Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What *about* yaoi ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )
Warnings: I don't know, some OOC's, maybe…
And maybe a little blasphemy. (‡ _^)
Notes: / mind talk /--> usually happens when Schu is involved.
[ Own thoughts ]--> Character's individual thoughts.
(Mine)--> My comments.
~ ~ + * + ~ ~ --> My border.
"Same sex relationships." He finished.
An eerie silence engulfed the Schwarz abode for a short while before Brad's voice was heard.
"Is that a real research work?" he asked Nagi incredulously.
"Yes, why would I be asking a dumb question like that if it weren't for school?" he replied, straight-faced.
"Why wouldn't you Nagi~kins?" supplied Schu.
Nagi just shot a piercing look at the German's direction. He really hated that nickname but he detested the comment more.
[Why can't he just stop teasing me for once?]
"I see." Said Brad with the all knowing tone that he always uses.
[Shit! Why does he have that kind of face on? Could he see through my façade? Nope, maybe he's just a little uncomfortable with the situation…]
Nagi was starting to have a headache. He even did not get their answers yet. He was really puzzled by Brad's behavior. Sure, Brad always acted like that, but if he started to be all "questiony{1}" like that, that only meant three things. One, he was really suspicious, two, he was again thinking about his (Brad's) philosophies or experiences and three, he wanted to stall for time. Nagi just hoped that it was the more of the second and third choices, not the first.
[Stupid schoolwork, well might as well answer…] Brad thought.
[But what should I say?]
[My, my, Brady sure is full of questions today…] Schu thought.
[And the chibi sure is acting weird… no, wait the chibi can't be…]
Schu was really confused now. He knew that Nagi wasn't really that much of a people person, so that explains why he wanted to interview them instead of the neighbors, but something was amiss. Nagi was acting as though he was trying to hide something.
[Too bad he's got his damn shields up… might as well answer…*snicker*]
Then his mind thought of a brilliant plan…
[I'll just answer *creatively*, maybe he'll be so shocked that his shields would go down for a minute or two…]
As he thought that, he wore a malicious smile on his face…
"Well, what do you think? I still have to type the results you know." And as for added effects, he mentally commanded a piece of paper and a pen to float on his hand. (déjá vu?)
He knew that if Brad saw the pen and paper, his suspicions would lessen, he hoped. He was still looking at Brad, trying to figure out what was going on in the older Schwarz mind when said man suddenly cleared his throat.
Brad was about to say something when Schu suddenly spoke.
"Well, it's all right to me."
Nagi almost sweat dropped, why was Schu answering in that manner, wasn't he supposed to be saying something else, like, because I'm like this or that…
"I'm not finished yet Nagi~kins. I said that it's all right to me because, me and Bradikins here are a couple." He said with sparkles in his eyes.
This time, instead of sweat dropping, it was Nagi's jaw that fell to the floor.
[I know that Schu is always flirting with Brad but to think that they're really a couple, how long has this been going on?]
While Nagi was still shocked by Schu's *creative* answer, the latter one was rejoicing inside.
[Now that his shields are down, I'll just take a small peek at what's going on in the chibi's head.]
So he scanned Nagi's thoughts. But Nagi was quick to recover so Schu was only able to scan a few things.
On the other side of the room, the great leader of Schwarz was way beyond shocked, he was furious.
[Why the hell did that Schuldich say such a thing? Why I ought to…]
He was about to lunge at Schu planning to beat the living day lights out of him when he did a double take.
[Schuldich said that he was in a relationship with me… Haha I'll show him for embarrassing me like that!]
"Yes, that's right"
Schu, who was trying to puzzle out the *little* information that he got from Nagi's head almost dropped dead on the floor. He really did not expect their leader to go with what he said, but deep inside…
[What can I do? I'm as hot as hell] he thought but did a double take.
[Nope, I don't really think that Brady is that way, heck I don't even know if he's capable to think that way. Asexual people just don't have it…no, wait, is he trying to get back at me?]
So he looked at Brad's direction. For the second time this day, he saw an emotion on the older man's face. But this time he was worried. Earlier, Brad's face showed a hint of a smile but now, it looked like a smirk.
[OMG! I'm so dead…]
"Why do you suddenly look so pale Schu? Were you so shocked because I finally revealed our relationship?"
Schu's head was really full of turmoil right now. Not only was Brad going with what he earlier said but not the older man was calling him by his name. An abbreviated version but his name nonetheless.
[Next hell be calling me…]
[Maybe this is just a nightmare, I'll wake up soon…]
"Are you alright?"
[Yup, I'm really having a nightmare, but I'm quite enjoying this. Might as well play along. Hehe]
"Sorry I spaced out, I'm all right Brad~chan." He replied with a smirk.
[Hehe. Two could play at this game…]
"That's alright. Now *Schu-chan*, could you please be a dear and make me some coffee."
"What?" the German said while with wide eyes.
"Coffee, black." Brad even added a smile to Schuldich's annoyance.
"Sure…mein lieb." With that, Schu stomped into the kitchen.
[Payback's a bitch, ne Schuldich?]
Nagi, who was watching the whole exchange was now imitating a fish taken out of the water.
[Whoa! I think I should stay home more often…]
Then he remembered that there was still someone whom he hasn't asked yet.
"How about you Farf?"
Turning his one good eye in the direction of Nagi, Farfie replied.
"I like it."
"And why is that?"
"It hurts God."
Then he left in the direction of the kitchen to play with his blender.
[Damn that Brad, now he's going to make me his personal maid or something. But I won't loose.]
So he made coffee. Black coffee. Wait, make that spiked black coffee.
"He never said that he didn't like spiked coffee." He mused out loud.
"Doing that hurts God." A voice suddenly said.
"Doing what?" Schu asked, acting innocent.
"Spiking Brad's coffee."
"You won't tell Brad right?"
"No, because if I tell Brad, God will be happy.'
"Good." He said as he added a few *special ingredients* in Brad's coffee.
[I'm completely ignored] Nagi thought. After Schuldich went in the kitchen, Farfello followed suit. Brad was still in the room but he seemed spaced out.
[Might as well e-mail someone…] But just as he was about to go up to his room, Schu appeared from the kitchen. He was holding freshly brewed coffee.
"Here you go Brad-chan." He said then he winked.
After Brad accepted the coffee, Schu noticed Nagi, who was quietly going up the stairs.
"Going to type your report?"
When Schu was sure that Nagi was upstairs, he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. (That was left by Nagi)
He then wrote down some things that he remembered when he scanned Nagi's brain. After some writing he looked at what he had written:
That really hadn't made any sense so he tried to add in some words. When he was done, the note looked like:
Nagi likes a BOY,
Now that made sense. So now naturally he would tease Nagi. Schu was suddenly taken out from his thoughts when he heard a thump. He looked at the direction of the sofa when he saw Brad. Their leader was fast asleep. He never knew that the *special ingredients* he added would work that fast.
[Things are looking up for me, hehe, but now I have to know who Nagi likes so that I could tease him more.]
{2} I just read a Gravitation fic and kinda thought that Schuldich's name could be shortened to Schu, so I just tried this nickname.
BTW, sorry for using SCHU, BRAD and FARF when i refer to them. I'm just too lazy to actually type their whole names.
A/n: Here's the fourth installment for this fic. Hope you liked it. I'm sorry for the long update, really I am. I just have too much work to do. And this damn computer just won't cooperate.
I asked help with the pairings and I am really thankful to the suggestions. I'm just not sure if I could follow them. I'll think about them but if you could suggest more then why not?
Please tell me what you think. You know I'm a sucker for feedback ~_^
Till next installment, (I hope ^_^)
ja ne,