Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Whipping Boy ❯ Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Spoilers for: Anime: Mission: 10 - Bruder; Mission 11 - Abkunft; Mission 12 - Abschied; Mission 14 - Fliehen; Mission 15 - Duell; CD Drama: Dramatic Collection II ~ Endless Rain; and Manga: Weiß2: An Assassin and White Shaman. Fic Setting: Takes place from the start of Mission 10 and ties in with Omi's history.

Key: " ... " Normal Speech; / … / Thoughts; // ... // Flashback.

DISCLAIMER: Kyoko Tsuchiya and Project Weiß hold the copyright over all names, likeness and rights of Weiß kreuz. All these characters and materials are used without permission, and I'm not profiting from this piece of fan fiction.

Whipping Boy

Part 1
By Jacque Koh
August 2000 - Revised September 2000

/Takatori, Takatori, Takatori--/ The name echoed with each beat of his heart as Aya lay in his bed trying not to think of the mission Manx had given them earlier. It was clear to them that their target had risen to the bait. From the tracer they had on Omi, he hadn't been moved yet, so all they could do now was wait for him to contact them, if that was possible.

Omi had asked to be the point man on the mission and they let him. In retrospect, it could be laughable to reason why either Youji or Ken did not insist they take the part when Omi was in truth underage to be allowed in a nightclub. Aya-- he had no desire to slip himself into a noisy throng of people. They all knew that he hated crowds, so it was no surprise to them that he did not volunteer to take the position. Ken and Youji on the other hand were loathed to leave one in Aya's company without the other's supervision, so neither had raised much of a vehement protest against Omi taking the lead. The long and short of that evening's song and dance was that Youji and Ken had spent the evening with him, while Omi was out clubbing and hoping to be kidnapped and brought onto the estates of Takatori Hirofumi. That thought brought a curl of a smile to Aya's lips, distracting him from his contemplation of Omi's fate.

Contrary to the belief of the two men, Aya was aware that their intensions were serious. He just chose to carefully ignore or pretend innocence at the innuendo they kept dropping around him. It would not surprise Aya to know that they believed him to be a virgin either, given what little they knew about him. He wasn't blind or dumb. He knew what the two men really wanted from him. In truth, he rather liked the light-hearted flirting. But he honestly wasn't ready to choose between them and reciprocate their affection. Maybe it was selfish, but he didn't want to totally rebuff them. He just didn't entirely trust that it wasn't wholly sexual attraction yet. At least with the slight distance, he could pretend that they wanted to offer love. Should they decide to finally give up, there was still the close friendship that they had developed in its place. Aya thought he knew them well enough to believe that they would still have that, even if love did not kindle between them.

Aya was sorry that he hadn't been very good company to his two suitors. He had been so quiet that the companionable silence they usually shared was awkward. They could sense that something about the mission was troubling him greatly and Aya knew it worried them. But he didn't want to talk about the memories that were dredged up with this assignment. Once they lost contact with Omi, they had each retreated to their apartment to rest and await his signal, reluctant to prolong the uncomfortable gathering. He wondered if Ken and Youji were in their apartments worrying about their youngest compatriot. Despite his concern, Aya's thoughts were far from considering the fate of his comrade. He had to be honest about it and admit it was memories of his past that were occupying him now. He thought he had put it all behind him, but apparently, that was false hope on his part.

/Takatori Hirofumi. So, the son turned out to be as great a monster as the Otosan with this human hunting game.../ That thought skirted his mind again as Aya tossed and turned in his bed, trying to rest. He could feel himself curling into a foetal position. /Takatori-- I *hate* you./ He gave up trying to hold back the tears. Sobbing quietly as he cursed the day Takatori Reiji entered his life and turned it into a nightmare so many years ago. He was only 10 when they first met.

[Begin Flashback]

"Otosan! 'kasan! Aya! Where are you?! I have something to tell you! Otosan!" Ran Fujimiya ran towards his home in excitement. In his rush, he failed to notice the black limousine parked beside his house. The young redhead toed off his shoes and hurried towards his father's study. So eager was he to share his news, he rapped his knuckles on the doorframe, but did not wait for his father's invitation to enter before he burst in on him. "Oto-- Oh!"

A blush, as red as his hair, swept across his cheeks to see the stranger seated before his father's desk. The man had turned towards the door with an eyebrow arched at his entrance. "I-I-I did--not mean to interrupt, Otosan. I-"

"Nonsense, this is a Saturday afternoon. Why should you have expected your Otosan to be entertaining an investor outside the work week?"

Despite the friendly words, Ran felt an instant discomfort that told him to remove himself from their presence immediately. He stole a quick glance at his father before turning back to the stranger. To his relief, his father's expression was not of anger, though it was of worry, but that had quickly dissipated with the stranger's words. From that, Ran understood enough to guess the stranger to be an important man to his father; one he wanted to stay on the good side of.

