Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing It Was ❯ Wishing it Was ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dominique McKay

LA, Period 3


Fiction Story Final Draft

Wishing It Was


I have been told that my stories that deal with the four assassins of Weiß seem to revolve mostly around love. Such as is true with this story, but this is more about friendship. There are no relationships that go on between any of the characters that are beyond friendship. They are friends, very close friends, and I hope you will understand this. I doubt there that people should consider the fact that this story has graphic love in it because it doesn't. I started all over from scratch, along the base lines laid by my old story Chenu Mutisme, and this is what I came up with. Questions and comments will be appreciated in every way because I like to know what people think. I hope this story does not come across as graphic or in any way involving "love." Because it contains only friendship, I trust that people will not think of it as "love." Now, on with the story!


"I love this song."

It wasn't the type of song I associated with the jock, for some reason. Too mellow, too easy for someone who listened to funky, 90's style music most of the time. But he was sitting in a chair drawn up by the stereo system, bobbing his head to the melody. Omi looked sidelong at him.

"Like the band?" He asked quietly, watching the jock from his seat on a cushion. Ken shook his head.

"Love the song, hate the band," the brunette replied, leaning his head back as he relaxed into the armchair, tapping his foot along with the rhythm. He smiled softly and hummed along.

"It reminds me of our lives… You know… As killers?"

From across the room, Aya gave a disgusted snort.

"We aren't common killers, Hidaka. We're assassins. And besides, we don't need you giving us our own theme song," he said coldly, fixing the jock with an icy glare. I sighed and pushed my sunglasses back over my eyes from their current perch on my nose.

"Aya, leave the poor kid alone," I said with a small grin. "Can't you see he's just trying to be friendly, unlike yourself, that is…"

The redhead's face tightened and for a moment I thought he was going to stand up and wring my neck with his bare hands, him being the type to do such things.

Aya started to rise off the chair he was sitting on but Ken grabbed the swordsman by the arm and pulled him back down, ignoring the death glare that Aya favored him with. Omi gave an over exaggerated sigh.

"Will you two ever stop fighting?" he asked innocently, bright sapphire eyes flicking to each of us in turn as he emphasized his point with his fingers. I grinned.

"Doubt it, Omittchi; once Aya is set on one thing, he won't stop until he gets his way."

I said it teasingly, for teasing my fellow assassins was something I did best. Being the eldest, I felt as if it was my not-so-solemn duty to tease them. I knew that they thought I just bothered them for fun, which is partially true, but I mainly teased them to prove that we still had a sense of humor. I'm not quite sure about Aya though; teasing that man is like bothering a brick wall; he just doesn't notice. I like teasing Ken the most because he changes all the time. Omi's just a sweet heart, and besides, half of my jokes he doesn't understand. He is our "baby" after all…

Omi gave me a slow glance before turning back to listening to the music playing on the stereo. If my memory doesn't fail me, I think that the CD inside the machine was his, and most likely too; Omi had always liked that type of music. Personally, I liked anything that could be danced to, including this song. I must remember the name of this band…

Aya was ignoring the rest of us pointedly, even as Ken tried in vain to make the swordsman laugh. We had all given up on trying to get even the smallest chuckle out of Aya ever since we completed the final mission that Persia gave us. Since then, nobody did much laughing.

Persia's real name was Shuichi, and he was the younger brother of Reiji Taketori. In the end, Reiji took over Japan, and killed his younger brother before we could save him. Persia had been the one man who had pulled us together and made us Weiß, an assassin group that hunted the dark beasts of Japan. But now Persia was dead, slaughtered by his own brother. It hurt us all to know that, but I think it hurt Omi the most.

Omi is a Taketori, the only son of Shuichi. He had only known Persia as his uncle, but in the end, we were told that Persia was Omi's father. It hurt him the most as we came in upon the dying form of the one who had been almost a father to us. He then gave us our final mission: to destroy Reiji Taketori. And we carried out our mission bitterly, hatred in our souls.

Aya had been the one to strike that horrible man down, he saw to that. We had all suffered at his hand, but Aya's pain was still fresh, and burned him every time he turned around. Taketori had run his sister down before his very eyes and had murdered his parents. The pain and hatred swelled every time he went to visit his comatose sister in the hospital, and when he finally got his chance to release all the pent-up anger, he took it.

