Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cat ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Toraneko (Wild Cat)

By: Anna Hibiki

Rating: R, it could go up later.

Disclaimers: Weiss is not mine! Koyasu-sama and other people with much more money than me owns it.

Warnings: Shounen-ai/Yaoi, OCC for Ken, slightly angsty.

Pairings: Aya/Omi at the beggining of the fic (they're not the main charas though), more couples to come later.

Notes: Anything written in Italic are thoughts. Things /written this way/ are mental talk.

This fic can be read in my page, mediaminer.org and ff.net.

Ne! Wanna thank the reviewers for the prologue!! ^^ So, the glomps and thanks go to: Kenzan (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* thank u, hope ya like this chapter ^^) and chaotic kaat (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* glad ya like it! ^^ and yeah, training Ken has to be fun *grin*. Thank u!)

Chapter 2

Omi sighed for the nth time that night.

He had tried to show Ken how to use the chopsticks.

Failure. Those fingers weren't used to holding thinks like that and the wooden sticks kept on slipping out of his grasp.

When the soup accompanying the noodles splattered him for the fourth time he decided it would be better to show him how to use a spoon.

He gently took the chopsticks off the brunette's hand and gave him a spoon.

Ken grabbed it and examined the piece of metal on his hands.

He smelled it and put it closer to his eyes to take a closer look. Then he brought the empty spoon to his lips and bite hard at it. He threw the spoon at the floor angrily.

"Ken-kuuun!!" Omi scolded him. He glared at Youji, who was laughing. "Youji-kun! This is not funny!"

"Yeah it is." The older assassin moved his chair to sit next to their new teammate. "You're just making things the difficult way." He said mockingly. He took Ken's hands into his and tried to put them around the soup bowl, but Ken struggled and pushed his hands away, disgusted because of the touch. "Oi KenKen!!"

Ken mewed, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Meeeeew." Youji mocked with a smirk.

The boy pouted and sat on the floor next to Omi's legs, kicking Youji before he sat down. "Oi!!" Youji whined and moved his chair back to its place.

Omi looked down at the brunette. "Ken-kun? Sit back on the chair." He murmured.

But Ken just blinked at him, that was all he had done every time they said something to him, that is, every time Omi tried to make him understand anything or Youji tried to do what Omi couldn't, with the same results if not worse.

"Omi, sit down on the floor with him."


"He's been imitating everything you do. Get up and sit on the chair." The redhead said quietly.

Omi nodded and stood up, noticing Ken did the same. Then he sat on his chair and saw how Ken looked around looking for another free chair and sat there.

"Take the soup bowl." Aya ordered.

Omi took it and Ken did the same, curling his hands around the bowl hesitantly and putting them away at the warmth of it hit him. He started to blow at them to try to get the feeling away.

Youji laughed. "Guess he's not used to hot food."

"You are used to hot food, so you feed him." Aya said coldly.

"I-e. I don't want him to kick me again."

Aya snorted and stood up. He grabbed the soup bowl and put it against Ken's mouth. When the hot liquid made contact with his lips, he opened his mouth and closed it when Aya put the bowl away, swallowing the delicious soup. His face lit up at the newfound flavour. He mewed happily, giving the others a little smile, a fine trail of soup falling down his chin.

"Gross." Youji murmured quickly reaching forward with a napkin to wipe the soup before it would fall onto the tablecloth (it was the only one clean and he was bringing a lady tomorrow to diner taking advantage that Omi and Aya were going out, so he didn't want it to get any stains.) "Be careful Aya! He's going to stain the tablecloth!"

The silent man shrugged. "I don't care."

"Aya-kun?" Omi said tentatively. "I think we should teach Ken-kun to be clean and inculcate him some manners. Youji-kun, no matter how I hate to say this, is right."

"Then, since he's right, you and him are going to educate Ken, and he better end up being an educated man soon, or we are killing him."

"Aya-kuun." Omi pouted at him. "We'll need time to educate him.."

Aya's expression softened a little when he looked at his lover. He left the bowl on the table and stood up.

"I'm going to sleep." He announced and left the kitchen.

Omi blinked at Youji after Aya left. "And what do we do now?"

Youji pondered about it for a minute as he watched Ken lapping at the soup like a cat drinking milk from a dish, not daring to touch the bowl with his hands. "Finish eating and go to sleep as soon as possible. The sun will be up soon. There, you had enough soup KenKen." He said taking the soup bowl away. "We better give him some rice now."

