Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning of an End ❯ Nuovo Inizio (New Beginning) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

2. Nuovo Inizio
A/N This chapter is pretty short, so the next one should be a little longer. Keep the reviews going!
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The cold wintry wind swept through the very deserted side of Tokyo, sweeping the blackened snow on to the near-deserted sidewalks. Old run down apartments stood like tall empty pillars on the edges of snowy junctions.
A lean young woman strolled down the littered street, strands of blonde hair cascading under her black ski hat framing her chiseled face. Behind her pair of sunglasses, emerald green eyes shone like the green traffic lights. She adjusted her scarf and tightened the jacket around her body. For a few minutes, she had a sense of being followed but every time she turned around to look, she saw only a few business men dressed in suits scuttling across the street like dogs, afraid to get a speck of wet gray puddles of snow on them, or a couple passersby enjoying a bit of the white city scenery.
She entered an apartment, which was just a shabbier addition to an office complex where she went every morning for her job as an assistant to her young boss, Mr. Sakamoto. The door guard appeared from his little office.
“Ms. Isuzu, there's been a package waitin' for ye.” He called in a thick Osaka - native accent. He held out his wrinkled hand a small business envelope addressed to Elicia Isuzu. She turned around and brushed snow off her hat, her long straight honey colored hair collected around her shoulders as she received the envelope and thanked him. She took the rattling elevator up to her small room.
Elicia Isuzu hopped into her couch and carefully ripped open the envelope. After skimming it quickly, she sighed as she tossed it into her trashcan nearby. The usual business meeting garbage.
Two years, She murmured under her breath, even though the room was empty as it could be. She studied the face that reflected in the mirror next to her. Same shape of face, except leaner. Her features blended in with the flow of her face. The only thing that seemed to have unchanged during the years before was her eyes. Elicia realized… the reflection of the woman wasn't Robin Sena, but Elicia Isuzu. Robin was long gone dead in the collapse.