Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What if? ❯ Mamoru ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiss Kreuz…it would be awesome if I did but I don't so I guess I will just have to keep dreaming ne?

What if

Chapter1: Mamoru

By Yami Kitsune

"Daddy! Pleas save me! I'm scared daddy!" little Mamoru cried. The guy slammed the phone down.

"Kuso! Pretty cold parents you got their kid. Your father said he wouldn't pay."

"So what do we do with him now?" On of the other guy's asked.

"Yeah he is worthless if we can`t use him to get any money."

"I know I'm thinking… if we kill him we are sure to get caught, and get no money."

"Hey we can sell him! That way it would be a win, win situation. The kid gets to have a family and we get money."

"Good idea. What do you think kid you like that idea?" Mamoru shook his head but the guy ignored him and they left the room.

The next day they sold Mamoru to a guy for one thousand dollars. He was then taken to the guys' house ware he lived for five years, until and American couple came and adopted him form the man. They moved to America a month after that. He lived with them till he was 12 then social services found out he was being beat and took him to stay into foster care till he was 16. He moved form foster house to foster house, and learned quickly not to buy too much stuff to call your own because you just end up loosing it. The only things he ever took with him were a few cloths and his laptop. He never spent too much time playing with other kids his own age. He had stopped talking all together about four years ago; he just didn't see the sense in it any more no one listened to him any way. He could still speak he just didn't want to.

He had had many names growing up; no one liked to keep any name he had gotten used to. He could never remember all of them, so whenever someone gave him a new name he would memorize that one. Right now his name was Omi. No one ever bothered with last names till you had gotten adopted.

"Hey Omi." It was Keith, one of the littler kids here. They all loved Omi because he was kind even if he didn't talk they could all tell what he was thinking any way; he was one of the easiest people to read.

"Can you fix this? Danny hit it with his baseball bat again." He held up his alarm clock. Omi smiled and nodded. The kid Danny was a year younger then Omi and hated alarm clocks for some odd resin.

It only took Omi five minuets to fix it. "Thank you so much Omi." Keith gave him a hug. "Oh I almost forgot! There are two guys here looking to adopt some one, but I over heard them say they didn't want any of the younger ones. Maybe you have a chance this time?" Omi smiled. Keith read his exception. It was one that said. `I hope it's you. You deserve a good family.' Keith shook his head.

"You do to Omi… every one deserves a good family." With that he turned and ran back out of the room.

Omi turned back to his laptop; he was in the middle of hacking into the head masters computer, when the door opened.

"Omi these two want to meet you." The new lady that worked there said. Two well-dressed men came into the room and Omi looked at them. She looked at Omi's laptop and smiled.

"Your not trying to hack into the computer again are you?" Omi closed the computer and tried to look as innocent as possible. "That's what I thought." She smiled. One of the men walked over to Omi.

"What's your name boy?" He asked looking down at him. Omi didn't say any thing he just looked at him then the other guy and finally to the new girl.

"I'm sorry sir he doesn't talk." He looked at her.

"Oh? Why not? Does he have a problem?"

"No he `can' talk, he just doesn't want to. He hasn't said a work in about four years so I heard." The guy looked back at him.

"Is that true?" Omi nodded. The other man walked over and looked at Omi as well.

"My name is Aki Tsukiyono, and this is Kaze Tsukiyono." Omi blinked, were they brothers? He thought. Aki shook his head to answer Omi's unspoken question. Omi smiled understanding now.

"Well Omi, how would you like to come home with us?" Kaze asked. Omi looked at him and then at Aki who just smiled. Then Omi's smile grew bigger and he nodded.

The lady behind them was smiling as well.

"If you would fallow me I will get you the papers to sign." Kaze nodded and left the room with her. Aki looked at Omi.

"You should pack up the stuff you want to take with you." Omi nodded and turned around to shut down his laptop and put it in its case. He then got up and grabbed his backpack putting a week's worth of cloths in it. He looked around the room really quick to see if he was forgetting any thing, then he reached down and took out three disks form under his mattress and put them in his backpack as well.

"That all you taking with you?" Aki asked, and Omi nodded. Aki and Omi walked out the room and saw Kaze just coming out of the office with some papers.

