Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What if? ❯ New place ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry if I miss spelt some words I could not spell to save my life, and my grammar isn't much better either.

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiss Kreuz…it would be awesome if I did but I don't so I guess I will just have to keep dreaming ne?

What if

Chapter3: New place

By Yami Kitsune

Omi was staying in the spare room in the apartment above the flower shop. He didn't know what these men wanted with him … were they going to kill him? He hadn't slept at all last night, he couldn't stop thinking about how Kaze and Aki were killed right in front of him and how he killed an innocent man. He pulled the covers tighter around him. Why was this happening? There was a knock on the door, and it opened slowly.

"Omi? I brought you some food… you hungry?" It was Ken. Omi shook his head. He came in anyway with the tray and put it beside the bed.

"Come on you got to eat something." Omi shook his head again. Ken shrugged.

"Ok it will be right here if you change your mind." He stud up and left the room. Omi just sat there looking around the room. It looked like a nice place, but then again so didn't Kaze's and Aki's. And look how that turned out. He moved so he could get out of bed, he wanted to look around some more. He moved to the door and listened to hear if any one was out there. He heard a door down stairs close and wondered if they left.

He opened the door slowly and peeked out, there was no one there so he opened it all the way and stepped out. He walked down the hall and went down the steps being as quiet as he could. He then found himself in the kitchen, he walked by. He saw some steps leading down stairs and went down them and found himself in the mission room.

He saw the computer in the corner and it looked like it hadn't been used ever. He walked over to it and turned it on. He booted it up and found it was running really slow. `How old is this computer anyway?' he wondered.

"What are you doing down here?" He turned around quickly, he hadn't heard any one come down stairs. Aya was standing at the bottom of the steps with his arms crossed. Omi recognized that pose from when Kaze had done it every time he was mad at him then he would beat the shit out of him and tell him not to do it again.

Omi jumped up from the chair but didn't answer him.

"I know you can talk, now tell me what are you doing down here?" Omi started shaking, should he answer him or not? With Kaze he would get beat either way so it never made any deferens. Aya sighed as he realized he wasn't going to get and answer out of this boy. He walked over to him and saw Omi was shaking all over, he reached a hand out and Omi winced bracing himself for a hit.

Aya frowned; this kid really thought he was going to get hit.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Omi cracked open an eye to look at him, he then felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked at it and then back at Aya who's face had softened and now looked more genital.

"Come on lets go get you some thing to eat." Omi nodded dumbly and fallowed Aya back up stairs to the kitchen. Omi looked around and didn't see Ken and Yoji any ware he then looked at Aya.

"Yoji is in the shop down stairs and Ken went to get someone who wanted to meet you." He said answering the unspoken question. Omi nodded and sat at the table. Aya got him some cereal.

"Here you go." Omi immediately dug into it and ate like he hadn't it weeks, But judging from the skin and bone look of the kid Aya thought that was true. Omi had said he wasn't hungry but in fact he was starving. Aya sat down on the other side of the table and just watched him. There was something about this kid, Aya wondered how old he was and if he would ever talk to them.

As Omi ate the shirt he was warring started to slid off his shoulder to reveal the cut that went down his shoulder to his wrist. Aya looked at it, he could tell it had been there for at least a week.

"Did one of them give that to you?" Omi looked at him puzzled and then realized he was talking about his shoulder and nodded.

"Witch one?" Omi just looked back down at his bowl and played with the rest of the food that was in it.

"Do you have any more cuts like that?" Omi nodded and pushed his bowl away. Aya stood up and took it putting it in the sink then looking back at the boy.

"Come on lets go get that cleaned up. It looks infected." Omi looked at him as he walked to the steps and went up, Omi stood and fallowed him. Aya led him back into his room.

"Sit on the bed I'll be right back." He went into the bathroom and came back out with the first aid kit.

"Take off your shirt." Omi did as he was told. Aya winced inwardly at all the cuts bruises and scars that covered his upper body. How could some one do that to a kid? He wondered as he set the kit down on the bed and started cleaning the cuts. He noticed fresh cuts on his back, but they weren't made with a knife.

"How did you get these?" Omi lowered his head to stair at the floor.

"…A whip…" He said in a soft whisper and Aya wasn't too sure he heard it.

"They whipped you?" Omi nodded. "Why?" A shrug. There was a knock at the door. Aya stood up and opened the door, it was Ken.


"Have you seen Omi he's not in his room…" He trailed off as he saw the teen sitting on Aya's bed.

"He's in here." Aya moved away from the door and went back to the bed to finish cleaning the cuts.

"What do you want?" Aya asked not looking at him.

"Oh Manx is here and wants to see him." Aya nodded.

"Tell her to come up here. These cuts need to be cleaned." Ken nodded and went back down stairs to tell her. A few minuets latter the redhead was standing in the door to Aya's room. She walked over to the bed at looked at him.

"This is the boy you found on your mission?" Aya nodded.

"What is your name?" Manx asked looking at the boy. Omi just looked at her then at Aya and back again like he didn't know what to say.

"His name is Omi Tsukiyono." Aya said putting the last of the bandages on him and putting the rest back in the first aid kit. And went to put it away.

"Ken said that he wasn't related to them."

"I…I was adopted…" Omi whispered keeping his head down.

"What is your real name then?" She asked. Omi shrugged. "You don't remember what your real name is?"

"..." Omi shook his head. He had a couple of ideas of what it was but he wasn't too sure. Manx sighed.

"Well I don't know what you guys plan to do with him. He knows your killers."

"He won't say any thing." Aya said leaning agents the wall beside the bed. Omi just looked at him and then Manx not sure what they were going to do to him.

"He can stay here for now. You should bring him to the Kritiker doctor to look at his cuts." Aya nodded and Manx left. He looked back at Omi who was still sitting on his bed. The teen had started shaking again.

"Are you cold?" Omi shook his head.

"N-no…I just don't want to leave." He lowered his head to stare at his hands that were clenched together in his lap.

"Why not? There are a lot of better people out there then us." Omi shook his head.

"No…not many people want a teenager who could practically live on his own…"

"How old are you Omi?"

"I'm 17…" Aya looked at him in shock. This kid didn't look 17 at all; he looked about 12, 13 at the most. He was really small for his age as well.

"Well don't think about leaving right now. Were not sure what Persia has in mind for you."

"Are you guy's assassins?"

"Hai…why do you want to know?"

"Cues I could help you guy's…I know how to kill people and I am really good with a computer." Omi looked at him with pleading eyes that seemed to say `please don't send me away.' Aya sighed.

"I will see what I can do. You should get some rest; I'll be down stairs if you need any thing. You can stay in here or go back to the guest room. Its up to you." With that he left the room. Omi lied down on Aya's bed and fell asleep. Aya was out side the door leaning agents the wall. `What's wrong with me? Why the hell do I care about this kid any way?' He thought to himself and went down stairs. Something inside of him had snapped when he saw all the cuts and bruises on the kids' body. He didn't know why he just didn't like to see a kid hurt like that.


Ok what do you think about the third chapter? If any one reads it and finds any spelling mistakes that need to be changed let me know. Thanks, the next chapter might take a little longer because I have no clue where I am going with this. ^_^ oh well Ja ne!