Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Embers ❯ Fugitive ( Chapter 12 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Without the chill in the air, Doujima probably never would have noticed them. Hair, eyes and clothes were all nondescript, blending perfectly among the sightseers. But rain had started to fall, and that brought the unforgettable silhouette of a man's trench coat.
She watched as they made their way towards her. If you knew what to look for, it was easy to tell they were constantly alert. A threat Doujima knew didn't exist, not from Solomon anyway.
She considered stopping them and they passed, close enough for her to reach out and grab his sleeve, but she didn't speak. Doujima realized she couldn't, that wasn't the role she was meant to play. She had learned the hard way, doing anything but her job simply meant running away from herself.