"Aki you have to sign your name as well." Aki nodded and took the pen signing his name next to Kaze's. Omi look at the playroom and saw Keith playing with Danny, Ruth and Becky. Keith saw Omi and then noticed the backpack and laptop case.

"Omi!" He ran out. "Omi are you leaving?" Omi nodded. "See I told you, you would get adopted." He smiled; Omi just smiled and shook his head. "Oh wait right here I have something for you." Keith ran down the hallway into his room. Kaze and Aki turned to Omi.

"Ok time to go." Omi looked at them and shook his head then looked back at ware Keith ran off to. Keith came running back out and skidded to a stop in front of Omi.

"Here I got you this for your birthday next week. But sense you wont be here you can have it now." Omi set down his backpack and opened the present, it was a CD that he had wanted for months but didn't have enough money to get.

"Me, Danny, Ruth and Becky put are money together to get you that." He smiled. Omi hugged him.

"Thank you…" He whispered in his ear. Keith smiled; he was the only one that Omi would even think of talking to. Omi looked back at Aki and Kaze who were waiting for him.

"Ready to go now?" He nodded, and they went out to the car. Omi got in the back whale Aki and Kaze got in the front. As they drove off Omi noticed something sticking out the front of his backpack. He took it out and it was a picture of every one he knew at the orphanage. He smiled, and put it back. Laying his head back he was fast asleep with in five minuets.

When they got to the apartment Aki looked in the back seat.

"Should I wake him?" He looked at Kaze.

"No let him sleep, we'll carry him in." Aki nodded and got out opening the back seat and lifting Omi out.

"Man this kid is lighter then he looks." They went inside and he set Omi on the couch.

"So now that we have a kid when do we go back home?" He looked at Kaze who set Omi's stuff next to the couch.

"Tomorrow or the day after. I have to call and make sure we still have are tickets."

Omi woke up and hour latter. "Oh your awake." Aki said as he came in. "You hungry? There is some take out in the kitchen help your self ok?" Omi nodded and went to where Aki had pointed. He saw Kaze sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading something. He noticed Omi standing in the doorway.

"Oh so your awake ne? Pleas have a seat." Omi sat at the table. "Have you ever been to Japan Omi?" He nodded.

"Good we will be going there tomorrow ok?" Omi looked at him as if asking why. "Because that is ware me and Kaze live, we only came here so we could visit a couple of people." Omi shrugged and started eating.

When Omi was done he started to look around the apartment, it was a nice place but he was glad to know that he wouldn't have to stay more then one night here. There were spiders on the ceiling in the shower not many it was only about four or five but he still didn't want to take a shower in there.

"Oh here you are Omi… I have been looking for you, you should get to bed early tonight we have a long day ahead of us." Omi nodded and went out to the living room to grab his pajamas from his backpack.

"You can change in the bathroom whale I set up the sofa bed." Omi nodded and went to get changed. When he came back out his bed was ready and he climbed in.

"Night Omi." Aki said as he turned out the light.

The Next morning Kaze woke Omi up around six. "Omi time to get up. We have to be on the plane by 7am." Omi rubbed his eyes as he sat up and looked around. Stretching he got out of bed and did his morning routine. When he came into the kitchen breakfast was already on the table. Eggs and bacon his favorite, he smiled and sat down. Aki came in the other door and smiled at him.

"Morning, hope you slept well?" Omi nodded as Aki and Kaze sat down and started eating as well.

It was 6:20 by the time they finished. "Omi you should go get dressed." He nodded and went and got his cloths. He went into the bathroom and got dressed. When he came back out there were four bags by the front door. He went over and put his pajamas in his backpack.

"Ready Omi?" Kaze asked picking up two of the bags and Aki got the other two. He nodded and fallowed them out to the car.

They got to the airport around 6:40. They got on the plane and Kaze let Omi have the window seat. Omi had only been on a plane once in his life and he didn't really remember but he did remember he liked it a lot and wanted the window seat last time as well but some one elts had it.


What do you think of the first chapter? Let me know and sorry if I miss spelt some words I could not spell to save my life, and my grammar isn't much better either. Well any way let me know what you think I am going to start on the second chapter Ja ne!