Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What No One Knows... ❯ Leaving Fears in the Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Chapter 5~

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Aya asked as he stood in the doorway of his lover's room.

"Well, I'm feeling even better now that *you're* here," the blond answered with a broad grin and a wink.

It had been nearly a month since the battle with Schwarz, and Yohji was still feeling the effects. Schuldich had broken two ribs when he landed on the playboy, and while they weren't yet fully healed, his mobility was increasing and the pain fading. The redhead's promise to him had yet to be fulfilled due to injuries, but he was determined to see to it that it happened - as soon as possible.

Both the swordsman and Omi had suffered mild concussions during their last battle, and all four boys walked away with various scrapes and bruises. Now, Aya was getting a taste of his own medicine. He was the one who was waiting for his lover to heal so that they could be more intimate than the occasional heated kiss. Even though there was no concrete winner in his fight with Farfarello, he had a feeling of accomplishment that seemed to force that horrible night into the background. Granted, he was still a little nervous about the prospect of being intimate again, but Yohji had a way of making him forget his fears even existed.

The redhead crossed the room to where the playboy was sitting on his bed. Curiously, he again asked, "Are you *sure* you're feeling all right? You're not in too much pain?"

Suspiciously, the blond eyed his lover. "Yes, I'm fine. It doesn't really hurt much today. Why? What did you *really* come here for, Aya?"

The swordsman felt color spring to his cheeks at the inquiry, and he looked away, flustered. "Well, I was thinking that…maybe…if you felt okay, that is…I - I mean *we*…could…um…because I said I would…."

A wide grin blossomed on the playboy's lips and he excitedly questioned, "Aya, are you saying you're here to fulfill your promise to me?"

Wordlessly, the redhead nodded. Finding a pair of strong, sun-kissed arms suddenly around his waist, he let himself be pulled forward until he was kneeling on the bed between the blond's spread legs. Their lips met almost shyly, both sensing this was somehow *different*, knowing what it would surely lead to today. Still, it was practically instantaneous that Aya had opened his mouth, inviting the wet-warm sweep of Yohji's tongue against his. The playboy's hands were on his back, slowly, gently inching up the warm skin underneath his shirt.

"May I?" he was asked.

"Only if I may as well," was his breathy response.

Yohji smiled and pushed the black t-shirt up, pulling it over his lover's head and tossing it to the floor. After the redhead finished unbuttoning his shirt, it soon joined its mate.

Aya was falling backward, being gently lain down to the bed as the blond claimed his lips once again, cautious hands stroking downward over smooth, milky white skin and taut muscle. "Are you *sure* about this?" the playboy asked once again. "You've stopped me before."

The swordsman folded his arms around his lover's neck, stroking the fine, blond hair that rested there. "I want this, Yohji. I want you to remind me how good it is. I want you…to chase away the bad memories with good ones."

"Now *that*, I can do." Yohji grinned, lowering his head to nip at the juncture of the redhead's neck and shoulder, curious as to what kind of reaction it would engender this time. Much to his relief, while it garnered the same moans and breathless sighs, his lover didn't begin to panic. Feeling bolder, he slid his way down the heaving chest, pausing at a delicate pink nipple. His tongue darted out, laving and teasing it to hardness as his fingers did the same to its opposite.

Aya was arching up into the touch, wanting it, *needing* the tender caress of the one he had grown to love. But the blond's fingers were dancing closer to the top of his pants, and suddenly, he wasn't so sure this would work. "Yohji," he breathed, "I don't know if I can do this."

The playboy propped himself up on his elbows, breath soft and warm on his lover's bare stomach as he regarded him with serious yet caring eyes. "You *can*, Aya," he replied, undoing the top button on the swordsman's jeans. "You just have to learn to leave the past in the past where it belongs." The zipper came down, and he slowly pushed the heavy denim down and off the slender legs. "You were enjoying yourself, too." He smirked playfully.

The redhead was curious. "How could you tell?"

"Because," Yohji answered, "there's no other explanation for *this*." At the last word, he placed his hand directly over Aya's groin, fingers running up and down the hard length of his arousal beneath the thin cloth.

With a breathy gasp, the swordsman felt his hips shift toward the touch, and he had to admit his lover was right. "I guess I just can't win against you," he stated with a grin.

"No," the playboy quipped, "but I don't think that's bad at all." Suddenly, the redhead's boxers, too were gone, and the blond found himself staring at the nasty scar running from directly below the pierced navel down to the patch of dark crimson hair just above his jutting erection.

Aya noticed the path of his lover's eyes and turned away in shame. "I'm sorry I can no longer be perfect for you."

Before he could say anything further, Yohji's tongue was on him, licking a wet trail from the top of the scar to the bottom. "It's okay, Aya," he consoled between soft kisses, "you're still perfect for me." Kiss. "I like the scar." Kiss. "This way…" kiss, "when I'm kissing my way…" kiss, "down your stomach…" kiss, "like I'm doing now…" kiss, "I won't get lost…" kiss, "on the way to my *real* target."

At that, he bowed his head once again, tongue gliding up the underside of his lover's sex before his lips closed over the tip and he set his mouth to work.

