Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ West Kantou Theme Park ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Aya-kun, are you alright?" Omi peered up at his friend, concern radiating from him. Since they had gotten off The Beast, Aya hadn't yelled at Ken or Yohji, nor had he said two words.

"I'm fine." Aya turned his gaze to the youngest assassin. There were more people in the park now than there was just a little while before. All the people were beginning to wear on him. "Let's get some lunch." He offered a slight smile to Omi and turned to grab Yohji's hand.

The blonde swept his free arm around Aya's waist and pulled him close. "Hey chibi, why don't you and Ken go decide what you want to have for lunch. Aya and I will catch up with you in a second." He ignored the glare Ken sent his way and nodded to Omi. "I promise."

"Ok, Yohji-kun!" The genki teen grabbed a hold of Ken's hand and pulled him towards where all the various restaurants were. He gave Ken's hand a rough tug when the brunette moved to glance back at Yohji and Aya.

Yohji guided Aya off to a bench that was unoccupied and that there were feel people around. He sat down and urged the red head to do the same. When Aya did, he scooted closer. "What's wrong, love? Ever since we went to get on that inverted coaster you have been distant." He studied the man's profile, not knowing in the least what was going through Aya's head. Yohji placed a hand on his cheek, brushing his thumb back and forth over the smooth, pale skin. "Please tell me," he whispered. Yohji knew that Aya liked to keep things in rather than tell anyone what was wrong.

Aya shifted slightly, like he was going to move away before he leaned more into Yohji. "Aya." The one word was enough, the red head thought. Violet eyes remained down and away from the blonde. He sighed, deciding that the one word may have been enough for Yohji but not for himself. "I keep thinking about the trip we made to a theme park before she..." His voice trailed off and he turned his face into the blonde's neck.

The blonde knew that as much as Aya was getting used to opening up to Weiss, this little bit cost him a lot. He put his arms around the swordsman and closed his eyes. "It's alright." Yohji pressed his lips to the top of the crimson mop and gave the red head a gentle squeeze. "If things start bothering you too much, let me know, ok love?" He didn't care if Ken would kick his ass for leaving. It would be worth it to save his lover of some extra pain.

He nodded to Yohji and slid one arm around the blonde. "Thank you." It hurt to remember his sister. He supposed today was worse than others because of the people constantly wearing on him. Aya pulled back from Yohji and gave him a slight smile. Leaning forward, he gave his lover a short kiss.

Yohji smiled at Aya. "Try to have fun too, ok?" He received a nod at his question and stood. Time to find out what the chibi had chosen to torture them with for lunch. The blonde held his hand out to the red head and Aya took it.


"Chinese? Couldn't you have chosen a burger joint, chibi?" Yohji leaned over Aya's shoulder to peer at the arrangement of dishes. He made a slight face at a few of the dishes.

"Deal with it." Aya, the voice of reason. He looked up at the blonde and offered a small smile. Yohji stopped looking annoyed and brushed his lips over Aya's cheek. The red head leaned back against the blonde.

Ken coughed. "The sooner we order, the sooner you two can get a room." He turned his attention to the smiling woman behind the counter and ordered his meal. Omi followed suit, being overly sweet to another server.

Aya stepped up to order, ignoring Ken's comment. Yohji glared at the athlete over Aya's head. He lowered his face back down and spoke softly to the red head. "Hey love, order for me." The red headed nodded slightly then gave his version of a wicked smile. He looked up to the server behind the counter and directed her on the two meals.

They paid and were soon seated at a table, Yohji and Aya on one side and Ken and Omi on the other. They poked at their meals and enjoyed a mild conversation that had Ken flushing from time to time.

Omi reached for his fortune cookie and giggled. He opened the packet and pulled the cookie out. The youngest Weiss broke the cookie open and began giggling uncontrollably.

"Alright, who spiked the chibi's soda? Ow! Aya." Yohji rubbed his side where the red head had elbowed him after his comment. He gave a slight glare at his lover and scooted a few inches away from Aya.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Ken asked Omi.

The boy tried to answer, not being able to calm his laughter for another few seconds. "My fortune." He held it out to the brunette.

