Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Ghosts of the Past ❯ Truths ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Two- Truths

The next day found Amon being shot awake from his alcohol induced sleep by a familiar voice.
“ You all right, Amon?” It asked, over and over again.

He opened his eyes, and that was when two things happened. One was he saw Michael standing there, looking down at him and the second was his hangover that instantly hit him full force with a crushing pangs in his head. He pushed himself up to a sitting position, ignoring the lad for a constant stream of the same question.

The young computer wizard looked at the man, marveling at how bedraggled the man seemed look, noting the eyes were red and bloodshot.
“ You look like death warmed over...” Michael commented, a small smirk on his face. “ Why did ya stay here the night?”

Amon just looked at him through squinting eyes. His head was thundering like mad, and his tongue felt heavy and sticky. He realized that he really had drank way too much the night before, and this was the price he had to pay for it. He groaned, as his head felt like it weight a ton. He got himself on his feet, ignoring the questions that were being thrown at him by the youth. He walked passed the youth without an answer, heading to the coffee pot for a cup of hangover cure.

The surprised lad just watched, as the man just blew him off. He shrugged his shoulders, knowing that the man was not going to answer him any time soon. He just went back to his computer, knowing pushing the man wasn’t going to answer him either.

After a cup of coffee, the man felt somewhat human again. The hot beverage had certainly made a dent in his day after state, but it lingered like a bad habit on him to some degree. He pondered the night before, but found that his little talk with Karasuma was still ever so clear in his mind. He remembered his admission to himself, and was angry at himself for even saying that to himself. Not because it was forced out of him, he had never admitted his feelings to himself. He had, and was, in love with Robin.

Downing the last drops in his mug, the man turned and headed to the elevators. He just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could, needing to collect his car from where it was parked, a small lot near Harry’s establishment.

The computer whiz looked up from his work.
“ Where are you going?” He asked.
“ If you or anyone else need me, call.” Amon answered back, not even turning around as he headed right in to the elevator without a pause.
“ What do I say if Mr. Kosaku asks?”
“ Just tell him I’ve gone out.” Amon flatly replied, irritation was painting his words. “ You can reach me by the communicator.”

The doors closed, and the man was gone. Michael just snuffed, and went back to his work. He was not surprised by the man’s moods, but even he had to say this was way too strange even for the dark haired Hunter.

A hour later, the black sports car of Amon was far across Tokyo, parked in front of a heap of concrete and steel which was formerly the factory.

The man sat, staring out of the car window at the twisted remains of Zaizen’s evil that layed out in the early morning sun. He seemed to be staring at it, but his mind was not there at the moment.. He was back in time, back in a place that now only existed in that form vividly his mind.

He just was thinking of the last time he had seen the young craft-user. They were racing through the corridors of the Factory, trying to find a way out of there as all hell broke loose all around them, the walls and the floors crumbling and crashing down everywhere. The smiling face of the girl was prominent, that hopeful and optimistic face was still very real in his mind’s eye.

He suddenly snapped out of his funk, and again could only see the remains of evil sprawled out in front of him. The rubble just mirrored what that place meant to him to a tee. He took one last look, his heart feeling like it was going to sink right out of his body, and he did not like how it made him feel. He started up his car, as the urge to leave spurred him on.

He just hit the highway that would run right through the city, and just drove into the sprawling metropolis. He had no destination in mind or anywhere he wanted to be, or needed to be either... he just wanted to be on the move. He lit a cigarette, a habit he had not done in a very long time. He took a drag, and it give him a little bit of a calming effect, but only a little. He just sped his high performance car up, and he followed the curve of the road onward. His only thoughts, were still on the young girl.

He berated himself a little, as he could not escape the feelings that were bursting into his psyche. It reminded him too much of his feelings, although he logically knew that was what it there to do. He could not get past what Karasuma had said to him the night before, and how right on she was.

He was in love with Robin, Karasuma was right on that one, but the one he so loved was dead. Why feel so empty about it now, he asked himself. She was, after all, never coming back... then why was he feeling like this, he asked himself. He took a drag off his cigarette and just focused himself on driving, trying to get his mind to stop.

