Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Surprise ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
White Surprise (Chapter 1)

By Carter Tachikawa

Disclaimer: No, I don't own it. Gluhen wouldn't have ended the way it did if I were in charge.

Summary: Uh...read what I had on the prologue. I'm too tired to spit it out here.

Pairings: It's Ran x Ken/Ken x Ran (take whatever you like) with Schu interrupting their relationship being the cool badass that he is. Of course, it ends with Ran x Ken. And I like making Schu evil cause he *is* evil.


Yes, I have the heading all in caps. In other words, I'm serious when I say it's important.

I've had people asking me through reviews and email if this will also turn into a Yohji x Omi because I have Ran x Ken therefore Yohji x Omi need to be together. Well, people, I hate to break it to you but the answer to that is no. Why, you ask?

Number one, I am not fond of the Yohji x Omi pairing. I'm sorry but I'm just not fond of it. Yes, I know there are a lot of RanKen stories out there with Yohji x Omi pairings and I do read them namely cause these people are good authors. But I for one will not make this a Yohji x Omi story. I have my reasons for not liking it so if you wish to know, email or IM me. And if me not putting Yohji x Omi together is the reason you hate the story, you might as well leave now.

Number two, this is not just a romance story! I have angst, humor, and drama thrown in here as well. Romance alone is not fueling this fic nor is the only thing important in the story.

And a piece of advice: You can have a perfectly good yaoi fic without having everyone screwing someone or being in love with someone. I've seen many fics like that and I've done fics like that myself so I know it's possible.

But fear not! Just cause I'm not turning it into a Y x O, doesn't mean Yohji or Omi will be left out. I have plans dealing with the other assassins. Oh yes, and I have plans involving Schwarz (not just Schu alone).

Having put that aside, I will now go into thanking reviewers: CherubKatan, Misura, FireKat, Midori, Maru Fujimiya, Koyasu, kami-chan, Isa-chan, Deena, IceAngel, Windy, bluerock-nakie, schu-chan, Rene Hidaka, Olivia-yuy Maxwell, and Moonraven

I will now continue my fic. Gomen for such long author notes. I'm a nice person. I swear!

* * *

It wasn't that long before Ken's 'brothers' were kicked out of the room. Evidently, he needed to go through more tests. Yohji and Omi left without complaining but Aya was more stubborn. He refused to leave his boyfriend's side for anything. It was Ken who finally told him to go.

"I don't fear needles and I can take aspirin all by myself." He said teasingly. "Don't worry about me. I'm grown up. I can handle this."

Reluctantly, after hearing all that, Aya stepped out of the room and left Ken alone. He had to bear about five minutes of Yohji and Omi bickering over who the nurses were ogling. Yohji was still firmly convinced he was the sexy one that the ladies were checking out.

"No, no, no." Omi kept saying, growing exasperated. "Need I remind you that you are the *oldest* brother and not the youngest? When I was with you in that elevator, she was saying *your* younger brother was adorable."

"Oh, so my face isn't adorable?" Yohji asked.

"No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that you..."

Aya tuned them out and began thinking about Ken. His poor lover was in that room alone, probably getting poked and prodded, and he couldn't do a thing about it. Instead, he had listen to the other two fighting and that was *not* his idea of spending time without Ken.

"You know, you guys shouldn't kiss." Yohji interrupted. It took Aya three seconds to realize he was talking to him.

"Who shouldn't I kiss? Ken?" He finally asked.

Yohji rolled his eyes. "No, you shouldn't be kissing the wall! Yes, I'm talking about Ken! You're his brother, remember? I don't want anyone to think we got family issues or something if they catch the two of you in the middle of a tongue tango. They already think weird enough for adopting you."

"Don't be mean, Yohji-kun." Omi intervened before Aya could retort. "But he's right. It's best not to get *too* close to Ken-kun."

Aya frowned. He understood what they meant about not kissing Ken while he was in the hospital but he hated the thought. After all, Ken needed him.

*/At least I can spend time with him./* Aya assured himself.

"Hey, we can go in now! The chick just said she's through!" Yohji interrupted yet again.

"Yohji-kun! You can't call her a chick!" Omi complained.

As they began yet another argument, Aya went back towards Ken's room and peered through the door crack. He couldn't see too much but Ken was sitting up in bed and looking out the window.

"You can come in. I'm still alive. I didn't scream once in agony." Ken responded, having a good feeling that his lover was right there. Aya took a deep breath and opened the door. Yes, Ken did look fine for someone who went through five minutes of the hospital's crap. Plus he looked bored. "I wanna get out of here now."

"I want you out of here too." Aya nodded. "But I'd rather you get better first."

Ken turned around. "Aren't you going back to the shop?"

"The other two might but I'm staying." He said firmly. "I'm staying overnight."

"You can't. They'll kick you out eventually."

Aya gave him a small smile. "Then I'll stay till they kick me out."

Ken smirked. "Quite stubborn, aren't you?"

"Only for you." He leaned in for a kiss when an annoying and familiar voice cut him off.

"Oh no, you don't!" Yohji exclaimed, pushing Aya away from Ken. "Did you already forget what I said? No sex with Kenken while you're here!"

Ken looked puzzled. "Since when are you, the sex machine on two legs, suddenly against it? And he was only trying to kiss me!"

Yohji sighed. "I know you two are horny, lovesick teenagers..."

"Teenagers? I am almost twenty-one!" Aya snapped. "And I am neither horny nor lovesick!"