" `You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.' What's so funny about that?" Ken watched Omi erupt into giggles when he read the fortune aloud.

"Add `in bed' to the end of that." His team members stared at him. "It's a game my friends taught me. You add `in bed' to the end of all your fortunes. `You have a deep interest in all that is artistic in bed.'" Omi started laughing again.

"Guess I'm going to have to get you a copy of the Kama Sutra then, chibi."

Omi immediately stopped laughing at Yohji's comment. "Not funny, Yotan." He looked to Ken. "Read yours Ken-kun."

The soccer player opened his cookie and pulled the paper out. " `An unusual event will change your mood.'" He paused. "In bed." The brunette snickered.

Yohji poked Aya. "Maybe the chibi will get to show you how artistic he is, Ken ken." The blonde grinned.

"Yotan!" Omi blushed furiously at the comment.

"I am so kicking your ass next time we spar, Yohji." Ken mumbled his threat, though his eyes told a slightly different story.

"Open yours, love." Yohji leaned over the red head's shoulder, ignoring Omi and Ken.

The red head unwrapped his cookie and split it open. He pulled the little paper out and read it to himself. A smile spread across his features and he held it out to the blonde. Aya leaned against the taller man, almost purring.

Yohji took his fortune from him. " `A thrilling time is in your immediate future,' in bed." A wicked grin spread across his features as Aya shifted to look up at him. "That sounds promising. Very promising." He tilted his head to the red head and met waiting lips with his own.

Aya let his eyes drift shut as he parted his lips. He felt his lover's tongue barely slip inside his mouth and pressed his forward. The red head slipped his tongue inside the blonde's mouth, swirling his tongue around Yohji's.

"Get. A. Room." Ken's voice caused the two lovers to part. He glared at them.

A scowling Aya pulled away from the blonde. He slid down in the booth slightly, settling against the blonde's right side.

"Jealous, Ken ken?" Yohji made a face at the brunette.

"Read yours."

"What, love?" The blonde cast an inquiring look to the red head.

"Read your fortune Kudoh."

The blonde picked up his cookie and pulled the fortune from it. " `People find it difficult to resist your persuasive manner,' in bed." Yohji leered at the red head. "Think so, love?"

Aya swatted at his arm and turned his gaze away. The blonde chuckled at him as Omi tried to suppress his giggles. Ken shook his head then spoke, "He's fucked at least half of Tokyo. That cookie isn't lying." The red head turned a glare to the former soccer player.

"Jealous, Ken ken?" The blonde raised an eyebrow at the brunette before he tilted his cheek against Aya's hair. Aya's glare immediately melted away and he turned his face into Yohji's neck.

Ken mumbled something at them and suddenly yelped. "Omi!" He glared at the boy who glared right back at him. "What was that for?"

"Quit being such a jerk, Ken-kun. Anyway," he stood, "let's go walk around a little bit before we get on rides again." Omi smiled brightly at all three of them and picked up his tray. The three older assassins did as Omi asked them, not about to argue with the genki teenager.


"Sugoi!" The chibi excitedly bounced over towards the booth. He turned back to his older teammates. "Let's get our picture taken! Please?" Omi turned big blue eyes to the older pair of assassins, pleading with them.

Ken blinked at his friend and was ready to voice a protest when he saw Aya guiding Yohji towards the booth. He blinked and was stunned into silence as he following a bouncing Omi into the booth's set area.

Yohji held onto his lover by the pale man's waist. They reached the counter and Aya immediately turned to face out of the shop, leaning back against the counter. The blonde smirked then took what he thought was a sly sidestep and partially pressed up against the red head. Yohji's attention shifted to the woman that stood behind the counter as she came towards them from the back. "Ah... A group picture."

Aya shifted his knee in between Yohji's as the woman rattled off several different styles they could wear for the picture. He smirked, knowing that Yohji was paying more attention to him that what the woman was saying.

"Chibi, get over here and pick a `time period'." Yohji glared evilly at his lover over the top of his sunglasses as Omi bounced over and started conversing with the woman.

