Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Embers ❯ Age is Relative ( Chapter 6 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Some days, Nagira just felt old.
Most of the time he lived his life to the fullest, approaching each day, each trial life dealt, with a flip comment and a sardonic grin. But more and more often, there were mornings he woke up feeling old. It could be aching muscles from a chase, the aftermath of late night stakeouts, or just plain overindulgence. Things that wouldn't have bothered him five years ago now left him wrung out and unwilling to face life outside the confines of his bed.
Today was going to be one of those days.
It was the morning after a particularly long night and before an especially long trial he'd been unable to plead his client out of. He rolled over, and before he'd gathered the will to open his eyes, he was feeling around on the nightstand for his pack of cigarettes.
A light chuckle pierced his half-woken haze and he felt a soft hand under his as the pack was placed within his flailing range of movement. Ever the opportunist, he took the hand rather than the cigarettes and, opening his other arm as an invitation, pulled the spirited blond closer.
Then again, maybe he didn't feel so old after all.