Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When Blood Soils One's Hands ❯ The Sun Is Shining Again After the Rain ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers : Sniff… Why? Oh why can't I own Weiss Kreuz? Just for one day, an hour, a minute… Pweez!!! Alright, alright! I don't own it and never will. *goes of pouting*.


Title: When Blood Soils One's Hands


Author: Black Mirror (stone_devil_666@hotmail.com)


Pairings : Just wait and see! I'm not gonna spoil the fun.


Summary: A mission goes wrong, teenagers from a certain school start missing, love is refused… welcome to Weiss!


Type: Angst and Romance


Rating: PG-13


Status: Work in progress


Warnings: YAOI!!! Partial child-rape, blood, murder… All those lovely things we like. Don't say I haven't warned you! Oh! And there might be bad language. Yes, I've made Ken swear. }:p




When Blood Soils One's Hands


Chapter III


The Sun is Shinning Again after the Rain




//Open your door, don't hide in the dark


You're lost in the dark, you can trust me


`Cause you know that's how it must be. //


Sad Lisa / Cat Stevens




I woke up with a start, drenched in sweat. I'd been running again. I couldn't remember why, but I had been running. In my dreams, of course. What could I be escaping from?


"Ken-kun?" a weak voice called out to me.


I recognized the voice as being Omi's, but I still wasn't a hundred percent sure so I asked in return, answering his question with a question:




I turned around to see him staring open-eyed at the ceiling above us, intently watching something I couldn't see. His gaze seemed to pass directly through the ceiling and on to the stars and moon way above.


"Couldn't sleep" he mumbled.


I rest my eyes on his chest, wanting, like him, to pierce through the material (what are you thinking?). Wanting to be able to see past his shirt, examine his wound. He seemed to be feeling better, at least his cheeks weren't as colorless as they had been a few hours ago.


"Want me to take a look at your wound?" I questioned hoping for and agreement.


It took some time for an answer to come. At one point, I even thought he'd fallen asleep with his eyes wide-open.


"I'm fine. Doesn't hurt that bad. Never did."




The first rays of sunlight pierced through the old orange and mustard-colored blinds and caressed his face with warmth and welcome. The huge window must have been the only nice thing in the room. `Go to Sunblock motel and have nothing but a nice window'! Why can't I choose the motels sometimes. Oh ya! Aya. . .


I turn around and let myself drop out of the bed. The mattress's springs scream in agony -if that was ever possible, but I ignore them and continue my decent to the floor: that ancient shit-tinted carpet. Clouds of dust float up in the air as I hit it with a thud.


"Get a room you two?" I heard Yohji's rough voice demand, tiredness making it sound almost as squeaky as the springs from the mattress.


I could only laugh when he turned around and I took note that the huge bruise from yesterday had only merely depleted, mostly because it hadn't been taken care of. Most of the swelling was gone, but you could still make out how painful it was for him to talk. I tried, a new, to hide my smile, but it was hard to resist. I muffled my laughs and changed the subject.


"Where's Aya?" I questioned when I noticed that he wasn't in bed.


Yohji simply turned his head, looked over at the bed, acknowledged our `great leader's' absence and went back to sleep. Some help he always is.


"He just finished taking his shower. He should be out soon enough" Omi answered after a few minutes of reflection.


Well, well, seems like Omi isn't the only light sleeper in here.


I walked over to the window, dragging my feet on carpet and practically feeling the static electricity flowing through me. Alright, so I'm exaggerating, but I did get an electric shock when I touched the window frame. So there!


That's when I noticed -even though I should have noticed sooner, that it was not raining anymore. As mentioned earlier, the sun was as radiant as ever. The sun was shining again after the rain. Hey, it can't rain forever, right?


The surroundings didn't seem as dark and depressing as last night. Where'd Chucky go?


"Ken, Yohji, get dressed. We're leaving in exactly ten minutes."


"Huh?" came Yohji's loud exclamation. "Ten minutes isn't even enough time to pull on a pair of pants and a shirt. I' m slow in the morning!"


"Better change that habit then" Aya stated very matter-of-factly.