Yohji turned his attention to the red head as he waited for Omi to decide so he could pay. He shifted forward so that he now had a leg almost fully between Aya's legs, his thigh pressed against the red head's groin.

Ken glared at the pair as soon as he noticed them. "Yohji. Aya." The red head just gave him a look, tilting his head. He gave the soccer player a mild glare then smirked. Ken flushed red as he watched Aya lean forward and nibble on Yohji's bottom lip.

The woman was too involved in showing Omi the different styles in her pictures to notice. Only when Omi had finally chosen a style did she even bother turning to the other three. "There are some dressing rooms in the back. I'll bring some costumes back for you." She turned to the shelf. "What are your sizes?" She pulled the ones off for Omi and Ken as soon as they spoke. The woman glanced over her shoulder, knowing she was short two.

Yohji was oblivious to the world as he watched his lover, studied was probably a better word for it. He caught Aya's hand before the red head could prod him and looked up. The woman was glancing at him over her shoulder. He quickly gave his size and added Aya's too.

Aya righted himself and slid away from his lover to walk towards the dressing rooms. Ken and Omi already had two of the rooms occupied. The red head started towards one when he felt hands at his waist, guiding him towards one of the larger rooms. Not that he was going to argue as he turned around to face the blonde once Yohji closed the door to the room.

A smile played across the blonde's features as he advanced towards his lover. He saw a small flash of something in violet eyes before his lover pounced. Yohji groaned at the sudden feeling of a warm body pressing against him. He closed his eyes as the red head kissed him with fervor. Long fingers threaded through the impossibly scarlet colored locks as he held Aya to him, answering his lover's passion with his own fire.

"For the love of God, can't you two keep your hands off each other for five minutes?" Ken's voice broke the lovers apart.

A scowling Aya turned to the wall to the next dressing room which was shaking with the repeated hits from the soccer player. "Hidaka, stop," the red head hissed. Surprisingly, the hits stopped.

"Gods, Ken Ken, we need to get you laid. You're so fucking jealous..." Yohji's voice trailed off as Aya turned to glare at him. "What? Might I remind you that you were the one that pounced this time." He watched the glare fade to a content smirk, well, as close as Aya got to a smirk.

"Jealous? Of Aya? You paw at him all day, every day. I'm surprised he hasn't skewered you with his katana yet. I would have killed you by now."


"Stop it." The voice came from the dressing furthest from Yohji and Aya. "Ken-kun, you are acting like you are jealous. Yohji-kun, quit harassing him." Omi went silent then and a woman's voice called out the different sizes.

The team fell silent as they pulled on their costumes. Aya was lost in thought, trying to plot a way that he could manage to get Yohji away from Ken and Omi for a little alone time. He pulled on the article of clothing, shifting it on without really paying attention to it at all. Then, the red head turned to see Yohji pulling on the jacket to his costume. The blonde turned and Aya froze.

The period clothing looked good on Yohji. It would have suited him even better if he had tied his hair back from him face. Even the loose bun would have worked for the blonde. A look of curiosity crossed the blonde's face. "Aya..." He moved to the side and motioned the red head to the mirror.

The pale man flushed crimson, the coloring only a few shades duller than the coloring of his crimson hair. Violet eyes widened at the site of himself in the mirror. The girl out front must have made a mistake. The stark white and black of the maid's uniform made his unusual coloring stand out even more. But, the fact that it was a French maid's uniform was what upset Aya. He turned his gaze to Yohji, frozen in what was going on.

"Ah.. looks like someone thought you were a girl love." Yohji let his gaze travel down the red head's body then back up before he turned and stepped out, asking the woman quietly for a man's costume in that size. He stepped back in as the woman continued apologizing. Green eyes studied the red head for a moment before he gave a sneaky smile and whispered, "Kinky kitty."

At the words, Aya glared as his lover and Yohji could have sworn the man turned a brighter shade of red. "Not. Funny." He watched the blonde advance toward him, glaring at the taller man as he did so. Then, the red head felt a hand on his bare thigh. Aya stiffened and stared up at his lover's face.

