Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Kitties Live ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title:" Where the Kittens Live"

Author: Andrea Readwolf & Mari-chan

Feedback: <andrea_readwolf @hotmail.com> & <truescifigal @yahoo.com>

Rating: NC-17... err, no R, definitely R

Pairings: Aya x Yohji, Ken x Omi, Yohji x Aya x Ken x Omi

Warnings: Don't let the beginning fool ya! This is *definitely* a YAOI LEMON!!! Need I say more?

Archive: we're looking into it...

DISCLAIMER: Weiss Kruez and it's characters are not ours---- {begins wailing}

The flower shop was abound with pretty girls and flowers in every which way.

Even though the female costumers had learned to at least *pretend* like they

were interested in buying flowers, it was pretty obvious the only real

object the girls were interested in were the four beautiful young men who

were busy arranging, rearranging, displaying, and redisplaying the delicate

blossoms they were in charge of.

An exclamation of "Kawaii!" brought a great many heads turning to the two

girls who sat at the patio table in front, a large, some-what impressive

book open before them.

"What are you looking at?" Aya frowned at Michiru and Sakura, both girls who

had clamped their hands over their mouths to stop their giggles.

With a final gasp, Sakura braved removing her hands to answer him.

"Michi-chan's thinking of getting a cat, so we stopped by the library before

coming here today and picked up an encyclopedia of cats. See! It has

pictures and temperaments and everything. We were just looking at this one,


Aya looked at the picture Sakura pointed to and could feel a smile tug at

the corners of his mouth. Staunchly, he repressed the expression.

"'The Abyssinian,'" Sakura read, "'is a gentle feline. Bold, playful and

extremely busy.'"

"But look," he pointed out, reciting the next line. "'Freedom loving, they

dislike close confinement or restraint.' You live in an apartment, don't

you, Michiru-san?"

"Hai," the girl frowned. "That's true."

"Aya-kun, can you help me move these ferns to the front?" Omi called from

the back of the store.

The redhead looked back towards the store before excusing himself. "Good

luck in your cat-hunt, Michiru-san."

"ACK!" Ken shouted as he was wetted by a mystery hose that was suspiciously

laying near where Aya was collect ferns. Ken's eyes narrowed, but he didn't

say anything as he turned back to work. He didn't have to, Omi confirmed

his suspicions for him.

"Aya-kun, stop spraying the water all around! I'm going to fall and break

my neck."

Yoji looked up at the bishounen's fatal prediction and frowned. "Aya-kun,

where are you taking those?"



"They need more sunlight then the window is offering."

"Okay, if you say so."

"'The Siberian is also a gentle companion--friendly and loyal,'" Michiru

read aloud.

"Ken-kun, can you give me a hand with these?" Omi called over to the


The other boy wiped his hands clean of potting soil as he went to take some

of the hanging potted ferns from the small blonde. "Sure, where do you want


Omi pointed with his chin and gestured with a fern-heavy arm. "Up on that

line, thank you."

"No problem," Ken waved off the thanks as he reached for the ladder.

Sakura pointed to the next line. "'These cats like to climb and explore,'"

she read. "That could be a really bad thing in an apartment building."

"Yeah," Michiru sighed. "I guess you're right. What else do we have?"

"You know, it's kinda dusty up here," Ken tooted. "Can you hand me that dust


"That's a great idea. Here you go."

"Oh, but look how cute it is," Michiru sighed, skimming over the last

description. "'Siberians show magnificent power and strength. A large

cat.'" She wrinkled her nose. "I know, I know, definitely not. Okay, what

was the other one?"

"Yoji-kun! Watch out for the--ladder..." Omi tried to warn, but it was too


The ladder teetered dangerously before crashing to the ground, nearly taking

Ken with it. "Ack!"

"Hold on, Ken-kun!" Omi shouted.

"I can hold on, no problem," the dangling boy huffed, "but I don't think

this beam can support me!"

"Yoji-kun, hurry up and help me move this ladder back!"

"Itai, itai... couldn't you have warned me soon? Itai..."

"'The Balinese,'" Sakura quoted, "'is a busy, extroverted, curious,

affectionate, demanding, loyal, and intelligent cat."

"That sounds good," Michiru cooed.

"Here I am, minding my own business, and bam!" Yoji griped, still rubbing

his head. "There's a ladder to make me look ridiculous in front of all

these pretty girls!"

"Thanks, Yoji," Ken grunted, feeling decidedly better now that two feet were

back on the ground instead of dangling above it. "I nearly break my neck

and you're complaining because--"

"Oh, not at all, Ken-kun. I am very glad indeed you did not break your

neck. It would be a great disappointment to all your fans." Yoji wrapped an

arm around Ken's neck and leaned in closer as if to follow through on his

next words. "Here, would you like me to kiss it and make sure that it is

indeed still attached?"

"They like to talk and can be very noisy," Sakura continued.

"Baka," Aya growled as he reentered the shop for more fern pots. "Be quiet

and get back to work already."

"Ah, Aya-kun, you must lighten up some!" Yoji sighed dramatically, letting

Ken escape. "Relax! Enjoy life! Smell the... daisies?" the blond ended,

plucking such a flower from a pot and holding it up for the other boy to


"Here, Ken-kun," Omi fussed. "Why don't you sit down for a bit?"

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks anyway."

"Ooh!" Michiru squealed excitedly. "This one looks really good, too! Look!

'Although the Bombay retains the look of a wildcat, it is really a calm,

gentle, and affectionate breed. Some owners descried the cat as doglike.

Very Companionable.'"

