Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ What I Have Lost ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm back and I want to say thank-you for all your wonderful reviews. They really uplifted my spirits. Thank-you to…
Shadow Angel5, Neverland's Apprentice, Binab86, Kirara242, GambitGirl2008, Joan Mistress of Magic, Miru Amai, Raine84, Bravedragon, Sheeshys-only-luff, Yuna of Paradise, Midnight Walker, VoodooPriestess, Lurrain, Inu-chans girl, Darkladyxion959, AnimeSiren, Whispers-Of-Crimson, Kasusander-jie, o00snowdrops00o, Meeko Melodie, Ri Ri, Carmen, Dooley, Youkiaofdaundrworld, Cucumber Sandwich, Tankbbg, Mayumi, Ragdoll17, Akuma_river, Dawnindanite, Blood Lily, Cassie, Psuedonymous, Shaint, DarknessRose63, Kagomesdance, Buritani, Addanc88, Max, Megan Consoer, Akuma_river, Ragdoll17, Inu's girl, Sesshy's lover, Shadowslayerprincess, Scittaru, KikyoKiller, CuteMitaka88, Thavnchick, Kikyo101, Darkestrose, Antisocial_mint, TheHellChild, Chihiro1985, Dawnindanite, Blood lily, Cassie, All anonymous reviewers.
Youkai no Yume: Ah Yume my love, I'm so sorry for that brief taste but I have to whet your appetite then leave you hanging so you'll come back for more. I hope this chapter for you, will be even sweeter than the last.
Busoshwe: I'd like Amon to hold me in other circumstances.
?~?~?~?-They'll find out soon.
Angel452: All your questions will be answered if you keep on reading.
Kogas-angel: Do you write on the Single Spark:Sess/Kag Fanfiction Website? I love you! I've read all your stories and I'm always waiting to read one of your chapters! It means so much that you reviewed; Thank-you.
A/N: this picks up a few minutes after Amon and Amora's conversation. Amon and Robin are way OOC in this chapter. They'll probably be that way the whole story.
Chapter Four
Amon smiled at his sleeping daughter before he closed the bedroom door; time to face Robin and Duarte Pendennis. He sighed. How could this have happened? Robin was supposed to be his. Amora was right, he needed to get her back. He made a mistake fifteen years ago but he would not make it again.
He made his way to the living room to find Robin drinking a cup of tea. “I see you've made yourself at home.' He said gesturing to the teapot.
“I hope you don't mind; I just needed something to calm my nerves.”
“No, no, not at all.” He said, hating the polite conversation between them. All he really wanted to do was haul her into his arms and kiss her until she forgot about Duarte Pendennis. Speaking of… “Where is.. he…the man that was with you?”
Robin stared at him over the cup, cradled in her hands. “You mean Duarte; my fiancée?”
Fiancée. How he hated that word.
“Yes, your…him.”
“He went back to the hotel.” There was silence for a few moments then,
“How is Amora?” Robin finally asked.
“She's fine; sleeping now.”
“Mmmm.” She replied, nodding her head. It was quiet once more.
“How've you been?” Amon asked
“Fine, just fine.”
Amon groaned silently to himself. This conversation was going nowhere fast. He and Robin had spent a lot of time in silence in the past but never like this; it was never uncomfortable. It seemed that Robin was thinking the same thing herself because she finally spoke.
“Look, Amon, why don't we just get to the heart of the matter. All this polite small talk and inane niceties aren't really necessary. We're acting like strangers yet we have a child together. I'm sorry that Amora showed up so unexpectedly; I didn't know she was gone until it was too late.”
Amon held up his hand to stop her from talking. “It's fine. I'm glad she came to see me but, let's not talk about Amora now.”
She looked startled. “What else do we have to talk about Amon? Amora is the only thing we have a common interest in.”
He smiled. “We have a common interest in each other.”
“We hada common interest in each other.” She stated flatly. “That was a long time ago.”
“Robin, I know I was wrong fifteen years ago but I would have come around. You didn't have to leave.”
She laughed in disbelief. “Are you serious? You didn't want to “come around” Amon. You didn't want to be a father; you told me to get rid of her.”
“Dammit! I know what I said but you could have tried to change my mind. I'm telling you I would have come around eventually.”
“I didn't need you to come around eventually. I needed you to love me; love our daughter. I could've understood if you were afraid, parenting is a big task, one that I had to go through alone.”
He scoffed. “You mean Duarte didn't help you?” he asked bitterly.
“No, Duarte came into our lives about two years ago; before then I did everything myself.”
You didn't have to! You had me; I could have helped you, she was my child too.”
Robin stood, quaking in anger. “A child you didn't want! Anything would be better than staying with a man who didn't want a life we created; a life so beautiful. You hurt me Amon; I didn't think that I'd ever recover. You have no idea how devastated I was. I will never expose my self or my daughter to that kind of pain ever again.”
Amon's heart ached. “Robin, I still love you.”
“That's too bad because I don't love you.” He shook his head. “I don't believe that.”
“Well believe it. I've moved on Amon, I'm getting married soon.”
“You can't. What we have between us…”
“What we had between us,” she started, “was sex on your part and childish infatuation on mine.”
He shook his head. “It was much more than that Robin and you know it. Don't cheapen it.”
“It's too late Amon. Once more, I'm engaged to be married. Whatever there was between us died when you rejected our baby fifteen years ago.”
“No.” he shook his head again. “I can't accept that. Engagements can be broken too.”
“Not this one.”
“Do you love him?” he asked her. She hesitated. “I am fond of him.” His mouth curved in to a small cynical smile. “Fond?” he asked skeptically. “You need love and passion; not fondness. I can give you that.”
She shook her head this time. “ I don't need those things.”
“Don't you?” He was in front of her now, running his hand down her cheek. Instinctively she leaned into his palm before realizing what she was doing and backed away.
“Don't you?” he asked again.
“Your brand of love left me pregnant and alone.”
“By your choice.” He cut in.
“No.” she replied quietly. “By yours. For the last time Amon, when you told me to terminate our daughter, you terminated our love.”
“I was overwhelmed.” He said desperately, she was slipping away from him again but this time she was right in front of him.”
“There is no excuse. A life is a life.”
“I'm sorry.” He said.
“It's too late.” And then she was gone.
“It's never too late Robin.” He whispered to air. “Not for us; it can't be; I won't let it be.”
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So how did you guys like this chapter? Review and let me know. NO FLAMES!!!! I haven't been great with updating any of my stories, I know, but from now on I will try to update, at least one story, if not all of them, once a month. With that said, see you in mid-April for the second chapter of Untitled and May for anything else.