Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ What I Have Lost ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys I'm back and I hope this chapter lives up to your expectations. I thank you all for receiving me so well in the first and I hope that this story continues to please you. I know I said that Reluctant Heart was going to be my next update but I'm having trouble with the wording and sequence of events so that'll come later. I just want to thank all reviewers.
Questions/Comments Answered:
1. Some of you asked about her appearance. My mind must have been somewhere else because I totally spaced and got the description wrong. She is in fact supposed to look like Amon and have Robin's eyes. Sorry for the mishap but it has been fixed.
2. Phina Rei, you asked me not to make it too angsty. Don't worry about it because I don't like reading 50 chapters of angst either. She's not gonna hate him. The way I have it in my mind is that she just wanted to see how he would react to her existence. She really actually just wants to get to know the father she never met until now.
3. Fade into Darkness, she knew Amon was her father because Robin has always made sure that even though he was not around their daughter always knew of him.
4. RosieB, I really wasn't planning to go into detail of Robin and Amon's past relationship. I just wanted to focus on them now but there might be some flashbacks now and again if they get together and reminisce about past feelings.
5. Soranji, I'm sorry that you feel that way but I don't think a six year old could make her way to Japan unnoticed. She is actively trying to find Amon so in my mind she has to be old enough to know what she is doing.
Chapter Two
Amon watched over the girl sleeping in his bed. His daughter, Amora. The edges of his mouth curled up the tiniest bit. I have a daughter. he thought. Robin and I have a daughter.
Amon sighed tiredly. He couldn't believe that the girl had run away. Robin would be frantic by now. He should really try to contact her but he knew if he did, she would come rushing out to Japan. Besides, he wanted to spend a little more time with his baby girl. This time his mouth curved into a full blown smile. He thought back to earlier that night and was flattered that she would go through so much trouble to meet him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Earlier that Night- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He stood staring at her for a long while and she began to fidget under his gaze. This girl standing in front of him was his daughter. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He almost forgot to breathe.
“Are we gonna stand here all night? I'm sorta tired.”
It was then he noticed the air of fatigue around her. Operating on automatic, he led her to his car and drove to his apartment. Once inside, he asked if she was hungry and at her nod whipped up miso soup and sandwiches. He watched her as she ate and noticed little bits of Robin and himself in her. She ate so daintily and was soft spoken, saying please and thank you in whispered tones, a far cry from when he first met her in the park. Robin was like that too. Quiet most of the time but forceful when she needed to be. In likeness to him, she hid her emotions well and a had a glare that could turn the most strong willed person into a quivering mass, with the exception of himself and, he suspected, Robin. After she finished eating, it took some coaxing to get her to talk to him and he was once again surprised because it seemed that she had plenty to say to him in the park and he said as much to her. She confessed that the reason she may have seemed so cold was because she was preparing herself for possible rejection. He was surprised yet again and asked why he would turn her away or worse kill her and looked at him like he was insane.
“In all my fourteen years, not once have you ever attempted to contact me. For all I knew you already had a family and wouldn't want a mistake from the past to rear it's ugly head.”
“Is that what you think?” Amon asked, disbelievingly. “That you're a mistake?”
“Isn't that what you thought? Mom didn't keep the truth from me. She said that you cared for her very much but you didn't want me.”
Amon stared at her aghast. “But I...I never...”
“Its okay.” she said, trying to reassure him. “I don't hold it against you.”
“It's not OKAY!” he exploded. “You're my daughter for Christ's sake!”
“You don't even know my name!” she screamed back. At this Amon fell silent, he felt ashamed. She was right. He looked at her, his own flesh and blood and he didn't even know her name.
“It's Amora.”
“Amora. My name is Amora.”
“It's beautiful.”
“It's a variation of Amor, the Spanish word meaning love. Mom said that I was a symbol of the love between you two, even if you didn't realize that you loved her.”
Oh but I did realize that I loved her. I just never told her. thought Amon to himself. Aloud he asked, “Your mother, Robin. Does she know you're here?”
“No I ran away. We had a huge fight about...stuff.”
“She doesn't know where you are? She'll be worried sick!”
“She won't be angry that I came.” said Amora quickly to stave off Amon inevitable scolding. “She made sure I knew about you. She didn't want me to think that you were a bad person. She said I could find you anytime.”
“She told you this?” Amon asked momentarily forgetting that he was angry but then quickly remembered. “You should have given her some idea of where you were going. Robin may not have a problem with you being here but she will definitely be furious that you left without telling her. You need to contact her.”
“I will but please, not now, I can't face her yet. Can we at least wait until I tell you why I'm here.”
“I thought you just wanted to meet me? There's something else going on here?”
“Um, can we talk about this tomorrow? I came a long way and I'm really tired.”
Amon narrowed his eyes at his daughter, immediately becoming suspicious but decided to comply with her wishes. “Very well but first, answer me this. Where did you come from anyway?”
“Iceland? You've been in Iceland all this time? I have to hand it to your mother, she is good.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Amora asked confused.”
“We'll talk about that tomorrow but, one more thing. How did you get here?”
“I stole mom's car and used the emergency credit card to buy a ticket on the next plane out. They had no flights to Japan so I went to Canada and paid some guy to carry me across the border. I crashed with some friends for a couple days and then got another flight here. I've been staying in a hotel for the last four weeks and been watching the
STN-J for the last three. I attacked Sakaki once.” and at his glare added, “I made sure he wouldn't really get hurt and that he saw my face because I know I'm the mirror image of Mom and when he alerted the team I knew that you would become interested personally and would hunt me. I was right and here we are.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He shook his head at the memory. She's something else this daughter of mine. He smiled again. She's definitely got Robin's tenacity. She began to stir now and her eyes fluttered before opening. She smiled. “Mornin' Daddy.'
Daddy. His heart swelled and he was about to reply when a sharp knock at the front door interrupted him. He frowned and made his way toward the door and swung it opened. His breath caught in his throat. There standing in front of him was Robin. He forgot to breathe this time, his throat clogged with overwhelming emotion. He blinked, wondering if he was dreaming but when he opened his eyes again, she was still there.
“Robin!” he choked out and pulled her into his arms. He crushed her mouth to his fifteen years of pent up emotion released. But just as soon as the kiss started, it ended when a man's voice cut through the air.
“Robin darling, where are you?” She abruptly pulled away and put as much distance between herself and Amon as the hallway could allow. A man, tall with dirty blonde hair rounded the corner and came to stand beside her. Darling? thought Amon. Who the hell was this guy? “Robin, who is this?” he asked calmly though inside he was seething with anger at the familiar way this stranger addressed her. Robin looked nervous for a moment before looking him straight in the eye.
“Amon this Duarte Pendennis...my fiancée.”