Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What is Mine ❯ Cruel Intentions ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Mine

I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters.

I do own Henker

Warning contains: MAJOR ANGST, Adult language, Violence, Lemon


^Inner Thoughts^

Chapter 9: Cruel Intentions

"You knew they would come." Aya said to Schuldich.

"Of course I did, and you better not try to start acting up either. Remember I still have something very precious to you."

"Leave her out of this!"

"-As long as you behave, I will. Now be quiet, I want you to surprise the Weiß kittens."

The redhead stiffened, he really hadn't given any thought how Yohji or the others would react to seeing him with Schwarz. It had been what- a week since that mission he'd taken, they probably thought he was dead.

Farfarello brought one of his knives to his tongue, licking the cold metallic edge. "Is it time to hurt God?" He asked anxiously to the precog.

Crawford chuckled, "It is." He saw three dark figures step out from the brush of the woods. "Well, if it isn't Weiß, my favorite group of assassins." He said sarcastically.

Yohji stared at the Schwarz members. He clearly saw Reiji, Crawford, and Farfarello, but Schuldich had his back turned to them and. . .there was another person behind him. He knew that he was too tall to be Nagi, but that didn't matter to him. He only had one thing on his mind. . .kill Takatori Reiji. He looked at Crawford, "Get out of our way, we've got some business to take care of." His cold gaze turned toward the frightened politician.

Crawford grinned, "So sorry, but I can't allow you to take care of that `business'. After all, you would be killing a very valuable employer, don't you agree Schuldich?"

"Of course. . ." The telepath said smoothly, still not turning around to face the Weiß assassins.

Ken's eyes narrowed at the telepath's odd behavior. "What's wrong Schuldich? Are you afraid to face us?"

The telepath laughed, "Me? Afraid of you?- I thought it would be the other way around. . ."

"I ain't afraid of a bastard like you!!" The brunette snapped.

"Oh really? Why do I only sense three minds?"

All of the Weiß assassins stiffened.

"Interesting, the best fighter in your little group isn't even here with you. . ."

Crawford devilishly grinned, "Ah. . .so that's what is missing. I'm curious, where is your cool, calm and collective leader at?"

"That's none of your damn business!" Yohji snapped.

"My, aren't you a little pissed-off today. . ." The precog retorted amused. He turned the Schuldich. "Schu, you and Beansprucht get Mr. Takatori out of here."

Yohji narrowed his eyes ^Beansprucht?^

"I'd thought you'd never ask." /Let's go kitten/ With Aya in front of him, he lead Reiji to a forested area never looking back at the Weiß assassins.

"Oh no you don't!" Omi said. He aimed his crossbow at Reiji and fired.

Knowing that the young assassin would try that Crawford shot the arrow as it came by his direction. He turned to Farfarello, "Farf, I think it's time to hurt God now."

The Irishman grinned blissfully taking out another knife, "I will make Him shed tears of blood. . ."

Ken turned to Yohji whispering to him, "Listen, Omi and I will stall them. You go after Reiji."

"-No. Let me help you."

"The target is more important. Did you forget we've got to kill him tonight? This is the last chance will probably ever get."

Farfarello slowly made his way to the three Weiß assassins still hold his feral grin. "Tonight God will feel my wrath. . ."

Omi fired his crossbow at the psychopath, hitting him in his arm.

Farfarello stared at the arrow imbedded in him. He easily pulled it out still grinning at the Weiß assassins, "I will make Him suffer. . ."

"Go Yohji!"

Hesitant, the blonde left the two assassins with Crawford and the psychopath going after Reiji.

Crawford grinned ^Well, that's one vision down^

"S- Sh- Schuldich do something!! He's- He's coming this way." Reiji said nervously, as he saw Yohji heading in their direction.

The telepath only chuckled, "Let him come. . . If it makes you feel any better you can hide over there behind that rock."

Reiji took Schuldich's advice, Schwarz or not, he wouldn't let himself get killed here; he was too close to becoming Prime Minister for such a thing to happen.

"Leave him alone Schuldich!"

