Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Thoughts= 'this'

Telepathy= ~this~

Speech= "this"

Beast language= this

Thank you all my wonderful reviewers, all five of you. Bloodrose, my esteemed first reviewer has been kind enough to offer to help with the lemon that will occur within the next few chapters. This story is now entering it's final stages, and there will only be about five more chapters. This chapter should be longer than my usual length, and will hopefully answer any questions my readers have had. That said, here's chappie ten.

Chapter 10

Yohji shifted slightly in the shadows he was lurking in. Weiss was waiting. Waiting for the Estet assassins to move in on Schwarz. He looked at the vacant lot that was part of Schwarz escape route from their latest mission. Estet assassins were waiting there, hidden, to kill the four young men who were trying to break away from the evil organization.

Yohji shifted slightly once again; mentally checking to make sure that the Estet group hadn't picked up on his projecting. He'd was pleased to note that his empathy was working, making sure that the enemy didn't notice the four Weiss hidden in the shadows. He thought back to when they had prepared for tonight's' mission. Kritiker wanted Schwarz, and they wanted them to work with Weiss on permanent basis. Tonight, Yohji had forgone his typical mission wear. Instead, he wore only a pair of baggy black bondage pants with chains and buckles and clasps all over, black boots, black leather gloves, not his usual brown, and his watch that concealed his razor wire. He also wore Myst's collar, the plaque showing for the first time since he'd left the Schwarz base almost two months ago. It had startled his teammates, but there hadn't been time to ask questions.

It was a full moon tonight, and Yohji was feeling the effects. Myst was restless, he knew something was wrong, he scented the danger to his pack. Yohji shoved down the instinct to tear into the Estet assassins below him. 'there'll be plenty of time for that once Schu and the others show up. Just wait a little longer.' He told himself. He perked up as his wolven hearing (he had done a type of partial shift that enhanced his senses of sight, hearing, and scent) picked up the distinctive sound of his pack's breathing, and the scent of the adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Below him, the Estet assassins moved from the shadows to surround the Schwarz team as they ran into the lot. Yohji tensed slightly, ready to move in an instant. He motioned to the rest of Weiss to be ready to move. Green eyes flared gold for a second as he watched the battle going on down below. Schwarz was holding their own, taking out their assailants as quickly as they could, but Yohji could tell it wasn't enough. They were severely outnumbered. As one of the assassins, a woman, aimed her gun at Nagi, Yohji swung into action. "NOW!!" he yelled, leaping off the roof of the building he had hidden on.

"NOW!!" Schuldig looked up, startled at the yell from a slightly familiar voice, to see four shadowy figures join the fray. 'Weiss.' He thought, as Siberian's claws sank deep into the chest of the bitch who'd been aiming at Nagi. Abyssinian seemed to be covering Crawford, and Bombay was back to back with Farfie, darts whizzing through the air. Schu jumped a little, when Balinese, no, Yohji seemingly dropped out of the sky to land in front of him. Razor wire sang through the air as Yohji flung it out with a flick of the wrist, the sharp metal wrapping several times around one man's neck before it was yanked back viciously, neatly cutting into flesh before severing the jugular and being pulled back to repeat the process all over. Schu shuddered at the feral grin on the empath's face, knowing that the other man was riding the waves of adrenaline that everyone was feeling. He quirked one eyebrow when his gentle probe at Yohji's mind was thrown out effortlessly, with a sense of light colored fur and snapping fangs. 'that was odd.' He thought as he reloaded his gun, sending a sharp probe at one of the enemies telepaths, using his own telepathy to stop the woman's heart.

The battle had shifted, of the fifty Estet assassins, only six were left alive, now grouped in a circle, back to back, weapons aiming at the eight blood-soaked men surrounding them. A gunshot rang out, and Yohji flung himself in front of Schuldig, the bullet aimed for the redhead's heart instead embedding itself in Balinese's shoulder. The two fell to the ground, Yohji protecting the German's body from any more attacks; while Schuldig's attention was focused on the collar around the blonde's neck.

