Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cat ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Toraneko (Wild Cat)

By: Anna Hibiki

Rating: R, it could go up later.

Disclaimers: Weiss is not mine! Koyasu-sama and other people with much more money than me owns it.

Warnings: Shounen-ai/Yaoi, OCC for Ken, slightly angsty.

Pairings: Aya/Omi at the beggining of the fic (they're not the main charas though), more couples to come later.

Notes: Anything written in Italic are thoughts. Things /written this way/ are mental talk.

This fic can be read in my page, mediaminer.org and ff.net.

Ne! Wanna thank the reviewers for the prologue!! ^^ So, the glomps and thanks go to: Lady Kickass (arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* hope ya like this chappie!^^) and Li-chan (arigato for leaving a review! *glomps* hope ya like the chappie and sorry for updating so late!!)

Chapter 1

Okay, calm down Kudou, and take a look at the situation. He knew that if he made any sound, Omi would have problems.

He studied the man holding the kid. He growled every time Aya tried to move or said something, never answering to what the redhead said.

Each time Aya said something, the man moved his head wildly, giving small cries, but never saying any word.

Youji approached him slowly while Aya continued talking. He had thought about using his wire, but it hit him that in the few seconds that would take the man to die he was still able to break the kid's neck.

So he was going to have to use his fists.

Just when he was behind him, he made his teammate a signal.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the smell, being so close to that man made him want to throw up.

His hair (to give it a name) wasn't less disgusting. It was a long mass of knots, dirt, leaves and lots of little branches tangled on a dirty mass that reached past his ass (which was a relief because if the hair was like that, he didn't want to know how was the skin underneath).

He took a deep (and soundless) breath and grabbed the man's forearms, yanking at them to distract the man so Aya could free Omi while he was distracted.

As soon as Omi was free, Youji was thrown at the ground, the other guy being too strong for him.

Everything around him whirled as he felt sick, very sick.

The man was pinning the playboy's body down with his body, and that was the first time Youji could look at his face.

But all he could see was more dirt on a face that looked like the guy had never shaved, and was half covered with that nasty hair.

He tried to put the guy away when the tip of Aya's katana appeared between their bodies.

Suddenly, and probably scared by the reflection of the lights on the blade, he jumped backwards and covered his eyes, automatically letting go of Youji, who could start breathing again.

Aya pointed to him with the blade and prepared himself for the 'shine' scream. He lifted the katana and glared at the man.

"Aya-kun wait!!"

He turned surprised purple eyes towards Omi.

"He doesn't work for Takayama! Every one of his employees carry a microchip, and if he had been one of his men, the detector I have into my coat would have reacted! I think he lives in her-" he said nervously.

"He was going to kill you." He said with an angry scowl. "What the-"

The man had crawled towards Omi and was hiding behind his legs, a shaky hand holding onto the small blonde's leg as he whimpered.

"I think he's just scared of seeing other people. Look at him. I don't think-"

"Shut up." Youji interrupted, still looking a little pale. "Whether he's one of Takayama's men or not, he's tried to kill one of us, so he deserves to die."

Apparently Omi was feeling pity for the guy whimpering at his feet, a guy that had been about to kill him a few minutes ago.

The archer kneeled down and brought a hand to the man's face, looking at him intently. In response, the guy stopped sobbing. "He's strong, and with an adequate training, would be a perfect member for Weiss, especially now that we have to confront Schwarz. We need as much strength as we can get." At the look his lover was giving him, he finished explaining. "If Manx and Birman don't approve we'll kill him, but right now, as Weiss' leader, I say we're going to bring him with us."

He took a dart out of his jacket and impaled it on the man's arm. He apologized at the yell of pain the man gave and waited patiently until the sedative made its work.

"Aya-kun? Go kill the target while Youji-kun and I bring this man to the car. I deactivated the security system, he shouldn't be too far. Go through the entire corridor and take the white door. He's alone."


"Hayaku!" he commanded.

Aya ran into the long corridor while his teammates brough the man out of the cavern and into his car.

"I don't think Aya will be very happy with how the car is going to smell later." Youji murmured as the younger assassin opened the car door to place the unconscious body on the backseat. He opened the windows wide, trying to make some hair enter there. "He could at least cover himself a little, this is disgusting."

"Stop complaining Youji-kun. This is Aya-kun's car, not yours."

"But my clothes and HAIR will get his smell impregnated!" He shut up when he saw Aya arrive, his coat drenched in the target's (and probably more than one bodyguard's) blood.

Omi shrugged. "Wash it until it disappears." He sat on the passenger seat and dialed a number. "Manx-san? It's me, Bombay. I have great news…"

Youji pouted and sat on the back seat, trying to be as far as possible of the stinking body. It was a miracle he didn't have to tell Aya to stop to throw up on the nearly three hours it took them to reach the Koneko.

It was a good thing that the street was so dark at that hour, but that was no problem when you had a garage connected to your house, or they would have a problem if anyone saw them carrying an unconscious, naked and absolutely dirty body with them.


Two hours later the three assassins sat on the mission room, waiting for Manx and Birman to come downstairs with the guy they had brought home.

They had taken a shower in Aya's bathroom. He was the only one who had a bathroom in his bedroom and had let the others use it since the two women were stuck there with the man, apparently cleaning him. The redhead didn't want Youji to use his shower, but thanks to Omi, he had agreed to let the blonde wash up in there.

Finally, when Omi was starting to doze and Youji had finished the nth cigarette, they heard the women get out of the bathroom and a minute later they were downstairs, dragging the 'man' with them.