"Sounds perfect for you, Michi-chan," Sakura agreed.

"Here Yoji, why don't I help you move these geraniums?"

"Ah, that's all right, bishounen." Yoji winked and pointed to the front of

the store. "I think Aya-kun needs more help with those lovelies over there."

"'Bombay's are fine companions for children and readily accept the family


"That's great if I ever decided to get married and have kids," Michiru said


"Hello, ladies," Omi said with a sympathetic smile. "I'm afraid if you're

not buying, we're going to have to ask you to leave."

"Hn. Get out already," Aya grumped.

"Oh! Aya-kun!"

"Oh, but look: 'In multi-cat families, Bombay's expect to dominate.'"

"Were you planning on getting more than one cat?" Sakura asked rationally.

"No, no, not any time soon, anyway," Michiru sighed as she stared at the

picture of the black kitty cat.

"Well, there you have it then!" Sakura pronounced. "Let's go visit some

pets stores tomorrow and see if we can't find a Bombay, ne?"

"Okay, thanks, Sakura, for all your help."

"No problem!" the other girl grinned. "I'm have a blast looking through all

these cat books with you! Hey, wait a minute before we leave, I want to say

good night to the guys, all right?"

"I'll just wait for you outside, if you don't mind."

"No problem," Sakura smiled and she duck back inside. "Good night, guys!

Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

"Imp," Aya labeled her before sliding the gate shut for the night.

"Well, this was a good day." Omi stretched before reaching for an envelope

he'd tucked away in the desk. "I've finished your assignments for tonight's

mission. Aya, Ken, you'll go around the North and East sides of the

building. Yoji and I will cover the South and West. You know what to do,

but are there any questions?"


The mission for the most part had gone off as planned. The one unforeseen

exception to the rule happened when Aya was unable to unsheathe his sword,

causing him to go ballistic. (it would later be shown that Aya's sword

safety latch had not been unfastened, much to the delight and laughter of

the other Weiss members.) The four tired and weary justice fighters inched

closer to their home, wanting to do nothing else but fall into bed,

together, although none of them would readily admit it.

Yohji could not get the sounds out of his head. Grunting, groaning, noises

of muscles working to stretch the limit of the human body. He especially

loved the noise the youngest member of the group made when that crossbow

kicked back.. Kind of like a just-been-kicked-in-the-chest,

catching-your-breath-at-the-sight-of-a-thing-of-beauty noise.

Yohji smiled to himself and pushed his glasses back up on his nose. His

groin began to tingle.

A few blocks ahead, the flower shop loomed. Waiting, inviting, warm, and

dry. Omi could almost feel the warm shower spray caressing his skin. He needed a shower, big time. Thanks to a badly angled arrow, he had managed to catch a

shit load of blood all over him. His normally blond hair, currently matched

Aya's fiery hairdo. Omi cringed at the thoughts in his mind. The blood and

the hair.

Aya lead them down the sidewalk. As usual he spoke very little, but the

others knew why he was walking so fast. Sword at his side and his right hand

balled into a fist, one could have mistaken steam coming from those cute

pointed ever-so-slightly ears. The events of the evening had pissed him off,

and you did not want to talk to a pissed off Aya.

Omi grinned and pushed his stride forward to catch up to the leader of the

pack. "Aya-Kun?"

Aya continued to walk, not answering the blooded youth. Omi turned in front

of him and kept pace walking backwards. "Aya-Kun, don't be so upset. It was

an accident."

Aya's eyes flashed and Omi stumbled, missing a step and landing flat on his

rear end. Yohji and Ken both proceeded to lose it and burst out laughing.

Omi looked up to Aya and…thought that he detected a slight smile. Omi began

to get up as a hand was pushed in front of him. He looked up into the eyes

of Aya, and took his hand to stand up.

"For a computer genius, you are a klutz." Aya said brushing Omi's back off

from the dirt. Omi's eyes closed slightly at the touch and he hoped the

others had not noticed.

Aya began walking again and the others followed. Omi took one step and his

ankle gave out. He pitched forward once again, only to fall right into Aya's

back. "Gomen, Aya."

Ken pulled Omi off of Aya and steadied him. "You OK?"

"I think I twisted my ankle." Omi replied, attempting to place weight on it.

Yohji and Ken stepped forward. "I'll carry you." Both said in stereo before

giving each other death glares.

Omi blushed at the show if concern. "Both of you can help me." He replied.

"Aya-kun, will you carry my crossbow?"

Aya took the crossbow from Omi's blood stained gloved hand and stepped back.

"Now Ken-kun and Yohji-kun can support me as I walk." Ken walked up on

Omi's left side and Yohji on his right. Omi draped his arms around both men

and nodded. "OK."

The mismatched group slowly walked the last block to the rear entrance of

the shop. Aya unlocked the door and held it open for the others. Yohji and

Ken deposited Omi in the nearest chair and went to change. Omi pulled his

sneaker and sock off his foot and began to massage his ankle.

"How is it?" a voice said and Omi looked up into Aya's face. "Here." He

said, thrusting his hand down to Omi.

Omi took what the hand had to offer, a towel with ice in it. "Arigato

Aya-kun" he pressed the towel to his ankle and winced in pain. The towel

falling to the floor with a loud thump. Aya walked back over, picked up the

towel, kneeled down in front of Omi and pressed the towel to his foot. He

moved the towel up and over Omi's foot. His skin pressing on Omi's ice

cooled skin. "Aya….."

Aya did not look up to meet his eyes, instead gently caressed the slighlty

swollen flesh. "You should be fine. It's not broken, just bruised."