Omi sighed sadly, looking at his own almost untouched food. "Can you feed him the rice so I can eat a little? I haven't touched mine yet."

The blonde made a face but agreed. He took a pair of chopsticks and the little bowl with the rice and sat ext to Ken again.

The brunette looked at him with curiosity, as if expectant to see what was going to happen next.

"KenKen, open your mouth." He said taking some rice with the chopsticks, waiting.

And stayed like that for nearly a minute until he realized that his new teammate had no fucking idea of what he had said.

He dropped the rice into the bowl and touched the brunette's lips lightly with the tips of the sticks, as Aya had done before with the soup bowl.

This time Ken didn't react, he just blinked at the chopsticks.

Youji put the chopsticks away. "Omi? Come over here."

The younger boy stood up and approached them. "What's it Youji-kun?"

The playboy sweatdroaped as he took some rice with the sticks. "Open your mouth chibi."


"He imitates everything you do, so if he sees me feed you, then he'll probably let me feed him. It's logic. So open your mouth so we can finish with this."

Omi complied and let his friend feed him the rice, closing his mouth when the chopsticks were taken away and chewing slightly at the rice before swallowing, everything under Ken's gaze.

Then Youji took some more rice and pointed at Ken with the sticks. "Open your mouth KenKen." He ordered lazily.

This time Ken opened his mouth and did as Omi had done, his expression changing again when he discovered another new flavor.

Youji gave him some more rice until the brunette hesitantly reached for the glass with water and took it in his hands when he made sure it wasn't warm, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a little sip at the water. "Yo-hi." He said pointing at him when he left the glass down.
"Want more?" he asked and sighed when the other didn't understand him. So he took more rice with the chopsticks and offered it.

A few minutes later Ken had finished eating, and Omi sighed in relief because he was finally going to take a much needed rest.

But he felt like there was something he had forgotten.

Where was Ken going to sleep? He didn't thought that leaving the brunette alone at the mission room wouldn't be too recommendable. "Youji-kun? Where is Ken-kun going to sleep?"

The older blonde shrugged. "You can sleep at Aya's room and leave him sleep in your bedroom until we find something else for him."

"Youji-kun. Would you leave him ALONE in YOUR bedroom a whole night?" he asked, his voice rather dangerous.

"Actually, I wouldn't leave him alone in my bedroom for a whole night, not even for five minutes." He finished his beer as he thought about it. "You could stay at your bedroom and put the futon for him there so there'll be no harm. You just have to lie down and he'll imitate you."

Omi pondered about it for a few seconds. "Well… Since he's going to sleep in a futon, he should sleep in a different bedroom each night so he gets to know us all and will get more used to the house."

"You just want a night alone with Aya every now and then." He said with a sly smirk.

The archer blushed. "Youji-kun!!" Then he turned to look at Ken. "Let's go to sleep Ken-kun." He pouted at Youji. "Oyasumi Youji-kun."

The brunette did exactly the same, only that he didn't get the words so he just said "Yo-hi."

"Night kids." He said with a huge yawn and ruffling Ken's hair as he passed them.


Omi was trying to put Ken's nose away from his computer. Yeah, his nose, because the brunette didn't dare to touch it. "Ken-kun! It's time to sleep!" he took the brunette's hand and motioned him to sit down on the futon.

The brunette sat down with him, waiting for new instructions (that is, waiting to see what he was going to imitate next).

The leader of Weiss lied down and waited until Ken did the same to cover him with the blanket. "Oyasumi Ken-kun!" he said brightly as he climbed into his bed.

"Omi!" As had happened before with Youji, he hadn't caught the words so he just said Omi's name.

Omi turned the lights off and just hoped Ken would fall asleep. Well, at least he wouldn't have to worry about Ken going to the bathroom. He didn't know how, but Manx and Birman had taught him that before leaving.

Luckily for the youngest member of Wess, Ken was so exhausted he fell asleep almost instantly, the foreign warmth of a house and a bed being too much for him.

By the time Omi fell asleep, it was past the sunrise.

Tsu zu ku…

Well, this is nothing great, but at least now I have my inspiration back and I'm updating all fast! (three updates in three days) *grins*

Anyway, how was the chappie? Hope ya people liked it!

Remember to leave me a comment with your opinions, ideas, predictions or whatever ya wanna say!

Hasta luego!