Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Surveillance ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* I still don't own WHR and I'm still broke. Dammit.



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Amon couldn't sleep. He was tired, but sleep refused to come. He glanced down at his partner and a ghost of a smile touched his lips. Robin. For three weeks now, she had slowly moved into his apartment and further into his heart. Amon gently brushed her bangs off her face.

*I love you.* There was no way he'd ever be able to utter those precious words to her, but he still wanted her to know. At the same time, he cursed the weakness that made him sick with worry when she wasn't near him.

The first time they made love, Amon had been terrified of how vulnerable he had felt and of the love in Robin's eyes. It still shocked him how easily she could effect him. A touch and his pulse began racing; when she walked past him in the office, the swish of her long black dress against her legs . . .Amon shifted in the bed and Robin murmured and turned toward him, the blanket sliding off of her bare shoulders.

*Marry me.* Something else he'd like to say. Scream it actually, from the tallest building in the city. Amon slid further down under the blanket adjusted it and, took advantage of the opportunity to caress her shoulder. Robin slid closer, curling her head down beside his ribs. Her warm breath on his skin began driving the blood from his brain.

"You're tickling me," he whispered, pulling her head onto his chest. She snuggled down and Amon felt himself beginning to relax. This was what he needed; Robin in his arms, safe and contented. He reached over and clicked off the light.

His eyes slid shut and Amon dreamed of small blond, dark eyed boys and green eyed girls with midnight hair.


"I'm leaving!" Robin strapped on her helmet and grabbed her keys off the counter. Amon nodded and emptied his coffee mug. The front door clicked shut and he went to the window to watch her buzz off down the street on her scooter. He would very much have liked to have her ride with him every morning, but they had both agreed it was better to continue coming and going separately. Secrecy was vital if they wanted to keep their jobs, but still . . .

Amon grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Robin would have arrived at the office by the time he pulled out of his parking space, just as it was when she was still officially in her apartment.

They sat on opposite sides of the conference room, just like always, for the morning briefing, then retreated to their computers. Michael was having a hard time locating the witch they were hunting, so there was no choice but to wait. The day crawled by and Robin napped briefly at her desk. That afternoon, as Amon was trying to beat his own high score on pinball, Robin got up and left her terminal. Amon glanced up to watch her leave and lost the game. He swore and hit restart as his e-mail notice beeped.

The letter was unsigned. COME DOWN TO THE 3RD FLOOR.

Amon smiled slightly and deleted the message, grabbing his keys as he stood.

"Tell Robin I'm getting lunch." Michael grunted in reply, only half hearing him. The elevator ride down two floors seemed to take forever as Amon speculated as to what Robin wanted.

She was waiting by the elevator, her hair ribbons tied around her wrists, allowing her shoulder length hair to hang free. She smiled at him,

"You shouldn't do things like this," he scolded gently. She laughed softly.

"You must not mind that much, you're here."

"Robin, we'll be caught," he insisted, even as he pulled her into his arms.

They made love in an unused office, their union was swift and explosive, borderline frantic. They came together, leaving Robin shaking and Amon feeling like he had no bones left.

"Still sorry?" Robin whispered, trailing her fingers through his inky hair. Amon turned his head and buried his face in her neck. She giggled softly as he kissed her there, tilting her head to afford him better access.

"Never." His voice was firm and she smiled. They both would have very much liked to stay where they were, cradled in each other's arms, but they really had to get back to work.

They took their time redressing , then Robin followed Amon out the back of the building to a nearby deli. They sat on the sidewalk benches in front of the restaurant and ate without talking. Robin nibbled disinterestedly for a few minutes, then asked:



"Will we lose our jobs if someone finds out about us?"

Amon put his drink down beside him, leaned over and kissed her. "I don't know, little witch. But don't think about it."

She looked down at her hands. "I can't help it. Sometimes, after we make love, I feel safe and happy, but most of the time, I feel like I'm putting you in danger. I can always go back to the monastery and take the veil if this whole thing with STN-J doesn't work out, but you've been a Hunter since you were 16! That would be 14 years completely down the lavritory!"

