Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Winner Takes... Aya ❯ Winner Takes... Aya ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks go out to Elfen and Nekojita for the comments and suggestions to make this somewhat readable! Any mistakes are all my own and feel free to let me know about them. Enjoy!
Winner takes... Aya

Aya bit back on a moan as he turned his head to look over his shoulder at Yohji. He currently found himself bent over the bed with his pants down to his knees while his lover inserted a black butt plug into his ass.
“Quit your teasing, Kudoh,” Aya said with a threat in his voice. “It's your turn next and I'll make sure you suffer twice what I am.”
“I'm not teasing. I'm just making sure that it's securely in place,” Yohji said as he stepped back from Aya. “All done, you can put mine in now.”
Aya yanked his jeans up and fastened them before grabbing the lube from the bed. Yohji dropped his pants and bent over the bed, waiting his turn. Aya squeezed out a generous amount of lube and slowly inserted two fingers into Yohji's hole. Thrusting in once or twice, Aya maneuvered his fingers so he could brush against Yohji's prostate before withdrawing them.
“Aya, I didn't do that to you and you know it. I'm not going concede defeat this early no matter what you do.” Yohji looked at the clock and said, “We're due in the shop soon so you better hurry up.”
Coating the red plug with lubricant, Aya placed it against Yohji's entrance and carefully inserted it into Yohji. With a wicked look on his face, he twisted it slightly until Yohji yelped. “Dammit, Aya!”
“Quit your bitching, Kudoh. This was all your idea. I am never drinking and betting with you again.” Aya gingerly walked out of their room to the bathroom so he could wash his hands, all the while thinking about how he got into this predicament.
Last Saturday night, Aya and Yohji were playing poker and downing shots. What began as the loser of each hand having to drink a shot, later turned into a dare on Yohji's part to see if Aya could make it through an entire shift while wearing a butt plug. Not quite drunk enough to take that dare, Yohji goaded him until he agreed to it on the condition that if Yohji won the next hand, they would both wear one. Whoever was first to demand either sex or to have it removed, would lose the dare. Unfortunately, the bastard won the hand and Aya was honor bound to go through with the dare.
Aya carefully made his way down the stairs to the Koneko and began setting up the shop. They'd waited until it was Ken's day off, and hopefully a slow day for business, to fulfill the bet. Yohji came down a few minutes later, moving just as slowly as Aya had.
“You can finish setting up; I'm going to start the arrangements for the day,” Aya said, then went to review the orders for what flowers he'd need.
With the damn plug shifting against his sweet spot every time he moved Aya cursed himself for letting Yohji talk him into this. At least he had the satisfaction of knowing that the blond was just as uncomfortable as he watched Yohji bend over to shift a large plant, closing his eyes as if in pain. The moment passed and when Yohji's eyes opened once more, they met Aya's and the expression changed to a smirk before the idiot blew him a kiss. Shaking his head at his boyfriend, Aya went to work on the flowers.
Yohji bit back a moan as he leaned down to grab the ribbon from under the counter. He finished wrapping a bouquet of fresh flowers for the elderly customer he was waiting on and quickly rang up the order, not even sparing a moment to flirt with the sweet woman. Yohji was horny and frustrated beyond belief. He dared a glance at his lover and almost groaned out loud when he saw the expression on Aya's face.
Aya's face was flushed, his eyes a slightly glazed with passion, and his lips parted while a pink tongue swiped against a bottom lip. Aya only ever looked that way when Yohji made love to him, and Yohji was tempted to lock the door and throw his boyfriend down on the nearest flat surface so he could screw him silly. Only the thought of losing the dare to Aya kept him from doing so. Aya had threatened him with a suitable revenge if Yohji lost.
Yohji was desperately regretting this stupid dare. He should have known that Aya would find a way to make him suffer. Just the fact that Aya was enduring the same helped alleviate the frustration to some extent. Aya had not sat down at all today, either to do the orders or eat lunch. They only had about two more hours to go, but soon the fan club would arrive and dodging all their grabby little hands would have him and Aya in severe discomfort.
Yohji bumped into a display and when he bent to keep a pot from falling, the damn plug moved sharply against his prostate. Crying out in painful pleasure, his eyes locked with Aya's. Yohji didn't know how long they stared at each other, he saw the desire he couldn't hide reflected on Aya's face.
