Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Yes Master ❯ Chapter 2
Part 2
It's quite amusing, watching the others. It's almost as if they don't even know I'm doing it, maybe they think I'm just planning my ways on killing them. I have to laugh softly, drawing the attention of Nagi as he sits on the sofa next to me, watching some anime about mecha's and outer world trips… like I care about that shit, but it makes him happy and it lets me plot in peace. After breakfast, Crawford went back to his self made hell, namely his office, the man really needs to get out more, I sometimes wonder how the fuck he keeps that tan of his… hmm I wonder if it's all over, but I digress.
Soon as breakfast was over, Schuldig left the table and went to his room, I don't know what he does in their all day apart from look out the window and rape people's minds as they walk past, underneath. Twisted fuck. It's amusing to watch him work though sometimes, his tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth like he's concentrating hard on the world's most dumbest question, only to still come up with the wrong answer. Maybe I'm cynical but I don't really care. Looking back over to Nagi I see him emerged back in his show, no longer looking at me. My eye flickers to the screen, brow raising as I watch large robots fight, and break stuff… they call this good television? What a joke. They say small things keep stupid people occupied… Nagi isn't stupid, I guess all people have their flaws. Placing my feet back up on the table I begin to go over my plan. I need to get Crawford alone, or with the others. I don't care which as long as he sees me… the plan's screwed if he's held up in that small, tiny room of his, can't even swing a cat in there as they say, but I bet most didn't try it… Crawford bitched for a month about that, I think I ruined his two thousand-dollar leather chair with cat smell. He looks so adorable when angry, his nose wrinkles up and it makes you want to laugh. I bite my lip tongue though, you have to listen and nod, and pretend to take notice when he's bitching you out.
Whiny bitch, yet oh so fuckable.
But anyway… my plan's formed in my head, and locked at the back where Schu doesn't tend to go… last time he did, he had a headache for a week, serves him right, I told him not to read my thoughts. I feel my gaze blur a little as I stare at the table, don't even notice as Schu kicks my feet from the it to walk past and sit down between Nagi and I. I hear the boy whine before he moves over, and I target them with my look and both stop moving, settling back against the plush cushions. It's fun being crazy, people give you a lot of space, try not to piss you off… especially when they know you'll rip their throats out. Schu learnt that once… guaranteed, Crawford saw the event before it happened and had me pinned to the floor as I snapped wildly at the German, but I DID tell him not to touch my knives. No one but me touches them… I don't know how many times I've had to repeat that before.
Schu places his feet up, and I look over at him, his red hair is caught between us, trailing over my bare arm… it looks silky but itches like hell. I couldn't stand long hair, sweaty and itchy and blows in your face, how do you expect to kill well when your blinded by your own fucking hair? Many times I've been tempted to cut it off, but he or Crawford always catch whiff of my plans and hide all the scissors until I calm down. Usually it's only when they piss me off, like when I want to cut Crawford's cream suit up. Only he could get away with those colours, or Nagi's laptop for example… they really piss me off. Sometimes to the point where I want to leave them a bloody mess, but I guess we're family… a screwed up, crazy Brady Bunch. Amusing, but then again, that show is weirder than we are. No one is that perfect.
We all have our devices; the things that make us tick. And so far I've worked most of the others' out, I know what buttons to push to get a lift from them. Not smart I guess, pissing off a telekinetic, but it's quite fun being slammed into a wall, only to get up and laugh before walking away. The expression on his face… worth it every time, and still they don't get it, they don't realize what I'm doing, that I'm making them do this stuff, that I'm controlling them.
When Schu's hair finally reaches the end of my nerves, I yank on it sharply and he moves with a yelp.
"What the fuck are you doing!" He yells at me, and moves away further. I give him a look.
/What the fuck do you think? / I smile, sending him the mental thought and he gets up, glaring at me before sitting on the opposite side of Nagi, once again pushing the boy to move and getting a small telekinetic slap for disturbing him again.
I smile slightly; my lips pressed into a grim line as Nagi finally ends up almost pressed against me before he goes back to watching his precious anime. I'm glad Schu moved, the smell of whisky and cigarette smoke, unsettling me, it's disgusting what he puts into his body, though I guess the blood of my victims isn't high up on the yummy scale either. We sit watching the program, it's one of his DVD's, something Crawford got him to shut him up for his birthday… I don't think he appreciated the human heart I got him, wrapped in a bow… not if the screaming and hitting me with a photo frame was anything to go by. He yelled and looked disgusted before running into his room. I was kind of hurt, it had taken me hours to hunt the perfect victim, kill him, and then cut it out, I'd even made the ribbon curl up into pretty strands around it, and placed it in a box full of pink tissue paper I'd stolen from somewhere. I thought it was nice, but Crawford locked me up for the night and Schu couldn't stop laughing… I guess chocolate hearts or some other girlie crap would have gone down better… ah well, always next year. Crawford threw the heart out with the trash, I'd love to have known if they found it at the dump, the flies eating off the rotting flesh, hurting god, his own creations living off another, but isn't that what you're suppose to do? Besides, it'd just go to waste otherwise.
