Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What a mess ❯ Aya is... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Waaaaaaaaaa!!! So many reviews!!! *jumps up and down, happily* Thank you!!!!! *hits her head on the ceiling* _P_ oh well, none of the characters are mine... Also be aware and afraid of the usual abuse of english past tense....^^°VV

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Chapter 4: Aya is...

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"Lord Kudoh! I have to tell you..."

"Mr. Takatori, I'm very grateful, but I'm afraid, I won't be able to stay in this house, any longer..."

"But Lord Kudoh! It's about Aya...", Mr. Takatori tried to get the blonde's attention.

"Yeah, Aya. She and her brother will come with me.", the Lord of Kudoh interrupted Mr. Takatori, once again.

"No! Aya is..." the old man made another try.

"Aya", Youji said and tightened his grip around the redhead's shoulders, "is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I'm gonna marry her in 5 days and I won't let ANYONE insult or hurt her!", he glared at Takatori. "Of course, you'll recive an generous amount for looking after Aya and Ran...."

This finally made old man fall silent. Without an angry growl, he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Saaaaaaaaa.... that was fun...", Youji said, breaking the silence.

"Thank you", the redhead whispered. The Lord of Kudoh smiled and slid his hand from Ran's shoulders to the younger man's waist.

"Always glad to help my little cutie."

Ran took the blonde's hand from his waist. "Honestly, Sir, I'm very grateful. Are you really letting us come with you?"

"Of course. Is this all of your luggage, cutie?", Youji asked, pointing at the small bag, the redhead still held in his hand. The blonde had expected Ran to blush, but instead the amethyst eyes filled with sadness.

"Yes...It's all, I posess...", he sighed. Then his expression changed into an annoyed grin. "And I thought, I told you to stop calling me that!"

The blonde winked. "Always glad to grant your wishes, cutie." He offered Ran his arm.

"Let's get your brother and go."

The crossdressed man sighed. Pushing the blonde's arm slowly aside and walking to his sister's room he repeated the Lord of Kudoh's words.

"Let's get my brother and go. Let's leave this place. Forever."

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Silent the Fujimiya siblings sat in the carriage of Lord Kudoh. Aya watched the blonde noble riding on a horse, next to them.

"Where are we going?", Aya whispered into Ran's ear. They had been driving for two hours now, without any interruption.

"To a hotel, near the deep lake!" Youji shouted, "Don't worry! We'll be there in about 10 minutes!"

Aya's cheeks turned into a deep shade of red.

The blonde noble rode closer to the carriage and looked at the blushing person. He smiled.

"This seems to be a habit of the Fujimiya family; incredible cute blushes."

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The salon, Youji had rented for the group, was pretty. There were dozends of butterflies painted on the walls and the large carpet on the floor was also in shape of a butterfly.

While the Fujimiya siblings admired the "Butterfly Salon", the Lord of Kudoh had a discussion with the host. Finally the blonde gave up and turned around to Ran and Aya.

"Cutie, I have bad news...", he began, getting the redheads full attention.

Also Aya's.

"CUTIE?!?" And within seconds the crossdressed girl was rolling on the floor, laughing.

The cutie sent a shi-ne-deathglare into Youji's direction and waited, till his sister had calmed down, a little. Then he asked:

"What bad news?"

Youji grinned.

"Well, actually I wouldn't call them THAT bad. I think they're good. The host just told me, that he hasn't got enough rooms, anymore."

And with this, the blonde opened two doors. With an VERY amused expression he went on.

"We have a normal room and a room with a double bed.... So one of us is going to sleep alone, tonight," he nodded into Aya's direction, "and two of us are gonna share the double bed...", Youji winked at Ran.


"Awwwwwww, but cutie; Have I EVER said that we two, the engaged, will sleep in the same bed?" the Lord of Kudoh asked.

Now that's a suprise!, the redhead thought.

Youji continued. "I'm gonna share the bed with your brother, instead..."

"NO!" Aya and Ran shouted at the same time.

"I...I...I..." Aya began, trying desperately to find a reason for NOT having to sleep in the same bed as Youji.

"He snores!" Ran suggested.

"Right!", his sister went on, "I snore..incredible loud! No one has ever been able to sleep in the same room with me!"

The Lord of Kudoh laughed loudly. "Is that so? Well, I think your fate is sealed for tonight, cutie!"

The redhead's mind wandered slowly away...

"But why can't she sleep in my room, with me?" Aya objected.

"Can't let my bride miss her beauty sleep... Not like she'd need it..."

Ran was way to busy with his thoughts, so he didn't notice the blonde's compliment...

Great! Just great! Whose idea was the snoring-thing, anyways!?!.... oh...

When he felt an arm being wrapped around his waist and was pulled closer to the noble, his thoughts focused on the reality, again... The redhead could feel Youji's breath on his ear.

"Don't worry, cutie; I will keep my hands to me, tonight..."

Ran sighed with relief. Even though he was captured in a tight embrace, at the moment, this time he actually believed the older man.

The Lord let go off the younger man and grinned again.

"Can't promise anything about my feet, though...."

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Dahahaha This is gonna be fun.XD. Maybe I'll draw some fanart for this fic... I'll see... Saaaa, Go on reviewing like this! (please?) Thank you all for reading....and reviewing... Oh! One last thing... Did you really think, I'd let the masquerade end, already? XD *goes writing the next chapter*