"Robin, stop it." * I love you.* He was sure if his lips would just form the words, all of her doubts would vanish and then she'd be happy. She sniffed and took another small bite.

"I'm trying, koshii. Amon-?" She hesitated.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm a witch."

"A craft user," he contradicted.

"You're a Seed."

He frowned slightly. "I know."

"What if being with me is the catalyst that finally awakens your power?" She reached over and tugged at the orbo cross. "This isn't going to work forever."

Amon looked down at his food, then at the people passing them by, ignoring them. He hadn't considered that being with Robin might be the trigger for his power. But how could she? She was a fire starter and while he still wasn't sure his power was, he was certain starting fires wasn't it.

"Or, " she continued quietly. "What it I . . ." She trailed off. "We haven't been careful." She finished lamely.

Amon pulled her chin up so that she was looking him straight in the eye.

"If it happens, it will be a miracle and a blessing. But let's not talk it into existence, hmm?"

She nodded and began nibbling again, while Amon frowned at his suddenly tasteless lunch.

*My little witch, why must you torture yourself with these nightmare scenarios?* He looked over at her bent head. *I just want us to be happy; we've damn well earned it.*

Robin began re wrapping her lunch. She decided to put it in the fridge at work as she'd very likely want it later.

"We have to get back." She stood up.

"Come home with me tonight." Robin paused then shook her head.

"No, I want to be by myself for a while."


She smiled brightly at him and tugged him to his feet. "Maybe tomorrow. Come on, we're late."


When they arrived back at the office, Michael was typing furiously, excitement quivering through his whole body. Robin easily sensed this and came to stand beside her friend, gazing uncomprehending at the lines of code on the screen.

"What's up, Michael?" Amon watched her rush to the hacker's side and had a hell of a time tramping down the surge of jealousy that passed through him.

*Stop it, Amon,* he thought. *Michael can use all the friends he can get but Robin loves you.*

"-Found the witch we were looking for-" Instantly, Amon ceased wool-gathering.

"Where?" His deep voice authoritative and all business.


"I've found the witch," Robin sounded far way on the head set. Amon felt his gut clench for a moment with worry.

"Where are you?"

"She's two blocks away," Michael answered. "In the Shinjuku shopping area."

Amon swore. "Robin, follow him, but take no action."

"I know."

Miho's voice came across the headset. "Amon, I'm closer to Robin than you are. Requesting permission to move."

"No, hold your position."

"The witch is moving." Robin checked in again. Everyone waited, but there was only silence on the line. Amon began to worry.

*Where are you?* Another minute passed and then Robin's voice came across the line.

"You can't run away. I hate hunting witches, but for you, I'm willing to make a special exception."

The witch's response was lost, then gunshots were heard. Amon swore and took off in a squeal of tires as Miho, and Haruto began calling her name and demanding information from Michael.

"Amon, she's a block ahead of you, down the alley." The tall hunter was out of his car and running almost before it stopped. Miho met Amon rounding a corner and they sped into the alley. Robin was kneeling on the ground, clutching her arm and glaring at the prone witch before her.

"Bastard shot at me!" she looked down at the smear of blood on her fingers. Miho sighed with relief and calmly told Michael to call The Factory. Amon strode over to Robin and knelt beside her, pulling off his ear piece. She swept hers off and slid it into her pocket.

"Are you alright?" She smiled slightly at the worry in his voice and glanced over at Miho who was had her back to them, talking to Michael. She reached up and brushed his hair off his face, then leaned forward and brushed her lips across his.

"I'm fine, koshii. You've got to calm down; worry doesn't become you."

"I won't lose you." He stood up and gently pulled her to her feet. Miho came back.

"The Factory is here, so we can go. Are you alright, Robin?"

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch." Amon resisted the urge to take her hand and marched ahead of her to the car. Miho pulled Robin back, out of earshot.