"Ch' you go on and on like a broken record. . ." The telepath's hand lifted to Aya's cheek gently stroking it. "Why do you care anyway? He's your enemy. You are a member of Schwarz, are you not?"

Aya jerked his head away from Schuldich's hand refusing to answer the question. No he wasn't Schwarz, he was Weiß. He only reason he was here is because he was being blackmailed into it.

/You shouldn't deny who you are/

Yohji stood a few feet away from Schuldich, now the only thing standing between him and his target was the arrogant, flame-haired German and- that other person, Beansprucht. Schuldich was standing directly behind the new Schwarz assassin preventing from seeing any of his features.

"Ah Yohji, or should I call you Balinese, so nice to see you again."

Yohji pulled some metal wire from his watch not replying to the telepath.

"Oh, I see you're not in the mood to talk, well before we get started, I want to introduce you to the newest Schwarz member, Beansprucht."

"He can burn in hell are all I care!" Yohji said through clenched teeth.

Aya felt his heart sank.

Schuldich grinned, "Don't say that, you might hurt his feelings. . ."

"His feelings!? Since when did you start caring about others feelings?"

"Ever since I laid eyes on his beautiful mind- and body. Ever since he joined our little group, which was. . ." He looked dead into Yohji's jade eyes, "-`seven' days ago."

Yohji caught the emphasis the telepath used when he said seven days, but seven days ago was when Aya had- His eyes widened. ^No. . .^

Schuldich smirked, "I like you to meet Beansprucht." Schuldich grabbed Aya by the arms jerking him around to face the Weiß assassin. Amethyst eyes stared into jade.

"A. . .Aya. . ." Yohji choked. He couldn't believe it, why was he with Schuldich? Hell, why was he with Schwarz for that matter?

Aya couldn't stand the way the blonde looked at him as if he wasn't even human. "Yohji r-" He gasped when his voice quit on him, why couldn't he speak anymore? When he tried to move his muscles, they felt like they were concrete?

/What do you think you're doing Ran? You were about to warn him weren't you/

/What did you do to me!?/

/I took over your mind of course. Now then, let's see what I can do to piss off your lover. . ./

Schuldich met the blonde's gaze. "Aya? So sorry to disappoint you, but his name is Beansprucht." He pulled the redhead closer to him trailing his tongue along the redhead's exposed neck still staring at the blonde assassin. "You know, he's quite the delicacy. . ."

"YOU SICK BASTARD!!!!" Yohji shouted.

^Well that didn't take much^ "Heh Balinese, you may have just hurt my feelings." The telepath mocked. He pulled out a pistol pointing at the blonde grinning at him, "But then again, what the hell do I care about those things anyway."

Yohji stiffened; this was bad. Schuldich was using Aya as a defense shield so he couldn't attack him without risking injury to the redhead. And defense was next to impossible since the telepath could outmaneuver him wherever he went.

/Stop it dammit! Leave him alone!/

/Why should I? You knew that you would have to face them when you joined us. Besides, you've been a very naughty kitten, bearing your fangs at me last night. . . I think killing your lover in front of you is the perfect punishment/

/That's between you and me, leave him out of it!/

/Oh, but he has everything to do with it/ He raised the pistol to Yohji's head.


/You should have thought about that last night. A pet does not bare its fangs at its Master/

Aya felt his body tremble, /. . .Please. . ./ He whispered.

Schuldich grinned, ah progress. /What did you say Beansprucht? I couldn't quite hear you over the wind/

/. . .Please. . . stop. . ./ Aya said a little louder his face flushing with shame.

/You're missing something. . . What do you call me Beansprucht?/

Aya's mouth went dry. He wanted to call him. . . If he called him "that," He would be saying that he truly was Schuldich's pet. The thought of that sickened him to his stomach. No, Aya had his pride, but if he didn't say it. . . Yohji would die because of his stubbornness. He cursed; once again the telepath had managed to trap him in his net.

Schuldich could sense the conflicting emotions within the redhead. /Come on, you know you want to . . ./ The telepath purred.