After a long time driving, he found himself stopped near a large park. He did not know why he was even in this part of the city, but it seemed better than going back to the headquarters for now.
The sullen man watched as a large group of children were romping around in a large play area that was near the road. The kids were playing with total abandon, as the nannies and the stay-at-home mothers were there watching over them, most seemed to be enjoying the way the kids were doing what they were suppose to be doing... playing..

He leaned himself into the seat of his car, and was just watching the goings on with almost indifference. He seemed to just need to be there in the silence of his car, he thought to himself.

As he decided to drive off, a figure of a woman and two little ones caught his eye. The children seemed to be twin girls that were around perhaps four years old, but his eye went to the woman that was with them. Something about the woman was familiar, and he was wondering if he knew her or not. As he pondered that question, the girl turned to look at one of the children who had decided to hide behind her at that moment, using the skirts of her dress to play the simple game. Amon gasped, and looked even closer.

The woman had a long ponytail of the tawniest color and was dressed in a very long black dress, one that was horribly out of style. The hair could not hide that he saw the girl’s face, but he was amazed that it looked like someone he knew.... It looked like it was Robin.

He watched in shock, as the girl ushered the two tots into the back of a white SUV and then got in to the vehicle beside the children. He looked at the licence plate, and barely got the first few numbers when the vehicle pulled out of it’s parking spot , he got the rest before the vehicle had gotten too far away.

The SUV drove off, heading down to a on ramp for a highway that was just near by. Amon just discreetly followed the vehicle at a safe distance, trying to see to see if the young girl he had seen, was the young Craft-user... even thought that was an impossibility

Through the streets, he followed the SUV, being careful not to be seen. He felt this overwhelming need to know whether or not this was Robin who had gotten in to the SUV. That was what scared him so much about this thing he was doing, he needed to know so badly if the girl was Robin..

He had never felt such a deep seeded need before in his entire life, as if it was almost life or death for him to know. He tried to reason out just why he needed to do this, and the only thing that was in his mind, was Karasuma’s poignant words.

Traffic was so heavy as the man followed that he lost sight of the SUV at a point where many roads converged into the main artery of the city, because a very large truck that had moved into his lane and had blocked his tailing the SUV. He made a move to pass the truck, getting out of the blindness it was causing, hoping that he would just simply be able to pick up the automobile again.

Once out of the shadow of the large truck, he found the traffic to be a little lighter, but the SUV had simply vanished. He swore loudly, as he frantically looked around to try and spot the vehicle again, trying to look down as many off ramps he could see going at his rate of speed..

He could not see the vehicle anywhere on the road. To his horror, it had seemed to have literally melted from existence. The auto and what appeared to be Robin was gone in the crush of cars and trucks, he did not know if it had gotten off at a off ramp or just was hidden in the chaos. He was feeling the scourge of his frustration welling up inside of him, as the realization that the SUV was gone.
“ Fuck!!” He swore

He drove his car off of the highway at the first exit ramp he could swing on to and just left the congestion of the road behind. He hoped that he could double back to the side streets near were he lost them, and hopefully pick them up again, but he knew that might be one hell of a long shot.

He slammed a hand on the steering wheel three times and let out a guttural scream at himself, as he felt his frustration beginning to boil over. He had lost them as easily as that, and he called himself a Hunter. He turned a corner and drove his car into a small suburb of this titanic city, taking a chance to spot them again.

His mind was spinning with thoughts that now were flashing through his mind like a out of control movie. Did he actually see Robin, or was his hangover playing a dirty trick on him or was he just going right nuts? He was not quite sure which category he fit into at the moment.. Perhaps all of them.

In his heart, he needed to know if it was or not was the beautiful hunter-girl. In the first time in his life, he had not one single clue in just how to figure it out. He thought on it hard, feeling the sting of actually doubting himself. Not knowing just what he should do, he just let himself drive, going nowhere.