He had killed that horrid man, and in doing so avenged his sister. But she had not awakened. We wondered if she ever would.

Ever since Aya had delivered the deathblow to the man that our assassin group had been hunting down for many long years, threats from other assassin groups started to rise. Schreient, whom we had thought was dead was back again and hunting us again. Schwartz had abandoned the thought of protecting anyone after their employer Reiji Taketori was killed; that group was one of our least favorites.

We knew that they were out there still, but we had not been attacked yet. But there was an extremely powerful and well-funded group coming into power over Japan again, and their main focus was on destroying Weiß, the assassin group that had destroyed Reiji Taketori. My assassin group.

Aya was the leader of our four-part assassin team, but I still considered the others my family, my assassins. We killed together, yes, but we lived together at all times, no more than a stroll down the hall away from eachother. We had always looked out for eachother, for the good of the mission and for our friends. Over the past two or three years of being Weiß, we had become very close. But I didn't think we'd be close for much longer.


Manx had come once again with a file stuffed full of data for our missions. There were several that demanded instant attention, and we applied ourselves diligently. It would be difficult, but we decided to do a three-way job, or more rather Aya said so, and we followed loyally behind. Aya was always that way.

Beauty and grace is what touches me most…

So now, I was taking clean-up duty on the third and final mission that night; being back up, which Aya knew I hated. It was now my task to kill the henchmen that my companions chased out of the building, the ones that they couldn't destroy.

Good times can put me in fear…

I pulled a length of wire from my watch, and held it carefully between the metal tips on my gloves; working gloves so I would not hurt myself; my wire was razor sharp. And for good reason; what use is wire for an assassin when it's not sharp enough to kill? Wire should either be sharp, or thin enough to strangle someone with. Personally, I like variety. But unlike Ken with his claws, I prefer to let my targets have no time to retaliate, and also no time for pain. One tug is all it takes, and they're gone, and left to hang until I'm sure of it.

Always feel safe when things are bad…

A thug came charging in my direction, and I threw out the wire in a shimmering arch, watching as it fell around the unprotected throat of the man. I pulled tight, fighting resistance, and tugged harder. The henchman fell slack, and I closed my eyes. There were two thumps; one as his body hit the ground, one as his head followed the same trajectory course to the concrete. It was always a sickening feeling to know that you just killed someone, but I reminded myself that these people had killed in cold blood, and that it was my job to end the cycle.

Another man raced by me, and I tossed out another length of wire, following the same pattern that had killed a man just a moment before; pull, fight, yank. A gurgling scream and two more thumps; another job completed.

So I cannot let you come near…

I rolled up the wire and fed it back into the hidden compartment on my watch, looking around wearily if there were anymore. A crackling filled my ear from the earpiece, and I dimly heard Omi's high-pitched voice.

"Balinese! Abyssinian's chasing three more your way! Can you handle them, or should I inform Siberian?"

I sighed softly and shook my head, replying by pressing a finger to the mouthpiece.

"Negative, Bombay. I can handle it… Balinese out."

And that was that. I told myself that my weak attempts at trying to play the hero would kill me someday as I spun out another length of wire with my fingers. I didn't know then that this would be the last time I would ever be able to draw out that wire.

It seems that I thrive on the dark side of things…

I got the first two henchmen, and was just waiting for the third when pain sliced it's way through my shoulder blades. Redness filled my vision as I staggered to the side, screaming with wordless agony. White-hot fire bound me and forced me to back down, it hurt too much to move. I collapsed on my side and tried to fight off the fire consuming me. Crackling screams from within my ear alerted my attention.

"Balinese! We have Schwarz here! Evacuate the place NOW!"

It was Abyssinian, and I thought that icy swordsman had never cared about me. I struggled to a stand and somehow managed to run forwards a few steps, fighting the pain in my system before something hit me, hard, across the head. I dropped like a stone, and curled into a fetal position to try and rid myself of the horrible, blinding pain that raced along my veins. I felt a feeling of dread come to me and I looked up weakly from my position.

I always feel alive when the death bell rings…

A blast of mental energy caught me full in the face and threw me down again. It was Nagi who had tossed me like a rag doll in the wind; Nagi who was barely fifteen and had extremely powerful telekinesis. And the knife wound in my back? Had to have been Farfarello, an Irish madman who had an addiction to hurting God by hurting himself, and others. And I happened to be one of those others. I was amazed that Schuldich and Crawford hadn't caught up with me yet.

