Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When Blood Soils One's Hands ❯ The Body ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers : Sniff… Why? Oh why can't I own Weiss Kreuz? Just for one day, an hour, a minute… Pweez!!! Alright, alright! I don't own it and never will. *goes of pouting*.


Title: When Blood Soils One's Hands


Author: Black Mirror (stone_devil_666@hotmail.com)


Pairings : Just wait and see! I'm not gonna spoil the fun.


Summary: A mission goes wrong, teenagers from a certain school start missing, love is refused… welcome to Weiss!


Type: Angst and Romance


Rating: PG-13


Status: Work in progress


Warnings: YAOI!!! Partial child-rape, blood, murder… All those lovely things we like. Don't say I haven't warned you!




When Blood Soils One's Hands


Chapter I


The Body




//Come away, oh human child


To the water and the wild


With a fairy hand in hand


For the world's more full of weeping


Then you can understand. //


Stolen Child / Loreena McKennitt




The mission we had been assigned was simple, even elementary. An everyday job. Firstly, find the bad guy. Secondly, deliver the hostage. Thirdly, kill the bad guy and leave no trace of our short yet meaningful visit. Who was I to know that this `bad guy' was- or should I say were, not who they really seemed to be? Who was I to know that the victim we had been charged to retrieve was already dead and had been for the two last days? Who was I to know that this wasn't their first kill? I was no one. I had no way to guess these things out. The information Persia and Manx had conveyed to us had been faltered. The location was crammed with surveillance cameras that were hidden inside the walls. They must have been at least twenty armed men waiting for our prodigious arrival. A trap. All four of us had fallen into a lousy trap and we were now all chained up to cement walls, our faces bloodied by the punches our aggressors had thrown our way and our chests ridden of any kind of protection like clothes- well, Omi still had his shirt.


"You stupid little punks!" one of them yelled in my face, sputters landing on my cheeks. It disgusted me for I knew that, with my hands tied in my back, I could do nothing. I remained utterly powerless against my antagonist.


"Betcha y'all thinkin' this is just a trap we set up to catch you guys specifically" He harshly grabbed my chin with his clammy fingers and grinned at me, his cornered smile both repulsing and cruel "Well, it ain't! Or let's just say it half ain't."


He walked away, letting my newly bruised chin rest. We hadn't seen any of our previous attackers ever since they had chained us up to the walls in this humid room. A basement- you could easily tell by the shortage of homeliness and overabundance of cement. Cement walls, cement flooring and no windows. Nothing but gray everywhere the eye could travel.


An electric cable with a dimly glowing light-bulb dangling at it's end hung limply from a small whole in the ceiling. That single source of light provided for the entire room. The lack of a heater did not help the fact that it was freezing cold in here, but that fat bastard tormenting us did not seem to notice a thing. Well, of course, he still had his shirt.


"Actually we just wanted someone t'fall in our trap. Kind of an `open house day' if ya know what I mean. We aren't exactly what you'd call ordinary people but I suspect you aren't either `cause you guys came after us, but who the hell cares about ya now."


Again, he took step forward. I checked beside me, it was Aya. Just the ordinary old Aya, sending glares promising death to whoever would get too close to him including that crude man. A drop of sweat fell down the side of the bastard's face and I began to wonder if it shouldn't be the contrary. Why would the attacker sweat when he is in no possible immediate danger? This all lent me to think that I had hallucinated. This heavy air gave me chills and I knew I was well near fever range, but who cares about a stupid fever when your chained to a wall?


"I'm afraid it ain't the first time we've done something like this. We're all actually pretty known for our actions too. At first, we made it simple and fast, but as time went on, we got bored. We then started takin' our time, doin' things slow. Real slow"


He bent forward, an inch from Aya's face, his hand gripping a fistful of that fiery-red hair between his fat fingers. In response, Aya spat in his face, his glare ever so present. I could never tell if he was just plain dumb or if he actually liked getting beat up.


"Well! ain't he the fighty one" he mumbled while biting his lower lip. "Can't impress me, carrot-head, I like'm better young."


He backed away from Aya and walked in my direction again.