I made a bee-line for the bed and picked up my pile of clothing, noticing that they were all wrinkled and wet. I should've hanged them, but I guess I was too tired to think last night.


As I leaned on the bed for support, I suddenly became aware of the time when I spot the small clock on the nightstand. 3:30am! No wonder we were all sleepy and `zombified' looking. That's it! I've officially labeled Aya as a freakin' vampire. No one can be this `top-shape' at 3:30 in the morning. I mean, the guy's like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: `I don't sleep' and `Astalavista, baby'. How he does it, no body knows. . . dun dun dun. . .


"Ken, stop day-dreaming and hurry it up."


I turned around expecting to see Yohji with his accusing glares, but I meet up with Omi's instead.


"Aren't you suppose to be sick and in bed?" I asked in a growl.


"I'm felling much better now, thank you" he replied, grinning from ear to ear.


I send him a sarcastically vengeful grimace and moved out of his way. I then noted that he could not go around in a tee-shirt that seems to be written `I've been bleeding all night' all over it. I tried to get Omi's attention again.


"Hey Omi, I think I have an extra shirt somewhere in the roadster. Want it, if I can find it that is?"


His answer was short and simple:


"Onegai shimasu."


I pulled my shirt over my head while walking towards the front door, a little gawkily I'll admit. Not taking notice of the stairs, I tripped and the handrail saved me the embarrassment of tumbling and landing in an unsightly jumble of limbs and half-clad clothing. My toes bang against the lower part of the handrail and I can feel them separate from the rest of my foot. Alright, I declare this as being another shitty day!


Having finally pulled my shirt on, I could see clearly in front of me and manage to avoid any further misadventure whilst trying to get to the car.


"Should've became an acrobat, Kenken" I heard Yohji holler from the front door.


I answered him with a very high middle-finger.


"What'ya gonna do with that, Kenken?" he insisted.


I decided to let it go with an exasperated frown and get to the car. I grasped the handle and pulled on it. Once, twice, thrice. . . The **** -insert whatever swear you deem appropriate here, doors are locked. I think I'm going to kill someone.


"Missing something?" Yohji inquired holding in his hand a full set of keys.


Head down, I made a beeline to our motel `apartment', snatched the keys from the blond playboy's hand and returned to the car, trying my best to keep my cool. Slowly, as to not break the handle, I pushed the keys in the lock and unlocked the car door.


When I finally get the door open, I pushed the front seat over and looked under it. When I couldn't find it there, I turned to the drive's seat that was also immediately turned over and inspected. When I found no trace of my shirt, I got out of the car and moved to the back. I opened the trunk and, wonders of wonders, the first thing I saw was -you'll guess, my shirt. I grabbed it tightly and returned to the motel.


"We've got a code red emergency" Yohji's sarcastic voice began "A pissed Kenken."


In no mood to fight, I spotted Omi and threw him my shirt. He caught it with expertise and slipped it on.


"Arigato" he exclaimed with a smile "and Yohji, stop bugging Ken-kun."


I snatched both of my shoes and returned outside. Aya, who had been ready for the last ten minutes, followed me threw the door, followed by Yohji and Omi.


"Is Kenken still pissed?"




I then become aware of Yohji very tangled and messy hair. Taking that as a good insult area, I retaliate:


"How's the blueberry face, scarecrow?"


He immediately shut up and reclaimed his keys. Moments after, he entered the car, light a cigarette -cancer stick, and started the engine. There, that shut him up good.


"Omi, you up to ridding the bike?" I asked.


"Sure, I'm top-shape" he grinned.


Aya walked towards the car and I gently tossed my second helmet to the seventeen-year-old. Again, he caught it faultlessly and jumped on the bike in back of me.


"D'you know why we're up so earlier?" I questioned suddenly remembering the time.


"Aya said something about opening the shop and me having school."


Surprised, I exclaimed:


"He's making you go to school?"


"I'm fine" he said sheepishly "I swear, I'm feeling as good as new."


"If you say so, Omi-kun."


If you say so-


Both engines depart. This time, I was first and Yohji followed. I' m superior. . . or maybe not.

