Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ My life is yours ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A big thanks to Crystal Nadi for her beta-reading.



My life is yours. 

Michael, Miho and Doujima sat inside Harry's Café. They met there once a month, only to talk about old times, it was a tradition now, they've done this during a period of six years. They had started the tradition ever since the factory had closed down and they all had been out of work. Their former leader Amon showed up every now and then. But now it seemed to be longer between his visits to the café. They were all worried for him, because every time he showed up he seemed to grow wilder. His eyes held a fierce glow and many backed away from him when they saw him. And they all knew why - he was obsessed with Robin - the young fire producing witch they had worked with. He had told him that he and Robin had disappeared during the downfall of the factory. They had stayed hidden, but one night she had just vanished from him without a trace. He had tried to find her, but it was like the earth itself had opened up and swallowed her. And the question they all asked once they met at Harry's was - have anyone seen or heard from her? But always the same - none had seen nor heard from Robin. She was gone.

 Amon had chosen to show up on this month meeting. He sat down by the table; all his friends looked at him with concern. Harry gave him a big cup of black coffee and the dark Amon nodded thanks to the elderly man.

-          Before you ask Amon-san, no we have not seen nor heard anything from her, said Michael and pushed up his glasses a bit.

Amon answered with a gruff irritated noise. Master Harry saw the burning look in Amon's dark eyes. "Poor Amon-san, he will burn out his soul on this futile hunt for Robin-chan." Harry sighed and went back behind the bar. The rest of the group talked about this and that and a couple of hours later they scattered, like leafs in the wind. But Amon stayed behind. He was in deep thought when Harry gave him a glass of whisky.

-          Amon-san, I did not want to tell the others, not yet, began Master Harry.

Amon turned his gaze towards the man.

-          Robin-chan sent me a postcard; I've got it two weeks ago.

Amon stood up and grabbed Harry's collar and pulled him closer.

-          WHAT??!! he hissed with a rough voice.

-          It's the truth, would you like to see it?

The growl from the younger man got Harry to realize it was a stupid question. He was released and he scurried back into the kitchen and came back as fast as he could. He gave the small card to Amon who read it.

 "Dear Master Harry.

I just wanted you all to know that I am alive and well. Thanks to an old monk I have managed to take control over my ability and I am very proud of myself. I hope you all are alive and well like me.

Best regards /Robin-chan."

 Amon had trouble breathing. He looked at the small information on the back of the card. It pictured a resort in northern Japan.

-          Thank you Harry, whispered Amon with a broken voice.

-          Why do you search so desperately after Robin-chan? asked Harry and poured more whisky into Amon's glass.

-          Because she is MINE, her life belongs to ME, he snarled between his teeth.

Harry was shocked by the intensity in Amon's voice and watched him swallow half the liquor and nodded good bye. Harry nodded and watched the younger man disappear out the door. Had he done the right thing by showing Amon the card? With outmost certainty the former leader would head north to search for Robin. But what would happen if he found her? Master Harry did not want to finish that thought and he shuddered. The desperate and wild glow in Amon's eyes had been replaced with something more… No Harry could not describe the feeling that harboured inside his chest.

Amon flew over the country, heading north, north, north. He wanted to reach the place where His little witch was staying at. For the first time in nearly six years he had something concrete to go on and he would be a fool to let it slip between his fingers.

But still, the thoughts haunted him. Was she really in this little town or had it been a false trail? He shook his head and pushed the thoughts aside. Even if it turned out to be a false lead he could ask the people there if they had seen a red blonde young woman with sea green eyes. He laughed roughly under the black helmet and increased the speed a bit more with his bike.


Robin awoke with jolt. Her body was covered in sweat. A quick look at the watch told her that it was very early in the morning. Only one thought swirled around her mind. "He's coming." She rose from the bed and rushed to the shower and she probably had the quickest shower of her life. She put on a pair of black trousers, a black turtleneck sweatshirt and a black shirt that looked more like a tent on her small body. She packed the most needed things in a bag and put on her boots. A black cap was the last thing she put on before she rushed out from her apartment. She took refuge on the roof on the house across the street and watched the entrance to her apartment. If her hunches were right, he should be here any minute now. And true, a small sound in the distant, the sound of a motorcycle proved her hunches to be right. She could not help the ripple of fear that coursed her body. Was he out to get her life? "Are you going to hunt me as a witch my dear Amon, do you want to take my life?" She had promised him to take her life if her powers would go wild. But after living with him for three months after the destruction of the factory, she had ran away again. Her heart was killing her. To live so close with the love of your life and knowing his heart lie elsewhere now that was torture she did not wished that upon her worst enemy. So one cold night she had disappeared, vowing never to return.

 Robin's thoughts came back to reality when she saw a black motorcycle park outside the house where she lived. A dark figure with a black helmet and a black coat got off his bike. "Amon my love, you are too late." She thanked her intuition and looked with longing down on Amon.

 He was finally here, after many questions he had found out where the fiery witch lived. He took off his helmet and let his long dark hair flow down his shoulders. He brushed it with gloved fingers and took a few giant steps up to the door. He knocked but was met by silence. He looked inside through the window, but it was pitch black inside. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and let his mind search through the apartment. And he growled when he found it to be empty. The rage inside his body made him bash through the door.

-          Robin, you fucking witch, where are you? he screamed and searched through every room inside the apartment.

The moisture inside the bathroom told him she had been here just a few moments ago and he hissed. Somehow she had known he was coming.

 From her hiding place, Robin could see him trash around her apartment like a possessed demon. "Why Amon, why have you come for me now after all these years?" she asked herself.

"Because you belong to ME!"

Robin jolted back, had she heard his voice inside her head??? This was new to her, she did not know she had that ability and she did not know he had it either but it must be true...

"Where are you Robin?" he asked her and she felt her body tense up again.

"On a safe place where you cannot find me." she answered with a silent voice.

"I will find you and you know it." he growled.

"Not unless I want you too my dear Amon-san." smirked Robin and watched him rush out from her apartment.  

Amon looked around the place. His ability to telepathically talk was limited; the person had to be very near him. And he had found her voice, which meant, she was nearby. He put his helmet on, just to hide the small cynical smile that spread across his face. He started the motorcycle and drove off.

Robin took a deep breathe. It had been to close for her taste. She had feared that he would notice her hiding place when he began to look around, but he hadn't. But even after he had drove off she would not move, afraid to be caught by the fierce witch hunter. So she choose to sit there for a few more minutes. When she felt safe she rose to her feet and turned around - just to look into a broad chest. "Shit, fuck, fuck." She cursed and took a step back.



So what do you think??