Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Embers ❯ Family ( Chapter 10 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Nagira wanted to talk, but Robin insisted on changing her clothes first, she'd been deeply shaken and needed a moment alone. She pulled the pilgrim's dress on and paused, rubbing at her eyes with the back of a sleeve. Tilting her head back, she looked up at the moon shining through the skylight and tried to work through her thoughts.
Those people--they were there and then they were gone, taken like their daughter. The whole thing left her numb inside. These witches were...normal. Contrary to everything she had ever even thought to believe, they were just people with ordinary lives. They didn't act in depraved ways and weren't dangerous to the humans around them. To the people just like them.
They were normal. They were ordinary, and they had families who loved them. Families who would miss them when they were gone.
They were...entirely unlike her.
A/N: Set during episode 19, `Missing.' Written for WHR(underscore)Drabbles on LiveJournal.