Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning of an End ❯ Lying Truths (False Truths) ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Five- Lying Truths
All Robin had to do for the whole length of the meeting was to stand outside the door and wait while the boss and the visitors took as long as they wanted. She recalled that familiar feeling- the feeling of being left out, the underestimation. Robin couldn't believe how childish she had been, trying to win that trust of Amon's. It was like trying to grasp air bubbles under water while they frizzed away through your fingers. Robin smiled at how foolish she had felt.
Amon, where ever you are, please be safe, she telepathed, hoping the message will get across. I wish I could see you one more time.
An hour has passed, and the boss hasn't summoned her in yet, and he didn't seem to show any signs that he will. The murky heated air was almost suffocating. Robin decided to take advantage of it, and quietly sneaked out of the building.
Robin enjoyed the sharp intake of the chilled air. She watched people with various ages walk by, from little children to wrinkly grandparents. Up ahead at a newsstand, Robin caught a glimpse of a very tall man with black hair. Tall with black hair…tall with black hair… the description floated around her head like a distant memory.
“Amon!” she exclaimed out loud, unable to contain her excitement. But then, there's a lot of tall men with black hair, reality struck her head. Besides, there was absolutely no reason for him to be staying in this particular city out of all others. Robin sighed disappointedly and followed the crowd across the street.
That very man with black hair skimmed the newspaper he was holding. His eyes narrowed as he read the front page, headings in giant bold letters.
Under it, he saw the familiar face of a picture of a rough looking man in this late 30's. There it was, a small scar under his eyes which was only hardly visible to people who knew about it. Hiroshi Kariya.
It was the very man who brutally murdered the two most important in Amon's life. According to the paper, Nagira's body came to be not Kariya's crime, but someone else's. His body was found in his law office three days ago. Touko was found in a hotel room, her beautiful face in state of shock. Amon clenched his fist and tried to contain the pulsing fury and feeling of loss. This could never be forgiven.
Would this be happening to Robin as well? He thought, his eyes contorted with pain. There wouldn't be enough time. He had to act now.