When Aya asked if they could call it a draw, it took Yohji a minute to understand what he meant. The meaning finally registered on his lust-filled brain and he nodded before crossing to the door and flipping the `open' sign to `closed'. Yohji carefully made his way to Aya before dragging his lover into the storage closet, not even attempting to make it as far as his favorite spot in the greenhouse or to their bedroom.
The second the door closed, Aya attacked his mouth while undoing the buttons of Yohji's shirt. Breaking away from the kiss, he yanked Aya's top off as his hands went to the belt of Aya's pants. He leaned in to capture swollen lips once again, tongues tangling in moist heat. Aya was one step ahead of him and Yohji groaned into the mouth against his when his cock was grasped in a firm grip. Finally getting Aya's pants undone, he pushed them, along with Aya's underwear, down a firm ass and demanded, “Fuck me, Aya. I need to feel you pounding into me.”
“Not yet. You're going to fuck me first. I've had that damn plug teasing me all day and I want your cock in me.” Aya pulled back to glare at Yohji, daring the blond to deny him.
Yohji pouted. “I always fuck you. I want you to do me today.”
“I will do you, *after* you fuck me. Take it or leave it,” Aya replied in his `I'm not budging on this' tone of voice.
Yohji sighed, “You win, but you better make it worth my while to wait.”
Aya gave him a wicked little smile, “Have I ever disappointed you before?”
Yohji shook his head and smiled in return. “No, I don't suppose you have.”
Aya walked over to the small table and bent over, “Take this damned thing out now and fill me with your cock, Yohji,” his voice deepening with each word. “I want to feel you in me. Right. Now.”
Yohji groaned at Aya's passion-filled words, “Take mine out first.”
“No,” Aya said, “Imagine the feel of it in you as you fuck me. It'll feel like someone is in your ass while you're in mine.”
Damn, Aya had the most incredibly delicious ideas sometimes, Yohji thought. He reached into the table's drawer to find the bottle of lube stashed there before slowly removing the plug from Aya. Coating his cock with a generous amount of slick, he moved behind Aya and immediately plunged completely in, thankful that his lover was stretched from the plug. They both groaned out loud and Yohji almost whimpered when the plug, still in his ass, stimulated his prostate.
“God, Aya, you were right,” Yohji panted out as he drove into Aya again and again. “It feels like I'm getting fucked while fucking you.”
“Shut up, Kudoh, and move faster.” Aya reached down and started to jerk his cock in time with Yohji's thrusts.
The fuck was fast and furious, both men on the precipice too long that day for either of them to make it last. Aya came first, shouting Yohji's name before collapsing on the table below.
Yohji slammed home a few more times then - yelling Aya's name - spurted deep within Aya's ass. Shuddering one last time, Yohji leaned heavily on top of the body lying limply on the table beneath his.
Eventually, Aya shifted and grumbled, “Move, you're heavy.”
Yohji flopped to the side and groaned when the plug shifted again. “Will you *please* remove the butt plug now?” Yohji pleaded in a voice that was just short of begging.
Aya stood, legs appearing a little unsteady, and slowly removed the tortuous device from Yohji's ass. When Aya set the toy down, Yohji stood up and gathered Aya close for a kiss that was all lips, teeth and tongues. Soon he felt a stirring in his cock and smiled, “Don't forget, it's my turn now,” he reminded Aya.
Yohji proceeded to kiss his way down Aya's neck and chest before dropping to his knees. Aya sighed when Yohji nuzzled his semi-hard cock, and moaned when Yohji took him into his mouth. Yohji curled his tongue around the growing hardness then pulled back to tease the slit. When Aya was fully erect, Yohji sucked and nibbled until Aya jerked forward, causing his cock to slide down Yohji's throat.
Aya drew his cock away from Yohji's lips then helped his lover to his feet. He wrapped his arms around Yohji and kissed him passionately. Just when Yohji thought he'd pass out from lack of oxygen, they broke off the kiss and Yohji found himself shoved against the door. Aya lifted him slightly only to lower Yohji onto his cock while Yohji wrapped his legs around Aya's waist. Yohji used the leverage of the door to keep himself from taking Aya's cock too fast because, even though he'd been stretched, Aya was a bit wider than the plug and Yohji didn't bottom as much as Aya.