"I don't know what's going on with Amon, but I think he's getting a crush on you."

Robin felt her face flame. "Oh?"

Miho nodded. "Yeah. Lately, he's been more worried about you and don't think we haven't noticed that he's started watching you in the office."

"I . . .hadn't noticed." Robin hopped she sounded convincingly sincere.

"Yeah. If you'll look around a bit, you'd see it. Well, good luck!" The older girl waved and climbed into her car. Robin looked at Amon's black sports car for a second, then pulled the door open and climbed in.

"Amon-kun, Miho-" She never finished as Amon grabbed her head and kissed her, his lips hard and possessive. "Amon . . ."

"Robin, I'm sorry." He pulled away. "You're right; we shouldn't be together tonight. Or tomorrow for that matter."


He ran his fingers through his dark hair and lowered his forehead to the steering wheel.

"When I heard that shot, my heart stopped. Kami-sama, if something happened to you, I think I'd die."

Robin felt a small flicker of fear, *He doesn't want us to break up already does he?*

"I know I can't wrap you in bubble paper and keep you in the office-"

"Then don't try, Amon. I'm a Hunter, I know what I'm doing."

"I know! But can't help it; I lo-" He stopped and turned to glare out the window. He'd nearly said it. Robin glared at him and waited for him to continue, but he remained resolutely silent.

"Whatever." She crossed her arms and turned to stare out her own window. There wasn't much to see, just a red brick wall and some garbage piles.

"Do you want me to drive? We need to get back; I've got paperwork to do."

Amon started the car with more force than was necessary. "No."


Doujima was giggling when Amon and Robin got back.

"What's so funny?" Robin asked, trying to keep her voice light The question set her off again. Amon went to hang up his coat and gave Doujima an odd look as he passed her on his way to his computer.

"I'm sorry," Doujima looked down at her hands in an attempt to regain some control. "Miho just pointed something out to me I hadn't noticed." She winked at Robin, who felt herself blushing.


"Yeah." The ditsy blond glanced over at Amon and sighed wistfully. "I envy you."

Robin pretended not to know what she was talking about and sat down to boot up her computer. "Doujima, I like you, but a lot of the time, I don't understand you."

This sent the older girl into another fit. "Kami! You're even talking like him now!" She went back to her desk and Robin sat frozen in front of her computer. Amon had also gone still at her words.

*Shit. Doujima's loyal, but her mouth runs like a river. Let's hope she doesn't put two and two together.*

Michael's music was blasting in his headphones, but he could easily hear the uncomfortable exchange. He glanced over at Robin. She looked mortified.

*I hope Miss Doujima doesn't stay interested in this for too long. Mr. Amon will protect Miss Robin with his life and that could get messy.* The hacker shrugged and went back to work. The subtleties of relationships were lost on him. He knew whom he liked, but unless Zaizen ever let him leave the building, he would just happily admire her from afar.


Two nights alone with out the warmth of Robin's body was torture for Amon. He kept running their conversations through his head, searching for a way to reassure her that her concern about his future was un-necessary and that he wasn't trying to be over protective. His thoughts chased in a restless circle all night and he went to work with a headache the next morning.

"Mr. Amon, are you feeling okay?" Michael asked as the hunter stepped onto the elevator.

"I'm fine, Michael," he snapped. Michael shrugged. Whatever. The ride was interrupted by a stop on the 4th floor, where Robin got on. Amon gave her an odd look, but she ignored him.

"Good morning, Michael."

"Miss Robin."

"Will we be busy today?"

"I doubt it. I think Zaizen just wants to brief us and then we-you guys can go home."

Robin looked down at her feet. "Michael, if I ask, will Zaizen let you-"

"No. But thanks for the offer." They arrived on the 5th floor and Amon grabbed Robin before she could exit the car.

"Come home with me tonight."

"Amon!!" She pulled her arm away and marched to her desk. The door opened and Dojima, Miho, and Haruto all came in at once. Haruto looked at Amon for a second, then shook his head.