After almost two hours of mecha's and subtitles, I have had enough of this anime. Sure I can speak and understand Japanese, but reading English subtitles when you don't catch everything is just annoying. Besides, in the two hours the only thing that's different is a few people died and some started crying.
Instead I stand up, feeling their eyes on my back as I go to my room. It's basic, Spartan even. A few knives spread here or there, the main ones in a box under the bed. I have a wardrobe with maybe four pieces of clothing, and a small mirror that has protective plastic over it so I can't smash and stab myself with it. I pouted when they took the last one away, so what if I'd been digging my name into my flesh… it was kinda fun. Look at, and cut yourself at the same time… kinda ironic… well, to me. My teammates didn't see it the same way though. Nagi moaned about cleaning the mess up. Schu whined about a poor mirror being broken so he couldn't look at himself, and Crawford… now I think about it, he was watching me with interest as I dug the shard into my flesh once more before he snatched it away, cutting himself slightly. If I'd looked closely then, I would have seen the almost… pleasurable expression on his face. It made my theory more possible… now I had to put make it work.
I think about banging my head on the coffee table in front of us, just to while away the time, but Schu's whispering conversation with Nagi catches my ear.
"I can't believe you're going out again".
"Awww, poor chibi, not old enough for clubs yet".
I hear a slight "Oomph" as Nagi hits Schu slightly in the stomach and wonder what else I missed.
"You're going out?"
Schu turns to me blinking, I think he expected to me to be in a daze and to not have heard their conversation.
"Yes I am, tonight I'm going to get some sex, find a nice hot woman… or man and fuck them stupid".
Uh, I needed to know those details; Schu always the one to inform but it'd be good for me. I could put my plan into affect tonight without him getting in the way… Nagi didn't matter; he wouldn't be a problem with what I had planned… I could always use a gag… Mmmm, a gag between those lush, full lips… I phase out a moment, coming round to Schu poking me.
"Why'd you ask? Not like you usually care about my personal life? Or is Farfie offering himself for the night?"
He smiles from over Nagi's shoulder, licking his lips, in what I'd assume a leer. Schuldig, always the slut, never the virgin, sorry sweetheart I have other plans for tonight.
"Just curious, wondering if you'll get a disease tonight".
I smile slightly, the brief baring of my teeth before he snorts.
"I'm always cautious…"
Like I believe him? Schu wouldn't know protection if it bit him on the ass and said `here I am, it's me, FUCKING USE ME'. One time he got crabs and itched his groin area for weeks, refusing to talk about it and hiding in his room. Wasn't so sexy that week smelling of crab cream.
"Sure you are, and I'm always sane".
He smirks at me slowly before laughing.
"Well fuck, it's probably nothing I've never had before".
And with Schu, I don't doubt him.
Nagi screws his face up over our conversation, the boy feeling uncomfortable, maybe jealous, he's yet to get over his crush for that odd little female Tot, what does he see in her? I don't know and I don't wish to, Schu teased him enough about that, mainly by telling the rest of us… that night Crawford gave him a lecture. `She's our enemy, blah, blah, we have to work with her, no crushes, blah, blah…' Then the idiot gave him the birds and the bee's talk… Nagi's 15, spends his time on the net, I don't think it's just for the missions we do, little hentai.
I also have reason to believe he has a crush on Bombay, the kitten with the darts. To genki for me, never shuts up, but each to there own, maybe if Nagi realized which way he swung he'd go after one…
"Do you have to talk about SEX?"
Schu laughs at him and Nagi grumbles, turning the volume on the TV up by remote.
"It's what I live for Nagi… you know, if you ever want lessons…"
Nagi meeps a little, slinking closer to me. Schu doesn't care where he puts it as long as the hole is warm and tight. Fuck, he'd stick it in the door and hump it if he thought it'd give him release. Standing, I leave them both and go to my room. I'll stay here for now, tidying things up though there's not much TO tidy… doesn't hurt to though. I still hear them bickering and can imagine Schu licking Nagi's ear. He does it to piss the boy off, but not much more… I think 15 is even to young for him… though just barely.
Instead I wait in here until I'm called for lunch or dinner… whichever I'm called for. They always call now, if not, I don't eat… not that I care really, I eat when I want, but today I will go and watch them some more…
Watch my un-knowing prey.