"Allow me to explain what Yohji-kun is trying to say." Omi cut in, growing tired of playing in the middle. "We're just saying that the two of you shouldn't be caught in a lip lock while you're here. Suppose someone catches you? We've already told them we're brothers so we could stay here with you, Ken-kun."

"Oh." Ken nodded, finally understanding. He could tell Aya was not too thrilled about the decision. His lover was pouting and glaring at Yohji, who merely shrugged and ignored him. "Okay, that makes sense. I'll try not to kiss Aya the whole time I'm here. I promise."

Both Yohji and Omi were satisfied with that answer. Aya didn't say a word.

After another hour of talking, Yohji finally got up. "I don't know about anyone else but I'm ready to head out. It's fun hanging around with you, Kenken. But hospitals make me uncomfortable."

"You're only uncomfortable because none of the girls here noticed you." Ken smirked. "Leave if you want though. I'll survive the rest of the day."

"They've noticed me. I just haven't found my type." Yohji replied with a yawn. "Anyone else coming along?"

"I will." Omi said, getting up on his feet. "We left poor Aya-chan alone at the shop for a long time. Plus I think it's time for closing too. We'll make sure she stops by and visits you though, Ken-kun."

Yohji turned to Aya. "And I assume you're staying?"

He nodded. "For as long as I can."

"Remember: no hanky-panky."

"Shut up."

"Want us to get you anything, Ken-kun?" Omi asked, as he and Yohji got ready to leave. "We'll bring it tomorrow since it's already starting to get dark."

"Um...nothing that I can think of."

"Not even booze?" Yohji asked teasingly.

"I'm a patient! You can't bring me alcohol!" Ken exclaimed.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But seriously, we'll come back tomorrow. And if you need anything, just let us know."

"Thanks, guys." Ken sighed. As soon as they left, he turned to Aya who had been sitting quietly. "You can go home too if you want. Aya-chan is probably getting worried about you."

"It's okay. I want to stay with you." Aya murmured.

"You know, I just have a broken knee. I'm not dying of a serious illness. I think I can last till morning."

"It's not that." Aya said. "I just..."

"You're just worried about me and you should be." Ken said, smiling. "You know, you're cuter when you look worried."

"Oh, so I'm not cute any other time?"

"You are, you are! But when you're worried, you make me..." Ken stopped.

"I make you what?" Aya asked.

"You make me wanna kiss you so you feel better and love you till you can't feel anything anymore." Ken said slyly. Then he pointed to his forehead. "C'mon. Foreheads are fine. Yohji said no lip locking and no sex. But kissing me anywhere else is okay. Besides, 'brothers' sometimes kiss their 'brothers' on the head."

Aya leaned over and planted a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. "How'd you know that's exactly what I wanted to do?"

"I can read minds." Ken joked. "And your mind is most interesting."

"Oh really? Then why didn't you join Schwarz?"

"Because you weren't in it."

Aya rolled his eyes. "You and your sense of humor."

Then he leaned over and gave Ken another kiss on the head.

* * *

"Nurse... Nurse, you have to tend a patient on the third floor."

The nurse, a pretty young woman of eighteen (well, she technically wasn't a nurse yet, just a nursing student) with dark brown eyes and hair, looked up from the paperwork she was doing. She let out a happy sigh. At long last, she was going to do something to help someone! The past few weeks had been boring, tending to patients only every other day or something. Hopefully, this new patient wasn't going to be someone who would complain about everything.

*/Like the last few have been./* She thought, slightly pissed off. She loved helping people but some of them had the tendency to get on her nerves.

"So who's the new patient?" She finally asked, putting everything away.

"A young man who broke his knee...he climbed to get a kite down. He doesn't seem much older than you...and his name is Hidaka Ken."

She sat up. "Hidaka...Ken?"

"Yes, he's about twenty-years old. He's quite a nice-looking man and very kind too. His brothers visited him earlier today and..."

The descriptions went on but the nurse wasn't paying attention anymore. She stopped paying attention the moment she heard his name. Without waiting to hear the rest, she ran out of the room and proceeded to head to the third floor. Somehow, she had to find this Hidaka Ken.

* * *
Crawford sat up in his chair, confused from this new premonition he had. Normally, he didn't think about Weiß. Whatever visions he had about them, he usually cast aside. After all, they had to deal with their own problems. But this is the first time he got a vision that was anything but ordinary.

"Brad?" Schuldig, who he had been talking to before the premonition, noticed how Crawford's normally cool look had changed. "Brad, what happened?"

Crawford shook his head, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. Schuldig was the only one who got away with calling him "Brad" and he did when he was worried. Right now, from the rare concern in the German's emerald eyes, Crawford could tell he was *very* worried.

"Brad, what's wrong?" Schuldig asked.

"I had a premonition." Crawford said coolly. "It was about Weiß."

"Oh, them." Schuldig grimaced. "What's going to happen now? Balinese is going to have problems with his love life again?"

"No." Crawford shook his head. "Something else...something that will affect us all..."

When Schuldig still looked puzzled, he added. "It will affect us too and not in a good way. There's trouble ahead."

"Damn." Schuldig murmured. "And here I was hoping to screw Balinese over with his love problems!"

"It's worse than that." Crawford assured him. "It's far worse than that."


* * *

*sweatdrops* Nope, I didn't finish "Switch" yet! I'm still working on it! Give me time!

Blah, I finished this chappy! Next up, family reunion? KenRan/RanKen moments and Schwarz makes another appearance. Woohoo!

So review, review, review! But no flames. I'll set you on fire myself if you do XD

Forgive any major editing errors. I am only human.

Till next time!