Actually, he wasn't as old as they had expected. He was young, probably he wasn't even twenty yet. He had big chocolate eyes that looked from them to the women, he looked ready to panic. His chestnut hair had been thoroughly washed and cut, and now it nearly reached his eyes.

His skin, without the dirt and mud, was tan, though it was marked by scratches everywhere, at least where they could see, because Persia's secretaries had the decency to put one of Omi's biggest tee shirts and an old pair of Aya's sweat pants on him.

Birman shoved him before them so the assassins could see him. "We'll see how he reacts to the team and try to train him." She said calmly.

Omi was the first one to react. He grinned at the other boy and extended his hadn. "Hello! I'm Tsukiyono Omi, nice to meet you! What's your name?" he asked in his genki way.

The brunette didn't shake his hand, he inmediately hid behind Birman, who shoved him forward again.

Omi repeated the question. "What's your name?"

The other blinked. "Mmm maybe he doesn't understand Japanese."

He asked the same in seven different languages, but there was no answer.

Youji laughed and approached their new teammate. "Leave this to the pros." He told Omi. Then he turned to look at the brunette. He mewed like a cat and grinned.

The boy's expression changed and he mewed, his eyes obviously confused.

Youji looked at him with his hands on his hips and smirked smugly. "Mew." He said lifting his eyebrows.

Chocolate eyes narrowed perceptively, his eyebrows almost meeting in a frown. "Meeew."


The guy grunted and if Manx hadn't caught him, he would have killed Youji right there.

Omi and even Aya were gaping.

"Youji-kun?" Omi asked hesitantly, almost ashamed to make such a question. "What did he say?"

The blonde shrugged. "How would I know? I'm not a cat."

The leader of Weiss sweatdroped. "Youji-kun!"

The playboy chuckled. "Well, at least he's cute, the fangirls will be happy, and since he doesn't talk, he won't be loud and annoying, so our Mr. Nice guy won't get into a even worse mood because he's noisy."

"But we don't even know his name…" Omi trailed.

"I'm sure that he doesn't even have a name." Birman interrupted.

"Then we could give him a name!!"

"Yeah, and put him in a collar and buy a bowl for our new pet, ne?"

"Youji-kun!! I'm serious!" he looked at his boyfriend, trying to get support from him. "He needs to have a name, how could we name him?"

"Hideaki?" Birman suggested.

"Shuuichi?" it was Manx choice.

"Hn." Obviously, Aya's.

"KenKen." Youji said looking at the kid intently.

"Youji-kun! We can't name him KenKen! That's stupid!"

"Why? It's cute, and lots of pets get named like that. I once had a dog I called Kurokuro, and my neighborn had a cat named PenPen. Since he's our new pet, you can name him Ken and he'd still be KenKen."

"Youji-kun, would you like us to call you Yo-tanYo-tan?"

"I think Ken's fine. The name suits him."

Four pair of eyes turned to look at the redhead, surprised that he had said TWO phrases one after the other.

"Aya-kun? Do you think so?"

Aya nodded.

Omi beamed. "Then, nice to meet you Ken-kun!!"

Youji rolled his eyes. "You said it was an stupid name a moment ago."

"If Aya-kun thinks it's okay, then it is a good name." He said simply and extended his hand to Ken again. "Nice to meet you Ken-kun." He brought his hand to his chest. "I'm Omi."

Ken imitated him. "O-mi." He said pointing to himself.

Omi shook his head. "No." He took Ken's hand and placed ti on his own chest. "Omi." He put Ken's hand on the brunette's chest. "Ken." He said smiling brightly. (A/N: *sweatdrops*)

When the little blonde let go of his hand, it was the brunette who did it.

"O-mi." He said imitating what Omi had done before (and ignoring Aya's glare). "Ken." He said pointing to himself, putting on a smile as bright as Omi's as he did so.

Youji clapped his hands. "How clever!" he said trying not to laugh. "I'm Youji."

Ken approached him. He extended a tanned arm and placed his hand on the playboy's chest, looking up at him questioningly, waiting.

Youji finally laughed. "Youji."

The brunette seemed to be satisfied with that. "Yo-hi." Then he put his hand on his own chest again and smiled as brightly as he had smiled before with Omi. "Ken."

"Yeah KenKen, whatever." He said nonchalantly.

Then he approached Aya and did the same, waiting for the silent redhead for an answer. The only response he got from him was a 'grr'.

"Grr." He repeated and smiled again. "Ken."

Aya just granted him with one of his patented 'shine' glares, that sent the brunette hiding behind Birman again.

Youji chuckled. "KenKen, welcome to Weiss!" he said cheerfully.

"Well, we're leaving." Manx announced. "Make him eat and sleep. See you."

With that, they left, leaving the boys with an absolutely unpredictable boy who didn't seem to know anything about civilization.

Omi sighed loudly. Why did he have the feeling that it wasn't going to be as easy as he had thought? He hadn't counted on the boy being completely uncivilized. How were they going to communicate with him or just live together with him?

Maybe it wasn't such a great idea.

Tsu zu ku…

*sighs* My mind is so fucking blocked… it's a good thing I only had to write the last paragraph to finish this chapter.

Well, how was it? Now the guys have given Ken his name and have to start "domesticating" him.

In next chapter, they'll have to teach KenKen how to eat like an human and how to sleep in a bed.

Remember to leave a comment with opinions, suggestions, what you think will happen or whatever ya wanna say. That's always good for the authoress' block!

Hasta luego!