This was heaven, the swordsman decided as he willed his body not to thrust up into the moist heat engulfing his arousal. All thoughts were driven from his mind and he was only half aware of the sounds he was making, urging the blond on, craving fulfillment. In fact, he was so consumed by pleasure that he almost didn't notice the slick finger pushing into him. Almost. Instantly, he tensed, crying out, "No! Stop it! I can't…I can't. Please don't…."

"Aya…shh…just listen to me," the playboy gently instructed. "Open your eyes. Look at me."

Slowly, the redhead obeyed, his violet gaze meeting his lover's viridian one.

"Good. Now, who do you see? Who am I?'

Curious as to where this was going, Aya softly answered. "Yohji."

"Right. I am Yohji. *I* am *here*. I'm going to help remind you of the good times. I won't hurt you. Do you trust me?"

The swordsman nodded. "I do."

"Okay. You can feel this, can't you?" The blond began slowly moving his finger inside his lover, gently thrusting in and out.

"I can."

"And how does that feel? Good?"


Gently, Yohji added another slick finger, working both inside to stretch him a little more. "And who is doing that to you? Who is making you feel good?"

"You are."

"Who am I?" He lightly brushed over the one spot he knew would instantly assuage all of Aya's fears.

"Yohji!" the redhead moaned, his hip arching toward the questing fingers.

The playboy grinned, slipping a third finger into Aya's tight passage and stroking a bit faster. "Right. I only want to bring you pleasure. And I'm only going to bring you more. Keep your eyes open."

Suddenly, the fingers were gone as Yohji hastily shed his pants. The swordsman looked on as he amply coated his arousal with the same lubricant he had used on his fingers. Then, he was lifting Aya, tilting the slim hips and gently pushing inside.

The redhead's eyelids fell, but did not close at the slow penetration. It still hurt, but it was expected, bearable, the best kind of pain. So he forced himself to relax, though he couldn't seem to steady his heartbeat or his breathing. And then, the blond was there, kneading and massaging his trembling thighs and whispering words of comfort.

At last, Yohji was buried to the root inside the perfectly tight confines of his lover. He had waited so long for this, but it was well worth the wait if it meant they could once again share this intimate connection. He leaned over, gathering his lover into his arms until they were both sitting upright, the swordsman straddling his thighs.

Aya curled his arms around the playboy's neck, bringing him closer so their lips could meet. "I'm all right," he whispered with a grin. "Please…move. Make love to me, Yohji. Make love to me and drive all the bad memories away."

Yohji simply smiled, hands moving to the redhead's hips as he began thrusting into the hot tightness that gripped him. With a groan, the swordsman thrust back, moving against his lover. And then they were lost, tumbling into a maelstrom of exquisite passion.

Aya held tight to the playboy as they rocked on the mattress, his head thrown back as he panted for breath. The blond shifted his hips a bit, aiming for the extraordinarily sensitive spot he had found numerous times before. It only took him one try before he was unfailingly rubbing against it with every deep thrust. He could feel the tremors that wracked his lover's body at each precise stroke. It was beginning to be too much.

The hold the redhead had on Yohji tightened and he buried his head against his lover's shoulder, breath coming hard and fast against the damp neck. The hard length driving into him combined with the friction of his own arousal against the playboy's stomach was enough to wrench Aya's climax from him. With a breathy moan of his lover's name, he came, the milky ribbons of his cream spilling between them and he nearly collapsed against the blond, though his hips continued to pulse in erratic circles.

Yohji reached his own apex not long after his lover. The fact that this was the first time the swordsman had ever come before him seemed to give him some kind of euphoric rush that went straight to his groin. That, combined with the redhead's clenching tightness around him, milked his own orgasm from him and he came hard, pouring his seed deep within his lover.

They both tumbled back to the mattress as they fought to regain their breath. The playboy could feel his body protesting their intense lovemaking, but at the moment, he was feeling too sated to care.

"Thank you, Yohji," Aya wearily murmured. "It helped…what you said. I knew I could trust you."

"Glad you liked it," was Yohji's only reply as he grabbed the sheets to pull over them for the night. They could decide what happened next come morning.


This is it, the redhead thought. This scent, this warmth, *this* is what I've been longing for since that very first night. This is all I've ever wanted. He felt rather than saw the tiny passionate pinpricks covering him, the kisses spreading from his lips to his cheeks, nose, eyelids. He smiled a lazy smile then, sleepily mumbling, "Mmm…Yohji."

"God, I love you, Aya," came the whispered response. "I have to go open shop. You just stay in bed for a while longer." Then, he was gone.

It was several hours later before Aya finally opened his eyes. For a moment, he believed everything to be a mere dream, but then he realized the bed he lay in wasn't his. Rolling onto his back, he stretched languorously and slowly sat up. He would be needed in the Koneko soon. Already, he was late for his shift, but he was feeling too content to pay it any mind. Just as he was about to go back to his room to shower and dress, he spotted a note on the table next to him.

Mornin', dollface, it read, you looked like you were actually having pleasant dreams, so I thought I'd let you sleep a little more. I know you needed it. When you do come down to the shop, wear this. Today, you're going to be me again.