Now you have come and you bring out the tears in me…

I swore and tried to stand up again before a gunshot rang out and a bullet caught me in the side, knocking me down again. Pain exploded over my body and my mind; Crawford had shot me, and Schuldich was preparing a mind-to-mind blast. I started to run, and was promptly torn apart by the German's blast, screaming inwardly but never making a sound.

Pain never makes me cry, but happiness does…

It had to have been Schwarz, hadn't it? It had to be Schwarz instead of Estet or Schreient. Schwarz… An enemy assassin team of a telepath, a madman, a telekinetic, and a mind reader who boasted that he could see the future. Schwarz, the polar opposite of Weiß.

It's so strange to watch my life go by…

I somehow found my footing and ran back towards the exit, limping from where my right leg had been laid open almost to the bone, or at least it felt like it. I knew that the telekinetic had attacked me again, and I swore as I forced myself to get out… Get back to the assassins… I laughed weakly and tried to run… Trying to return to my home…

This feeling won't last cause I cannot survive…


I limped all the way back to the Koneko, down along the darkened streets and frigid sidewalks that were now splashed with spots of the blood running down my leg. Every step was fire along my veins, and I had bitten my lower lip through to keep from screaming aloud.

I tell you I've been here before…

The door was locked when I finally reached home, and I found the key hidden right where Omi had said it was; under a potted geranium. I opened the door and collapsed onto the mat before the doorway. Yohji Kudoh, special delivery; fragile, please try not to get wet, I thought weakly before blackness filled my mind.


When I came to, I was lying on a bed that did not seem like my own. For one thing it felt far too small; my bed was a king size, but there was just something else that seemed wrong. I couldn't put a finger on it…

It's only a matter of time…

Someone to the left of me cried out in joy, (relief, maybe?) and rushed towards me. At once I knew it was Omi, because his small hand took hold of one of my own and squeezed it tightly. I furrowed my brow a little, not understanding.

"O-omittchi…?" I managed to rasp; my voice was so thick from little use it scraped in my throat. Omi nodded and squeezed my hand a little tighter.

"Ayan…? And Kenken…?" I whispered, glancing dimly around the room; for some reason my eyes didn't want to open, and I wondered why.

One of us walks out that door…

There was an answering sigh from Aya to my right, and a murmur that sounded like Ken. I smiled weakly and tried to sit up. Pain exploded across my whole body and I fell back into the pillows, Omi holding his hand over my mouth. I jerked a little bit and discovered that there was a ventilation mask covering my nose and mouth.

What the hell?

I wanted to scream then, but my body wouldn't let me. It didn't seem to be functioning correctly at all, for some reason. Instead of screaming, I moaned; a low harsh sound that rattled eerily.

Give this some thought…

I had heard that a living being's last breaths are known as rattles, and I became very afraid. My hand sought out Omi's and tightened just barely; I couldn't find the strength to hold his hand tightly like I usually do.

"Omittchi… Am… am I… dying…?" I asked softly, trying hard not to cry; I still couldn't see, and I wanted to see. I also didn't want to die.

Omi sighed softly to my left, taking my hand in both of his and held it tightly. I felt him shaking, and I knew he was sobbing.

"Yohji-kun… When we… Found you… There was a dart caught in your side… It was poisoned…" He said shakily, and practically crushed my hand in his. But I didn't care; it felt good to have a shred of comfort.

And I'm sure you will know…

"T-the doctors couldn't stop the poison from spreading to your heart… It's…" He broke down then, dissolving into sobs. I held his hand weakly in mine, not feeling able to do anything other than that. From the other side of the room, Aya cleared his throat, and started to speak. His voice was low, husky with tears and shaking faintly in grief… And I'd thought it was impossible for Aya to care…

"Yohji… The poison is taking over your brain… Killing the neurons… And slowly and effectively stopping your body from functioning… You… You're going to die…"

He took a deep breath, and rested a hand on my shoulder though I could barely feel it.

"I'm sorry… Yohji… There's nothing we can do…"

This is the way it must be…

I was silent for a long time, eyes still closed as I tilted my head towards the ceiling. The knowledge of my death scared me; I truly did not want to die. I can just picture it now… The epitaph on my head stone… Kudoh Yohji… Born 1976… Died 2003… Dead at twenty-two, he was murdered Schwarz. He was a great friend, a loving older "brother," a hard worker, and a caring lover. We shall miss him.

