Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Noise ❯ Dreamscape ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

***I'm a poor college student owning nothing. So, umm, suing would be not fluffy, ne?***

And now, a quick word to my sponsors:

~~*N*~~ : The FIRST person to review. I thank you so much. So happy I got a review, any review. And yours was nice to boot! You rule. Oddly, when I started this, I had no idea it would be Ken and Yohji. That one took my by the ass and swung me around a couple of times. But it's a good pairing, and thus, it lives on! And is it coincidence that the Ken/Yohji pairing's acronym is KY?? I think not!

Black Kitten: Oh my gosh, I am so amazed to be reviewed by you because I love your fics and you're so great and funny!! I feel exalted. And yeah, I guess I'm making Schu a bastard. Hadn't been aware of that one either. But then I started typing and my Schu muse said he felt like screwing with people…on multiple different levels. So I let him, also he gave me peanut M&M's. and how am I to say no to that? But you have no idea how much I bounced in my chair to know I got a review from you!! So yes, the review made my day.

And on with the show!!!

A bed? Since when was I on a bed? Last I remember; I collapsed onto my bed, which is not a four post, red silk sheeted, bed with a reinforced steel headboard, and promptly started having my damned Asuka dream. Yeah, I love Asuka still. My stupid heart and its hang-ups. Every time, every time I have the dream I know that she was safer with me. That if I just hadn't told her to go, she would've been fine. And every time the dream's the same. But, right as I was about to hit the painful finale…I appear here, on a red-silk, four-poster, reinforced steel headboard-ed bed. Not my bed, and not one I've been in before. Yet, lo and behold, here I lie. How do I know that the headboard's reinforced? Cause it damn well has to be if it's resisted my intense struggles this long.

"Where the fuck am I?" I ask no one in particular. But, hey, it's a dream, you never know.

"Right where I want you, kitten."

`Well fuck me, I did get an answer.' Is the only thought that passes through my head. It's a dream, and I know it's a dream. If I don't like it, I'll wake myself up somehow.

"I do intend to fuck you kitten. But I wouldn't be so sure about being able to wake up."

I hear the voice, I'm having trouble pinpointing its point of origin, moving closer. It feels like the words themselves are moving over my skin to rub against me in some most fascinating ways.

However, though the feeling of words are giving me interesting things to think about, the words themselves are also suddenly striking me.

`I do intend to fuck you'?? Huh, well isn't that just wonderful. Obviously, this is a kind of sex dream, and I have done the bondage thing before, but I'm not usually on the receiving end of a very male voice while tied to a bed.

Mental inventory time. Hands? Tied with some kind of unbreakable silk-like rope connected to a very unmovable headboard over my head. No leverage, no way to get my hands free, okay, screwed there. Feet? Free at the moment, hoping they'll stay that way, but I'm doubting it. Then again, this is my damn dream and in lucid dreaming, isn't the dreamer supposed to be able to change the dream? Well, if that were the case, my damn hands would be free, I'd be dreaming about Asuka (in a happy light) and I wouldn't have this creepy-crawly feeling in my stomach. Room? I don't see any walls. Guess I'm not in a room, then again, I can't turn my head too well due to my arms being in the way. Beautiful. Status? Totally screwed.

"Mmm, yes kitten, I'd have to agree that you will be screwed. Owned in fact."

Creep factor has just risen a helluva lot. And…wait a sec…I'll have trouble waking up? Is that what the omnipresent voice said? Why would I have trouble waking up? It's my dream. And if I wanna wake up, then who's to say I can't wake up?

"Took you a while to get to that, didn't it? Well, the amount of alcohol in that bloodstream of your really makes for a difficult rise-and-shine, no? Then again, I'm sure you weren't aware of exactly how much you drank. Wonder why that is?"

I can feel the smirk in those last few words. And who the hell is talking to me anyway? I feel like I should know, but I just can't place the voice to a face. As I ponder this, I feel the bed - it's really a nice bed - depress to my left. I try to turn my head to see, but my arm blocks my sight.

"Who are you?" I ask. Yey, my voice wasn't shaky. Bully for me. While I'm at it, I may as well get those other pesky questions out there before my steadily growing fear leaks into my voice.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here? Why are you here? And why the hell am I tied," I do another quick check to make sure, "naked to a bed?"

"All very good questions, but I'm sure you can answer at least some of them." How can a facial expression such as a smirk ooze into words like that?

"Fine, I have no clue who you are. But I can assume I'm tied naked to a bed because of some subconscious sex fantasy or something. Which means you must be some subconscious oogie-boogie." Neither of which pleases me in the least.

"Of course you know who I am. You seem to just need to be reminded." At this, I feel something faintly cool, and slender gently run across my stomach. It feels like leather, yeah, like leather straps. Several thin…leather…straps. Oh, crap.