To save Yohji, that's what Aya told himself as he said those horrid words. /. . .Ma-/ He said somberly /Master. . . please stop/

Schuldich smiled. Ah; now that truly was music to his ears. Schuldich had finally got Aya to submit to him. But he wanted Aya more than just submissive; he wanted him broken, and he would make sure that that happened tonight. /Do you love your Master Beansprucht?/

Aya's face flushed with humiliation /. . .yes/

/Are you loyal to me?/

/. . .yes/

/Good, now show me how loyal you really are. . ./

Aya's body stiffened /What are you talking about?!/

Schuldich lowered the pistol and placed it in Aya's tuxedo pocket. /Kill him/

Aya's eyes widened, /No! You said you would leave him alone!/

Schuldich grinned, /But I am leaving him alone. I said that I wouldn't shoot him, and I'm not/

/NO! I won't do this!/

/Don't worry I wouldn't force you to kill the one you love. That's why I'm gonna giving you a choice. . . Either you kill him. . . or I kill your sister/

/NO!!!! You can't do this you said-/

/-Crawford said, -Not me. . . Now make your choice. Yohji. . .or sweet, little Aya/

Aya eyes narrowed, /You fucking bastard!! You were planning this from the beginning!!!/

The telepath chuckled /Damn! You caught me red-handed Ran. You're such a smart little kitten. . .But then again, that's one of the things I like about you/ He stepped away from the redhead /So tell me Ran, who are you going to kill?/

Wordlessly, Aya stood in front of Schuldich. He lifted the pistol the telepath had given him at his lover. ^I'm sorry^

Yohji stood there dumbfounded, Schuldich had walked away from Aya, the Weiß leader was in no apparent danger but he was just standing there. The question was soon answered as he saw Aya pointing a gun toward him. "Aya! What are you doing?!"

Schuldich smiled, fury, love, remorse, even fear intermingled through Aya's confused mind. ^Yes. . .^ He thought sadistically.

Amethyst eyes locked on to jade. He tried once more to speak.

Schuldich saw what he was planning to do and took over his body again. /Ah-ah-ah, No chatting with the enemy Beansprucht, you know better than that. . . Perhaps I need to help you a little/

Aya watched in horror as Schuldich manipulated his body. The pistol Schuldich had given him lifted up and pointed to Yohji head. /No!! Stop! Get out of my head!/

/So, you want your sister to die?/

/I said leave her out of this!!/

/Then shoot him!/ Schuldich snapped. /Pull the damn trigger and kill him!!/ After a few moments, he let Aya regain control of his body. /And you better hit him with only one shot. . . /He could easily control the redhead's body and shoot Yohji himself, but that would be too easy. . .He wanted Aya to be the one in control, let him know that he held the gun, that he pulled the trigger, and that he was the one solely responsible for ending Yohji's life.

Aya stared at the blonde with pleading eyes ^Get out of here. . .^

"Aya, it's me, Yohji!"

/Don't even think about answering him/

Obeying Schuldich, Aya remained silent.

"Why are you protecting Takatori Reiji Aya!! He is your enemy!!"

/I'll say it again. . .Shoot him. . ./

Why is this happening? Aya was aiming a gun Yohji; the person he loved. He couldn't. . .he was. . .he was going to kill him with his own hands. His hands trembled as he slowly pulled the trigger back. ^Run Yohji!!^


^No. . .^

/DO IT NOW!!!/ Schuldich snapped.



Schuldich smiled ^Excellent. . .^

Aya watched in horror as blood gushed from his lover's chest. "No. . .Yohji. . ." The pistol he was holding slipped out of his fingers. Had he- could he have?

Yohji looked at the redhead, "Aya. . ." He whispered softly. His legs buckled beneath him making him fall to his knees. Desolate tears began to pour from the Weiß assassin's eyes from the pain that swelled in his chest. "W. .hy?!"

