Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 3

Thoughts= this

Telepathy= ~this~

Speech= "this"

Scene change= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Omi cursed loudly. "Aya! Ken! Get in here!" he yelled, grabbing the phone and dialing Manx's number. Fifteen minutes later, after Manx had arrived, Omi reported what Yohji had said.

"We'll just have to wait until he resurfaces." Manx spoke calmly. "This has happened once or twice before with Balinese. This is all classified, but before Balinese was transferred to Weiss, he worked solo. Several times, a mission went sour, and he would vanish for a few weeks to recover. He'll pop up sooner or later. Until then, you'll just have to manage." The redheaded woman stood and left the mission room. As she started up the stairs, she called back to the stunned boys, "Let me know when he comes back."

"Oh, that was helpful!" Ken spat. "We're gonna be shorthanded both in the shop and if a mission comes in. Stupid Yohji!!"

Omi sighed, glancing at Aya, warily. The Weiss team leader had his jaw clenched tightly, and was glaring into thin air. "We'll just have to manage, like Manx said. Hopefully, he'll show up soon."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < p class="MsoNormal">

Myst woke to the pain of having one's bone snapped back into place. The pain however was dulled slightly by the fact that a telekinetic was setting the break, and Schuldig, who he acknowledged as translator, was using his telepathy to block the pain as best he could. Myst watched through half-closed eyes was the two young men bandaged his wounds and put his leg in a splint. ~My thanks.~ He projected to Schuldig sleepily, eyes closing as he rolled to his side.

~Your welcome.~ Schu replied as he stood up. He watched as Myst fell asleep, and glanced briefly at the wolf's dreams. Dreams of the pack he was born to, and of hunts, and singing to the moon.