"Please forgive my interruption, Otosan." Ran bowed towards his father and the stranger. "I should take my leav--"

"No. Why don't you stay a moment and listen to some business talk? It will be good training to start young and familiarise yourself with the corporate world." The stranger gestured to him to take the second seat in front of his father's desk.


"Takatori-san has graciously invited you to join us, so sit, Ran."

Ran noticed that his father was waving towards the chair almost nervously. Whoever this man-- Takatori was, Ran guessed that he must be powerful enough in the corporate world that his father desired his good will. Perhaps his father's agitation was telegraphing itself to Ran, for he found himself almost trembling as he slid into the vacant seat.

"So... what were you so excited about, Fujimiya Ran, that you would burst in on your Otosan's study without his invitation to enter?"

The question was friendly and the expression teasing, but at that moment, Ran had almost forgotten all about his good news of the day. He couldn't help it. The stranger's regard of him was making him nervous. It wasn't until he heard his father clearing his throat that Ran realised he had fallen silent and was staring at Takatori.

"I-- Oh, Coach Kodashi just told me that I made the tennis team. I'll be playing in the State Championships for the school." It was a bit difficult, but Ran managed to recapture some of his excitement, nearly forgotten in the unexpected meeting of his father's guest. His spirits were further boosted to hear the pleased tone his father's voice.

"Very good, Ran. You worked very hard to get a place on the team."

"Ahh, so I see the elder Fujimiya is not the only one in the family who can be counted on for his hard work and determination." Ran thought his father's chest had puffed out by several inches at the unexpected praise. "I tend to distrust a man who is unable to run a commendable household. I feel that if he cannot take care of so few, I cannot count on him to successfully run a corporation. I am content that my investment is in secure hands then, Fujimiya-san."

Ran didn't know what to say to the man's contemplative look at him, so he bowed his head and blushed. Out of the corner of his eye, Ran could see that his father was pleased.

@>;~'~ ------------- ~;~`<@

As the sky herald the approach of dusk, father and son stood on the porch watching the black limousine disappear down the road.

"Otosan, who was that man?" Ran looked up at his father, still yet unable to shake the ominous feeling hovering over him since he came into their presence.

Ran's father sucked in a deep breath and let it out again slowly before he answered his son. " Takatori Reiji, a very powerful man."

"But--" Ran frowned, troubled by his father's obvious awe of the other man. "I've never seen his name in the newspapers before."

"The man dislikes publicity. But mark my words, Ran, he is a power in itself in Tokyo. Industry leaders and politicians alike find it wise to listen to the man. He takes strongly after his father, Takatori Saijou, who was very highly regarded by our nation's leaders. He may even rise to the Diet one day." The elder Fujimiya smiled at his son. "You did well to help me, my son. With the investment Takatori-san has agreed to give our corporation, our family's future is assured. Come, let us tell your 'kasan of our good fortune and your news with the tennis team!"

"Yes-- Otosan." Ran took one last glance over his shoulder in the direction of the departing car before his father's arm guided him back into the house. He couldn't ignore the feeling of foreboding the man cast over him.

[End Flashback]

Aya strode out of the house in disgust, unable to bide listening to Omi's crying anymore. /Takatori-- Takatori-- Mamoru... It was you he was protectin--/ A hand caught his arm, stopping him in his tracks. Ken.

"Aya, we cannot choose our relatives." Warm arms slipped around his waist and hugged him from behind. "Please, we've known Omi-- we've fought beside him-- entrusted our lives to his direction during missions through all our time together in Weiß. Give him a chance."

Aya's gloved hand moved to rest over the arm, tugging slightly at its snug grip. Ken obliged by loosening the hold, though he still rested his chin on Aya's shoulder. "Nothing's changed, Aya. He is still Weiß."

"How can you be sure? He let our target leave." Aya reminded him coldly. "He raised a gun to hold us off while his *oniisan* ran for his life!"

"He is confused. Aya, give him another chance." Ken gave him a brief squeeze and released him. Noticing that Aya did not immediately begin striding away towards where they had hidden his car, Ken took it as unspoken consent to wait until he retrieved Omi.

As soon as he was sure that Ken had turned his back, Aya's hands moved up to hug his arms. Bits and pieces of the past started surfacing in his mind, along with them were Ken's words. //"Aya, we cannot choose our relatives."//

They echoed in his head, resonating with another statement from his past. //"What can the child do, Ran? He doesn't know."//

He remembered telling himself this, years ago. /I had never set eyes on you before in those days long past, Mamoru, but I still hated you then. Knowing who you are now-- it brings back memories I wish I could have purged forever, like the way you erase data from a floppy disk./

[Begin Flashback]

Takatori Reiji... the man stayed on Ran's mind for much of the following week. Especially since the promised investment in the Fujimiya Trading Corporation was still not yet forthcoming. In the subsequent evenings after that visit, Ran had listened quietly as his father spoke to him of the various decisions and analyses Takatori's financial advisors and attorneys presented to him in their due diligence. He did not yet understand the corporate world his father was engaged in, but even he could guess that there was something stonewalling the negotiations. His father's frustrations were troubling.