This first gentle caress is my only warning before those straps viciously lick my stomach. I cry out in pain.

"Tut-tut little kitten. Did I say you could cry like that, hmm? Now, you will stay not make a sound, do you understand?" The, I can only assume, cat-o-nine is once again gently glided over my stomach before the straps crack over the skin of my stomach. I can't help but to cry out again. It hurts!

"What the hell?!" I try and yell at my assailant. It does little good, in fact, it earns me a swift slap on the middle of my stomach from the cat-o-nine.

"What did I tell you? Not a peep kitten. You will obey me. If I ask you a question, you will reply with a `yes, master' or a `no, master.' Is that clear?"

I can't see anything beyond the splotches of red that appear from my having clenched my eyes so tightly. I can feel blood trickling down my chin from where I've bitten my lip. Sure, I've been caught on missions and I've been beaten to a bloody pulp. Hell, I've been tied up and smacked around. But this, this is different. I have no weapons and I'm scared. I want to wake up now! This is not familiar ground for me.

I barely contain my cry as the whip lands heavily three times in quick succession across my stomach. My muscles bunching in spasm.

"I asked you a question. You will answer me when I ask you a question. Now, I will repeat myself once. Is. That. Clear?"

Each word punctuated with a crack against my stomach. My pride buckling under the assault.


"Yes…what?" The whip lands repeatedly until all I know is the feel of damn leather making lines across my abdomen. The only thing I can think about is how hot my skin is getting, and that somewhere along the line, the strikes stopped being so terribly agonizing.

"Yes master!" I yell out as my body spasms. I feel like I'm reaching, reaching for what I don't know. But I need it. Desperately.

"Very good kitten. Very good. You deserve a treat for learning so quickly." The voice tells me through the fog that's descended heavily over my brain. Reward? Rewards are good, right? Treats are rewards, right? I wanna be good.

"Of course you do kitten. You want to please your master, yes?"

"Yes master."

My mind is going blank, somehow I know something's wrong, but I just can't seem to get the mind to fight it. It feels so good. Let someone else take responsibility. Let the decisions fall to someone else, I don't need to do anything, my master will take care of me.

"Good boy. Your treat." My master…wait no, this…who is this person…I have no master. My mind quivers as it tries to fight the tide that's swiftly lifting me. A part of me knows that this is not what I want, but a different foreign part seems to want it so much. Quickly however, I feel all thought leave me as a hand moves down my stomach to brush at the curls above my root. The fingers twine around the curls and tug gently. My body bucks off the bed as my back arches. The contrast between the recent pain and this small pleasure make it too much.

"I am you master kitten. And you are my pet. You belong to me. Do you understand that?"

The hand slides down further to reach my jutting erection and slowly, teasingly, fingers glide around the base and slowly squeeze.

"Ahhhn, yes, yes master!" I yell out. Every time I cry out to him, to my master, I feel a little piece of myself give in. A little more each time. It's getting harder to think, to fight. Just, oh god, I just want release.


Hearing him cry out to me in both pleasure and pain make this all worthwhile. His eyes have stayed closed the whole time. It's a choice of his own making, but perhaps I should blindfold him just to take even that freedom away from him. As I look down at his uniformly red stomach, and even redder cock, I can't help but smile at his slowly spreading legs. He wants so much, but even he's not sure exactly what he wants. I squeeze his cock again and his back arches, bringing his ass off the bed. Showing me how tight and muscled he is. I'll take you in a bit kitten, no worries. But first, I have to get rid of that pesky will of yours.

"Do you like this kitten? Do you want me to keep treating you this way?" I say as I make one long languorous stroke from root to tip and back to root of his erection. The head deepening into a reddish purple. Ahh, the line between pleasure and pain, a blurry one at the best of times.

"Uhhn, uhh, y…yes master" he gasps as my other hand finds a hard nipple and twists it viciously. The pain only feeding his pleasure now. His hands pull against the ropes as he tries to encourage me along or possibly to take the task into hand.

"Well you'll just have to be a good pet then, won't you? Now, kitten, you want to please your master, so, I will untie your hands and you will do as I say, understand?"

"Yes master!" He cries out to me as my thumb flicks his swollen head, and my fingers pinch and abuse his nipple. I leave his cock to untie the rope, while my other hand leaves his chest to produce a silk blindfold.

"Keep your eyes closed." I tell him as I fit the blindfold over his eyes and undo the knots of the rope.

The command is followed as if my word is law. Which, here it is.

Once his hands are free, he lets his hands lie next to him. Hmm, very good. He learns quickly. I can feel the smirk widen on my face. He's still trying to fight me, but his body betrays him. It wants pleasure, release, ecstasy. And I am promising that. …Eventually.