Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes do come true ❯ Shopping horrors ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bfhdskvas wow, this is a great chapter… not really, and this time I have the real Jen HERE, at close range. I had to make it up and she said I read really well into her…….. Well, hope you like *yeah right… ^__^;*


"Well, we have to get to work; will you two be OK up here alone?" Ken asked. "I want to go to the flower shop with you!" I shouted jumping on Omi's neck and holding on for dear life. "You will only get in the way." Aya said. "I can help; I know how to take care of flowers." I said giving puppy eye's to Yoji. "No." Aya said glaring at me. "Well, I'm not letting go of Omi until you tell me I can go." I said. "You will let go or you will be made to." Aya said. "IF YOU LEAVE ME HERE, I WILL MAKE SURE THERE IS A BIG MESS THAT I WON'T PICK UP!" I shouted.



Aya glared at me and walked out the door, Ken, Yoji, and Omi left with me hanging on to his neck, and Jen followed. When we walked into the flower shop, they started getting ready to open the shop. I sat on a little table near the back of the shop and Jen sat on one of the chairs. It was not really long before high school girls started arriving. They came in and just hung out, no one really bought anything and Aya was getting irritated. Yoji at one point came and sat by us in a different chair. "Will you take us shopping after you're off work?" I asked him. "I don't baby-sit." He said. "But your sense of style is so good. Please!" I begged. "Ask Aya, I won't drive you, I have a date tonight anyway." He said. I flipped him off and stuck my tongue out at him. "Jen, do you want to sing a song with me?" I asked turning to her. "What one Shi?" She asked. "The theme song…. You know which one." I said smiling at her.



She nodded and we broke out into the Weiss Kreuz theme song. After a while of singing that, Yoji finally got annoyed enough to `accidentally' push the table over so I toppled to the floor. "YOJI, YOU STUPID JERK!" I screeched sitting up. Everyone looked over to see what was happening. I stood up and put the table back in its proper position… right on Yoji's foot. I sat on it and he `yelled' (more like a scream almost). Aya yelled at us and we glared at each other until Omi and Aya got off and walked us back to the little `house'.



"Aya, will you take me and Jen shopping for clothes?" I asked. "I'll drive you and give you a little bit of money, but I won't stay." He said. "Well, who will watch us, and how will we get home?" I asked. "Fine, but we will get clothes and leave." He said. "Omi, do you want to come?" I asked. "Sure, you don't mind do you Aya?" Omi asked. Aya shook his head and we left and went to a mall. "HOT TOPIC!" I shouted to Jennifer who was telling me we were going to go to `Insert store here'. "Omi, you take Shiki and I'll take Jen." Aya said grabbing Jen's arm and leading her away from me and Omi. "YAY! Let's go Omi." I said grabbing his hand and skipping towards the `Hot Topic'.



"You actually get clothes from this place?" Omi asked while I was grabbing black pants with green stitching. "Yeah… why, don't you like it in here?" I asked. He sweat dropped and shook his head. I shrugged and grabbed a skirt that went past my ankles and the tank top that went with it. The skirt was black except on the front where it was red and had black belt like things along the top and going down. The shirt was like that only it had a belt like thing across the boobs and in the back.



After I was done shopping, we went to the `insert store here' and met up with Jen and Aya. Jen had paid for the clothes and they were just about to leave. AS we were walking out of the mall, we saw a man with red hair and a boy with black hair.

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Dun dun dun! I shall leave you there because I have writers block and if Nagi's hair isn't that color, please tell me, it's been forever since I've seen it. Thanks. ^__^ ~Shiki