Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 6

Thoughts= 'this'

Telepathy= ~this ~

Speech= "this"

Yay! My first review! Thank you, Bloodrose! Yotan won't be changing back for another few chapters, and there's a reason he agreed to the collar. The way his mind works is like this: He's still Yohji, but right now the wolf instincts are dominant- he's still in there, but he's being nice and quiet; he's treating his time with Schwarz like a vacation, kinda.

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Three members of Weiss stood before them, glaring. "Schwarz." Aya ground out. "What are you doing here?"

"Relax kittens. We're not here for a fight. We were just getting Myst here a collar. We're not evil all the time you know." Schuldig teased. "Wait a minute, where's the pretty Balinese kitty?"

Omi looked away, hand falling from the pocket with his darts. "We don't know. He's been missing since his last solo mission. He just… vanished. And if you don't have him, or know where he is, we haven't got anything to go on. We've been searching for him, checking clubs and stuff, but there's no sign of him." The blonde teen tugged at the hem of the sweatshirt he wore.

Myst tilted his head before trotting forward and sniffing the trio, tongue darting out to lick Omi's face. He sniffed at their clothes before looking back at Schu. ~I know the scent of the one they speak of. I have come upon him in the woods before, in one of the sacred glens. He goes there often to meditate. He is an empath and kind to us animals. Have they searched for him there? ~

Schuldig shrugged before looking up at Weiss. "Myst says he's seen Balinese in the woods on occasion. You might want to look there as well. I hope you find him. Later Kitties!" The Schwarz team turned and left the Kritiker assassins staring after them in shock.

Nagi giggled as he pet Gypsy. "That'll leave them confused for weeks! Did Myst really say that?"

"Yeah. He also says that Kudou is an empath. Apparently, animals can sense what gifts a person has got. Wonder what happened to him?" Schu shrugged and kept walking, Myst contentedly walking at his side. The wolf gave a low rumble in his throat. 'What would you do if you ever found out the truth, I wonder? I think I'm falling for you Schuldig. But it looks like I'll only ever be your enemy as Yohji; and I can't stay as Myst forever. What a mess. What a fuckin' mess.' Myst sighed, dropping his head for a minute before shaking it and resuming his former speed.