To clear my mind, I started to wonder what had happened to Yohji. That player would usually never miss a chance to insult his attacker. I knew I couldn't see him since Aya blocked my view, but I twisted a little trying to get a glimpse to no avail. Whatever had happened to Yohji he didn't seem much conscious.


"Now, now. Where was I? Ah, yes! So, when even the real slow got borin', we found a new game. We would slowly lure the people into our little schemes and then screw them with all our might."


An evil look passed through his eyes at that moment and a rich yet barbaric laugh escaped his mouth. I felt my chills grow harder and come in shorter intervals. It's not suppose to be like this. How could the others not even flinch?


"What kind of sick bastard are you?" I shouted angrily. My eyes were glaring daggers and I could almost feel it.


"Well know, seems we've got us another little fighty-boy o'er here. Aren't we gettin' lucky. Some people pay double for fighty ones ,but they pay triple for young ones. I don't know why. It's just the way life goes, I guess."


Again, he moved forward. He passed right in front of me and halted, not even a second. I turned my head and sent a quick glance at my side. There, I saw Omi. From his short breaths, his dilated pupils, his slight trembling, you could deduct he was frightened. He tried hard to mask it, but you could easily perceive it still. I couldn't stand the idea of that man- scratch that, that creature getting near Omi. That perverted freak would not lay a hand on him and get away with it, but I think he already knew that and wanted to provoke us even further.


"So, you wanted to know what kind of sick bastard I was, huh?" Savagely, he gripped the blond boy's chin and held it painfully between his fingers. He pulled Omi's head up and brutally forced his lips onto his own, certainly bruising them in doing so. Obliging the younger one to open his mouth by squeezing his jaw at one point were we could hear it crack, he forced his thong into Omi's mouth. His available hand crawled in the seventeen-year-old's shirt, moving up and down, caressing his ribs and muscles at a frantic rhythm.


I could feel my breath become erratic and I tried to look away. I knew that I was powerless. I knew it. I knew, God damn it! But that did not stop that fact that I felt as guilty as hell. For God's sake- I don't get me wrong I don't believe their is a God, but I've found nothing else to swear by, Omi was going to be raped right beside me and I was just going to sit back, relax and wait until it was over. Might as well ask for popcorn while I was at it. What kind of sick bastard was he? Which also leads to; What kind of sick bastard am I?


It was only when a cool droplet, just like a bit of rain, fell on my shirt that I realized I was crying. Not from sadness, but from rage. That pitiful creature was going to pay what he did with his life and I would do it nice and slow. Real slow…


Through my glassy vision I saw our attacker remove his damned lips from my coworker's. Rather quickly might I add. Both were bloodied.


"That… that foolish, foolish little boy!" the man yelled in rage while grabbing Omi's throat in a vengeful way. "You will pay dearly for that, little boy, you can count on that. This is the kind of bastard I truly am!"


He reached for his belt and pulled out a shiny dagger. Now I was really scared, nearly panicked. I realized that Omi must have bitten his aggressors lips hard enough to make them bleed profusely and I also realized that that dagger was meant to kill. To slaughter Omi!


"Omi" I heard someone yell as the small knife was raised high and prepared itself for a `gold-winning dive'. One that was sure to shock the spectators. It must have taken about three full seconds to attributed the scream as being my own.


"No, please! Please, I didn't mean to…" Omi cried and the man reached for his pants.


"I like to kill and fuck all at once" he explained, enraged, undoing the belt.


Before anything could really happen, the dagger fell to the floor, never reaching its target. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked up to see our `kidnapper'. A felling of relief filled me when I saw his hands safely secured with thin yet harmful wires, and his fat neck also enlaced. After a little struggling, he fell the floor, apathetic.


I turned to Yohji now grateful that he had accepted this mission even if there was no demoiselle implied. I could now tell why we hadn't heard a peep out of him for so long; a huge swollen bruise covered the entire right side of his jaw. Knowing he would complain about it for the next week to come, I could only laugh. Not out loud, of course, but a little snicker here and there.


Yohji sent me a glare that seemed to mean `don't you dare say anything or else…'. Well, one thing was good, he would talk too much for the rest of the day, maybe even tomorrow if we were lucky. In response to his glare, I sent him a cornered smile. Who's implying what?