"Not a chance. Dojima, you're full of it."

Michael froze halfway into his seat, then coughed and sat down. "Miss Doujima, you're early. You beat the chief this morning."

Miho looked around. "Hey, how about that? Yurika, you may never live this down."

This sparked some good natured teasing, while Amon sat at his desk, watching Robin slowly make her way to the coffee machine, to the window, and back to her desk.

*We have to talk about this tonight. Its hanging over us like a wet blanket and I don't like it.*

Zaizen came in and the group moved into the conference room for the briefing.


Michael was right, they were allowed to leave at noon and Amon grabbed Robin and dragged her into his car.

"Amon! What are you doing!?"

"I'm kidnapping you for the rest of the afternoon."

"You're what? Why?"

"Because the last time we talked, a lot was left unsaid. And because I'm 30 years old and I'm acting like a child."

Robin giggled. "Oh?"

"Yes." He pulled into the park, and they got out. They walked over to the playground and claimed two swings, much to the annoyance of the children playing around them. They ignored them until one boy tossed a handful of sand in Amon's lap. Robin laughed as he jumped up like he'd been burned. The boy ran away and Amon brushed off his clothes.

"Little shits."

"Now, Amon, we have invaded their play space." She smiled at the child, then turned back to her brooding lover. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

Amon took a deep breath. "I've been avoiding saying this; why I don't know. I've known you for 5 years. When we're in the field, if it's just you and me, we work very well together. Well, we did."


"Yeah. I'm so paranoid now I might have to start going Hunting with Sakaki."

"Sakaki!? No offence to Haruto, but I don't think he's be a very good partner for you. Miho maybe, but not Haruto."

"Hmm. So . . .you've been putting off telling me that you want to change partners?"

"No." Amon rocked forward and the swing began to move. "That's not it." He took a deep breath. "We . . ."

Robin waited, but the hunter beside her continued to brood. "Amon?"

"Let's go home." He hopped off the still moving swing and held out his hand.

"Um, okay." She followed him back to the car and endured a silent ride back to Amon's austere flat. When they got inside, Robin stood in the entrance and refused to remove her shoes.

"Stop stalling, Amon! What do you have to say?"

He stood, his back to her, hands clenched. *You're 30 years old. Just turn around, and say your piece. How hard can it be?* He turned slowly and went back to her.

"Just one thing." Amon leaned down and closed his lips over hers. Robin tried to resist, making her body completely stiff, but Amon had anticipated this. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest and deepening the kiss, his tongue breaking the seam of her lips and delving inside. Robin felt her knees give out and put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as much as keeping her balance. Finally, she turned her head away, gasping softly for air. Amon smiled down at her and turned her back to face him.

"I've been very selfish; I should have told you this long ago."

"Hmm?" Robin was still trying to get her equilibrium back.

He lowered his head until their foreheads were touching. "I love you." Suddenly, he had her full attention.


"I love you, Robin Sena."

Robin's face felt hot and to her horror, she realized she was crying. "Oh, Amon!" She buried her face in his chest and sobbed like a baby. Amon wasn't sure, but crying was a bad thing, right?


"Gomen nasai. I . . .I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been waiting my whole life to hear you say that."

Amon scooped Robin up into his arms and carried her down the hall to their room. He laid her down on the bed and pulled off her shoes, before sliding up to lie beside her.

"I like having you with me."

Robin curled her body against his and cupped her hand on his cheek. "I'm still afraid of what could happen to us."

"We'll be fine."

"I hope so. Miho has almost guessed and Doujima thinks it's all a big joke."

"Shhh. Don't brink all of them in here."

"Okay. Can you just promise me one thing?"

"I'll try."

"I'm not made of blown glass. Stop treating me as though I were. I'm a veteran hunter; let me do my job. Please. Amon?"

"I . . .promise . . .to keep worrying, but I'll give you room to work."

"Thank you."