Ran tried not to think about it at tennis practise when the Saturday came around again. Coach Kodashi demanded 110 % out of his players. He could not hope to give that to him if he was distracted. Just for those few hours, Ran did not think about his father, the company, or of Takatori Reiji. He was absorbed in his game. The comfortable serve and return which seemed so much more stable than the volatile economy that decided on his father's success or failure in the industry. The physical activity was a welcomed escape from his thoughts. But that island of comfort was lost all too soon.

Ran dived for a shot, confident in his ability to catch it when a flash of black caught his eye. It was as if he had forgotten about everything else when he noticed the limousine parked beside the fence that bordered the tennis courts. That proved costly. He felt his ankle twist under him as he stumbled and a cry of pain escaped his lips before he was even aware of it.

"Fujimiya!" Coach Kodashi was at Ran's side instantly pulling him into a seated position against him. "Don't move, let me see that-- Did you feel anything snap?"

Ran winced as the coach released all the laces on his shoe before easing it off the foot. "N--no. I think I just twisted it."

The coach nodded absently as he removed the sock and prodded the injury gently. "Sato, get me some ice for this!"

"I--I'm--" Ran felt a deep blush of embarrassment starting on his cheeks as he saw one of his team mates running towards the staff office while the others crowded around him in concern.

"You're what, Fujimiya? Don't worry. We'll ice it now. You see if your 'kasan can help you strap an ice pack to the ankle overnight. Take it easy for a couple of weeks and you'll be back on the courts again. I'll get you a pair of crutches."

"Crutches?" Ran blinked at him, his pain forgotten for a moment.

"Crutches." The coach tapped him on the nose to emphasise his seriousness. "Keep off the foot until it's healed and you'll be back on your feet faster."

The ice pack was quickly produced and Ran's attention was once more diverted as he hissed at the coldness against his skin.

"So-- what did you see, Fujimiya?"

He couldn't stop the involuntary turning of his head towards the fence. The coach and his fellow team mates looked up expectantly as well but the limousine was already gone.

"I thought I saw someone familiar. I'm sorr--"

"I think you're paying enough for that bit of distraction." Coach Kodashi interrupted him. "Can you hold that ice pack in position?"


"Good." With little more ceremony, the man slipped an arm under Ran's knees and behind his back and lifted him off the floor. "Lets get you to the infirmary for a rest. No use lying out here in the sun."

"Sensei!" Ran blushed bright red in embarrassment.

"Don't struggle or I'll drop you! You're too light for your height and age, Fujimiya Ran. You need to eat more."

@>;~'~ ------------- ~;~`<@

Aya giggled merrily as she walked with her brother's duffel bag while he hobbled after her slowly on the loaned crutches. "Coach Kodashi carried you to the infirmary? I though he only offered that kind of service to girls."

"Aya! He's--"

"Baka, we all know he isn't like that." She laughed at her brother's discomfort as she skipped ahead. "Everyone knows that Coach Kodashi is probably one of the most helpful people in school. But didn't he even think about just offering a shoulder to lean on?"

Ran looked down at his securely strapped ankle, his face still red from the embarrassment of the afternoon affairs. "Guess he just wanted me to stay off the foot."

"Are you okay?" Aya turned to look back at him, chewing on her bottom lip in worry. "Is your place on the team--"

Ran gave his sister a reassuring smile. "No, it's still mine. This is only a minor setback. The championships are still months away. I have the time to heal this and get back on track."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little, the ice helped to numb the pain."

Aya looked up at the reddening sky. "We're a long way from home, Oniisan."

"Well, maybe we can catch a taxi--" Ran jerked his head towards the road when he noticed the sound of a car approaching.

A black limousine drew ahead of them slightly and Takatori Reiji stepped out to face them. "Fujimiya?"


"Please, let me offer you a lift home." The man gestured towards the interior of his limousine. "I happened to be in the neighbourhood when I saw you practising on the school courts. I did not mean to startle you and cause this."

"Sugoi! I've never ridden in a limousine before!"

"Aya!" Ran cringed and he could feel his face turn as red as his hair at his sister's enthusiastic whoop. "It was my own carelessness that caused this Takatori-san. Domo arigato, for your gracious offer, but it would be an imposition. Our home is not along your way."