Omi smiled and placed his hand over Aya's "Thank you, Aya."

Aya met Omi's eyes and smiled back "Your welcome."

Yohji and Ken had proceeded to their rooms after dropping Omi into chair.

The two men giving each other glares as they climbed the stairs and walked

in opposite directions to their respective rooms.

Ken had closed his door, and proceeded to strip of his clothes and change

into shorts. He ran a comb through his hair and flopped onto the bed.

`man' he thought, `that Yohji and his timing, I should have been the one to

carry Omi back.'

Down the hallway a almost naked Yohji was having the same conversation with

his mind. However neither of then realized that at that very moment, Aya was

the one helping Omi, and Omi was letting himself enjoy the help.

Omi stifled a yawn and tried not to stretch. The warm hands on his foot

were slowly sending heat up through his body. His tired muscles were

relaxing and the feeling of Aya's strong hands on him felt divine. Sleep

got the better of him and he began to stretch, bringing his arms over his

head he leaned back against the chair which bent to support his back.. His

chest expanded as he took in air, and his shirt pulled up, giving Aya a

glimpse of smooth muscles.

Aya hid a smile that Omi did not catch and wondered how good it would feel

to have Omi stretching next to him.

Omi let out a small squeak as he finished his stretch and brought his arms

back down to his lap. He looked at Aya who was looking at him with dazed

eyes. "Aya?"


Aya looked up as the door chime sounded and watched as a red-haired woman

lead a small child in.

Yohji walked up next to Aya. "Manx, isn't he a little young for you?"

Manx blinked and smiled. "Yohji, you never change."

Aya brought them all back with a simple question. "Mission?"

Manx cracked her sideways half smile. "Not quite," she said pulling the

small child in front of her.

The child was dressed in shorts, with a collared jacket over a light blue

t-shirt. The child looked like a boy, but with the longer tendrils hanging

beside bright blue eyes, it was hard to tell. He or she could not have been

older than 12. The child carried a small backpack, and arms held an

oversized black cat plush.

Manx placed her hands on his shoulders, which came up to her waist. "This

is Omi Tsukiyono. He will be living with you from now on."

Yohji almost spat. "Manx, he's a child! What do we know about child


"If is not much, you will have to learn," Manx replied as Ken walked into

the room.

"Who's the rug-rat, Manx" He asked.

"Mind your manners, Ken" Aya hissed. "He is not much younger than you."

"But I'm almost 14." Ken whined back.

Manx looked between the boys. Aya, the oldest at 18, Yohji 16, and Ken 14.

The three had lived together for a short while and had got along quite well.

Manx silently hoped adding Omi to the equation would not be a problem.

"Ken?" Aya began as Manx nodded to him, "Please show Omi to his room."

Ken huffed out a "Fine," before walking up to Omi to drag him upstairs...and

instead, caught his breath as the large blue eyes met his. `Wow' Ken

thought, `pools of blue water.'

"Hi Omi, I'm Ken. Let me show you where to put your stuff."

Omi nodded and held his hand up to Ken who took it, much to the delight of


Omi and Ken walked out of the room, with Ken giving the informal tour. Once

out of sight and earshot, Manx dropped the charade.

Walking over to Aya and Yohji, she pulled out a file and placed it on the

table. "Omi Tsukiyono was rescued from kidnappers. His Father refused to pay

the ransom and Persia decided to pull the rescue. He's quiet right now, but

I think that's a lingering symptom of the trauma. I expect it should wear

off as soon as he feels safe.

"Don't let the big eyes fool you , he's whip smart and kick-ass computer

savvy. He has already taken to the crossbow and other archery weaponry."

She looked to Aya. "I want you to continue to train him; make it seem like a

game. Persia believes he will be quite an asset to Weiss."

Aya nodded as Manx continued to Yohji. "I have listed both of you as his

Guardians. I would suggest Yohji posing as his older brother, different

mothers. I don't want you talking of the kidnapping or any kidnapping to

him. We want him to forget it."

Aya looked up from the file he was leafing through. "Codename?"


Yohji smiled "Just like the cat he was carrying."

Manx nodded as Ken walked Omi back into the room on his back. Ken shifted

so that Omi could slide back down to ground level as Manx knelt down and

opened her arms. Omi ran into them and got a hug. Manx pulled back. "Do you

like your room?"

"Hai" That was the first word he had said since he arrived. The slightly

squeaky voice betraying his age.

"OK, I am going to leave now." She said to the others. "You behave, Omi"

Nothing. Young Mamoru was not used to his new identity, although he was not

sure who Mamoru was either.




"Hai, Hai." Omi replied as she left.

Ken exchanged glances with Yohji. Aya whispered to no one "What has she left




Aya blinked and looked away from Omi, who was looking at him with his hand

resting on Aya's shoulder. "Are you OK?"

Aya smiled quickly, pushing the memories from his mind. "Fine, Sorry. How

does the ankle feel?"

Omi smiled. "Much better." He said leaning into Aya. "Thanks for your help.

You're so good to me."

Aya was about to answer when he felt himself getting embraced. Omi linked

his arms around Aya and hugged him. Aya blushed slightly. "Ah…Omi?"

Omi turned his head as Aya did, and their lips caught in the process. Both

men pulled back, and stared wide eyed at each other.


"Heh... ah." Omi chocked out.

"Omi, I ……"

Aya gave into his feelings and reached out to pull Omi back into an embrace.

He pulled the smaller man down to his level, mindful of the ankle, and

ever so gently pressed his lips to Omi's. Omi's eyes widened, if that was

possible, and then closed slowly as he melted into the kiss.