When Aya's cock was finally buried deep in his ass, Yohji slid his arms around Aya's neck and tugged him in for another kiss while adjusting to the presence inside him. Yohji leaned back and said in a voice rough with desire, “What are you waiting for? Fuck me fast and hard, lover.”
Aya stared at Yohji then began to move. Each forceful push into Yohji was harder and faster than the one before. He loved the feel of that thick cock filling him to almost a painful level. Yohji shifted slightly and suddenly cried out when his prostrate was struck, causing a jolt of pleasure to streak through him. “Mo-re… Har-der…” he encouraged Aya.
Yohji found himself rocking his hips, wanting Aya's cock even further inside him as he was pounded into the door. The steady thrusts where so powerful he yelled out his delight with grunts and moans that were incoherent, while Aya vocalized his enjoyment in fucking Yohji almost as loudly.
Omi approached the Koneko and was surprised to find the closed sign hanging in the door. Turning the doorknob, he was even more surprised to find it move beneath his hand as the door opened. He entered the shop and closed the door behind him then cautiously made his way into the empty shop, wondering at the hammering he heard. He followed the noise to the store room. Were Yohji and Aya building new shelves? Omi asked himself until he heard other sounds along with the pounding.
“Mo-re… Har-der…” Omi recognized Yohji's voice. When he heard an answering groan from Aya, Omi's face was suffused with color as he realized what was happening on the other side of that shaking door.
Trying not to envision his teammates screwing like bunnies against the storeroom door, Omi turned and practically ran from the shop. He sooo didn't need to know that Yohji was a bottom; it changed his whole opinion of the older blond.

Yohji felt the need to come again. He didn't know how long Aya had been fucking him into the door, but it felt like hours. Aya's body was covered in a sheen of sweat from his exertions, and Yohji felt a trickle make its way down his own temple into his hair as he threw his head back, crying out even louder than before.
“Ne-ed to… come… I'm going… to come…” Yohji panted as he reached down to stroke his cock.
Incredibly enough, Aya's rhythm increased until, with a shout, he stiffened and cried out Yohji's name. Yohji quickly followed his lover as his come coated both their stomachs and Yohji's hand. Seeming to have lost use of his legs, Aya lowered them both to the floor as he placed a kiss on Yohji's sweaty temple.
Yohji felt Aya's cock slip out of him as he pulled Aya in for a kiss that was gentle and sweet, in complete opposite to the previous ones. “Hmmm, that was good.”
Aya smiled and nuzzled Yohji's neck. “I need a shower. What about you?” he asked.
“Definitely. I guess we're not reopening the shop today,” Yohji answered with a grin.
Aya looked startled for a moment then sighed. “I guess not. We wouldn't have made much money with the fan club anyway. Let's get dressed and lock up before getting ourselves cleaned up.”
Yohji smiled and nodded in agreement, “Sounds like a plan. What should we do about dinner? After we shower, do you want to go out?”
Aya paused before replying. “I'd rather stay in tonight. I'm too relaxed to want to do much of anything.”
“Well, we could always snuggle in bed with a good book,” Yohji suggested, an innocent expression on his face.
“Hn. Right, Kudoh, like I'll get much reading done if you're in bed with me,” Aya said sarcastically.
“Hey, I can behave,” Yohji said with a little pout before it turned into a smirk. “At least for an hour or so if I have something to look forward to later.”
Aya seemed as if he were thinking before he replied, “Well, if you let me read undisturbed for a couple of hours, I promise to make it worth your while.”
Yohji leaned in for a kiss before making his reply, “You always live up to your promises, I do have to admit that. It's a deal. I'll even go for take out so no one has to cook tonight, how does that sound?”
Aya smiled. “Just about perfect. I'll take a soak while you go for dinner so we can spend the rest of the evening in our room.”
“It's a date,” Yohji said as he enjoyed the vision of his lover smiling, not ever getting enough of that sight. Yohji leaned in for a quick kiss before getting up and helping Aya to his feet so they could fulfill the promise of a wonderful evening ahead.