Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ With my eyes wide open ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: With my eyes wide open

Author: Lilla.

Category: Angst, AU

Warnings: PG-13 (for now)

Pairings: Yohji/Ran or Schu/Aya.

Disclaimer: Wow official looking…

Any person and event in this story is purely fictional, any resemblance with actual people or happenings is purely coincidental! Ooops wrong disclaimer… hehe…

I don't own the any of the Weiss cast, which might be a good thing considering how violent most of them can be!

Author's Note: Some POVs. Heavy spoilers for "An Assassin and a White Shaman". This is very much of an AU, I won't follow the original timeline too much, be prepared for a not so nice Aya-chan. Oh nearly forgot Aya is Ran and Aya-chan is Aya, OK?

So it starts with a boom… Literally… Last lame joke before things get serious I promise. Many thanks to Sardius, who not only is a wonderful writer and friend but who also extracted from me the promise of writing this! This is for you gal!

Character's Thoughts

(Character's POV)

**************** Change of POV

Prologue: Goodbye my life.

White… noise… fire… pain… nothing…

Am I dead?

`Taste the guilt of surviving'


Let me tell you my story.

It was on my sixteenth birthday that my life ended.

The day had started out pretty normally, with my oniichan and I being taken to our respective and exclusive schools, in the morning. Things however had deviated from the norm around midday when I found no car waiting to bring me back home.

It's almost amusing how I was afraid I might have to walk home in the rain… All my problems amounting to my new shoes getting ruined in the foul weather. I can't believe how spoilt and childish I was back then.


I… No it wasn't me…I can't help but feel as if that life was someone else's… Yes, the life of someone who has long been dead. Someone whose naive view of people and life I could almost laugh at.

Let me tell you the story of this girl who died at the age of sixteen. Her name was Fujimiya Aya.

That's my name!! It's just a name, that which I share with her. You can call a tulip `rose' but it will never be one…

One day for no apparent reason she didn't find her father's car waiting for her as she got out of school. She was very peeved as on that very day she was turning sixteen and was looking forward to being escorted to a fair, which had just arrived in her part of the city. After a half an hour of waiting, she had no other recourse but making her way to the restaurant where her brother had taken up a part time job. No car came to collect him or bring him about; she never wondered why it might be so. Never realised that her serious brother didn't get enough affection; their parents too preoccupied with turning him into the epitome of the Japanese business man, in spite of his strange looks, to take the time to show him any love or understanding.

It took her but a short while to reach the restaurant, now she only had to find a way to get her brother to give up work for the day, which would be sure to earn him one of father's `you can't simply leave work, you must take your responsibilities seriously' lectures, to get her to the fair she had been meaning to visit. Of course getting her oniichan to take her out instead of working was ridiculously easy, in spite of his dedication to work and to Otosan's principles. She only had to use her cute and sad look to get her brother to cave in.

I… she really had him twisted around her little finger… I suppose I have that advantage to, but he won't cede me the only thing I hunger for.

They got out of the restaurant hurriedly followed by the manager's angry grumbling. There would be hell to pay later for Ran but Aya really couldn't care less for the long-term consequences. She simply wanted to get to the fair, meet some friends, show off her unusually pretty brother, and maybe, why not, find him a girlfriend. The morose baka only seemed to have the one friend: his co-worker at the restaurant, that unpleasant Shinta[1] boy. But Aya would put a stop to the "evil" one's influence on her brother and find him some nice girl, who would leave him plenty of time for his little sister. Someone who wouldn't try to hog up all of her oniichan's time!

How I hate his so called friends… he thinks I'm blind and that I don't see how he disgraces the family's name by being those creatures' boy toy. Oh Ran why? Why can't you just be the brother I need?

Before they got to the fair however Aya insisted they stop at a jeweller's where she had seen these wonderful earrings she absolutely had to have.

Why did I… she have to insist!? Had they gone to the fair, things would have been so different! I would never have come to be…

Just in front of a jeweller's however there was, there probably still is, a Video and TV shop. All of the shop's screens tuned on the news. The news that showed an eagle's view of Aya's Otousan's bank with police all around it. Her first thought was about how she could bear to go to school after such an event as her father being discovered recycling dirty money taking place. Her father might even be sent to jail! That would be a disaster the whole family would be affected!

She didn't have more time to contemplate her sorrowful situation for much longer as Ran grabbed her hand and started herding her in the direction of the bank building.

Oh poor Ran convinced of father's innocence, wishing to prove it. To give his support to our Otousan, a support he would never have received, had the situation been reversed! Maybe he still believes in father's innocence… What a sham! I don't know if I feel more like crying or laughing bitterly at the irony of it all, right now…

Aya and Ran got to the building in record time, the police however had created a cordon around the building and approaching was impossible. Also the mass of photographer and journalists made it impossible to even reach the closest police officer. Aya turned to ask Ran if they could just find a place to wait for the crush of bodies surrounding the cordon to disperse when she realised that her brother had his gaze trained on a nearby building. The faint outline of two people could be seen there, one tall and lean, the other small and scrawny. What was the baka doing, she thought while getting jostled once more by a frantic reporter, what was so interesting about those two? They had to be reporters who had found a good position on the roof of the nearby building. She reached for her brother's arm to attract his attention, when suddenly the world went white. She felt the air buffeting her to the ground at the same time as a deafening boom resounded into her ears. Then she felt someone's arms embracing her as a warm body tackled her to the ground. -Pain- Her last thought was Ran-oniichan… then that little girl ceased to exist and I came into being.

White… noise… fire… pain… nothing…

Am I dead?

`Taste the guilt of surviving…feel it, breathe it'

Did I really deserve all this?



[1] To lazy to check up and see what Ran's co-worker is called so I just made up a name… Gomen!

Ehm sorry about that… still no worries everybody will be fine and well… OK maybe not fine and well, but still not dead… Promise!!

Also many, many thanks to Sardius for the proofreading and for correcting my silly mistakes!