"Myst?" he whispered in disbelief. "How the hell did you get that collar, Balinese?" the telepath demanded.

Yohji ignored the German's question as he stood, the bullet falling to the ground as his wound healed itself. "Bad idea people. You tried to hurt my pack. Now, you die." Yohji stated, his green eyes gaining the gold tint of his natural form. Thirteen people stared in shock, horror, and awe as Yohji Kudou's body changed, skin becoming to fur, as bones shifted and he turned into a giant silverblue wolf, with greengold eyes, only the collar he wore staying with him. Fangs glinted in the moonlight. "DIE!!!" the single word cut through the night, a low pitched yell, both mental and physical as the huge wolf charged the terrified Estet group. Fangs slashed, blood sprayed as a silverblue blur cut through the remaining six assassins. Bodies dropped left and right as Myst/Yohji moved almost to fast for the eyes to see. The last one fell, throat ripped open like the rest. Myst stood in the midst of the dead, fangs bared, dripping blood, his coat likewise covered. Greengold eyes surveyed the lot, taking in the status of his friends, his pack, all of them. The two assassin teams shuddered as an eerie howl drifted up from the wolf standing amidst the dead, a song that Schuldig recognized from his talks with Myst all that time ago. Myst sang huntsong, a song of the pleasure of the fight, and the taste of prey's blood in one's mouth. The seven young men stared as the lupine form shifted once more, returning to its human shape.

"Umm, I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?" Yohji questioned, a kind of sheepish look on his face.

"Yes, Balinese, you do." Aya snapped. "Where do we want to do this?"

"Preferably not the flowershop. If Schwarz doesn't mind, we could go to the mansion. We could all use a shower and a change of clothes. Is that okay with everyone?" Yohji looked around, getting agreement from all of them before he sighed and ran a hand through bloodstreaked hair. "I'm gonna be a little while okay? The uh, bloodlust is still pretty strong. I'll bring back whatever I take down, but right now is not a good time to be around me, not after a kill like that. I'll be a few hours, okay? Just try not to kill each other before I get back." With that word of warning, Yohji jumped up to the roof, shifting into Myst midleap.

Several hours later, at the Schwarz base, after everyone had cleaned up, there was a noise heard on the deck. Myst scrambled up the steps, a very dead deer clamped in his jaws. It was obvious he had also cleaned himself up, as there was no longer and blood on his coat. Leaving the deer on the deck, the silverblue wolf padded in the open door, shifting back into Yohji as Gypsy Queen leapt up onto his shoulder. There was a strange sort of growling that passed between the two before Yohji started stroking behind the kitten's ears.

"I'll answer questions now." Yohji stated calmly. "Well, as best I can at least. There are some things I cannot speak of. It's forbidden."

What followed was very enlightening as Yohji explained. He wasn't sure how he'd come by his power, it had just happened one day when he was about three. Once it had, his parents had abandoned him in the woods, where he'd been taken in by one of the wolf packs, and taught their ways. He'd learned about the human world too, the pack insisted-he was human as well as wolf, so a man the pack was familiar with had taught him. The man who'd given him his human name, Yohji Kudou-foreshadow of a driving force- and taught him to live as a human. The things he'd shared with Schuldig during his recuperation were true, all of it. He'd tried not to lie at all unless absolutely necessary, because he'd added the four Schwarz to his pack, and that couldn't be changed. He considered them pack, family, and would until he died.

Finally the explanations were done, and everyone headed off to bed, Weiss having been given rooms for the night. As yohji walked down the hall to his room, a hand reached out and yanked him into another room. Yohji growled, ready to attack, only to stare into Schuldig's brilliant blue eyes.

A.N.: the next chapter will be up as soon as bloodrose IM's me and helps me write the bloody lemon. Hope you all like this chapter-crazywolfgrrl/crazykatgrrl