Emotions will rise, emotions will flow…

It hurt to imagine that, but I did anyway; I just couldn't help the thought from coming. I turned to face Ken and Aya, and then to Omi.

"H-how much longer… Do I have…?" I asked weakly, dreading the answer. Omi sniffled loudly.

"A few more hours…"

Wishing it was…

I couldn't believe it, I really couldn't. Only a couple more hours to spend with the ones that I had known for a good two or three years of my life. I took a deep breath and held their hands tighter.

"Kenken…? Could you open my eyes for me…?" I murmured, already feeling suddenly tired. Ken took a deep breath and sighed before reaching forwards and slowly pulled my eyelids open.

It's so strange to watch your life walk by and where everyday…

Through a haze of black, I saw Omi's beautiful face dampened with tears, his sapphire blue eyes red and puffy as though he had been crying for a long time. I bet he had been, too.

Aya's arms were wound tightly around a sobbing Ken's shoulders, and I saw tears in the amethyst eyes of my leader. Ken's face was buried in that horrid orange sweater that Aya insisted on wearing, but he was shaking with sobs. I smiled weakly and held their hands tighter again.

I've been burning the candle at both ends…

"Guys…" I whispered softly. "Please don't ever forget me…"

They all looked to me weakly and nodded, their faces sad and wasted. I tried my best to smile at them, and failed.

I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't deny the truth any longer. I was really going to die.

I started to cry.

Pain never makes me cry, but happiness does…

Omi broke down again and buried his face into my shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably as our tears mingled. Aya held Ken closer to him and pressed his face into the jock's chocolate brown hair to muffle the sounds of his sobs. I couldn't believe that they were here; it was the most enjoyable thing, to know that the people I practically lived with came to me on my deathbed… I thought that they hadn't cared, but I guess they did. It pained me to know that I was leaving, but at least I was dying in the company of my closest friends.

It's so strange to watch my life go by…

In the quiet of the room, I looked up to Omi again.

"Remember that song, Omi…? That one song that we were listening to… Yesterday…?"

He swallowed hard and nodded. I smiled weakly up at him.

"Could you guys… Sing it for me… Just one more time…?" I asked quietly. Omi blinked and floundered for a response, but as the leader, Aya stepped up.

"Of course, Yotan… Anything for you…"

Wishing it was…

He smiled just barely (what could you expect from Aya?), and stood up, pulling Ken up with him as he did so, and Omi did the same. The three remaining assassins grouped together and Omi fed the CD into the stereo system set into the wall of the hospital. The song immediately began to play, and they started to sing.

Beauty and grace is what touches me most…

Good times can put me in fear…

Always feel safe when things are bad…

So I cannot let you come near…

It seems that I thrive on the dark side of things…

I always feel alive when the death bell rings…

Now you have come and you bring out the tears in me…

Pain never makes me cry, but happiness does…

It's so strange to watch my life go by…

Wishing it was…

Wishing it was more like a fantasy…

Where everyday surprises me…

Wishing it was…

This feeling won't last cause I cannot survive…

I tell you I've been here before…

When it's moving this fast…

It's a matter of time…

One of us walks out that door…

It seems that I thrive on the dark side of things…

I always feel alive when the death bell rings…

Now you come and you bring out the tears in me…

Pain never makes me cry, but happiness does…

It's so strange to watch my life go by…

Wishing it was…

Wishing it was more like a fantasy…

Where everyone surprises me…

Wishing it was…

Give this some thought…

And I'm sure you will know…

This is the way it must be…

Emotions will rise, emotions will flow…

It's so strange to watch your life walk by and where everyday…

I've been burning the candle at both ends…

And lied the truth I can't pretend…

This is why I cannot stay…

Just like that I'm on my way…

Pain never makes me cry, but happiness does…

It's so strange to watch my life go by…

Wishing it was…

Wishing it was more like a fantasy…

Where everyone surprises me…

Wishing it was…

Wishing it was…

And as quickly as it had started, the song had stopped. The three assassins fell silent and watched me with eyes wet with tears. I smiled just barely and closed my eyes, leaning my head back into the pillow.

"I love this song…"

~*!The End!*~