Neither had seen Ken and Yohji come back down the stairs.


Back upstairs Ken was tired of lying on his bed. Feeling hungry he decided

to go downstairs, so he got up and threw a pair of socks onto his cold feet.

The walk to the stairwell took him past Omi's room. The door was open and

Ken peeked inside.


Ken led the small child out of the shop and up the stairs to the living

quarters. Omi held onto Ken with one hand and the other clutching the paw of

the cat plush and the railing. Ken walked slowly allowing Omi to keep up.

"Down that way," Ken said pointing, "are Yohji's and Aya's rooms."

"'Yo-gee' and 'A-ya,'" Omi repeated.

Ken smiled. "My room is at the end of this hallway, and…" Ken said opening

a door. "This is your room."

Ken stepped in and opened the door fully. Omi followed and stood in the

center looking around with wide, impressed eyes.

"All this is mine?" Omi asked looking around the not-so-furnished room.

"Yep, your own place."

Omi said nothing, instead he grinned from ear to ear. The eyes moving from

one location to the next at an amazing speed. He looked to the wooden chair

in the corner, walked over to it, and gently sat the plush cat down.

"Stay," he told the cat.

Ken smiled at the display. "What's your kitty-cat's name?"

"Bombay," Omi said, shrugging out of his backpack and jacket.

"Oh." Ken said, a slight smile crossing his face. "Did you know there's a

special breed of cats called 'Bombay?'"

Omi looked over at Ken and walked to him. "Ken-kun," he answered, lifting

his arms. "Carry me?"

Ken laughed out loud and bent down to give Omi a piggy-back ride. "Let's get

back to the others."



Ken smiled to himself and allowed his eyes to wander the room: in one corner

was the computer with all its fancy attachments, another side of the room

housed boxes of darts, arrows and the occasional gun. Ken noticed that in

the third corner of the room, the same chair still sat and under an extra

blue jacket and a hair wrap, sat Bombay.

"Good kitty." Ken smirked, closing the door and continuing down the



At the other end of the hallway, Yohji needed a drink. He sat up, got

dressed again in shorts and left his room. Walking down the hallway he

stumbled and looked down. In front of his foot lay a grotesquely fat

textbook. Yohji bent down to pick it up. Reading the title he spoke to

himself. "Omi, leaving his books all around again"


"What's up, bishonen?" Yohji asked as they left the car. "Anything wrong?

"I don't wanna go to school, Yohji," the pre-pubescent boy griped. "Can't I

stay with you and Aya?"

Unperturbed, the blond didn't bat an eye at the younger boy's banter. "No,

you need to get your education."

Omi exhaled loudly, staring up at the building before them. "Stupid school.

I already know more than any person at this dumb school does."

Yohji smiled at Omi's remarks before tussling his hair. The child was

dressed in the school uniform--black slacks, white shirt, and a red sweater

denoting his year--and looking quite adorable in Yohji's opinion.

Omi smoothed his hair back down and mockingly glared up at Yohji. "Aren't

you supposed to be in school, too?"

"I am going to my school after we get you registered here." Yohji bent down

in front of Omi. "Don't worry pretty boy, I won't forget you this afternoon;

the high school is right up the block from here." He straightened up and

pushed his glasses back on his nose.

"Promise?" Omi asked wide-eyed. Yohji caught the concern Omi was trying to


"Promise. Now, you haven't forgotten our cover story, have you?

The boy sighed. "My mother recently died, leaving me in the care of my only

living relative, my half-brother, you, Yohji." He heaved another dramatic

sigh. "Would you like me to cry when we're in there, too?"

Yohji grinned but shook his head. "No, I think you'll deliver the story

just perfect without any waterworks, bishounen. Okay, then, let's get this

over with, ne?"

Yohji took Omi's hand and led him up the walkway to the main office

administration building.


Yohji placed the book down on a small table before continuing towards his

destination... walking right into Ken in the process.

"Watch it," the dark-haired man growled.


The two went back to death glares and stared at each other for an extended

moment before Ken deflated.

"Why are we doing this?" he asked looking up at Yohji with questioning eyes.

"Omi is like our little brother, we shouldn't be fighting over stupid

things like who gets to carry him home 'cause he's hurt."

"That's right." Yohji replied with a less hostile smirk, "Cause I would


"Yohji!" Ken said as Yohji laughed.

Yohji snaked his arm around Ken's neck. "I'm joking, I'm joking. C'mon,

let's go get us a drink."

The two walked down the stairs together, right into the living room where

Omi and Aya were engaged in a lip lock. The sharp intake of twin breaths from

the stairwell could have been heard around the block, if anyone was

listening. Aya and Omi quickly parted, breathing heavily.

Yohji folded his arms across his chest, and Ken leaned against the banister.

In stereo they both echoed. "What the hell is this?!"

Aya and Omi both turned several shades of red as Omi pushed himself off from

Aya's lap. Aya looked from Omi, to the stairs, and back again. Omi pursed

his lips and tried to speak, but Aya beat him.

"We were kissing, you got a problem with that?" the older boy answered


"Yes," Yohji replied with a nodding insulted look. "You started without us!"

Now, Omi was beet red and fidgety. He had feelings for his three partners,

without a doubt, but he never thought he would act on those feelings. He

clumsily got to his feet , mindful of his ankle, and plucking at his

blood-stained attire, he looked around the room.

"I'm gonna take a shower," he announced quietly, before weaving past Ken and

Yohji and disappearing up the stairs.