- Yohji

On the chair beside the note sat the outfit the playboy had chosen for him to wear, consisting of a tight yellow button-down shirt that was just the right length to show off a sliver of his stomach if he moved just right. Paired with some snug khaki pants that were low slung, yet not quite low enough to show his scar, it was definitely something the blond would wear. Shrugging, the swordsman grabbed the outfit and walked off toward the shower.

Just as expected, when Aya finally made it to the shop, he found his lover hidden behind the large arrangement of lilies he was working on, studiously avoiding conversation with everyone. Surprisingly, the sight made him smile. He had almost forgotten how cute Yohji was when he was all pouty like that.

However, before he could approach the playboy, Omi got his attention. "Aya-kun, why…are you dressed like that? Are you all better now?"

The redhead leaned back against the counter, shirt riding up to expose the tiny loop in his navel. "I'm better than fine, Omittchi. And I'm dressed like this because we never finished the dare."

The boy seemed confused. "Dare?" He thought for a minute. "Oh! You mean the one that Ken-kun made up?"

Aya nodded. "The very same. It was supposed to be for a week, but we only got to do it for one day. So, we figured we'd make up for it now. Is that okay?"

Omi shrugged. "I guess so. In any case, it's good to see you in such a good mood again, Aya-kun," he added with a broad grin.

The swordsman grinned back before turning to greet his scowling lover. Leaning down close to his ear, he whispered, "Mornin' dollface. Working hard?"

Yohji didn't acknowledge the nickname, merely growling, "Yes, I am - unlike *some* people." After a silent pause, he sighed. "How am I supposed to act all angry like you if I know how you *really* are?"

Since they were well camouflaged by the bouquet of flowers on the table, Aya softly kissed his cheek, quipping, "Aww, I know it's hard, but you'll just have to try. As far as Omi and Ken know, that *is* how I act. Oh, and when you have a minute, meet me in the back room. I have to talk to you."

Needless to say, the blond was a bit perplexed as he tried not to stare at the enticing backside of the redhead as he walked off. It was all the playboy could do not to follow him immediately. Instead, he calmly finished off his current arrangement before he snuck away.

When he was safely inside the small room, he closed the door behind him and turned to face the swordsman. "What did you need to talk to me about that was so important that it couldn't wait until later? Or was there something *else* you had in mind?" he added with a playful smirk.

"This is serious, Yohji," Aya chided. "This has been bothering me all day and I need to know…" He looked a bit flustered, but continued. "What did you say to me this morning?"

Not betraying his nervousness in the least, Yohji answered, "I just said that I had to open shop and that you should sleep some more." Maybe he'll just think he imagined it. I don't *really* have to tell him.

"No, it wasn't that," the redhead stated, "there was something else."

"There was?"

"Yes, and I need to know what it was." After a pause, the swordsman looked up into his lover's eyes. "Please."

Unable to resist such a heartfelt plea, the playboy took a deep breath and blurted, "I said…I love you, Aya."

The redhead in question didn't seem to have any reaction to the words. "Do you mean it?"

Confused, Yohji retorted, "What do you want me to tell you, Aya?"

"I want the truth. I have to know."

"Then," the blond began, "yes, I do mean it. There's…I don't know…there's just something about you. I think I may have been in love with you for years."

Aya smiled then, taking his lover's hands, but not saying anything.

"Well…what about you?" the playboy questioned curiously. If the redhead didn't feel the same way, he didn't know what he would do.

The swordsman's expression did not change as he replied, "That should have been obvious last night when I let you fuck me…without protection."

"Then say it. I need to hear it from you."

He tilted his head up, brushing lips with the blond. "I love you, Yohji," he breathed. His lover's arms wrapped around his waist, holding him close. "I love you for understanding me. I love you for taking care of me. I love you for not turning away from me. I love you for loving *me*. And I love you for being you."

Yohji kissed him again. "That's all I wanted to hear."

Just then, the door swung open and Omi walked in, flushing instantly scarlet and turning away. "I-I just came in to get some more ribbon. I never suspected you two were…."

"'Taku," Yohji teased, "it's not like we're naked, Omittchi. You can turn around."

Cautiously, the honey-haired boy did just that, surveying the way the two were holding each other in such a loving embrace and the content grins playing on both of their lips. "So…you two are…together?" he hesitantly questioned.

The answer was two nods. "You don't mind, do you?" inquired Aya.

"No, not really. I mean, it's a little strange, but I think it's okay. In fact, I kind of suspected something was going on between you. But don't worry; I won't tell anyone," Omi hastened to assure.

"Of course not," Yohji joked, "I'm sure you have a secret of your own." His grin blossomed into a smirk.

The boy's cheeks tinted pink again, and he couldn't help but wonder if the blond knew as much as his smirk led on.

"If you don't mind," the playboy quipped, "what gave us away?"

Omi's face took on a color close to that of Aya's hair and he grabbed the ribbon, turning toward the door. "I…heard you last night." At that, he quickly made his escape.

With the door safely shut again, the redhead turned to the blond. "That offer of `something else' you mentioned - does it still stand?"

Pulling his lover closer, Yohji responded, "For you, always."
