Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Black Hearts ❯ Scene 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Scene 2

~Saki took off after the gunshots only to be lead to a lifeless
Saki - Holy Fuck !
Yoko - Oh Shit this hurts !
Saki - Yoko are you ok ?
Yoko - What the Fuck do you think, I just got shot like 3 times !
Saki - How the Hell did you kill this guy ?
Yoko - Easy, I took out my gun and pulled the trigger !
Saki - Oh ok then , if your ok get back to work !
Yoko - Yah, whatever !
Koru - Yoh Saki, I need some help over here !
Saki - Urrrrr........ Koru get back to work ! ok ?
~Saki walks over to Koru with an angry look on her face~
Saki - What the Fuck do you need help with now ?
Koru - I don't think I can fight anymore.
~Saki looked down at Koru who was now covered in blood from
the shots he got earlier~
Koru - Saki please take me back to H.Q.
~Saki all of a sudden felt sorry for him and took him back to H.Q.
She couldn't have her best fighter die on her so she demanded
fast attention to his wounds~
Koru - Thank you Saki (he said weakly)
~Saki looked suprised as Koru fell into a deep sleep from loss of