Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Noise ❯ The White Knights...sorta ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*** My story, mine mine mine! Okay, so nothing else is, but that's okay, cause the story is.***

I was just starting to get to sleep after writing up a report, of the school-persuasion, when I hear yelling. No, screaming. That desperate screaming of a person trapped and trying to use the only device he has to create any form of escape. I think to myself how odd it is that usually that's the last thing I hear before the poison in my dart kills them. But now, it's one of my own team and though I relish the screams of the dark beasts, this is just scary!

I run out of my room to the epicenter of this screaming. I know I must look mildly hysterical, but one of the people I care about most in the world is in trouble! Oh god, what if it's Schwartz! What if they know where we live?

I stumble as I realize, they do know where we live. Well, Mastermind at least. I pray silently that it's another nightmare, another night terror attacking while my teammate tries to rest and not a physical terror.

Running through the hall, I reach the door from which the god-awful sounds are emanating. Please Please, Yohji-kun, be all right!!

The handle is…unlocked? Weird. Yohji-kun likes privacy, so keeping his door unlocked surprises me. Regardless, this just means I won't have to kick the door in or have Ken shred it open with his bugnuks.

Twisting the door handle, pushing the door open, and standing to the side to make sure no one with a shotgun is waiting for my entrance on the other side, I peek in the room. There seems to be only Yohji-kun, gripping the sheets of his bed, tossing his body back and forth…screaming. Oh yeah, can't forget the screaming.

For the first time in a while I am actually afraid to approach Yohji-kun. He's thrashing on his bed like some kind of lunatic. A sudden image of Berserker flashes through my very sleep-deprived mind. That shakes me badly. Ever thinking of Yohji-kun and the Berserker in the same way is like putting fried eggplant and ice cream in the same sentence.

After realizing that my mind's been going in random little circles, how the guys would laugh at Omi the team strategist now, I cautiously approach the flailing, wild man on the bed. Looking at him, he doesn't seem drugged, though that's hard to tell. Another random spurt of information comes to me that Yohji-kun was supposed to be on a date, so what is he doing here?

Tired, tired! Have to stay on task here.


Yeah, like I expected to get a response. I feel eyes on my back, guess the cavalry's arrived. Hopefully Aya-kun won't gut Yohji-kun.

Turning my attention back to Yohji-kun, I call out again, louder and with more force.

"Yohji-kun! Wake up! You're okay!"

As an answer, my head is almost clipped by a leg that tells me I've gotten a bit too close to the bed. I take a step back and decide which would be better: this futile calling, or take my chances with lunging and pinning him so one of the others can wake him.

The decision is taken out of my hands as a crimson blur flashes past the corner of my eye. Oh gods, he really is going to gut him.

"Aya-kun! He's having a nightmare, don't kill him!" I yell desperately as I watch Aya-kun launch at the thrashing figure and land squarely on him. The screaming stops for a few seconds as, I think, the wind is knocked out of Yohji-kun.

Aya-kun, for his part, looks over at me as if I'm a complete moron. Eyebrow lifted to his hairline and all. Amazing, I think that's the most amount of expression I've seen on him…ever.

"Omi, if you wouldn't mind helping to wake him." Aya-kun says to me in his most monotone voice.

"Eh-heh-heh, yeah sure Aya-kun." I reply as I trek over to the bed and now mostly silent Yohji-kun. Then again, I too would be silent if someone's hand was covering my mouth.

I make a quick check to see that, indeed, Ken-kun is waiting in the doorway making sure, well, I don't know what it is he's making sure of, but I figure he's doing a good job of it.

I stand at the side of Yohji-kun's bed, and start trying to shake and talk the man awake. He's a heavy sleeper on the best of days, this is just so fun that I can't wait for another event like this to happen. Gods forbid this kind of thing happens again. We all have our nightmares, but I've never seen anyone of us having one like this.

"Yohji-kun, it's me, Omi, it's okay, you're safe, here at the Koneko with us. Come on Yohji-kun, wake up!"

I punctuate my words with gentle shakes and nudges hoping to make him respond. Not much happens, but he's still breathing albeit shallow and panicked. And Aya-kun has yet to kill him, though I'm not certain how far off that point is.

Finally, I notice Yohji-kun's body begin to relax a bit. Whether is be from exhaustion or being calm is beyond me, I can only guess the former. I can tell Aya-kun is under the same assumption as he does not remove himself from restraining Yohji-kun.

"Omi, try again, maybe he'll hear you now." Aya-kun says to me, the strain of having to hold down a trained assassin making itself obvious.

I nod and continue to try and wake Yohji-kun. This is disturbing me, this is not like any of us. I hope he's okay.