The three remaining Weiss members looked at each other without saying a

word. Aya licked his lips, but said nothing. Yohji walked passed the other

two and into the kitchen, pulling out three bottles from the fridge. Closing

the door, he returned to the other room and handed a bottle to Aya and Ken.

All three twisted the caps off and took long draws from their bottles.

"So?" Yohji said.

"So," Aya repeated.

Ken looked between the both of them. "Are you just going to say "so"?" He


Aya shrugged. "I don't owe anyone an apology," was his retort, but a moment

later he explained. "Omi hugged me, and our faces caught." Again he


"Stuck together is more like it," Yohji hissed.

Aya stood up and glared at Yohji. "Well, what would you've had me do?"

Yohji stood up to match Aya's height, the two standing about two inches

apart. "You could have stopped yourself!"

Aya smiled a devilish grin. "Would you have stopped?" He turned to Ken who

was watching with wide eyes. "Would you have stopped if Omi was kissing


All three returned to silence. The sound of running water echoing through

the room.


Once upstairs and in the privacy of his room, Omi stripped, grabbed a clean

set of clothes, and ducked into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind him,

he dropped his clean clothes on the chair and turned to the shower.

Nice and hot, steam began clouding the mirror as the room heated as Omi

removed the last of his clothing and stepped into the spray. The water

flowed over his head, down his body to pool at his feet, a shade of red

fading ever so slowly to pink.

"Ugh," Omi sighed as the water ran down the drain.

He continued to stare at his feet until the water returned to being clear,

and then he pushed his bangs out of his face and turned to face the shower


Omi finished rinsing himself and grabbed the towel on the rail. The heat

from the room was drying him off as he walked to the mirror. Running his

hand over the cool glass he looked at his reflection.

`What were you thinking?' the alter-Omi seemed to say.

Omi blinked. `Shut up,' his mind replied. `Nothing happened; it was just a


The reflection seemed to smile at him. `Just a kiss huh? Have you looked

down recently?'

Omi did not need to look down-- he could feel the ache. "Shut up," he

grunted as he turned from the mirror and started to get dressed.


"Well?" Aya asked, looking from Yohji to Ken and back again. "Would you?

Ken and Yohji looked at Aya, lips clamped shut.

"That's what I thought." Aya *almost* smiled. "Judge not, less ye be


Omi chose that moment to reappear from his shower. Dressed only in boxers

and a white tee shirt. His towel dried hair hanging all around his face.

"Who's judging who?"

Yohji almost spat his beer across the room. "How much did you hear,


"Enough." Omi smiled sarcastically. "Don't worry, I agree with Aya. No one

owes anyone any apology. Aya can kiss whomever he wants. As can I."

Somewhat confused, Yohji exhaled an intelligent, "Huh?"

Without further preamble, Omi stalked over to the taller man, stretched up

onto the balls of his feet, linking arms around the other man's neck, and

proceeded to kiss Yohji. Hard.

Yohji's hands dropped to his sides, the feeling of warm skin against his

lips almost causing him to drop his bottle. Instead, his empty hand crept

up to cup Omi's damp hair as he fully engaged in kissing the youngest man

with every ounce of skill he was proclaimed to possess.

Across the room, Ken grinned. "Now that's more like it!" Eyes sliding over

to the still figure standing only a few feet away, watching the scene before

them. Ken shimmied over closer to Aya. "Care to try it?"

Aya grinned and leaned into Ken, capturing his lips in one swift move. Ken's

moan of pleasure made all four boys smile. As did the gasp that followed as

the two tumbled to the sofa.

Yohji, his back hurting slightly from Omi's death grip on his neck, placed

his bottle town on the table, ran his hands down Omi's back, cupping the

pert backside and lifted Omi into his arms. If Yohji hadn't been hard

already, Omi's gasp at being lifted would have instantly done the trick.

That, or the way Omi wrapped those long legs of his around Yohji's waist.

Yep, definitely hard. He managed to get them both over to the same sofa with

the other two before falling over onto the smaller boy.

Omi tilted his head back to look at first Ken, then Aya. He twisted free

from beneath Yohji, coming to his knees between Yohji and the other two.

Anxious fingers slid under the lapel of Aya's coat, teasingly brushing

against a hardening nipple, caressing down over smooth muscles.

"You seem to be a little overdressed for this, A-ya," Omi purred, hands

daringly slipping lower.

Eyes slid shut under the administrations of gentle fingers before they

suddenly widen with forbearing. Aya looked at his team mates and noticed

that he was the only one still in 'work' attire. Oh shit.

'Oh, yea!' thought Ken and Yohji as they got the hint and proceeded to

corner Aya in.

"We can fix that," Yohji purred, leaning down so his nose grazed Aya's.

Omi nodded, grinning as he felt the other two boys moving up beside him.

His hand moved to the belt buckle on the maroon coat.

Ken climbed up the back of the sofa and kissed Aya again, as two other pairs

of hands began to work on his clothing crisis.

Aya gasped into the kiss as he felt a hand brush lightly over his

coat-covered crotch. Soon the coat had been opened and forced off his

shoulders, and Aya's tight black sleeveless t-shirt could not hide bulging

muscles or hardened nipples. Omi's hands slid down Aya's sides and stopped

at his waistband. Aya felt the shirt material stretch as Omi pulled it out

from the pants. He caught his breath as one hand moved under the shirt

caressing his heated skin and another hand unbutton his pants.