"You sure took your time" Aya protested in his usual monotonous voice.


"Had to keep the fun up a little longer, ya know" Yohji explained in a raspy voice while untying the redhead. "It's kinda hard to break through those chains, mister almighty leader."


Well, now that that was settled, I remembered Omi. It worried me that he hadn't spoken a word since.


I turned my head to look at him and saw he was a little `out of it'. I'll just say I understand him. He was really close to harassment there.


"Omi" I call out to him, "you ok?"


Everybody looked his way. He turned his head and my eyes fell on his bloodied lips. He still had that bastard's taste on him. Lightly purplish bruises appeared on each side of his chin and you could easily deduct that they would worsen and probably become very colorful by tomorrow. Almost like the paintings those abstract painters like to create and sell for thousands of dollars. I also noticed he had blood covering his shirt. Was it only the blood from his lips that had fallen there or was he wounded?


"Omi?" Yohji asked inquisitively. "Hey, Omi, you there?"


This time, the boy didn't turn his head, he simply moved his eyes.


"Get me out of here" he answer in a mere whisper. "Let's just go back home."


"The job isn't done yet." Aya corrected.


"Huh?" I exclaimed. What does he mean by that? "Aya, what are you talking about? We found Arosaki, he's dead. They killed him before we ever had a chance. The job is done."


"It isn't. First of all, to prove his death we shall retrieve the body…"


I just couldn't stop myself and impolitely cut through his speech. Bringing back corpses in our car. . . who does he think we are? Grim Reapers? God, I feel sick. "We are not bringing a dead body with us. Don't you even think about it, Aya. I am not getting anywhere near that corpse."


If eyes could contain enough fury to be able to throw lightning, I'm sure I'd be long gone by now. Anyway, I came by motorcycle and you can't really carry an limp -dead, person on a motorcycle now can you. I'd most probably bring Omi with me and Aya and Yohji would be stuck with Arosaki's dead body in the roadster. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Arosaki is the guy we were sent to find. That's just incase you hadn't figured that out yet.


"We are taking it with us whether you like it or not, Siberian. And do not forget we must eliminate the enemy."


Does he even realize we aren't exactly facing the enemy which our mission referred to. I know there has to be something behind all this and Aya is just staying mute to it. I hate it when he's like that. Wait a minute, he's always like that! Forget I said anything.


"Aya, this isn't the situation we were suppose to be facing. Let's just go home, we'll talk to Manx about and…" I stopped mid-phrase and turned to Yohji "would you hurry it up. My legs are cramping from staying in this position too long."


"Well, look who's all mighty all of a sudden. Has our little Ken lack of some sort of action lately?" Yohji inquired with his usual sarcasm. Well, looks like he'll still be blabbering even if half his jaw looks like a giant blueberry. I thought we'd get lucky.


When Omi was loose, our dear little player moved on to me. I knew it! He made me wait purposely. He passed right in front of me, delivered Omi and then turned back to me with a lack of any kind of hurry. Stubborn blond freak.


"Let's just forget the whole thing and go home, Aya. I just want to climb in bed" Omi said with a light and almost imperceptible fatigue making his voice tremble a little.


Aya walked to the only door the room had, contouring the dangling light-bulb and the strangled dead guy at our feet. He never turned around, but, nevertheless, he briefly explained our situation from a point of view none of us had considered:


"There is but one door that leads to this room. No windows. No manhole. Nothing but this door. What do you think is on the other side of the door?"


Yohji continued in his place:


"Those lovely little men that attacked us all in a bunch earlier. Now we getcha, Aya, but we've got no weapons. We've got nothing to defend ourselves."


"What do you call the thing attached to your forearm- and I'm not talking about the wires?"


We all knew what we had to do. We were going to fight our way through. This was one lousy mission, but, then again, weren't they all like this? Long live fistfights.


"Siberian you're coming with me and, while Balinese and Bombay get the car, we'll get Arosaki out of here."