"Yohji-kun!!" I say with a particularly rough shake. All at once green eyes fly open, take account of what is happening and then tell the brain that trying to kill Aya-kun would be the best plan of action. And so, the struggles which before had been dangerous but unfocused, become deadly with his focus to apparently disembowel Weiss's redhead.

Aya-kun for his part, is trying to not be thrown off of Yohji-kun by the sudden unexpected bucks of Yohji-kun's body.

Ken-kun, has taken it upon himself to act like an idiot and stand in the doorway uselessly, and I decide that getting a muscle relaxant or sedative would be a good idea.

Luckily, we all have such things in the first-aid kits below our beds. Unluckily, Aya-kun is busy trying to keep a barely-there Yohji-kun from hurting himself or anyone else, namely Aya-kun.

That little insane part of my brain that makes uncalled for observations comments that at least Yohji-kun has stopped that screaming. I tell it to shut up as I dive under the bed and come out, alive, with the first aid kit.

Ripping the box open, I grab the syringe already filled with a strong muscle relaxant. Take my time to make sure there's no air in the syringe and proceed to shove it into Yohji-kun's thigh.

The effect is immediate. Not of the muscle relaxant, but of Yohji-kun's reaction. He stops for a second as he seems to realize he's been drugged or poisoned or whatever conclusion his addled brain has reached. Then tries to kill me instead. Fortunately for me, Aya-kun is still holding him down. Oh and yeah, the muscle relaxants kicked in right about then too.

Yohji-kun's body slumps back against the bed. Aya-kun looks at him for a second before slowly removing his person from restraining the not-so-dangerous-anymore Yohji-kun.

"Aya-kun, is he okay?" I ask quietly, my eyes not leaving the near-gasping, sweaty mass that is Yohji-kun.


Seems like Aya-kun's sudden talkativeness has taken a sudden plunge back to monosyllabic answers. But, he seems to think Yohji-kun is relatively fine, and I think the same. Really I just wanted someone to agree with my silent assessment.

I move closer to Yohji-kun who seems to be orienting himself. His eyes are focusing more, his tight gasps becoming slower longer intakes of breath. The rigidness of spasming muscles gone, then again that's kind of the point of a muscle relaxant. But overall, the rigidity of his affect and everything is gone.

"Yohji-kun? Are you okay?" I ask him the way someone would most likely talk to a rabid dog. No, nope, more like a rabid bear. Yeah, definitely a rabid bear. I realize he's answering, didn't expect that.

"Fine, Omittichi, fine." His voice is rough from having screaming so much. Gods, his throat must be killing him. I quickly move to get him a glass of water. As I go, I take into account how long he was screaming, coupled with the relaxants, and how terrified he was, making his throat raw, his limbs tired, and his emotions a wreck. All in all, Yohji-kun is having a very bad night. Actually, he did smell a lot like alcohol. Adding that into the equation, he's not having a very bad night, he's having a really down-right crappy night.

After retrieving the glass of water, I return and help him by propping him against some pillows. He's not looking at any of us. I think he's embarrassed. Terribly so.

"Yohji-kun, are you feeling better?" Giving him the chance to form his thoughts while he takes sips of the water.

"Yeah, yeah kiddo, I'm fine."

He's staring at his hands which, until this second I hadn't noticed, he's twisting in the sheets tightly. As tightly as his relatively limp hands can. Which more looks like he's smoothing the sheets with more forceful than usual movements.

"Yohji-kun, do you wanna talk about it?" I know the answer, Aya-kun knows the answer, we all know the answer. Of course he doesn't. But if there's a sliver of a chace he does, I want to make sure he knows that it's available to him. I see Aya-kun give me a look over Yohji-kun's head. Yeah, we all know the answer.

"Nah, just a nightmare, ya know? Nothing earth-shattering." I almost feel myself starting to wonder what he's seeing in his hands.

"Are you fine for missions?" Aya-kun, always the practical one. The question might seem callous, and for the most part, it is. However, Yohji-kun needs the distraction. He obviously doesn't want to think about or talk about what happened, and this is a nice easy way out.

"Course I'm fine for missions. A little nightmare can't keep the great Kudoh Yohji down!" He says it with his usual grin, the only fault in his façade is the rough grate of his voice.


I wake to the sound of someone screaming. Someone I know, someone close. Nearly grab my katana, but decide that I might accidentally run someone through out of the slight disorientation that comes from having been woken out of the dream cycle.

Not a particularly pleasant dream, but a dream nonetheless. Making my reflexes a bit slower and my eyesight a bit more untrustworthy. I would hate to lose a team member. They are still useful. And damn if I'll admit it aloud, but they're not the worst people in the world.