Hands were tugging at his zipper, and Aya looked down at Yohji before

getting distracting again by Omi, who chose that precise moment to pull the

shirt over Aya's head and plant a line of kisses down his chest. Aya's hands

popped free from his shirt and he decided to reciprocate the favor, reaching

for the hem of Omi's tee shirt and tugging it up. Omi's arms moved

willingly to help remove the clothing, but received an interesting surprise

when, instead of pulling the shirt off Omi's arms, Aya used the fabric to

yank him forward. Lips met lips in their third kiss of the evening. He

rolled the teen over onto his back, continuing to hold his arms over Omi's


Omi giggled, and used his knees to try and push the waistband of Aya's pants

down and over his rear, taking the shorts along with it. Aya felt someone

bite his cheek, not the one on his face, and yelped, breaking the kiss with


Yohji smiled and licked his lips. "Tasty. Oh but look," he said with mock

sadness. "We went too far, and now Aya has less clothing that we do."

"Hmmm," Ken purred rubbing against Yohji from behind, his hands slipping

inside the waistband of Yohji's boxers. "That's fixable." He looked to Aya,

who was now naked, except for his socks. "Move aside, Red," Ken ordered,

licking his lips as eyes fastened on Omi.

Aya shifted back, tugging the tee shirt with him and leaving Omi free to

prop himself up on his elbows. Ken climbed up from behind Yohji and dropped

his shorts with no presumption. He smirked at the other three boys on the


Yohji's wide eyes looked down at Ken.

"Kuso," he breathed as he went harder than before. Growling, he rose to his

feet. "Two can play that game, Ken." He stepped closer to Ken before

dragging the younger boy against him and kissed him hard. He took Ken's

hands and rubbed them against his shorts-covered arousal. Playing along

gleefully, Ken squeezed and teased before pushing them down off of Yohji's


Finally the three older members all stood and looked at Omi who was grinning

at the show, still propped up on his elbows and-- gulp--still somewhat

dressed, even if there was a very suspicious tent in his shorts that did

little to conceal what was going on down there.

Omi blanched as the other stalked towards him, not sure whether he was more

frightened by the looks he saw in his team mate's faces or turned on up the

wahzoo. "Ah, guys, I don't think that…eep."

Ken pushed Omi's shoulders back down on the sofa and planted a kiss on his

lips. Omi felt his hips being lifted by two strong hands and before he could

make a sound, the shorts were ripped, literally, from his body

"Oops, sorry Omi," Yohji laughed as he and Aya each held a pant leg. "Guess

we don't know our own strength, ne?"

At the sound of ripping fabric, Ken had broken his liplock with Omi to see

what was going on. Turning his head and brushing Omi's face with his hair,

he looked down the length of Omi's now unclothed body and laughed.

Yohji sat up on his knees and held one hand behind his head. "I guess one of

us will be buying you new boxers."

Omi hands released Ken's neck and fell to his stomach. Wrapping around his

lithe figure as he began to laugh. Omi's laugh was contagious, and soon the

four were laughing together over the split seam.

Aya got bored quickly, and reached out to stroke Yohji, causing him to stop

laughing, as his laughter became a moan of pleasure.

The game was once again afoot.

Yohji sat back on his knees and allowed himself to enjoy the strong hand

caressing him;

Aya's strong fingers working the shaft slowly and deliberately.

Omi sat back up and looked at the sight in front of him. Ken, still sitting

behind Omi used the opportunity to kiss the blonds neck. Omi purred and let

his head drop to one side as warm lips and a soft tongue caressed his skin.

He reached out to take a hold of Ken and slowly began to stroke.

Aya leaned up against Yohji's chest and gently pushed him back down onto the

sofa. Yohji willingly obliged and wrapped his arms around Aya bringing him

down with him,

Aya's hand never leaving its prize. Yohji moaned as the change in angle

brought him higher on the ladder of desire.

Back across the large sofa, Ken had brought Omi back down on top of him. Omi

continued to stroke as Ken moaned with pleasure. Ken decided to reciprocate,

wrapping his arms around the smaller man and maneuvering them both until Omi

was below him. Omi's hands left Ken's member as Ken planted kisses down

Omi's chest. With the sensations growing, Omi found his hands snaking into

Ken's hair and gently pushing the brown haired man down. Ken continued his

trip downwards, licking, sucking, and kissing the heated flesh; Hips arched

upwards as Ken's lips moved closer to his center of desire.

"Ken," Omi breathed, hips bucking again.

Ken smiled and cupped his hand under Omi's cheek. "Ok, ok," he said,

flicking his tongue out to swipe the tip of Omi's erection. "Is this what

you want?'

Omi almost flew off the sofa at the touch. "Oh gods," he yelped. "Yes Ken."

Ken smiled up at Omi before swallowing the flesh at his lips. Omi's head

stretched back as he pulled in a large intake of air, letting it back out as

a guttural moan.

Aya continued pumping Yohji, bringing his partner closer to the edge. Aya

repositioned himself to kneel between Yohji's spread thighs and looked at

the vision in front of him.

"I want to be inside you, Yohji."

Yohji breathed out in a rush. "Whatever you want, just hurry it up already."

Aya nodded in agreement, looking down at his objective. Aya didn't bother

to stop for lube, positioning himself at Yohji's entrance and pushing,

slipping inside the heated tunnel that was Yohji. Once fully in, Aya paused

for one full heartbeat, before he began to thrust.

Ken continued bobbing his head up and down on Omi, Omi's hand clutching

fists of hair as the older man sent waves of pleasure through him. Omi's

hips rose up to meet Ken's downward slide. Ken felt those muscles tighten

and prepared himself for dessert. Omi climaxed, hard, sending his essence

flooding into Ken's waiting mouth. Ken took it all, licking Omi clean and

leaving the boy shaking slightly when he withdrew.