"Nonsense. I feel somewhat responsible for this." The older man tugged at Ran's crutches, easily stealing them from his possession. Before Ran could raise any further protests, the chauffeur had already taken them from his employer's hands and placed them into the trunk of the limousine. "Come then, children. Your Otosan would be anxious to see your return."

@>;~'~ ------------- ~;~`<@

Ran looked uncomfortably at the arm across his path, which prevented him from following his sister out of the limousine.

"Aya-chan, why don't you let your parents know that I'll be taking your oniisan for a ride around the block? I would like to get to know him a little better." Takatori Reiji smiled winningly at the little girl.


"We'll be back shortly." He promised her, and closed the door before Ran could raise a voice in protest.

They sat in silence while the limousine started again, the driver discretely raising the barrier between his section and the passenger area to give them some privacy. Takatori broke the silence for them.

"Have you ever given any thoughts to the future, Ran?"


"Have you thought about what you're going to study? What you would like to grow up to become?"

Ran frowned as he considered the question carefully. He knew Takatori Reiji was a very important person to his father's business. A glib thoughtless answer would not impress him and Ran recognised that his father would wish to have the man's good opinion.

"It-- it is still early for me to decide. I suppose I would eventually hope to step in my Chichi's shoes with our family business. But I still need to finish school and learn about life to prepare for that time."

"But schooling-- some see it as ill preparation for the true working world, Ran. You will never get 'Real Life' out of a text book."

Ran frowned at the statement. "It is the only way we know. I know that I need to work towards a university degree--"

"A university degree is not important for all business leaders. There is currently a young man called Bill Gates who is building an empire in the West. He is a drop out. But mark my words, Ran, he will go far."

"What is important then, if not schooling?"

"Have you ever heard of the principle of 'The Sword, the Jewel and the Mirror?'"

Ran shook his head.

"'The Sword' you can equate to 'might'. In feudal times, you could think of this as the size or strength of your army. This is the measure of the power of a nation. In business, you can think of this as the resources you own and the willingness and ability to use these resources to back up your promises with action."

Ran swallowed with a throat that had suddenly gone dry. He was young, but he still understood that there was a point Takatori was trying to make to him.

"'The Jewel' is easily explained. This is wealth and money. In business, when used properly it can be wielded as a power to influence the success of a venture.

"'The mirror' is self knowledge. The ability to recognise needs and see what is good or flawed in oneself. And the willingness to change or do what is necessary to correct or enhance qualities required to achieve what is desired."

"So-- if one must start somewhere it must be with the mirror? Recognise-- what--" Ran's heart was pounding in his chest fiercely as the older man regarded him with interest. "Otosan-- mentioned to me that he is still awaiting an investment from your company. C--could you tell me what it is you are looking for that he has not offered you to gain your favour?"

"It is something he cannot give me Ran-- though you might be able to."

"What is it?"

"You may not wish to give it to me."

"I will!"

"It is a dangerous thing to agree to something before you are told what it is, Ran."

"Perhaps. But I speak of my Chichi, and he would sacrifice anything for me and for our family. How can I give him any less of myself?" Ran countered. "What assurance do you want from my Chichi--"

"Nothing from your Otosan, Ran." Ran started almost violently when the man suddenly leaned closer. "Are you sure, you will do anything?"

"Wh--what do you want?" The boy's eyes were wide now and he was almost squashing himself into the corner of the seat as he shrunk away from the man.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Little Orchid." Callused fingers gripped his chin and held him firmly in place as a pair of lips started exploring his face. Softly kissing his lips and cheeks. Ran closed his eyes as he felt the man's tongue delicately licking the tears from his face. "Relax, little one. It will hurt if you don't relax. I don't want to hurt you, Little Orchid, not unless you want me to.

"I'm not a bad man, really. I just have these urges--" Takatori's hands started to pull his t-shirt of out his pants and reach under it to gently pinch and tease his nipples. "This is a lesser sin. Believe me, Little Orchid. I have a son-- You're not related to me at all. Think of this as a service to your Otosan, and to a boy much younger than you are."

His father seemed to think nothing of Takatori's ride with him when the man finally dropped him off at his home. Not especially when Takatori stopped to talk and exchange pleasantries with the elder Fujimiya. Takatori even told his father that he was impressed with him, and thought he had a good mind for business. It was a simple matter for Ran to wave off his father's questions over what he had talked to Takatori about. Ran would only say that the man wanted to get to know the family better. If he was walking awkwardly, his family thought it was the sprained limb that caused his imbalance.

The investment his father was waiting for arrived the following Monday. Seeing his father's joy and relief, Ran reminded himself that he had done what was needed to secure the future of his family's well being and protect another little boy.

[End Flashback]

Thanks for reading,
Jacque (firewolf@pacific.net.sg)