So, yes, the scream, the knowledge that it is someone near me, and my fogginess. That decides it, I'll bring my katana, but leave it sheathed. Okay, so I run. Down the hall, not far to go, end up in front of Kudoh's room. Great, maybe he finally brought home a girl and decided that she was so slutty that he should rid the world of her presence. Then commit seppuku because of what he'd done. Maybe I am more disoriented than I thought. But it is kind of a funny idea. Another Fujimiya joke that will go unnoticed. Briefly I wonder if I should tell Aya, but no, don't want her to think her brother's gone off the deep end…that far off the deep end. Being realistic sucks sometimes.

Hearing Omi already in the room calling to Kudoh and figuring he's got the situation of possible intruders under control, I drop my katana and enter. Well shit, I did not know Kudoh was that strong. He's flailing, kicking, screaming, and attacking something I definitely can't see. Talk about going over the deep end.

Omi's having trouble calming Kudoh. Hmm, can't imagine why. The sudden thought that I should be a stand-up comedian crosses my mind. Yup, Fujimiya Aya the stand up comedian. The guys would laugh their asses off just at the title.

Seeing Omi nearly take a shot to the head makes my decision for me. I make a suicidal dash toward Kudoh and dive over him, bracing myself against his violent thrashing and pinning him.

Apparently I look like I'm about to kill Kudoh because Omi makes a plea for the thrashing psycho's life. I could laugh, really I could, but then Omi might faint and it would not be a good situation. I mean, I'd be stuck holding Kudoh down with a rather distant looking Hidaka standing in the doorway. Actually, the way Hidaka's watching is unnerving. I'll ruminate on that a bit later, right now I have to keep this one on the bed…while he tries to kill me. Shit he's strong when he panics!

Kudoh's just barely being kept here. The sweat he's covered in is making me slide off any grip I may have on him, and his panic and apparent hatred toward me is just not helping.

A bat, maybe a bat to his head would help. Oh wait, Omi, he's got a needle in his hand. Hope he doesn't miss and shoot me full of…red tape around the plastic tube… muscle relaxant. Wouldn't that just be the best. Shoot the guy holding down the psycho with the muscle relaxant.

I shouldn't worry though, Omi can hit a person between the eyes from 30 feet away with a dart. And I watch as the needle sinks into Kudoh's thigh. That one's gotta hurt. Abruptly, Kudoh changes his kill Aya tactic to kill Omi tactic. It's not a very successful campaign however. The relaxant working its magic and Kudoh already having worn himself thin with his constant fighting. No, adrenalin does not last forever.

Slowly I get off of Kudoh, waiting for the leg or hand, or hell, teeth to catch me offguard. I take a quick moment to scan the room. Kudoh drugged on bed, check. Omi tending to drugged on bed Kudoh, check. Hidaka standing in the doorway looking flushed and somewhat aroused, check. Aya standing on the other side of the drugged Kudoh being tended to by Omi feeling very tired and wanting to go back to bed, check. Well then since there seems little need for my presence, I decide to make my wonderful exit. I spoke early in this ordeal, I agree with Omi when he asks if Kudoh's okay, yes, I have made my contrib…holy shit! Hidaka looking aroused? What? Whoa whoa, back up there.

I turn my head minutely to make sure I hadn't made up what I thought I saw. Nope, did not make that one up. There Hidaka stands, still in the doorway, breathing shallowly and a bit rapidly, eyes intently fixed on Kudoh. Well isn't that a pisser. The look, however, is bothering me. It's a but too intense, a bit too feral. Hmm, think I'll ruminate on this one a lot. Homosexuality doesn't bother me in the least. I'd be a hypocrite if I said it did, but this, this bothers me. The look, the affect, the everything. Guess I'll just have to keep an eye on Hidaka. But now, off to bed. I'll drag Hidaka out of the room just in case.

"Hidaka, let's go." I tell him in my most cold and dead voice. The "I will not take insubordination from anyone and if you tell me no, I will kill you then piss on your grave" voice. Yeah, long title, I'm gunna have to shorten that, but for now it works. I'm almost glad Kudoh's taken an interest in his own hands, I'm not sure how he'd be able to handle Hidaka ogling him with such a bestial eye.

I pick up my dropped katana, and walk back to my room, making sure Hidaka's gone to his and will not be exiting it. What a fun eventful night, why couldn't everyday be as fun as this one? Yeah Fujimaya Aya - stand up comedian extraordinaire.

A/N: Ooooh, I always wanted to be able to write A/N. Anyway, oh, so yeah, those silly little sprites of good writing have not (ever, but let's keep that between us) visited me and given me inspiration. Which is why this took so long to get to all you lovely people who apparently hate reviewing. I can take flames, really, I can (this is a plea for reviews - hint hint!!). I digress (least I'm not regressing). So the first part of this is not stellar, then I lost internet for a bit and those silly little sprites still didn't visit. So this whole part is not stellar.