Schuldich moved over to where Aya was. He entered his mind again to find the redhead's thoughts in total chaos. . . and he loved every moment of it. The complete destruction of Aya Fujimiya, the emotionless assassin. . . Yes, this was the sweet, mouth-watering honey that he desired; it was finally his. Holding the redhead by the waist he pressed him closer to his body. He placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. /You serve your Master well little one. . . I'll reward you when we get back/

Aya didn't try to fight the telepath; he was too lost in his own chaotic thoughts. This had to be a dream- no a nightmare. He closed his eyes ^It's a nightmare. . .a nightmare!^

Schuldich was amused by Aya's denial. /Open your eyes to the truth my pet/

But when Aya opened his eyes, he saw Schuldich smirking at him, his hands possessively around him. He saw the pistol he had held in his hand a moment before on the ground beside him, he saw Yohji struggling not fall on his side from a gapping bullet wound in his chest. His eyes widened, No, this was not a dream or a nightmare, It- It was true. . .

"No. . ." Aya whispered. He felt warm droplets trailed down his face, when had he started crying? Like an endless fountain they flowed out of the redhead's eyes, as hard as he tried, he couldn't stop them, and from the hole in his heart it felt like he never would.

Schuldich watched the redhead's face intently. It was satisfying to see Aya like this, but at the same time strange. . . who knew that the redhead could cry. He wanted Aya broken, but this was far more than he expected out of the redhead, such a interesting kitten Aya was.

". . . NO!!" Aya said in a sob full of rage and sorrow. He couldn't have- he did- he shot Yohji.

The telepath could hear the redhead hyperventilating. If Aya kept continuing to do this, he would surly pass out from the lack of air. /Calm down Ran/

But Aya couldn't calm down, he began to shake uncontrollably. ^THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!!!^

Schuldich lifted Aya's chin up staring into his amethyst eyes. He kissed Aya on his cheek, /Ah, but it is my pet/ Taking his free hand, he balled it up and punched Aya in his stomach.

Aya gasped at the sudden shock of the air being knocked out of him, he felt his body lean toward Schuldich's waiting embrace as his eyes fluttered to the back of his head. ^yoh. . .^

"Sweet dreams my little kitten," Schuldich chimed as Aya passed out. He easily caught the redhead as he pitched forward toward him; he placed the redhead on the ground gently. When he looked up, his attention fell on Yohji.

Yohji stared angrily at the telepath, for the moment, he forgot that he had been shot, the blood seeping onto the soil beneath him. How dare he touch Aya like that! How dare he lay his filthy hands on him!

Schuldich walked over to the wounded Weiß member grinning maliciously. "Poor, poor Balinese. . .I bet you have so many questions to ask me." He brutally kicked Yohji in his side.

The blonde groaned as he fell back on his back, his head crashing against the hard soil.

/Looks like you should've kept your eyes on your lover. . . But ya know, I guess I should thank you. . ./ The telepath moved his foot to the bullet wound slowly pressing down on it.

Yohji stifled a scream as the bullet was lodged deeper into his flesh blood gushed out from the contact. "What. . .did. . .you do. . .to him?!"

/Me?. . ./ He said innocently /Oh nothing, just had his beautiful, naked body beneath mine/

Yohji's eyes widened, "No. . .how. . .c-could. . . you?"

/How could I what? You really can't call it rape; he seemed to enjoy every moment of it/

The Weiß assassin's angry jade eyes stared at the telepath, "You lie. . ." He felt the telepath's foot press down harder on him. ^No. . . Aya loves me. . .he wouldn't- he couldn't!!^

/You should have saw him; he couldn't stop himself from moaning in ecstasy, screaming my name, begging me to fuck him. To think that you were so careless with him. . . Oh well, one man's trash is another man's treasure they say/ He felt the blonde's mind slowly disintegrating into oblivion. /Don't worry I'll take real good care of him, he might even learn to love me/

"He. . .wouldn't!" Yohji gasped. "Not to a monster like you!" He rasped.

Schuldich chuckled, "Ah, I thought you knew, I'm the Devil."

/That's enough Schu/ Crawford interjected. /Let's go/

Schuldich eyes narrowed. No, he would not back down, not after all the effort he put into this. He wanted to torment the Weiß assassin until his last pathetic breath, let himself feed off of the agonizing thoughts of the blonde's dying mind. Ignoring Crawford, the telepath kicked Yohji again sending him rolling a few feet away. "I want you to know something, why Ran protected Reiji and betrayed you-"


"-The truth is, he was given a choice. . . To protect you, or to protect Aya. Heh, looks like you will always come second in his life." The telepath smirked, "Too bad."