Yohji gave a little half smirk, letting the red head know exactly what he was up to before he could get there. Aya caught Yohji's hand just before it snuck further up beneath the ruffles to his briefs. The blonde had his hand shoved back at him with a slight glare. Guess the kitty didn't like being dressed up like a French maid.

A female voice presented rapid apologies as a set of clothing was pushed over the top of the door. Aya turned and grabbed them. He glared at Yohji when he turned to find the blonde openly admiring his ass, hidden in the ruffles. "You're impossible..." he mumbled as he began to rid himself of the dress. Soon, he had help.

Yohji helped Aya get the snug dress off his shoulders and slid the fabric down the pale man's body. His fingertips brushed exposed skin as he did so. Green eyes remained transfixed on Aya as he exposed more skin until the red head was standing in front of him in nothing but a pair of briefs.

Aya glared at his lover and turned away from the blonde to bend down to pull the pants to his costume on. He made sure to give Yohji a nice long look before he finally pulled the pants up and fastened them. The red head glanced over his shoulder before he grabbed the shirt that went with it.

The blonde reached for his lover's bare waist, getting his hands on the pale man's waist before they were smacked away again. "You drive me insane, love." He leaned against the wall to the next dressing room and sighed, watching Aya cover up all of that lovely skin with the white shirt.

"Hn..." Aya pulled on the jacket then pushed the door of the dressing room open and stepped out to see Ken and Omi dressed similarly. They all looked like gangsters from the Twenties in America. Gangsters who had been ruthless to obtain their ends. Violet eyes settled on the young blonde.

Omi smiled at the red head, knowing what he was thinking. It was an unusual costume but still cool in Omi's eyes. The archer looked to Yohji as he came wandering out of the dressing room, tugging on his jacket. "You look like you belong in those clothes, Yotan."

Aya turned to see Yohji stop and pose, tugging his jacket into place as he did. "Ham," the red head mumbled.

"A good looking ham though." He saw Aya roll his eyes at him and soon found a hat being held out to him. Green eyes shifted to the woman as she handed out hats to each of them. He grabbed Aya's from the red head and placed it on his lover's head at an angle.

The pale man straightened the hat only to have Yohji tilt it back. He glared at the blonde but left it on an angle.

"Ok, you can come over here." The woman directed the four of them to a bar like scene and turned to grab a few props. She handed Omi and Ken the `tommy guns' and the youngest assassin giggled.

Aya rolled his eyes and blinked at the tumbler and bottle that were being held out to him. He shook his head and waved the props away. The woman shrugged at him then turned to hand Yohji a wad of fake bills.

Yohji took them and flipped through them. Nothing but those fake dollar bills little kids manage to get with a gun in a set. He turned his gaze to the woman as she motioned Ken and Omi in front of the bar. She set Aya down in the chair and Yohji snuck over to stand behind him. The woman smiled disapprovingly as the blonde removed the band on the fake money and crumpled the fake bills before tossing a few on the partially visible bar. He dropped a few into Aya's lap then held the rest in his hand at his hip. At least Yohji thought he looked cool.

"Ready?" she asked as she walked behind the camera, looking tired.

The red head sat up a bit straighter as Yohji leaned slightly over behind him, leaning on the back of the chair behind Aya. Omi and Ken posed together on the other side of the short bar. "Ready!" Omi cheerfully decided.

"Three. Two. One." The camera flashed twice as she took two pictures.

"All that mess for two pictures," Yohji mumbled as they were directed back to the dressing rooms. He took a hold of Aya's hand as they crossed to their dressing room. They undressed and returned to their other clothes, Aya ready to get out of the booth. There were people already waiting to take their places.

"I'll have your pictures in thirty minutes," the woman told Yohji as he led his lover by her, out of the soon to be crowded area.

The blonde nodded in reply and walked towards the benches on the other side of the small courtyard that was lined with different shops and booths. He dropped to the bench and tugged on Aya's wrist until the red head settled down in his lap. Yohji threaded his fingers through one of Aya's eartails and attempted to brush the redhead's bangs back from his face. It didn't work, the pale's man's unruly red locks fell back into his eyes.

