Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ What I Cannot Say... ❯ The Thoughts of Witches and Hunters ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: The Thoughts of Witches & Hunters

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I decided to make this a "2" shot, or possibly even more, but I watched the next set of episodes and so I decided to do another chapter. This takes place `in the middle' of Ep. 22. Obviously by the title, these are the thoughts of Amon and Robin. Maybe I'll do one for the gang at the STN-J.

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Robin's POV

A song is beginning to play on the radio…

I know that you're hiding things,

using gentle words to shelter me.

Your words were like a dream.

But dreams could never fool me.

Not that easily…

I am the Hunted and I can never change that. Why Solomon thinks me a witch is beyond me. As you told me in our last encounter, it's because they think that I will be too powerful.

But will my powers really consume me?

Would you really hunt me?

Would you…


When we departed from the STN-J, I wanted to believe that you wouldn't. But I really can't tell.

I acted so distant then,

didn't say goodbye before you left

But I was listening,

You'll fight your battles far from me,

far too easily.

I have faced Sastre, a dangerous hunter from whom I had seen before. I was lucky to have contacted Michael to find out such information. I am glad that my true teammates have not deserted me, but what about you?

Would you leave me alone to fend for myself in these death-defying scenarios?

I've noticed that those eyes have returned and are now closing in with a more intensive stare.

Could those eyes be yours?

I wish that I could know, so that if they weren't yours, I would at least know whom and prepare for the worst.

These days are rather lonely without you, or anyone for that matter. It's not that Nagira's bad company, it's just that… I miss you and the other hunters. I'm crying now, crying for you…

"Save your tears `cause I'll come back."

I could hear that you whispered as you walked through that door.

But still I swore,

to hide the pain.

When I turn back the pages.

Shouting might have been the answer.

What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart?

But now I'm not afraid,

to say what's in my heart.


I heard gunshots above, first yours, and then theirs…and then a body collapsing and the shots stopped. I was scared that you were dead…

Are you dead?

I don't know if I could keep what's left of the courage that I possess if I found that you were dead.

But then, just a little while ago…

I was relieved to hear from Nagira that you were spotted looking at this house that we've investigated.

Oh a thousand words,

call out through the ages.

They'll fly to you,

even though I can't see, I know they're reaching you.

Suspended on silver wings.

I'll find you, no matter what it takes, even if it kills me…

But what makes me hesitate is the thought that…

What if you kill me?

Will we have to battle for our lives? Not together, but against each other?

I couldn't do it…

Amon's POV

I have been sent to hunt you, now in Japan I have been doing my own investigations.

But something still doesn't seem right.

I watched your fights against Sastre and Corneli. The third was never determined, for the hunter was kidnapped.

I know how confused you must feel, for I have felt that way many times. Maybe that's why now, I never show any emotion.

Oh a thousand words,

one thousand embraces,

will cradle you.

Making all of the pain you feel seem far away.

They'll hold you forever.

I've seen you cry. But, as I think to myself. If I am to hunt you and keep true to my code as a Hunter. Then all of your tears are wasted.

Please don't cry for me…

I feel frustrated at most times. Seeing you in those battles against the top hunters, and watching them being destroyed. It makes me curious to know how much you have grown in your abilities.

If I was to die by the hands of a witch, I would die by no one but you.

But I don't cry for you…not anymore…

Oh a thousand words,

have never been spoken.

They'll fly to you, they'll carry you home,

and back into my arms.

Suspended on silver wings.

I wish we could be together again, seeing your smile enlightens me and takes some of that pain away momentarily. I'm sorry that you had to be put though this.

Forgive me…Robin…

Both POV

I sit quietly, watching the days pass and waiting patiently for you.

Any sign of you to return.

I don't want to hurt anymore.

If you must kill me, then so be it.

Let it be a showdown…

But may these last words reach you in some way. I know they will…

Oh a thousand words,

call out through the ages.

They'll fly to you, turning all of your lonely years

to only days.

They'll hold you forever.

Oh…A thousand words…

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So, what did you think? I hope you like it, I like writing these… Anyways, I think that I'll do ones for each character, like Karasuma, Dojima, Michael, and Sakaki. I don't know in what order, or in what time frame, but I'll think about it. Tell me if you guys would read it.

Sayonara! Jung-Woo

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