That's just my luck! Seems like I'll have to get near it after all. Well, I've seen enough dead guys in my life to consider them a good luck charms. Instead of rabbit paws it'll be `dead guy' fingers. It's kind of twisted when you think about it like that.


Yohji finally got the last chain of my arms and I slump to the floor, all restraints not holding me up anymore. Now that does it. He's really looking for it today or maybe he's always like this but I just don't notice it and this overdose of stress is affecting my nerves.


"You could've been less gentle you know. Could've made it sure that I broke my leg while I fell. Sheesh!"


I follow Aya to the door where he's waiting for all of us to stop fooling around.


Yohji whispers something to Omi, but his `whisper' is so loud you could practically here it miles away.


"What's eating soccer-boy?"


Omi simply raised his shoulders in a sign of `beats me'. The way Omi is acting worries me. I don't know why, it's not like he always has to be the clumsy little kid of the gang, but something in this scenario is really bothering me.


"Is everybody done?" Aya questions with an annoyed tone- even though his tone is almost always annoyed.


No one answers. Seems like we are all pretty tensed. I don't know why. It's not like it's the first time one of our missions goes astray. There's something wrong with the atmosphere.


Cautiously, Aya turns the doorknob. The soft click tells us all that the door isn't locked, but, then again, why would they bother to lock it when they were twenty armed men against the `three little shirtless us's and one `little not shirtless us'. Well, at least being far from any cement walls got rid of the chills for me. It's times like this were we must remain positive, even though we are professionals and I shouldn't be needing this kind of `nice-thinking-therapy' from myself.


Aya opens the door slowly, noiselessly. The first thing I noticed was the lack of surveillance at the door. Well, maybe they were all waiting for us upstairs. Being in the basement, we have to go up the stairs to get to the main floor were the one and only exit and entry is. This was going to be a blast.


The second thing I noticed was the lack of light. It was as dark as hell in here. If it's dark, that means… what did it mean?


When we reached the last stair, all I could see, since the darkness has engulfed all the rest, was laying bodies everywhere. First thought: somebody did our job! Second thought: What the hell is going on here.


The rest of the gang seemed to be wondering the same thing until Aya pointed to the window. Moonlight! It's night! They're all sleeping. Morons! But who's complaining.


One by one we exit the small staircases and roam about in the room. After a few steps, I find our weapons jumbled up together on the floor. My gloves, the arrows, the sword and the bow. The only weapon that wasn't there was Yohji's for he had been able to hide it. It had saved us all earlier.


"Aya" I whispered just loud enough to draw his attention. He turned around and I throw him his sheeted sword.


I do the same for Omi and I put my gloves on. I can't believe we're gonna kill them while they're sleeping. I feel like a real coward, but it's either that or one of us might get hurt. I'd prefer not to take the chance. In fact, I'd prefer to take this opportunity and just run away from all of this. Without that stupid body. I don't know if Arosaki would really want to be lugged around the country and almost cause the death of four other guys. Alright, so he'd have company in the waiting area up there, but I was going straight to hell so he wouldn't enjoy my company for too long. Actually we're probably all going to hell. Even Omi's going down!


I release my claws and start doing the dirty work. I'm not even looking because, even though they attacked us and almost rapped Omi at one point, they don't deserve to be killed like this. They can't do anything about it now.


One down. Two down. Three down…


I don't even notice the fact the my clothes are now utterly soaked with blood. I can smell it, I can feel it and can almost taste it, but I don't want to notice it.


Aya waves at me, signaling to me to come nearer and to Omi and Yohji to get the car and that's when I see it. Arosaki's body. Up to now, we hadn't been really sure of his death because we had only been inform of his decease by the gang who kidnapped him. Now we knew. We knew the whole truth. He truly was dead and there was both the stench and limpness to prove it. I felt my stomach twist and my heart skip a few beats. This was going to be one hell of a long drive for whoever was going to sit in the roadster.


"Give me a hand" Aya ordered.


"You still bringing him with us?" I asked hopefully.


He hesitated. In fact, I guess it was just a dramatic pause because Aya never hesitates in what he does. Dramatic pause, then.




"Huh?" I replied, astonished.


"We're going to give him the proper burial and if anyone wants to get him, they'll dig him up themselves."