Aya turned his gaze out to the people that were multiplying in numbers as the day got warmer. Parents were bringing their younger children to enjoy the attractions. Older kids were showing up after finishing their studies in the mornings. It was more crowded than it had been before lunch. The red head shivered and leaned against Yohji's chest. He closed his eyes and tilted his face into the blonde's neck. "It's getting too crowded."

Green eyes closed as Aya's warm baritone vibrated against his throat. "I told you, say the word and we are out of here." Yohji opened his eyes to find some teenage girls staring at them and giggling as they passed. He glared in their direction and stroked a hand down the red head's back. At least his kitten was into PDAs today.

"No." The red head slid out of the blonde's arms and stood. He folded his arms across his chest and crossed to Ken and Omi.

Yohji slouched down on the bench and watched his teammates. Omi hopped over to Aya, chattering and motioning towards a game. Ken stood a few feet away, his hands shoved into his pockets. The soccer player had a broad smile on his face as he watched Omi. There was something there, Yohji knew, but Ken wouldn't let it get any further than friends. Yohji had waved Ken off when the soccer player tried to give him his reasons. He saw Aya nod at the genki youth, agreeing to something. Aya turned back to him and Yohji stood, wandering over to his teammates. "Mmm, what is it, love?" He brushed his finger tips over Aya's hair and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Omi wants us all to play that game." He motioned to a booth then settled the hand over Yohji's.

"Ok then." The blonde brushed his lips against Aya's hair before he released his lover and followed Ken to the booth.

The game was one of those where you would roll the ball up the little ramp and try to get it into the proper hole to make your horse go further along the track. A girl and her friends had taken three of the seats. They were giggling and waiting for an obviously bored employee to tell them to start their game.

Omi grabbed Ken's wrist and pulled him up to a vacant seat. He continued holding Ken's hand as he handed the employee his money. The youth argued on a strategy while they waited for the game to start. The girls next to them giggled and whispered, sneaking peeks at the boys next to them.

"Sit." Yohji gave Aya a little shove forward and the red head glared at the blonde as he sat down. The lanky man dug a bit of currency from his pocket and handed over to the employee who snatched it and motioned for them to take a seat. "You know how to play this, love? You roll the ball-"

"Shut up, I know." The red head glanced over his shoulder at the blonde.

"Are you sure? Because I can sit here and whisper the instructions to you." To demonstrate, he leaned down and mumbled a few words, his lips brushing Aya's ear as he spoke.

Aya swatted at him and leaned away as a shiver played through his body. "Damnit, Yohji. I know how to play the bloody game."

Yohji chuckled. "Ok, love."

Violet eyes narrowed into a glare that Aya cast over his shoulder to the blonde. It only served to make the blonde chuckle again. "I'm glad you are so entertained."

Before Yohji could come up with a reply, the booth employee asked them all to pay attention as he quickly explained the game. They all listened half heartedly, waiting for the man to let them play. A bell sounded and the small arsenal of plastic balls rolled down to where the players could reach them.

Aya picked one up and rolled it up the ramp. It missed the top hole and rolled down into the third one. Their little horse with the samurai on it rocked forward a little bit then stopped. He heard Ken cheering Omi on next to them. He blinked and reached for another ball and sent it up the wooden ramp. It reached the top hole and plunked down.

Yohji placed his hand on Aya's shoulder and watched as the red head succeeded in getting another ball into the top hole again. "You are good at this, love." He didn't receive any acknowledgement but he knew he wouldn't. His lover was concentrating. It was sort of like when Aya went into mission mode, but his human side didn't completely melt away when he was concentrating.

Next to them, Ken was cheering Omi on much like he would cheer a soccer player to win. All the little horses with their samurai were racing towards the finish line, moving for a few minutes then stopping to wait for the next ball to be rolled in. The girls were last, with Omi's and Aya's horses battling it out for first.

The bored looking employee glanced occasionally at the positions of the horses, waiting for it all to be over.