Aya thrust eagerly into Yohji's excited body, stroking both their climaxes.

Yohji writhed as Aya's hand returned to pump him again. Yohji shook,

tightened, and released, pouring over Aya's hand and his own stomach. Aya

thrust once more into the tight channel, coming hard and fast. His head

dropped back, and he moaned as he released. Spent, Aya withdrew and fell

onto Yohji's chest, panting.

Arms snaked around the limp body as Yohji held onto Aya, sparing a glace

down their body's to catch the sight of Ken removing his mouth from Omi. The

elder blond grinned as he watched as the younger blond propped himself up on

his elbows and looked over to Yohji. Yohji ran his tongue along his lip and

blew a kiss at the youngest Weiss.

Omi smiled back. "Maybe its time we took this upstairs."

With a grunt, Aya crawled off of Yohji's body, extending a hand to the blond

who gladly accepted the hand up. Ken followed suit, pulling Omi behind him.

It was the last, however, who lead the way to the stairs.

Omi reached the stairs first, Yohji right on his heels, eyes feasting on the

yummy sight of the little one's pert backside at eye level. Yohji leaned

forward to plant a kiss on one of the perfectly rounded cheeks, causing Omi

to almost trip over a missed step. He turned around, giving the older man

an even better view.

With a knowing smirk, Omi leaned down, cupped Yohji's face, and planted a

soft kiss on his lips. "Patience," he whispered.

Omi looked to the others. "Come on."

"Coming." Ken replied then with a snort, "Coming, get it," he said to Aya.

Aya sneered. "I'll be inside you when I come, Ken."

Ken blushed slightly but caught himself. "Yes, you will be."

Aya reached out to stroke Ken's rear as he pushed him up the stairs in front

of him. They reached the top of the stairs and followed Yohji to his room,

since he was the one in possession of the largest bed. Once all piled into

the room, Yohji closed the door and looked to Omi who was already propped up

on his side on the bed, watching Aya push Ken to the mattress. Yohji wasted

little time in joining his team members.

Omi was laying on his side, watching his friends and lovers as the fatigue

of their most recent bout lifted, and words from earlier in the day

reiterated themselves in his mind, causing him to laugh softly.

~~Abyssinian - Freedom loving, they dislike close confinement or restraint.

Gentle, bold, playful and extremely busy.~~

The gentle hands of the redhead roamed anxiously over the others' bodies.

Lips grazed over sensitive skin, nipping, sucking, laving where he deemed

necessary. The hips under his hand tensed, and Aya ordered Ken to "Relax,"

before relocating his lips to Ken's excited sex.

~~Siberian - Gentle, friendly, and loyal. These cats like to climb and

explore. Siberians show magnificent power and strength. A large cat.~~

Ken muffled the scream that Aya's lips on his penis wrought by turning his

head and shoving his tongue down Yohji's throat. The fingers pinching his

nipples now belonged to the older blond, as did the cock pressing against

his ass, though it was Aya's finger that was teasing his opening.

He moaned, managing to tug his lips away and panting to regain his breath

even as every exhale was a tiny moan of pleasure. An arm unraveled itself

from Yohji's embrace, and he used it to push Aya's head down lower over his

penis, muttering, "So good," when he felt the red-haired boy swallowing him

to the hilt. His other arm wiggled free and began to touch Yohji everywhere

and anywhere he could--down a shoulder and arm, up a torso, down a spine,

between some thighs, around a hard cock--even if the angle was difficult.

He did scream as two fingers slid inside him and was too caught up to notice

the body behind his withdrawing, laying him back against the bed as it


~~Balinese - Busy, extroverted, curious, affectionate, demanding, loyal, and

intelligent; they like to talk and can be very noisy.~~

"Beautiful," Yohji moaned, dropping kisses down Aya's back, placing one on

each creamy cheek before rolling onto his back and dipping to a large cock

and swallowing it into his mouth happily. He moaned and hummed around the

large flesh between his lips, loving the sounds he was reaping from the

older man. He swallowed harder, increasing his bobbing as one hand trailed

to that special place, seeking out that tiny ring of puckered flesh.

Unlike Aya, who had played with Ken a bit, Yohji pressed first one, and then

a second finger into Aya, pumping him. Fucking him with his fingers as he

continued to suck the red-head's cock. He could taste Aya's excitement, and

it intoxicated him.

The moans and groans he couldn't seem to stop vocalizing were driving Aya

near mad, he knew--and didn't stop, loving how the other boy moaned when the

vibrations on his cock were too much, knowing how Ken begged as his own cock

was encased in a vibrating shield.

~~Bombay - Although the Bombay retains the look of a wildcat, it is really a

calm, gentle, and affectionate breed. Some owners descried the cat as

doglike. Very Companionable.~

Omi smiled, watching the proceedings before him and contemplating which

ending he preferred. He stroked Ken's cheek, offering comforting support to

the boy who was begging for release. "Not yet," he whispered against the

other's lips, quickly dipping his tongue to get a taste of the dark-haired


"That's it," he encouraged, kissing Ken's neck as he watched the older boy

relax. Oh, but he didn't want him *too* relaxed... "Mmm... Look at Aya..."

The redhead was so eagerly and expertly swallowing Ken's cock, fingering

him. In his arms, Ken cried out thrusting into that mouth. Omi smiled,

running his hands down Ken's sides, over his hips and thighs.

