at having people come over to my apartment though either. How about we meet some where? How about that new café down on the corner of Sunbury? It's convenient. They have some pretty good coffee too. 10:00 am tomorrow sounds good to me. I'm the only guy around here I know of that has dead white hair. I'll be easy to spot.

I hope you can come. I'm always there at that time anyway. And don't be in any rush either. I usually stay there for a good half hour.


Before I could think, my hand moved the mouse to the send icon and I clicked. I clicked it! I didn't mean to! What the hell did I just do?!! I just invited some complete stranger to have coffee with me! Aw crap.

Somewhere across town and unknown to me, my secret admirer received my message.

Author's Notes: =^.^= Well, minna-san? What do ya think? Good? Should I continue this? Forget I asked; I'm going to anyway. ^.^;; I hoped you like this chapter! More soon!