The bell suddenly rang and all of the players froze, glancing up to see who had won the game. Omi and Ken suddenly cheered. Aya blinked and stood, moving out of the way of his teammates. He shifted his gaze to Yohji, who shrugged at his questioning look. It was like taking children to the theme park, not a pair of assassins.

Yohji watched Omi bounce happily as he and Ken retrieved their prize. "I'm leaving them here if they are going to act like that on the way back to the Koneko." He shook his head then raked a hand through his hair to tie the wavy locks back from his face.

Aya's features twisted into a slight smirk as several strands immediately escaped the blonde's attempt at a ponytail. He reached for Yohji's hand, lifting it from the other man's side and checking the blonde's watch.

"What do you think you are doing?" He watched as the red head studied the numbers on his watch for a second. Then, Aya tilted his hand and poked at the side of the watch.

He found what he was looking for and pulled a short length of wire out. "Don't you ever go anywhere unarmed?"

"Don't you always have something?" A suspicious look crossed the blonde's face as he saw Aya shake his head. "Yeah, like I believe that."

"You want to pat me down? Or maybe a strip search?" The red head wasn't carrying any weapon with him today. He probably could have gotten whatever he wanted through the park security but it wasn't exactly worth the hassle.

"Strip search? Sounds like a plan." Yohji took a hold of Aya's wrist and made to drag him off somewhere but the red head remained planted where he was standing.

"Later." He saw the pout Yohji made and turned away, taking the blonde's hand as he moved. Aya walked towards the booth where they had had their picture taken. It wasn't the thirty minutes the woman asked but Aya didn't want to hang around here any longer than they had to. Omi and Ken were getting obnoxious.

Yohji took a few long strides and caught up with his lover as they reached the line that had formed in front of the register. He released Aya's hand and found a better place for it, or so he thought.

"Get your hand off my ass, Kudoh," Aya hissed. He cast a glare over his shoulder. "I'm not here for you to fondle and grope whenever you feel like it."

The kitty was getting testy, his earlier playful attitude disappearing quicker now that he was feeling agitated by the crowds. Yohji listened, giving the red head a nod as he tried to suppress a lecherous grin. He grabbed a hold of Aya's hand as the line moved forward. "Better?"

The red head nodded and turned his attention elsewhere as the line moved slowly until they reached the front. Yohji smiled pleasantly at the woman and asked for their pictures. The woman blushed at the blonde's attention and rolled his eyes. "Flirt," he cast at Yohji when the woman turned to grab their packet.



The woman returned so it just left Yohji to glare evilly at his lover as he reached for his wallet. He paid then retrieved the packet from the counter and turned around. "Bastard." The blonde opened the packet to pull out the photos.

"Whore." Aya walked next to the blonde so he could peer at the images.

Yohji turned held them. They weren't bad and there was a copy there for each of them. Omi and Ken were trying their best serious, gangster face on in the picture. Yohji and Aya looked like they belonged in their outfits though. He pushed them back in the packet as they walked towards Omi and Ken. "Bitch."

The red head tried to elbow the blonde but Yohji moved out of the way easily. They stopped under a tree to wait for Omi and Ken to finish their current game. He glared up at Yohji for a moment.

The blonde ignored him. He had won and he didn't think Aya was too happy about it. "Omittachi," he spoke to catch the younger blonde's attention as he and Ken walked away from the game.

Omi bounded over, heading for Yohji when he noticed the evil glare Aya was sporting. "These are the pictures?" When Yohji nodded, Omi opened the packet and pulled them out. Ken leaned over his shoulder to look at them. The young blonde giggled. "Sugoi!"

"They turned out pretty cool." Ken was smiling as he peered at the images. Omi's over happy attitude was putting him in a better mood. Unlike Yohji and Aya, he could stand to be around the genki teen when he was like this.

"Ne, do you think we could go to the marine animal show? Mayura said it was really cool." The chibi handed the packet back to Yohji and looked between the older assassins.

Aya nodded and was rewarded with a hug from the blonde youth. He stiffened in the embrace but patted Omi on the back until the boy released him.

"Lead the way, Omittachi." Yohji and Aya followed behind their teammates towards an area the park called `Marine Pavilion'.