~In multi-cat families, Bombay's expect to dominate. ~~

"I want to see you get fuck, Ken," Omi whispered in his ear, coaxing the

legs wider apart. "I want to see Aya shove his cock inside you just like he

did to Yohji... Mmm... just like I want you to do to me." Omi's own breath

was becoming a little short as he licked his lips and Ken's shoulder. He

bit down, eliciting a cry from the other man.


Omi smiled--no, grinned. Reaching down, he fisted fingers into silky red

hair and ordered, "Fuck us," before shoving his tongue back inside Ken's


Ready to comply, Aya was already moving before the two boys' lips met.

~~Bombay's have healthy appetites, and tend to overeat.~~

Omi grinned, stretching his body out against Ken's in anticipation.

"On your knees," Aya purred, brushing a hand over Ken's hips.

The brown-haired boy obliged, climbing onto his hands and knees, his hard

member dripping. Aya positioned himself behind Ken and began at once to push

against the other's sphincter. Ken moaned and Omi came up to capture his

lips. Once inside Aya repositioned himself and was about to thrust when

Yohji placed a hand on Aya's shoulder.

"Wait," the blond said as he moved behind Aya, gently pushing Aya forward

over Ken's rear and positioned himself at Aya's opening. Slowly, he entered

Aya, who moaned happily.

Omi released Ken's lips and looked down the line. It was a sight to behold:

Yohji taking Aya, who was taking Ken. But how to get himself into the

action? Omi looked at Ken's throbbing member and, with another grin, he

managed to wiggled himself between Ken's arms, spreading his legs to wrap

around Ken's legs. With one hand he took hold of Ken's erection, causing

Ken to moan, and guided to it his own opening.

Ken realized what Omi meant to do right about when his penis brushed against

the other boy's opening. "Omi…" he breathed, as the head of his arousal

slipped past the tight ring of muscle. "So good."

Omi smiled up from below Ken and lifted his hips to take the full length.

Ken's eyes rolled up from the multiple sensations running through him. Omi

propped his feet up next to Ken and began to move his hips up and down

Yohji held onto Aya's hips and began to thrust slowly, causing a ripple

effect through the line as Yohji set the rhythm. Aya's hips pulled back

slightly as Yohji withdrew, and pushed forward with each thrust. The action

setting the wave in motion once again through Ken, and down to Omi.

Aya reached around Ken's hips to take hold of Omi's neglected arousal and

began to pump the youngest in time to the upward thrusts of his hips, Omi's

moans pushing Aya towards the edge. Ken brought his head down to capture

Omi's lips once again, Omi moaning into his mouth. Ken's tongue spared with

Omi's as the two panted together.

"Ken…" Aya moaned. "Can't... hold out... much... longer."

Yohji took that as a cue and sped up his thrusts. This caused Aya to

finally fall over the edge. With a horse cry, he came fast spilling his

essence into Ken's waiting body. Yohji felt Aya tighten, and with one last

thrust sent his life force cascading into Aya. Omi felt Aya's hand tighten

around his length and he released, coating himself, Aya's hand, and Ken.

Finally, Ken felt the viselike grip of Omi's muscles intertwine around him

and lost it completely. As his legs gave out from under him he fell

forward onto Omi, releasing as he fell. Omi wrapped his arms around the

shaking man and kissed his forehead.

When everyone came down from the physical high, they lay in various

positions on the bed, breathing heavily and completely spent.

Yohji found his voice first. "Now I need to change the sheets…" he yawned,

"...tomorrow," he added as he began to fall asleep.

Aya rolled over and spooned up against Yohji who draped his arm over the

redhead. Ken rolled off of Omi, and Omi chose to spoon up against Aya, who

lazily kissed the back of Omi's hair and snaked his arms around the young


Omi held his arms open invitingly. "Ken?" He asked, looking to him with

his signature big blue eyes.

Ken smiled a small grin and moved over to be in the lineup. He spooned up

against Omi who wrapped his arms around him. Yohji pulled the cover up over

all of them and settled back down.

"Goodnight." Omi whispered to no one in particular.

The sounds of three different breathing rhythms answered in their own way.

Omi smiled to himself, closing his eyes as sleep claimed him for the night.

They were most definitely a team, in more ways than one.


Andrea & Mari-chan: {singing} "Smut, smut, glorious smut! Nothing quite

like being fucked up the butt!"

Readwolf: Oh dear gods, help us! There's another writer out there who's

been corrupted!

Andrea: What's that?

Readwolf: I mean, initiated? Reformed? Welcomed to the fold?

Mari-chan: {strikes a pose} Now! Let's talk about Hisoka.

Andrea: {frowns} My Hisoka? (thinks Gundam Wing, A Matter of Heart


Mari-chan: {bops Andrea over the head with Kodocha-baka-hammer (tm)} NO!

Tsusuki's Hisoka! (Yami no Matsui)

Andrea: oooooh... yeaaah..... {evil grin blooms} weellll.......

Mari-chan spins in her chair quite happily. "Moshi Moshi, this is where the

Kittens live…and play!!!!" Holds up a peace sign as her dogs pounce on her.

"Get off, you fatheads, Boo, put that down, now! Moughi, stop it, get off

Auntie `drea."

Andrea: <ack!> {spitting out dog fur} dear gods, Mari-chan, what are you

feeding these two? Life force? {snickers}

Andrea & Mari-chan: Life-force, life force, there's nothing quite like your

life force.

Andrea: Now if only I could find some *real* life force.....

Mari-chan: May the force be with you!

Andrea: Iie! May the *life* force be with you! ^_____~v

Andrea & Mari-chan: See ya at the Last Live Weiss Concert!

Mari-chan: Hooyah!