I felt like sighing in relief. That was the best thing Aya had told me throughout this mission.


He moved forward and grabbed the lifeless feet and, repelled, I took the shoulders. We brought it out side and, with the help of Yohji who had come back with his car, I shoveled my way through the heavy dirt.


At the exact moment when we dropped the body in the hole, the sky started crying. Ok, so that was a little too poetic. Rain began to pour from the sky, wetting our clothes and making the dirt heavier than it already was. There, that's much better.


We closed up the hole and went to the car. Since it was a `two-place' I knew I'd have to take the motorcycle and somebody would come with me. It was usually Omi that would accompany me since it was easier for he was the only one who was smaller than I and Yohji would not allow somebody else to drive his car. His very precious car. Made girls drop dead, he always assured.


"Omi, you go with Ken. Aya and I'll take the car" Yohji said very matter-of-factly.


Omi simply nodded and climbed in on the back., passing both arms around my waist. To lighten the mood added a little joke:


"You just hold on tight back their, this just might prove to be a bumpy ride. Best attraction yet. No park can beat this."


It wasn't much of a joke, but my voice should've made it funny. Seems like he wasn't laughing all that hard. Oh well, at least I tried. It's better then not trying at all and then regret to never have tried, right? I'm rambling.


Omi puts on the passenger cask I always leave on the back seat and I put on mine. It might be a little hard to see with both the mask and the rain but I'll have a little less possibility of crashing and dying. Stay positive, this was going to be one hell of a long drive.


I leave first and the car follows. I've got both it's lights and mine illuminating the road and I can't see a thing past ten feets or so. It just had to rain. The day wasn't bad enough yet. It just had to rain. That's gotta be my luck again!


After an hour, I feel Omi drift off. Must've fallen asleep or something.


"Omi!" I yell over the bike's noise and the rains cluttering. He doesn't respond. "Omi!" I yell again and this time try to shack him awake which is pretty hard while driving. His arms loosen. I've gotta stop. If I don't he'll fall off the bike and I don't know why but that doesn't appeal to me as being a very good idea. He's already been through a lot tonight. Let's not top it with a concussion or a broken member. I move to the side of the road and flash my lights. Maybe the guy will be able to see my signal and guess that I stopped. I flash the lights a few times a new and I hear a motorized engine come to a complete stop behind me then the mumbling of what I guessed was a very wet, very tall, sandy-blond haired Yohji.


"Why the hell are you stopping, Ken?" he screams.


I open the glass on my cask and answer:


"Come and check on Omi. I think he's asleep and if I get up he'll just fall to the ground. I can't hold him up the way I'm placed."


After a few more mumbles which I dare not repeat, I feel the weight on my back being removed and then… nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nada Niente. Rien. Nothing.




I turn around and look at Yohji. He's kneeling over the prone form of Omi, turning him around and lifting his shirt up. My instincts kick in. The only reason Yohji would be doing that is if he was a lot more perverted than I already thought he was or if Omi was injured. I voted for the second option.


"Omi?" I asked as I moved closer. I heard the car door open and then close. Aya was also on his way.


"We've gotta get him somewhere warm. There's as much water from the rain as there is blood on this kid and he's chalk-white." Yohji remarks.


That's when I notice it. Omi had a long swollen gash on his chest and since he hadn't been there when Aya and I had killed all those sleeping guys, it had to be when we were chained up.


I then remembered that earlier I had seen a little blood on his shirt, right after Yohji had killed that bastard. It must've have been right before that. When the dagger fell to the floor it must have wounded him right before.


"Shit, Omi! Why didn't you tell us?"


Carefully, Yohji picked him up. He walked to his car and placed him in the passenger seat. I couldn't really see anything, but I guessed that's what he had done because after that I heard his engine start and he began to drive away.


"Come on, Ken. We're leaving." Aya stated the obvious.


He climbed on the back of my bike and we followed the car as it led the way. Well folks, welcome in the world of Weiss.




Author's Note: I've just started another story! Weiss this time. This is my very first WK story. Hope it's not too bad ^_^; Well, you guys tell me! Please review… Pretty, pretty, pretty please.