There was an empty spot in the lower middle section of the stands. Omi led them there once Aya proclaimed that he was not sitting in the `Splash Zone'. They sat down, Ken next to Omi, then Aya next to Ken with Yohji sitting next to some younger girls on the other side of Aya. They waited the few minutes for the show to start as more people kept filling in the empty benches.

"Hello and welcome to West Kantou's very own Marine Show!" The petite woman walked out, her voice booming through the loudspeaker system. The crowd cheered, leaving Yohji clapping half heartedly and Aya blinking at the annoying noise.

Fast paced music filtered through the speakers as another woman walked out on the wet platform behind the tank in the center of the show. "We'd like to ask everyone to remain in their seats at all times during the show. Please refrain from throwing anything at our marine friends and most of all, enjoy the show!"

Aya could have gagged. This was not how he wanted to be spending his afternoon. He scooted a little closer to the blonde on his right side and found an arm encircling his waist.

"Now, I'd like you to meet Ichi and Katsu. Ichi and Katsu are both bottle nose dolphins..." As the woman continued to speak, two dolphins raced out into the tank. A whistle blew and they leaped simultaneously into a flip. The crowd roared, Omi and Ken included.

The red head tried to glare at the women but he doubted they noticed. A quick scan found that there were few people not paying attention to the show. Most of the adults and parents were there because they wanted to be or because a younger family member had dragged them to watch the show. He glanced to Yohji who was looking about as bored as he was, except for the fact that he was watching one of the women that was wearing a wetsuit. Aya poked his lover in the ribs and the blonde turned his attention to him.

When Yohji saw that the red head didn't want anything, he turned his gaze back towards the tanks. The dolphins continued their tricks but it wasn't anything that Yohji was interested in. He has seen men perform inhuman acts of speed and agility, he didn't need a bunch of fish jumping around in water. Farfarfello was more entertaining.

"Now, if we could have a volunteer from the audience to come meet the dolphins!" Hands shot up all around the room. Kids were shouting for the lady to pick them. Even Omi had his hand up, trying to get the woman's attention.

He may look like a kid but Omi wasn't young. Omi had been an assassin for years and most of his childhood wasn't even a real childhood. So, maybe he was making up for it now. Yohji shook his head and tried to ignore the shouts of the girls next to him.

Aya finally hit his limit of all the kids and people. It was crowded and being subjected to this was not his thing. He stood and grabbed Yohji's hand, pulling the stunned blonde behind him as he crossed in front of the other people seated nearby.

"Ja ne, Omittachi!" Yohji tried to make himself heard but the youth never turned his way. Ken did though. "We'll meet you at the front gate at closing. Promise." The brunette glared at him as Aya tugged him to keep him moving. Yohji barely stopped himself from stumbling over the girls.

The red head jogged up the stairs and out of the arena like area. He didn't stop as they reached the paved pathway.

Yohji finally stopped stumbling as they made it up the stairs. "Aya, slow down!" The red head stopped and turned to the blonde, once they reached one of the mostly shut down parts of the park. "All you had to do was say something, you didn't need to drag me here."

Aya just looked at Yohji. "Next time, remind me to never listen to you when you try to talk me into something like this." He let go of the blonde's hand and walked to one of the closed game buildings. The red head leaned against the outside.

"I thought it was a nice thing to do for Omi. Plus, I didn't see you threatening to kill any of us yesterday when I told you about it."

"I ignored you all night."

"Yeah, well you do that even when I haven't done something wrong."

Aya snorted. Yohji was right to a degree. He did ignore Yohji when he wasn't in an exactly social mood. "Point taken."

Yohji blinked. Ok, Aya was in an especially unusual mood today. PDAs, then agreeing to something the blonde had argued. "Wait a second, this some kind of trick so you can shove me off the bridge that goes over the paddle boats when I'm not paying attention?"

A smile curved across the red head's face before he burst into laughter. When his laughter subsided, his features remained pleasant as he tilted his head. "Kudoh, you are paranoid. Now, get your ass over here and get your revenge."