Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Noise ❯ Brandy, the gift from God ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

**** I own nothing, no one, nada, zilch…wow, kinda sucks to be me ;_; Well, I do own this story, so no touch! ^_^

Ken not only used my nickname, though I did bring it on myself when I nicknamed everyone else, but he also snuck up on me! Damn brat.

"Need something Kenken?" Ha! Two can play that game. …Man I need to get wasted.

"Well, I need sleep, but since you seem hell-bent on ruining that, you can gimme some of what you're having."

Looking at Ken, I can tell he's kinda tense. Maybe a drink will help him. And I do feel a little bad for waking him. Shit, I hope no one else got up. Well, no, Omi would just put in ear plugs, and if I woke Aya, I'd have a katana firmly imbedded in my… Yeah, I didn't wake anyone else up.

"Take a seat. Wanna big glass, or a small kiddy glass?" Ken gives me a withering look that tells me `Kudoh, don't, just don't.'

"Whaddya think? What poisonous concoction am I about to ingest anyway?"

"Brandy." I answer chirpily and pour him half a glass of it. A little much, but I can always finish off whatever he doesn't drink.

"Huh, don't think I've had brandy before. Dunno, always seemed like a thing some stuck up white-collar would drink or something." He tells me as he stares at the glass pensively, then sniffs it, pulling back quickly as the alcohol burns his nose. Damn I love brandy.

"Hey Yohji?"

"Yeah?" As I take my first sip. Mmmm, gotta love that burn.

"Are you sure this isn't paint thinner?"

Paint thinner? How uncultured is he!?

"No Ken, it's not paint thinner. It's a very expensive liquor that I'll gladly snatch from your boorish hands if you don't feel like drinking it."

He looks at me, the back at the glass, then at some spot on the table. Huh, wonder if the table or glass is giving him any secret messages? Guess so, cause he takes the glass and slams down a quarter of what was in it. Not very good messages I guess.

I know my eyes are glimmering with amusement as I watch him double over coughing his ass off. First time drinkers always lighten up my day.

//Want someone who can hold his liquor?//

I swear my head pulls a 360 as I look around the kitchen for the owner of that voice. Sounded familiar…and close.

"Yo…Yohji?" Ken is looking at me from under his bangs, still hunched over and trying to speak through the burning he is most definitely feeling in his throat.

"Daijoubu. Just, just thought I heard something. Cat probably."

"Ah, okay." And here it comes. "You coulda warned me ya know?!" he hisses at me, now that he's determined that I'm relatively okay.

"Haha Kenken. What woulda been the fun in that? And now you know, so it's rather moot to argue about it now." I'm grinning as I say this, watching as his frown deepens, then fades.

"You're an asshole, you know that?"

"And proud of it. `Sides, it's what you love about me, where would I be without my amazing Kudoh charm, eh?"

Ken chokes a minute, brandy's probably still burning him up.

"Yeah yeah Yotan, we know all about that Kudoh charm. Pff, works considering how few flowers you sell."

"Oh, like you do any better?"

"Least I'm not hanging off everything with tits." The usual banter between us has become almost like a ritual. I bug him, he bugs me back, it'd feel weird if it didn't happen.

"Least I get some."

"Oh, real mature. You sound like a hormone driven teenager."

"Well Kenken, some of us, cough-you-cough, ARE hormone driven teenagers."

"Nineteen is NOT a teenager. I'm an adult. Legally as well as mentally."

"I'm not sure you're much of anything mentally."

"Fuck you, Yohji!"

"I know you'd love to, but I'm all booked up this week." Ken immediately chokes and nearly snarfs the brandy he'd just sipped. Carefully, carefully sipped, all for naught.

While coughing he chokes out something to the effect of "You asshole" and proceeds to quickly vacate the kitchen. Well, that was fun while it lasted. Now onto the serious business of getting totally trashed. With this in mind, I throw back the brandy in my three-fourths full glass and guzzle down two more full glasses worth. Yup, well on my way to being uninhibited. Damn I love brandy.