Yohji longer had the energy to speak. Blood formed within his lungs making him struggle to breathe. ^Aya. . .you were protecting your sister^

"Ah, I see you're beginning to get the picture." Schuldich walked over to the blonde, "And with you gone, my little Beansprucht won't have anyone else to lust over. . ." His foot rested on the Weiß assassin's chest. He laughed as Yohji coughed up blood, "Before you die, I want to show you how I made Ran feel. . ."

Yohji felt his mind be viciously assaulted, images filled his head, images of Schuldich. . . and Aya. ^no. . .^ He saw the redhead's naked body beneath the telepath, their breathing ragged and heavy as they locked lips, tasting each other. "Schul. . .dich. . ." Aya gasped as the telepath's fingers probed at his entrance. ^No!^ Schuldich moved between the redhead's legs placing each one on his shoulder. His member brushed near Aya's puckered hole. ^NO!!^ The telepath pushed into the unresisting redhead in one swift stroke, twin cries of pleasure echoed through the room. They rocked back and forth slowly speeding up their rhythm into a heated dance of passion. Each thrust that the telepath made, made Aya moan in ecstasy. A light sheet of sweat made his body shine with an eerie, almost mystique glow. "SCHULDICH!" Aya panted as he spilled himself on his and the telepath's abdomen. ^NOO!!!^

Schuldich grinned /Tell me, have you ever made Ran feel this way before?/

Yohji dimly heard the telepath's comment, his eyes stung with freshly drawn tears. This was a lie, it was! It had to be! Consumed in his own thoughts, he didn't notice that he had stopped breathing. His eyes started to cloud over as he still stared at the unconscious Weiß leader- No, his lover. For once the redhead seemed so peaceful, even with the tears that were staining his face. He wasn't looking at a cold-hearted killer or the disgruntled flower shop employee. No, this wasn't Aya Fujimiya, was this. . . Ran Fujimiya? A smile crossed his face as he closed his eyes for the last time ^Ran, see you in Hell. . .^

Darkness, pure wholesome darkness, Schuldich sensed it in Yohji's mind. He smiled ^I've finally won^ He laughed, softly at first; then it grew into a maniacal roar- the voice echoed through the forest, like a bat straight from Hell itself. ^Yes, I've won!!^ His gaze shifted over to his unconscious prize, he licked his lips "Your mine. . ."

He heard movement in the woods and turned toward it. From the wood brush he saw Crawford coming toward him. "Did you have fun?" The precog said impassively as he came face to face with Schuldich.

"Of course." The telepath grinned. Without warning, Crawford slapped Schuldich on the face leaving a bright red bruise on his cheek.

"How DARE you disobey me!" Crawford ground out.

Schuldich moved his hand to the swelling skin only to be slapped again, this with enough force to make him stumble backwards. Yeah, he had really pissed the precog off this time. . .

"Look at me when I speak to you dammit!" The precog snapped.

Sapphire eyes locked on to cold amber.

"When I say do something Schuldich, I expect you to do it! You ignored my orders when specifically told you to back off." He retrieved his revolver from his jacket. "Do you know how close you came to dying tonight Schuldich?" He said calmly.

Before the telepath could answer the question, Crawford fired the revolver. He was surprised to hear something falling behind the trees that were behind him. When he turned to see what had fallen, he saw a body. ^Henker. . .^

"You were so busy getting your fill of honey that you didn't even notice someone was watching you, let alone let that Reiji is gone now. When we get back, I'll think of a suitable punishment for you." He reholstered his weapon. "Get Fujimiya, we're leaving."

Schuldich smiled as he picked up Aya ^I really don't care what Crawford does to me^ He kissed Aya on his slightly parted lips ^I've broken you, and that's all that matters to me. . .^

To be continued. . .

*Runs away from the mob of Yohji fans*